THE WINFIELD COURIER, From July 12, 1877, through December 27, 1877 (2024)

[From July 12, 1877, through December 27, 1877.]


Winfield Courier, July12, 1877.

Better than Many, & More For YourMoney!!

The undersigned respectfully informs


that he prepares the following medicines andguarantees them to be equal, and in many cases greatly superior to manysimilar preparations found on the shelves of the drug stores in the UnitedStates. It has been my study during the last year or two to compound a reliableTONIC MEDICINE that should be pleasant and agreeable to take and be withinthe reach of every person without the expenditure of a large sum of money.Hence I offer to the public an


which I believe will accomplish the objectsI have in view.


are preeminently tonic and peculiarly adaptedfor improving the quality of the blood and giving TONE, STRENGTH, and SOLIDITYto the system generally.

During the hot dry weather of summer Infantsand Young Children are very liable to

Sumner Complaints

and a suitable medicine should be within reach.In such cases offer the widely known


a medicine that I have found from experienceto be very efficacious in controlling Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholera-morbus,Cholera-Infantum and other forms of Bowel Complaints affecting children.I prepare also a reliable

Diarrhoea Compound,

adapted for the use of adults. It is very popularin the eastern states under the name of "Dr. Squibb's Cholera Mixture."There is no better medicine made for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera, Colic,and all deranged conditions of the bowels. I recommend also the

Universal Liniment for Man and Animal,

An improved preparation for external use inall cases of Rheumatism, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Lame Back, Painful Swelling,Neuralgia, Sweeny, Splints, Cracked Heels, and all other cases where a linimentis likely to do good.

Sold at my Store at 25 and 50 centsper Bottle.
DR. MANSFIELD, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.



Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

Custer's remains and three of the officers thatfell with him have been brought in for a more appropriate burial.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

Eldorado is to have a grand jollification whenthe railroad is completed to that place, which will transpire about August1st. People from abroad are expected to participate.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

By a private act of Congress approved March3rd, 1877, Hon. T. B. Murdock, of Eldorado, was made a government pensioner.Let us see, that was a Democratic Congress; which side did you fight on,Bent?

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

The commissioners of Sumner County have beenenjoined from issuing the bonds thereof to the Emporia Narrow Gauge andthe Solomon Valley Narrow Gauge railroads. The suit is brought at the instanceof parties in Sumner and not Cowley County, as has been represented. Hackney& McDonald are attorneys for plaintiff.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

Sitting Bull has given his account of the battlein which Custer's command was annihilated. He states that the battle lastedonly thirty minutes, and that Custer with a few men and officers had cutthrough the Indian line when he returned and charged back. The Indians werebewildered by this unlooked for desperate charge, but closed in on the fewmen and killed them all. Custer, it is said, shot five Indians and wentdown beating another with the butt of his revolver. This account correspondswith others coming from Indian sources.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.


Between the first and seventh of this monththe following charter was filed at the Secretary of State's office, andfrom that time the corporation had an existence.

"Kansas City, Emporia & Southern RailroadCompany. Place of business: Emporia, Kansas. DirectorsJ. K. Finley, C. V.Eskridge, C. N. Sterry, Joseph E. Young, and Lloyd B. Fuller."

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.


There must be something wrong about the bondbusiness over in Sumner County. William Carter, one of the Commissioners,published the following card in the Wellington Press in connectionwith the published report of the election returns.

"I enter my protest against the correctnessand legality of the canvass of the vote as declared and shown above in thevote for and against the Kansas City, Emporia and Southern railroad, forthe reason that the other two members of the Board, over my protest, andat the suggestion of others, counted for the proposition a number of ballotsthat legally ought not to have been counted, and neglected and refused tocount a number that ought to have been counted against said proposition.WILLIAM CARTER."

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.


By the official records at Topeka, Cowley Countystands the fifteenth on the list of counties in this State in the valuationof her personal property. There are sixty-four counties in the State, Cowleyis among the very youngest. Its personal property valuation is greater thaneither Wyandotte, Saline, Osage, Nemaha, Neosho, McPherson, Marshall, Labette,Jefferson, Jackson, Davis, Dickinson, Coffey, Allen, Anderson, and fiftyother counties in Kansas. It is more than half as large as the county ofLeavenworth with all of its wholesale establishments, banks, manufactories,and rich men.

Cowley stands $476,989.00, Leavenworth County$897,389.00. Wyandotte County with its boasted age and wealth does not returnone half the personal property that Cowley does.

Labette with its cities of Parsons, Oswego,Chetopah, and a half dozen little towns and two railroads is $42,765 belowCowley. Butler County is $100,000 behind us, and Allen County with its cityof Humboldt and other important towns falls below us nearly $200,000.

We believe there is something wrong in thismatter, or else Cowley is a remarkably prosperous county. There must certainlybe some swindle in the Leavenworth County returns. The Metropolis (?) ofKansas with the rich country around it ought to make a different showing.

Where is the personal property of the greatMissouri Valley Life Insurance Company, alone reported to have $500,000of assets? Come gentlemen, explain this matter.


Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

The Walnut is up again.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

Ripe blackberries are plenty. New apples intown.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

Green corn 15 cents per dozen.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

Col. Alexander has returned to Winfield.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

Mrs. E. C. Manning has gone on a visit to Iowa.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

Rev. Rushbridge and wife did not go to ColoradoSprings.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

The 107½ feet spire on the new M. is nearly up.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

The oat crop of Cowley is the best ever harvestedin this county.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

A. A. Jackson's brother, Frank, and wife areon a visit to Winfield.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

False Bottom, Black Hills, is the present postoffice address of Ira E. Moore.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

Winfield pays higher salaries to its schoolteachers than does the city of Atchison.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

Miss Hannah Fletcher, the first young lady residentof Winfield, is visiting this place at present.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

The Sedan Journal gives an unflatteringnotice of D. H. Cross, late a resident of that county.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

The tax on a part of N. E. quarter of section20, township 34, range 4, Creswell Township, is $292.54.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

Chautauqua County has $133,000 worth of personalproperty exempt from taxation, by the $200 clause.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

A Lawn Party will be held at the residence ofD. A. Millington, Esq., on Tuesday evening July 26th, 1877.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

The fish law ran out on the last of June, andnow a man can seine without danger of being molested by the law.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

Mr. A. A. Wiley has purchased Mr. McDorman'sinterest in the mercantile house at Dexter and now runs it alone.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

MARRIED. It was Joe. Mack and Miss Bull whowere married some weeks since and about whom there was so much guessing.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

A. H. Green is sued for $5,000 damages for thefalse imprisonment of J. E. Searle, of this city. L. J. Webb, Attorney.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

Mr. Searle, of this place, was released fromcustody in Wichita last Friday by writ of Habeas Corpus. L. J. Webb, Attorney.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

A fine two horse carriage, the property of O.N. Morris, sold at mortgage sale on our streets last Saturday for one hundreddollars.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

The wind storm last Sunday evening blew fortyfeet in height of the steeple scaffolding off from the new M. E. churchin this place.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

The proposition for $5,500 in Winfield Townshipbonds to be used in constructing two bridges across the Walnut River atthis place was carried last Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

The Dedication of the M. E. Church, Winfield,will take place July 12th, 1877. SERVICES: At 10:30 a.m., sermon, Rev. C.R. Pomeroy; 10:30 a.m., address, Rev. C. C. McCabe, D. D.; 2:30 p.m., Rev.A. H. Walter; 2:30 p.m. address, Dr. Pomeroy; 7:30 p.m., dedication exercises,Dr. McCabe. Services conducted by Rev. A. H. Walter, P. E.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

This community will regret to learn that JohnP. McMillan and family are to permanently remove from this place to Colorado.He seeks a climate that agrees with him better than this. Such familiesas the McMillans are a credit to any community.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

The Patrons of Husbandry of Sumner and Cowleycounties hold a picnic at Krell's grove three miles northwest of Oxfordon August 1st. Everybody is invited to be present whether members or not.Speeches, music, and other entertainments are on the programme.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

The Wichita Eagle says: "Hays Brothers,of this city, bought last week of Mr. Stalter, of Rock Creek, Cowley County,11,000 pounds of wool of excellent grade, light Merino, cut from 1,400 headof sheep. It was the largest single transaction in that line that ever occurredin these parts."

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

Good news from Elk! By a private letter datedJuly 14th, we learn that the L., L. & G. extension bond propositionhas been withdrawn from that county. This leaves the field clear for theParsons narrow gauge.

LATER. No election was held in Elk County onthe L., L. & G. bond proposition except in Greenfield Township. Therethey were afraid it was a trick and hence turned out to a man and votedabout 150 votes against the proposition.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

The Normal Institute for this county will beginwork August 1. Prof. L. B. Kellogg, formerly of the Emporia Normal School,will have charge of the Institute. He will be assisted by Geo. W. Robinson,of Winfield, Miss Ella Wickersham, of Tisdale, and R. C. Story, County Superintendent.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

Mr. G. H. Buckman has been engaged to give instructionsin vocal music. The tuition fee for the entire course is only one dollar.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

Addresses, upon topics of special and generalinterest, will be given by Rev. Rushbridge, Fleming, Platter, Wingar, andby D. A. Millington on the 13th of August. Doctor C. E. Pomeroy, Presidentof the Emporia Normal School, will address the teachers and citizens. Anexamination of teachers on the 30th and 31st will close the labors of theNormal.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.


From Samuel Scott, of Vernon Township, we learnthat a whirlwind-tornado passed from southeast to northwest through thenorthwest part of Vernon Township, about 2 miles from the Arkansas Riveron Tuesday night about 9 o'clock. It appears to have struck the ground andthen risen for a distance and then descended again at intervals of abouta mile apart. The house of James Dale was utterly demolished, as also thehouse of Mr. Worthington; and one other house, whose owner we have not learned.There were six inmates in the house of Mr. Dale at the time and their escapefrom serious injury is remarkable. Crops, fences, and stock were destroyedand seriously tossed about in every locality struck by the cyclone. An ideaof its force may be obtained from the fact that a wagon containing a barrelof water stood at the door of Mr. Dale's residence and it was torn to piecesand the front wheels with a broken wagon tongue were found about 300 yardsfrom the house, but the remainder of the wagon had not been found on Wednesday,though diligent search had been made therefor.

LATER. The residence of James Paul, one mileeast of Oxford, was twisted in two, the upper story being carried away anda large amount of bedding and wearing apparel belonging to Mrs. Paul carriedwith it, of which no trace can be found. A house belonging to R. B. Waiton the farm near the Bartlow place was also carried from the foundationentirely and thrown southwest and turned entirely towards the storm. Cornwas twisted out of the ground and into withes wherever the monster struckthe earth. The noise of the tempest is said to have been appalling.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

MARRIED. HORTONUNDERWOOD. Married at the WinklerHouse, Alma, Wabaunsee County, Kansas, June 27th, 1877, by G. G. Hall, Mr.Wm. A. Horton, of Wabaunsee County, Kansas, and Miss Ella Underwood, ofWilmington, Clinton County, Ohio.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

From Black Hills papers we clip the following:

The Black Hills land office opened yesterdayon Deadwood avenue. The register and receiver are busy arranging mattersfor business. But few of the mines in the Hills have been surveyed.

The new jail building situated in South Deadwoodis nearly completed. The whole building, outside measurement, is 30 x 49feet in size. It is built very compactly of hewn pine logs, one story anda half in height.

There will be a grand glove prize fight at GayCity on Sunday next at 2:30 p.m., in which six professional contestantswill engage. It will be the ablest and most scientific friendly contestever given in the Hills.


Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

Flour for cash can be had at Bliss, Earnest& Co.'s, at retail for wholesale rates. We mean business. XXXX Flour$3.50, XXX Flour $3.00, XX Flour, $2.25.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

100 Spring Calves Wanted, by C. S. Thomas, atthe City Hotel.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

For the Next 30 days Frank Galliotti will sellboots & shoes at cost to make room for his fall stock. Give him a call.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

All parties knowing themselves indebted to J.B. Lynn & Co., are requested to call and settle, for we are hard upfor money.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

For the next thirty days we will discount allbills over one dollar five percent cash.

J. B. LYNN & CO.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

A splendid Aultman & Taylor vibrating threshingmachine for sale, either for cash or on time. Enquire of C. C. Harris orat the post office.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

Go to Lynn's and buy a Fine Shirt formerly soldat $2.00 for $1.00 in case.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

If you want to buy a Threshing Machine, comeand see L. C. Harter & Co.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

Cut Hair and Combings wanted by Mrs. N. J. Ross,3rd door north of Read's Bank.

Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.

The EXCELSIOR RENEWER for cleaning kid gloves,silk, woolen, and cotton goods, prepared exclusively by Mrs. N. J. Ross,is the best thing yet for taking out grease spots, paint, etc. Mrs. Rossnot only sells the article but will clean up your spotted cloths as well.Give her a call. 2 doors south of Read's bank.


Winfield Courier, July19, 1877.


The co-partnership heretofore existing betweenH. C. McDorman and A. A. Wiley, under the firm name of McDorman & Wiley,at Dexter, Cowley County, State of Kansas, is this day dissolved by mutualconsent. All accounts due the firm will be collected by H. C. McDorman.H. C. McDORMAN, A. A. WILEY.

Dexter, Kansas, July 19th, 1877.

NOTE: The undersigned will continue businessat the old stand of McDorman & Wiley. The business of former patronsrespectfully solicited. I shall conduct a cash or exchange business. Livestock and farm products taken in exchange for goods. A. A. WILEY.


Winfield Courier, July26, 1877.


Petroleum has been discovered near Eldorado,Butler County. The quantity is believed to be sufficient to pay working.

Winfield Courier, July26, 1877.


The greatest uprising of labor against capitalever witnessed in this country has reared its bloody head along the linesof railroad from Baltimore to St. Louis. In different cities and railroadcenters throughout that vast extent of country, the firemen, breaksmen [WAYTHEY SPELLED IT], and other employees of the railroad have quit work, organizedand armed themselves, and not only refuse to run trains but also preventothers who have not joined the movement from running them. In some districtsthe whole population, officials and militia, are on the side of the strikers.

The President of the United States has beencalled upon by the Governors of several States so widespread and powerfulis the uprising. In some places the strikers and their allies have becomean infuriated mob, burning buildings and robbing and destroying trains.The soldiers have fired into several riotous gatherings and killed quitea number of men. We cannot give full particulars this week, but accordingto our last advices, the end was not yet. The immediate cause of the troublewas an attempted reduction of wages by the railroad companies.

LATER. By Monday morning's extra from KansasCity, the startling news arrived Tuesday evening giving information of theextent and degree of the insurrection. It assumed the most formidable proportionsat Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Saturday night and lasted until Sunday night,at which time the latest news was telegraphed. At Buffalo and other citiesin New York; at Philadelphia, Reading, and other cities in Pennsylvania;at Cleveland and other cities in Ohio; Vincennes and other places in Indiana;at Chicago and St. Louis, the strike is in operation. No serious outbreaksso far at these places. At Pittsburgh, however, 800 Philadelphia State troopsfired into the rioters on Saturday evening. This increased their fury andnumbers. The coal miners and rolling mill men joined the mob and the numbersgrew to be thousands. The troops were driven out of the city, three milesof railroad buildings, locomotives, and loaded trains were destroyed byfire, and at evening Sunday the fires were spreading to other parts of thecity. One hundred and twenty-five locomotives, over four hundred loadedcars, lumber yards, railroad hotels, union depots, etc., are among the ashesof the fire. Many of the cars were loaded with oil, co*ke, coal, and othercombustible material. The amount of damage to property was several millionsand loss of life several hundred at last accounts. Women and children joinedin the onslaught and carried off thousands of dollars worth of all kindsof goods from the loaded trains before they were burned. The law stood paralyzed.Fifty thousand people from the housetops and other heights around Pittsburghwitnessed the work of destruction on Sabbath, but were afraid to interferein behalf of justice or order.

LATER. By the dailies of Tuesday, informationcomes that the strike has extended to many other cities between New Yorkand St. Louis and to several railroads. In most places the freight trainshave been stopped and stock unloaded. Violence had been resorted to in butfew places, and that not of a very serious character. The destruction andriot at Pittsburgh had died down on Monday. Uncle Sam is sending troopsin several directions. A strike was to take place at Kansas City at noonTuesday.

Winfield Courier, July26, 1877.


This from the Arkansas Traveler is themost unkindest cut of all. [NOTE: MANNING LOVES TO LEAVE OFF "City"WHEN REFERRING TO THE TRAVELER.]

"Some of the anti-Manning clique said theyknew the Parsons road was a humbug, and would do nothing to help it along.But where do we find these same men at, and some weeks before, the election?Why, working for dear life for this same Parsons road, under their General,E. C. Manning, W. P. Hackney, first, and Allison, second Lieutenant, witha host of county officials and lawyers as Corporalsall jumping at the slightestnod of their little General, E. C."

And still we have no railroad.


Winfield Courier, July26, 1877.

Wheat threshing lively.

Winfield Courier, July26, 1877.

Ex-Sheriff Parker is in town.

Winfield Courier, July26, 1877.

The new churches are being plastered.

Winfield Courier, July26, 1877.

Green apples two dollars per bushel.

Winfield Courier, July26, 1877.

Candidates for the office of sheriff are plenty.

Winfield Courier, July26, 1877.

Corn 25 cents, good new wheat 80 cents per bushel.

Winfield Courier, July26, 1877.

Geo. Hudson returned Saturday from the BlackHills.

Winfield Courier, July26, 1877.

Elk County votes again on the Parsons road August28th.

Winfield Courier, July26, 1877.

Peter Paugh has our thanks for a gallon of niceblackberries.

Winfield Courier, July26, 1877.

The Wichita stage comes in loaded with passengersevery night.

Winfield Courier, July26, 1877.

Charley McClellan returned last Saturday fromthe San Juan country.

Winfield Courier, July26, 1877.

B. F. Baldwin wants everyone indebted to himto settle up at once.

Winfield Courier, July26, 1877.

A. L. Williams, ex-Attorney General, is watchingthe corners in our city.

Winfield Courier, July26, 1877.

Mr. P. Stump is building a two story stone businesshouse south of the Tony Boyle corner.

Winfield Courier, July26, 1877.

Mr. Andy Kirby, of Dayton, Ohio, has been visitinghis brother, Pat Kirby, during the past week.

Winfield Courier, July26, 1877.

The M. E. church has ordered the chandeliermade of the new Rigby lamp, a Winfield man's invention.

Winfield Courier, July26, 1877.

John Seaton, "the foundry man of Atchison"came down this week to see about putting in a turn-table at this place.

Winfield Courier, July26, 1877.

Mr. Nickerson, president of A. T. & S. F.railroad, visited Winfield last Monday looking up the matter of an extensionof his road to this place.

Winfield Courier, July26, 1877.

F. M. Hodge, late of Hiawatha, Kansas, and G.J. Killinberger, of Dayton, Indiana, made us a call this week. They expectto locate in this vicinity.

Winfield Courier, July26, 1877.

The lawn social at the grounds of D. A. Millingtonon Tuesday evening was the finest affair of the season.

Winfield Courier, July26, 1877.

DIED. Jacob Reil died in this place last Sabbathmorning, a victim to strong drink. This is the second man that liquor hasdestroyed in this town within a few months. The family of the deceased hasthe sympathies of this community.

Winfield Courier, July26, 1877.

MARRIED. J. H. Service, of Dexter, has marrieda daughter of R. R. Turner's and moved to the vicinity of Cedarvale. Mr.Service is one of Cowley's best citizens.

Winfield Courier, July26, 1877.



Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

Sumner County recently voted down a jail bondproposition. Of Course.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.


The "great strike" of July 20th to30th will be long remembered in this United States. Much will be writtenabout its causes and the remedies therefor. If a reader of the COURIER justifiesthe strike, let us say a word to him. There is no conflict between capitaland laborbecause capital is the product of labor. You, being a laborer,desire to accumulate competency and by years of perseverance succeed. Havingobtained it do you want a "strike," a mob, the community, to destroyit in a night? What incentive is there for a man to labor and acquire acomfortable home or decent business property if a mob can rob him of itin a day? Everywhere in this county steady, industrious, intelligent, honestmen are in demand. They do not need to go hungry, nor do they need to "strike"for higher wages. If mob law is to reign, if there is to be no securityto capital invested in railroads, buildings, manufactories, machinery, homes,etc., then will capital seek other investments such as government securities,bonds, mortgages, or the vaults of its owners. If capital must seek theseinvestments to be secure, then where is the employment for laboring men?The criminal folly of this striking business, and the demagogue cry of "conflictbetween labor and capital" are all alike.

If men cannot afford to labor for the wagesthey are receiving, they should turn their attention to some other pursuit.If it is true that men cannot afford to work for the prices paid by railroadcompanies, then no one will work long for them and the companies will becompelled to give higher wages or stop their trains. There are millionsof acres of land in this country unoccupied, and a man can make a livelihoodon any five acres of the same. As long as this is the case, there is noexcuse for riot and bloodshed.

This uprising is going to affect the futurelegislation of this country. It should do so. The poppy-co*ck cry of "state'srights" has received a severe blow in the last thirty days. Americaneeds and must have a strong central government or the nation is not safe.The spectacle of local militia refusing to suppress a mob composed of theirneighbors, and the refusal of the authorities to pay militia for their serviceson such an occasion shows the weakness of "state sovereignty."A standing army of men who are not dependent upon the votes of a mob fortheir pay, having a head that cannot in any emergency be in sympathy withlocal eruptions, but that only knows the law and will enforce it, is whatAmerica wants. The red tape of Hayes' gingerbread policy, which compelsthe executive department of a great nation to wait until just so much propertyhas been destroyed, just so many lives lost, just so many State militiawhipped or refuse to serve, and then until he receives just such a formalcall from the "Governor" of some so-called "sovereign state"before he can arrest outlaws and murderers in their career of communismhas had an unhappy exemplification in the Pittsburgh affair.

Give us a strong central government that willprotect "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."



Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

Hotels full and running over.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

Winfield boasts of cigar factory No. 274.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

The editor has gone to look after the railroadagain.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

W. L. Mullen has gone to Kansas City with hiscattle.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

Burnett & Cutler have our thanks for a finefish.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

We received a call from Rev. P. G. Smith, ofDexter, yesterday.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

Fish are very readily taken from the Walnutnow with a hook.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

The Harter Brothers of this place have openeda store in Wellington.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

Tommy Robinson, the famous stone cutter, hasreturned to Winfield to stay.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

Miss Josephine E. Mansfield, of New York, isvisiting her father, Dr. Mansfield.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

See the change in Wm. Newton's card. [Card reflectschange of address to location near Cigar Factory from Mullin's Old Stand.]


Keeps a Full Stock of Everything inhis line at
2 Doors South of Cigar Factory.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

See in another column, the new ad. of Lynn &Gillelen, which speaks for itself.


than any other House in Cowley Co.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

Since the last issue new arrivals at the CentralHotel number 74 and at the City Hotel 45.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

Fifty teachers were enrolled at the Normal Instituteyesterday, the first day, and still they come.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

A. A. Jackson accompanied Nickerson (A. T. &S. F.) on his trip from Wichita via Winfield to Eldorado, and returned Saturdaylast.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

The one hundred and seven foot spire of thenew M. E. Church is completed. It looks well, Messrs. Hyde and Smiley constructedit.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

For ten days Winfield dealers have been outof sulky stirring plows and they are getting short of many other thingson account of the railroad strike.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

Prof. L. B. Kellogg, of Emporia, made his appearancein our city on Tuesday evening. He is assisting the board of examiners atthe Normal.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

Miss Hannah Fletcher, who has been visitingold acquaintances in this vicinity for the past few weeks returned to HowardCity yesterday.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

C. J. Adams will preach in the Baptist Churchon Sabbath evening at the usual hour.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

Mr. S. W. Greer was knocked momentarily senselesslast week by a stone falling from the hand of a son who was leading thesame upon a wagon. He is recovering from a severe cut in the head.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

On Tuesday evening Mr. Chas. E. Stueven, formerlyof Wichita, arrived in our city with a new barber's outfit, which he hadin running order yesterday morning in the building one door north of J.W. Johnston's furniture store.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

We are happy to meet Mr. F. D. Taylor, formerlyof Boston, Massachusetts, who arrived in our city a few days since. He comesto Winfield with the intention of permanently locating and engaging in thedry goods and grocery business.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

C. S. Thomas, of this city, and R. H. Beardslee,late of Waldron, Illinois, are erecting a large water-power grist mill,with three run of burrs, on the Grouse, near Silverdale. The size of thebuilding is 36 x 40. These gentlemen are experienced millers and will undoubtedlymeet with success.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

Messrs. Geo. Townsend and James Binner openedthe doors of their new saloon, on the corner of Main Street and 8th Avenue,yesterday morning. The neat, clean room, new glassware and pictures, thepleasant and agreeable gentlemen, George and Jim, behind their new and handsomebar, attract considerable attention in that part of the city.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

G. H. Crippen, who is handling so many agriculturalimplements for Harter Bros., was in Kansas City during the strike and threatenedriot. He says nothing but the greatest prudence and nerve on the part oflaw abiding citizens prevented a violent outbreak and that during the lastfew days the ring leaders of the mob are being quietly picked up by thepolice and lodged in jail.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

DIED. A mournful occurrence befell Spencer Blissand wife last week. They were on their way back to Winfield from New YorkState, accompanied by their children, twins, Bertie and Birdie. One sickenedand died at Burlington, Iowa. The afflicted parents brought the little corpsewith them homeward. At Wichita the other child sickened and died. Thus theafflicted parents brought back to their home the corpses of those who promisedto fill it with sunshine. The children were aged 14 months. Every parentwill sympathize with the mourners.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

The Sabbath school picnic at the Brane schoolhouseon the 21st ult. was the largest gathering of the kind held in this vicinityfor some time. Four schools were in attendance. Everything passed off inthe most pleasant manner. Odessa Sabbath school, the parent of the occasion,on last Sabbath passed resolutions thanking Rev. Rushbridge for the entertainingand useful address delivered at the picnic.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

Charley Stewart, a ten year old son of ArchieStewart of this place, was struck insensible by a frightened horse in thestall last week. The lad was watering the horse and stumbled as he approachedthe animal, which occasioned the result. His brave mother ran into the stableand drew the helpless boy away from the perilous position and he was soonrestored. A bad cut on the head is the worst visible effect of the blows.Otherwise he seems all right.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

List of letters remaining unclaimed in the PostOffice at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 1st day of August, 1877.

FIRST COLUMN: Anderson, Geo.; Buckwalter, W.H.; Boyles, J. M.; Burns, Wm. D.; Butler, H. B.; Carson, Miss Annie; Cadwell,James B.; Charles, C. B.; Dixon, Joseph Church; Eulms, Miss; Elpanara, Mrs.B.; Espy, Eliz; Kofer, Julie E.; Gooale, Elizabeth; Gilland, Wm.; Graham,Eliza A.; Gibson, Lucinda; Hewit, Chancy S.; Hubbard, Geo. W.; Herron, J.S.; Hannah, Mr. Barlow.

SECOND COLUMN: Jackson, J. S.; Keely, Lucia;Kenard, Arthur; Lear, Mrs. Sarah; Kilgore, J.; Magors, W. A.; Morse, N.C.; Mount, M. H.; McRoamer, L. D. H.; Mackey, J. C.; McKimm, Melinda; Meanor,Armstrong; Martin, Ida M.; Nixon, Anne; Prebler, Ab.; Price, Edmund; Stevens,Mrs. Sallie; Smith, Samantha; Turner, C. R.; Windsor, Elizabeth.

Persons calling for any of the above will pleasesay "advertised." JAMES KELLY, P.M.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

THE A. T. & S. F.

The Commonwealth of the 27th ult., says:

"Night before last the switches of Emporiaand Newton were turned and spiked by a few of the employees of the A. T.& S. F. R. R., and no trains except passenger trains allowed to pass.When the passenger train from the south yesterday reached Emporia, a committeeof employees desired to come to Topeka to lay their grievances before thesuperintendent.

"The conductor not having authority topass the men, the train was delayed till that authority could be given him,which was done, and the train came in about on time.

"The committee had an interview with Mr.Morse, the superintendent, and presented their grievances. The officersare reticent as to their nature, but we were informed that no concessionswere made. The superintendent stated to the committee that this was no timeto consider grievances. At this time their property was valueless to them,and if there should be a strike all they would do would be to close theroad to business and await events. The whole subject was, however, talkedover in a friendly manner, and an agreement arrived at, the result of whichwas that the men on the Emporia and Newton division, where the trouble was,have resumed work.

"The free use of the telegraph wires wasgiven to the committee to consult with their colleagues at Emporia, andafter the interview closed, a special train was furnished them to returnto Emporia.

"The railroad iron for the Florence road,which had been stopped, was allowed to go on, and the completion of thatroad by the 1st of August is now assured. This, we judge, ends all dangerof a strike on this important road. The employees of this road are exceptionallyintelligent, and the officers, without making any concessions, have so managedas to retain the good will of the men, and the latter will continue to performtheir duties with the feeling that all grievances will be arranged in duetime."

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

The Topeka Blade, of July 27th says:

"A thousand stand of Springfield rifles,with one hundred thousand cartridges, have been received by Gov. Anthony.The arms and ammunition that have been stored in the old armory were quietlyremoved last night to a place of safety. The old canon has been dismantledto prevent its falling into wrong hands."

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.


We have this day (August 1st, 1877) associatedwith us as a partner, Mr. Warren Gillelen. All persons owing the firm previousto this new connection are requested to settle as speedily as possible.J. B. LYNN & CO.


Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

All persons knowing themselves indebted to Mrs.Philip Stump will please call and settle at once.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

Fresh breakfast Bacon and hams at Wallis &Wallis.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.

Mince pies at the new bakery of Burnett &Cuttler.

Winfield Courier, August2, 1877.


Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

Cars were run to Eldorado July 31.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

The remains of Gen. Custer, Col. Cook, Lieut.Riley, and Dr. De Woolf arrived in Chicago August 1.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.


On Saturday last, by a trick, T. K. Johnston,of this place, was made chairman of the Republican Central Committee ofthis county. Less than one half of the members of the committee were presentin person and only five of those who were present voted to name Mr. Johnstonas its chairman.

The committee consists of twenty-two members,one from each township in the county. Mr. Sam Jarvis, the late chairman,has moved out of the county. The committee had been called together by theSecretary and it was understood by the committee that Mr. Chas. Eagin, ofRock, should be named as its chairman. Everybody seemed satisfied with thatchoice and no other result was expected. But in a clandestine manner certainparties had been sent to different members of the committee and obtainedtheir proxies. In every case of which we have heard that any choice forchairman was expressed by the committeeman himself on giving his proxy,that expression was adverse to Mr. Johnston. But these proxies, disregardingtheir instructions, voted for the very man they were instructed to voteagainst.

Aside from the sneaking manner in which thisoutrage upon the Republican party of Cowley County was perpetrated, thedisgrace of putting a vicious Democrat like Johnston at the head of a Republicancommittee must fall heavily upon the men who are responsible for it. Mr.Johnston has never voted or worked with the Republicans of this county.He has persistently fought the party and voted against its candidates. Ifhe took a fancy to a particular man on the ticket, he would vote for suchonly. For six years he has tried to break down the Winfield COURIER, andto build up the Cowley County Telegram. The one has been a consistentRepublican journal, the other has been everything but Republican and isnow a square-toed Democratic paper.

The COURIER, during that time, has had two differentproprietorsMr. Waddell and Mr. Kellyand three different editors, Messrs.Waddell, Kelly, and Manning.

Last fall we were informed by some of his friendsthat Johnston voted for Tilden against Hayes and for Martin against Anthony,and for Crawford against Ryan and for other Democratic candidates. He wasto have been the first lieutenant in Bill Hackney's company that was goingto help inaugurate Tilden with bayonets. He has always been a chief counselorin the camp of the Democrats of this county and can say and has said whothey should or should not nominate as candidates, when their conventionsshould be held and when not. And now, if he can nominate such men in theRepublican convention as he desires, the Democrats will not make any othernominations but will ratify the selections he makes. Every step taken byRepublicans in party matters will be reported by him to his associate managersof the Democratic party.

His favorite political journal during the presidentialcontroversy last winter was the Kansas City Times. He has never givena Republican journal in the county any business or countenance but has givenall his business to the Democratic journal. And it is a man of these inclinationsand with this kind of a record who was put at the head of the Republicancommittee.

Of course, if a man wants to be a Democrat,it is his right, but he has no business in the counsels of the Republicanparty. The members of the Republican Central Committee should assemble inperson and repudiate this outrage. The job was put up for the purpose ofgetting the advantage of the Republicans of Cowley. Johnston and his counselorswill run both party machines; and if the Republicans do not dance to theirmusic, then the Democratic forces will be rallied.

The duty of the COURIER is plain in a case likethis. It cannot be silent and see the party to which it owes fealty betrayed.It would not be worthy the confidence of Republicans if it did so. Hencewe are compelled to say that this movement has the appearance of a tradeamong certain politicians. Johnston and his huckstering Democratic associateshave agreed that the Democrats shall not run anyone against George Walkeras a candidate for Sheriff and it was three or four men who are pushingGeorge ahead as the Republican nominee who put Johnston where he could commandthe forces of both parties. This high-handed outrage will find little elsethan stern repudiation among the Republicans of this county.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877. [Editorial Page.]

Did not General Sherman speak the truth whenhe said, a little while ago, that without an army the American people wouldbecome a mob? We have the mob today. It would be a greater one if the armywere smaller. If there was no army, the mob would rule. If one does notknow what mob rule means, let the history of the French Revolution be studied.Gen. Sherman was very nearly a prophet. Let him be honored in his own country.

Kansas Tribune.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

The Eldorado Times says: "On Wednesdayevening, while parties were blasting in the coal oil territory, south oftown, the last blast set the gas on fire escaping from the crevices of therock which blazed up twenty feet high for some minutes. This is the bestindication yet of a genuine coal oil discovery."

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

It is singular how a dangerous emergency inspiresrespect for a soldier. And then to think that a cowardly Democratic Congressso crippled and refused to provide for the little handful of blue-coats,that they have to give their obligations and submit themselves until a futureCongress shall pay them their $13 a month! Who has more cause to strikethan the soldiers of the United States?


Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

Charley Stevens is living in town now.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

Spencer Bliss is still confined to the houseby sickness.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

Hotel arrivals for the week ending August 8th:Central Hotel, 65; City Hotel, 53.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

L. Shamleffer, of Council Grove, is stoppingtemporarily in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

The five thousand dollar damage suit institutedagainst A. H. Green by J. E. Searle has been withdrawn.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

Mr. L. B. Riggs, of Emporia, has been in towna few days this week looking after the interests of the Emporia railroad.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

Nate Robinson has put a two-horse hack on hismail route from here to Eldorado. It runs daily to the railroad: fare, $3.50.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

While out hunting one day last week, Mr. F.D. Taylor was shot in the left hand by the accidental discharge of his shotgun.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

There is no opposition in Elk County to thebonds for our east and west road. The proposition will surely carry andthe road will be built.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

The dwelling house that John Roberts built forhis intended and then did not occupy was moved to town this week, drawnby six mules and six horses.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

We were happy to meet Mrs. E. C. Boyle, of Augusta,on Monday. She has been visiting friends, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Bangs, in thiscity a few days of the past week.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

Two different companies, in which the Courthousehas been insured, have failed and the county has lost the insurance money.T. K. Johnston was the agent who wrote up the policies.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

The Republicans of the county may expect tosee the call for a Republican convention in the Telegram, the privateand official organ of the man who is acting as chairman of the RepublicanCentral Committee.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Houx left this morning forColumbus, this State. The Dr. will return in about ten days, while his wifewill remain there visiting her father, Mr. S. A. Weir, during a portionof the coming fall and winter.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

Sam Myton has a new fangled grain drill on exhibitionin front of his store that seems to beat everything heretofore invented.It is called "The Best." It is no kin to our sewing machine man.He sows (sews) where he does not reap; it does not.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

W. C. Root & Co., the new firm which purchasedT. E. Gilleland's business and stock, has arrived and taken possession.They will endeavor to keep on hand a stock of the very best boots and shoesmanufactured, and will sell the same at the lowest prices.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

At this week's meeting of the county board,Mr. M. L. Robinson was appointed Trustee of Winfield Township in place ofJ. S. Hunt, resigned. P. Hedges was appointed constable of Tisdale Township,and G. H. Norman was appointed Clerk of Maple Township.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

The County Commissioners, having been presentedwith the necessary petition, called an election to vote on the questionof issuing $120,000 bonds to the Emporia Narrow Gauge road. It will be heldon the 18th of September. The proclamation will appear in next week's paper.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

Next Sabbath the new M. E. Church building ofthis place will be formally dedicated to the worship of the Lord. The occasionpromises to be one of unusual interest. Rev. C. C. McCabe, famed throughoutthe United States for his eloquence and melody, will be among the notedpersonages present. Rev. C. C. Pomeroy of Emporia, Rev. A. H. Walter, PresidingElder of this district, and other divines will participate in the ceremonies.The new church is the finest structure of the kind in this State south andwest of Lawrence. It is a proud monument to the enterprise of its foundersand a worthy tribute from human hands to the worship of "Him who doethall things well." The congregation on that occasion will test the accommodatingcapacity of the elegant building.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

JAKE MUSGROVE, of South Haven, visited Winfieldthis week. Jake is an old time resident of this place. Like a sensible man,he took one of Winfield's fairest girls to his side a few years ago andwent down on the border to do and dare for him and his. He now owns manybroad acres, counts his harvest yield by the thousands of bushels, has cattle,mules, and horses by the hundreds, takes the COURIER and pays for it, votesthe Republican ticket, and is fat and happy.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

A FRAUD. The press of the State will bear witnessthat the COURIER has given space to few if any of the humbug advertisem*ntsthat are constantly sent to publishers. But we have been sold by one. L.Dresser, 307 N. Seventh St., St. Louis, Mo., by very flattering representationswhich got us to insert his ad., $20 American Watches for $10." He agreedto pay therefor on receipt of the first copy of paper containing ad. Thead ran two months and no pay yet. Of course, he is a fraud and his waresare the same or he would not lie about paying his bills.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

A SQUIRT. The look of astonishment on the countycommissioners' faces was as good as the side show of a circus. This waswhen T. K. Johnston presented a formal written document to the board directinghow the county should be divided into commissioner districts and signed"T. K. Johnston, Chairman of the Republican Central Committee of CowleyCounty." The law directs how a county shall be divided, and a citizenmight make suggestions; but just how the "chairman" of a politicalcommittee could "officially" give directions or make suggestionsin a matter of this kind was a stunner. He will probably formulate the programmefor the coming dedication and sign it "officially."

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

Mr. J. J. Todd, living four and half miles eastof this city, has one of the largest and finest peach orchards we ever hadthe pleasure of visiting. In setting out, three years ago, the trees wereplaced equal distance apart upon about fifteen acres of ground, which hasbeen kept in good order since. The trees are now sufficiently large to affordan excellent shade while passing through the orchard, where scarcely a weedis to be seen, and are laden with the most luscious fruit. He also has anapple orchard of seven hundred trees, all of which are thrifty and finelooking, some bearing lightly this year. His large blackberry patch yieldedmore fruit than he could possibly find time to gather. His vineyard alsolooks fine. The vines are all drooping to the ground, so heavily laden arethey with fruit. The yield will be something near two thousand pounds ofthe finest varieties of grapes.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

The following are the teachers attending theCowley County Normal.

Winfield. Misses Ella C. Davis, Mary Pontious,Fannie Pontious, Miss C. Johnson, Alice Pyburn, Lusetta Pyburn, Mattie E.Minihan, Lissie Sumners, Mattie E. Walters, Rachel E. Nauman, Alie Klingman,Alice A. Aldrich, Genie Holmes, Ella E. Scott, Ella Hunt, Ella Wickersham,Emma Saint, Mollie Bryant, Ella Freeland, Maggie Stansbury, Amy Robertson,Lizzie Kinne, Sarah Hodges, Jennie Hare, Sallie Levering, Effie Randall,Sarah E. Davis, Ina Daniels; Messrs. O. S. Record, Frank Starwalt, M. H.Marcum, J. D. Hunt, J. A. Rupp, C. C. Holland, J. B. Freeland, N. N. Winton,A. B. Taylor.

Arkansas City. Misses Lizzie Landis, MattieF. Mitchell, Ella Grimes, Albertine Maxwell, Belle Birdzell, Flora Finley,Kate Hawkins, Stella Barnett, Mary A. Pickett, Tillie Kennedy, Anna O. Wright;Messrs. B. F. Marich, E. R. Thompson, J. F. Hess.

Dexter. Misses Alpha Hardin, Viola Hardin, SarahJ. Hoyt, Rettie Landis; Mr. T. J. Rood.

Tisdale. Misses Gertrude Davis, Sarah Davis.

Cedarvale. Miss Martha J. Thompson; Mr. S. T.Hockett.

Oxford. Miss Veva Walton.

New Salem. Miss Sallie Bovee.

Red Bud. Mrs. Belle Seibert; Mr. H. S. Bush.

Lazette. Miss Kate Fitzgerald.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

The New Commissioner Districts.

Some townships having been elected since thelast division of this county into com- missioner districts, it became necessaryto redistrict the county, which the commissioners proceeded to do as followslast Tuesday. At the next election district number one elects a commissionerto serve for one year, district two for two years, and district three forthree years.

District No. 1: Population in townships.

Winfield 1,444

Rock 737

Maple 408

Ninnescah 341

Vernon 593

Beaver 477

Total: 4,000

District No. 2: Population in townships.

Bolton 731

Creswell 1,052

Pleasant Valley 435

Liberty 425

Silverdale 403

Spring Creek 223

Cedar 275

Otter 527

Total: 4,071

District No. 3: Population in townships.

Dexter 616

Tisdale 503

Sheridan 373

Windsor 582

Silvercreek 338

Richland 710

Omnia 188

Harvey 341

Total: 3,651








Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroadhas arranged with the various railroad lines in the country for specialround trip rates to the Rocky Mountains, and has secured the following ratesto Denver, Colorado Springs, Canon City, Pueblo, and return.

From Kansas City and Atchison, $45; St. Louis,$50; Chicago, $65; Quincy, $50; Cincinnati, $65; Buffalo, $75, and correspondinglylow rates from all points east, north, and south. These tickets are goodfor 90 days, and to stop at all stations west of the Missouri River. Ticketsare on sale at all principal stations throughout the country. This is thenew route to Denver through the garden of Kansas and Colorado. Send formaps, circulars, time tables, etc., to

Gen. Pass. Agent,

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

The Tax Levy.

The county commissioners have been in sessionthis week, and among other things done by them the annual tax levy was made.Below we give the levy. The school district tax is not given, because thatcannot be known until the annual school meetings are held, which come offtoday.

State tax 5½ mills (Levied by the Legislature).

County tax, general purposes, 6 mills.

County Bond tax, 1½ mills.

Beaver township, general tax, 1 mill.

Bolton township, general tax, 1 mill.

Bolton township, bond tax, 3¼ mills.

Bolton township, road tax, 3 mills.

Creswell township, general tax, 2 mills.

Creswell township, bond tax, 9 mills.

Creswell township, road tax, 3 mills.

Cedar township, general tax, 1 mill.

Dexter township, general tax, 1 mill.

Harvey township, general tax, 1 mill.

Liberty township, general tax, 2 mills.

Maple township, general tax, ½ mill.

Ninnescah township, general tax, 1 mill.

Omnia township, general tax, 1 mill.

Otter township, general tax, 1 mill.

Pleasant Valley township, general tax, 1 mill.

Richland township, general tax, 1 mill.

Rock Creek township, general tax, 1 mill.

Spring Creek township, general tax, 2 mills.

Silver Creek township, general tax, 1 mill.

Silverdale township, general tax, 1 mill.

Sheridan township, general tax, 1 mill.

Tisdale township, general tax, 1 mill.

Vernon township, road tax, 2 mills.

Windsor township, general tax, 1 mill.

Winfield township, general township, 1 mill.

Winfield township, bond tax, 6 mills.



Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

To the Republicans of Cowley County:

I hereby announce myself as a Candidate forthe office of Sheriff of Cowley county, subject to the decision of the RepublicanNominating Convention, and I pledge myself to abide by the decision of thatConvention. S. W. CHASE.

Tisdale, Kansas, Aug. 7, 1877.

Winfield Courier, August9, 1877.

Township Board's Notice for Proposalsfor Bridge Building.

To all whom it may concern:

Notice is hereby given that sealed proposalswill be received by the Township Board of the township of Winfield, in thecounty of Cowley, State of Kansas, until the hour of 10 o'clock a.m., onFriday, the 17th day of August, A. D. 1877, for the construction of twobridges across the Walnut River, in said township at the following points,to-wit: One on the C. S. Smith county road, and one at the site of the oldbridge on the W. S. Voris county road. Proposals for the building of suchbridges must be accompanied with complete plans and specifications of thesame (including the kind and quality of materials to be used in the constructionof each material part thereof) and must state the price to be charged thereforein the bonds of said township at par value, and the difference, if any,between this and the price which would be charged therefor in cash.

Each and all of such proposals must be filedin the office of the clerk of said township in the city of Winfield, andbe accompanied by a bond in an amount equal to double the proposed costof such bridge with sureties to the approval of said board, conditionedfor the faithful execution of the proposed work and the carrying into effectby the bidder, of any and all contracts entered into by him with said township,in reference to the building of such bridge or bridges.

The board reserves the right to reject any andall bids. J. S. HUNT, Trustee.

E. S. BEDILION, Township Clerk.


Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.



The Republican voters of Cowley County are herebynotified that there will be a delegate convention of Republicans to be heldat the Courthouse in the city of Winfield on Saturday, Sept. 22nd, 1877,at 11 o'clock A.M., for the purpose of nominating one Sheriff, one CountyClerk, one Register of Deeds, one Treasurer, one County Surveyor, one Coroner.

Also one Commissioner each for districts No.1, 2, and 3, to be nominated by the delegates from their respective districts.

The following is the representation each townshipis entitled to in the convention as fixed by the Central Committee, at theirmeeting Aug. 4th, 1877.

Beaver, Cedar, Harvey, Liberty, Maple, Ninnescah,Omnia, Otter, Pleasant Valley, Silver Creek, Sheridan, Spring Creek, Silverdale,Tisdale, two delegates.

Bolton, Dexter, Rock Creek, Richland, Vernon,Windsor, three delegates.

Creswell, four delegates.

Winfield, six delegates.

It is recommended by the committee that theprimary meetings for the election of delegates be held on Saturday, Sept.15, 1877, at 2 o'clock p.m., at the usual place of voting in each township,except in townships where there are two voting precincts, in which casethe place of meeting may be designated by the Chairman of the Township Committee,except further that in Winfield and Creswell townships said primaries willbe held at 1 o'clock p.m.

CHAS. H. EAGIN, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.


From every township in the county the earnestRepublicans protest against the action of a few committeemen who attemptedto make T. K. Johnston chairman of the Republican Central Committee. Thesignificance of the movement is too apparent and the outrage too flagrantto be passed unnoticed. As will be seen by a card elsewhere a majority ofthe committee refuse to recognize the action taken by that minority as bindingupon the committee and have united in a request to the secretary to calla convention. In pursuance of that request he has issued a call which appearselsewhere.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.


Endeavoring always to state the truth in theCOURIER and willing at all times to correct misstatements, we now say: thathaving in last week's paper, said, under the head of "An Outrage"

"In every case in which we have heardthat any choice for chairman was expressed by the committeeman himself ongiving his proxy, that expression was adverse to Mr. Johnston. But theseproxies, disregarding their instructions, voted for the very man they wereinstructed to vote against."

Our information being second hand at that timewas only partially true. These are the facts: Mr. Wooley instructed theparty to whom he gave his proxy to cast the vote for Chas. Eagin for chairman.Mr. Vanorsdol says that he instructed his proxy against Mr. Johnston; Mr.Norman was known by the person to whom he gave his proxy to be opposed tothe putting of Johnston into that important position. His instructions were:"McDermott first, Eagin next."

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.


We, the undersigned members of the RepublicanCounty Central Committee, believing that the election of T. K. Johnstonas chairman of said committee does not represent the wishes of the Republicanparty of this county and that said election was by a minority of the Committeedo hereby disapprove of and repudiate the same, and hereby request the Secretary,Chas. H. Eagin, to publish the call for a county convention at the timeand in accordance with the order of the Committee made at the meeting heldon the 4th of August, 1877.

P. Stout, Ninnescah Tp.

W. H. Gilliard, Omnia Tp.

J. O. Vanorsdol, Richland Tp.

Wm. B. Norman, Maple Tp.

L. L. Newton, Harvey Tp.

A. P. Brooks, Silver Creek Tp.

B. H. Clover, Windsor Tp.

H. C. McDorman, Dexter Tp.

R. P. Goodrich, Spring Creek Tp.

W. A. Metcalf, Cedar Tp.

C. W. Roseberry, Beaver Tp.

I unite with the committee in protesting againstand repudiating the attempt to elect Mr. T. K. Johnston as chairman of theCommittee. CHAS. H. EAGIN, Rock Tp.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.


When the Republican Central Committee was insession on the 4th inst., someone moved to have the proceedings and callpublished in the Republican papers of the county, and T. K. Johnston instinctively,and forgetting the company he was in, suggested that they be published inthe Cowley County Telegram," the Democratic organ.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

Nez Perce Indians.

The Nez Perce Indians in Montana Territory wereattacked August 9th by Col. Gibbon, U. S. A., and about 180 men. The Indianswere victorious, killing and wounding more than half of the command andcapturing all their horses.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.


When Republicans see a sidewalk politician goingin and out at T. K. Johnston's Democratic headquarters, they should spothim. Such men are in the ring whose purpose is to surrender the Republicanparty of Cowley to the Democrats. They expect to accomplish by intrigueand strategy that which cannot be done by reason and numbers.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.


Every year heretofore at this season there hasbeen great bustle and activity in the Democratic and Reform political campsof this county. Not so now. The Democratic leaders are hid in the fencecorners watching the result of T. K. Johnston's effort to manipulate theRepublican party in their interest. If he succeeds, they will fall intoline. If the Republicans shake him off, then will the call "to armsand reform" be sounded.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.


The Leavenworth Times, August 9th, containsan infamous suggestion which counsels electing a legislature that will passa law enabling counties to repudiate their railroad bond indebtedness. Leavenworthcity has made unwise and foolish efforts to concentrate railroads therein its strife for commercial supremacy on the Missouri River. Having overreacheditself, it would disgrace the whole State in an effort to escape its ownfolly.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

Silver Creek Heard From.

At a meeting of the Republican voters of SilverCreek Township, Cowley County, held August 11th, 1877, Mr. J. P. McDanielwas chosen chairman, and A. P. Brooks, secretary of the meeting.

On motion Mr. A. P. Brooks was elected chairmanof the township Republican committee, and as the member of the RepublicanCounty Central Committee from this township in place of S. M. Jarvis.

The remaining members of the township centralcommittee not being known, Z. W. Hoge and James Goforth were elected asthe remaining members of the township committee.

The Republicans of this township feeling themselvesoutraged by the selection of a Democrat to the position of chairman of theRepublican Central Committee of this county adopted the following:

Resolved,That we, the Republicans of Silver Creek Township, do most earnestly protestagainst the action of the Central Committee in electing T. K. Johnston aschairman and recommend that the secretary of said committee issue a callfor a county convention in accordance with the call agreed upon.

Resolved, Thatwe deny the right of any individual or individuals not residents of thistownship to say who shall represent it as a member of the County CentralCommittee.

Resolved,That the Republican party is composed of the bone, a sinew of the county,and they are able to take care of themselves. J. P. McDaniel, Chairman.

A. P. Brooks, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

The M. E. Church Free From Debt.

On Sunday last in the new stone church one ofthe largest audiences that ever met in Winfield congregated to help dedicatethe new and imposing edifice to the good of man and the glory of God.

C. R. Pomeroy, D. D., of Emporia; C. C. McCabe,D. D., of Chicago; Presiding Elder Walters, of Wichita; J. E. Fox, P. Hutchinson; Rev. J. Kirby, and Rev. J. P. Harson, of Wichita; Rev. H.J. Walker, Wellington; Rev. J. W. Stewart, Oxford; Reverends B. C. Swarts,Arkansas City; E. Nance, Maple City; ____ Long, of Tisdale; W. H. McCamey,of Dexter; J. E. Platter, C. J. Adams, P. Lahr, and J. L. Rusbridge, pastor,of Winfield, assisted in the labors of the day.

Chaplain McCabe spoke for an hour to an attentiveand interested audience, pointing in forcible and glowing terms to the workof the church, the needs of our people, the dangers to our Republic, andthe saving power of religion in matters of dollars and cents, of bread andbutter. True is it, as he said, that the demon of intemperance finds itsmost untiring and relentless antagonist in the church of Christ. As a social,a political, an economical, and an educational investment, our church capitalis productive beyond all other investments.

The sermon of the morning was followed by astatement from Mr. Rushbridge concerning the financial condition of theM. E. Church of Winfield. A building had been erected at an expense of $7,000,of which some three thousand dollars remained unpaid. The work of this day,the prefatory exercises of the dedication, was to raise the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars, which would practically cancel the immense debt ofthe church and free the building from all encumbrances.

At this announcement from Mr. Rushbridge, thehearts of the most hopeful failed them, and few felt that the work of thisday would remove this immense burden. In a few minutes contributions andsubscriptions began to pour in. One hundred dollars was reachedthen fivehundred, and soon a thousand had been subscribed, and then the hopes ofall grew stronger, and the purses of the many grew liberal, while rich andpoor, male and female, saint and sinner, gave of their means to aid thenoble cause. By the close of the morning services about eight hundred dollarshad been given. At the afternoon exercises a few hundred more was given,and at night the entire amount of twenty-five hundred dollars was reached,and then the audience rose up and sang that grand old song, "PraiseGod from whom all Blessings Flow." The work was done! The church wasfree! The service of dedication was finished, and the people departed totheir homes proud of the beautiful edifice which adorns our city, but prouderstill of that generosity and liberality which adorns the hearts and mindsof our enterprising citizens.

Of the music, of the songs, of the sermons,of the vast crowd assembled, we say nothing, as the entire city seemed tohave been present and to enjoy the occasion, and so our readers need nocomments upon these matters.

An elegant silver set for communion service,presented by F. M. Friend, and a fine clock from Will Hudson were amongthe donations.

The building is 40 x 80 feet in size, with anarched ceiling 27 feet high. It is beautiful in outline and harmonious inits appointments.


Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

Thanks to D. Reed for ripe peaches.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

Hay put in the stack for $3.00 per ton.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

A new house on 9th Avenue by Geo. W. Martin.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

The County Normal has seventy teachers as pupils.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

New residence by Capt. Stevens on MillingtonStreet.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

Frank Williams new hotel will open about August27.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

Judge McDonald's wife is visiting relativesin Denver.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

The high water has made havoc with the dam atBliss' mill.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

A nice new residence on south Mansfield streetby F. S. Jennings.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

Dr. Thompson, a true blue Republican of Tisdale,called Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

The big stone store is fast approaching completionfor J. B. Lynn & Co.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

Two new residences by B. F. Baldwin, one on5th and the other on 8th street.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

Tom Wright has returned from the Shot Creekmines. He made the trip on foot.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

The little toads which are so thick just noware the natural enemy of chinch bug.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

Hotel arrivals for the week ending August 15th,numbering as follows: Central Hotel, 78; City Hotel, 55.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

Mrs. L. A. McRaw, of Winfield, Kansas, is inthe city visiting her son, Mr. Charles Prall. Kansas City Mail.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

Col. J. C. McMullen and family, of ArkansasCity, were up to Winfield last Sabbath to attend the dedication.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

The contract has been let, to T. A. Wilkinson,to erect a new schoolhouse in the east end of this school district, No.1.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

Dr. Mansfield has sold his drug store and business.Ira McCommon, clerk at B. F. Baldwin's, takes charge of the establishment.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

T. J. Floyd, an old subscriber of the COURIER,of Areanum, Ohio, has come to Cowley County to live, and called upon uslast week.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

A shotgun, laying in a teamster's wagon, infront of Brotherton & Silvers, was accidentally discharged last Friday.`Twas a wonder no candidates were hit.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

The tax levied at the annual school meetingin this district is as follows: Teachers' wages, 8 mills; incidental expenses,3½ mills; for new school hours in Kings neighborhood, 1½ mills.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

Prof. L. B. Kellogg, of Emporia, will addressthe teachers and citizens Friday evening at the Courthouse on "Educationfor the People." Free to all. Give him a house full.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

J. H. Wood, of Wellsburg, New York, brother-in-lawof L. J. Webb, called upon us this week. Like all newcomers, he is delightedwith Cowley County and thinks of becoming a citizen thereof.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

Criminal and civil suits are brought againstHoover Gibson, of Sheridan Township, for being the prospective sire of offspringoutside of his own family. A girl of sixteen makes the complaint.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

The ladies propose to "strike" nextTuesday evening and get no supper. To relieve the distress occasioned bythis movement, the Ladies' Aid Society, of the Presbyterian church, willfurnish supper to the famishing community at Williams' new building for25 cents.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

John Hoenscheidt, of Eureka, Kansas, has placedus under obligations for an elegant map of Greenwood County, accompaniedwith a plat of Eureka and engraving of the city, court- house, and schoolhouse.The plats and designs are all the workmanship of Mr. Hoenscheidt, who isa first class architect, surveyor, and civil engineer.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

The COURIER changes hands Sept. 1st. The presentpublisher wants to collect everything due up to that date. Quite a numberof those who owe for the paper responded to last week's notices. There area good many back yet. Over six hundred dollars are due us from subscribersin sums varying from ten cents to $3.35. The amounts are small to them,but the amount is large to us.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

The annual meeting of school district No. 1was, we hear, rather slimly attended. Rev. J. E. Platter was elected directorfor the ensuing term. A tax of 13 mills was levied for school purposes forthe present year. The number of children in the district of school age is345. During the last year $700.12 has been paid out in excess of amountin treasurer's hands, the same drawing an interest of $57.71. The sum paidto teachers was $1,800.00. For the present year one teacher gets $90, one$45, and two $40 each, a month.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

Hon. Levi Wilson, of Leavenworth, has the contractfor furnishing 532,000 lbs. flour to the Cheyenne Agency, Indian Territory,at $4.03 per cwt.

Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

The Rose Hill & Walnut Valley nursery, whichis supplying everybody in this county with trees, shrubs, and vines of allkinds, and for which W. B. Trissell is agent, has become one of our CowleyCounty institutions. Owing to a crowd of matter their ad is left out thisweek. It will appear next week.


Winfield Courier, August16, 1877.

For Sheriff.

I hereby announce myself as candidate for theoffice of Sheriff of Cowley county, subject to the decision of the Republicancounty convention.

A. T. SHENNEMAN, Vernon Township.



Instead of E. C. Manning, Publisher, papernow shows...



The "COURIER" Company.


Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.


The Republican voters of Cowley County are herebynotified that there will be a delegate convention of the Republican partyto be held at the Courthouse, in the city of Winfield, on Saturday, September22nd, 1877, at 11 o'clock, a.m., for the purpose of nominating the followingofficers:

One Sheriff, one County Clerk, one Registerof Deeds, one Treasurer, one County Surveyor, one Coroner.

Also one Commissioner each for districts 1,2, and 3, to be nominated by the delegates from their respective districts.

The following is the Representation each townshipis entitled to in the convention, as fixed by the Central Committee at theirmeeting Aug. 4th, 1877.

Beaver, Cedar, Harvey, Liberty, Maple, Ninnescah,Omnia, Otter, Pleasant Valley, Silver Creek, Sheridan, Spring Creek, Silverdale,Tisdale, two delegates each.

Bolton, Dexter, Rock Creek, Richland, Vernon,Windsor, three delegates each.

Creswell, four delegates.

Winfield, six delegates.

Total, 56.

It is ordered by the Committee that the primarymeetings for the election of delegates be held on Saturday, Sept. 15th,1877, at 2 o'clock p.m., at the usual places of voting, in each township,except in townships where there are two precincts, in which case the placeof meeting shall be designated by the Chairman of the township committee,except further that in Winfield and Creswell townships, said primaries willbe held at 1 o'clock p.m.

Let every Republican voter in the county bepresent at the primary meetings at the hours above designated, in orderthat a fair and impartial representation may be had in the convention.

By order of the Republican Central Committee.T. K. JOHNSTON, Chairman.

NOTE: IN THE PREVIOUS ISSUE, COURIER PRINTEDELECTION NOTICE BY CHAS. H. EAGIN, SECRETARY...IT WAS REPEATED IN THIS ISSUE...THENOTICE GIVEN BY EAGIN AND JOHNSTON WERE MORE OR LESS IDENTICAL EXCEPT EAGINSAID "It is recommended by the committee that the primary meetingsfor the election of delegates be held on Saturday, Sept. 15, 1877, etc.,"WHEREAS JOHNSTON SAID "It is ordered by the committee, etc.,"and added final paragraph: "Let every Republican voter in the countybe present at the primary meetings at the hours above designated, in orderthat a fair and impartial representation may be had in the convention,"followed by the line "By order of the Republican Central Committee."

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.



With regret I announce to you my retirementfrom the COURIER. Twenty-two months ago I became publisher of the paperwith the determination to remain with it until the rail- cars should enterour valley and start across the Indian Territory. With what fidelity thepaper has labored to that end you all know. The principal obstacles in theway have been removed and you can almost hear the cars whistle. The COURIERduring that time has tried to advocate that policy and those measures whichseemed best for its readers and for the county at large. Man is fallible.Newspapers controlled by men can be no better. Please remember the goodand forget the evil it has done.

I had expected to remain with the paper untilSept. 1st prox. Business matters brought the separation sooner. I leavethe office as one steps from the threshold of his home. We are all proudof Cowley County; none prouder than Iproud of its resources, proud of itsmunicipal history and reputation, proud of its citizens. It has not beenlike many new counties, the refuge of criminals and the mother of swindles.The pages of her history are not darkened by the record of any heinous offense.May it ever be thus.

No one instrumentality can so far mould, protect,and preserve that reputation as the press. The prosperity of a county comesfrom the prosperity of its people. He who, or that which, strikes at theirprosperity is its and their normal enemy. An honorable newspaper standslike an armed sentinel on guard, to protect and warn against dangers toits prosperity and blemishes upon its reputation. Such has been the endeavorof the COURIER in the past; such, I believe, will be its endeavor in thefuture.

As a business enterprise the paper is in a healthycondition. Especially have the businessmen of Winfield given it a heartysupport. Its circulation in the county is good and its readers comprisethe best men in our little province. For their countenance, counsel, andsupport in the past, I return earnest thanks for myself and public acknowledgmentfor the COURIER. For twenty-two months I have dropped in at your firesidesonce a weeka visitor for good, I hope. In stepping down and out from thatimportant relation, to make room for those who are better and abler forthe work, let me utter this exhortation: "Stand by the COURIER andthe COURIER will stand by you." E. C. MANNING.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.


In assuming the management of the COURIER wenow make our salaam to you, the people of Cowley County, for it is for yourinterest that we are to labor and it is to you that we are to look for encouragementand support.

We hope to be able to serve your interests sowell that you will help us to make the COURIER a county paper of which youmay well be proud, such a paper as you may feel an interest in and callyour own.

We shall not pretend, however, that our motivesare wholly patriotic, we admit that the idea of bread and butter enterssomewhat into our calculations, we even hope that our labor may be so remunerativethat our wife and children may have some rather nice looking duds to exhibitin church and Sunday school, in fact we are not entirely free from the diseaseso epidemic in this country, the desire to make money.

We are, however, well aware that no newspapercan flourish in such a county as this unless the people are prosperous.

We admit, too, that next to ourselves and familythe welfare of Winfield lies nearest our heart. When Winfield had scarcelybegun to exist, we made it our home and invested our money in it.

Since then we have spent much of our time andmoney in trying to work up measures for its aggrandizement, and we feela kind of proprietorship in its success and beauty, far in excess of ouractual interest in it, and we intend that the COURIER shall work faithfullyto promote all the best interests of this city of our own pride.

But our great field of labor is the whole county,our grand and glorious Cowley, with her twelve thousand industrious andthriving population, her forty-five hundred quarter sections of land richin everything necessary to make desirable homes for her citizens and futurewealth, her sixty thousand acres of wheat, her fifty thousand acres of themost luxuriant growing corn ever seen, with her herds and flocks, her schoolhousesand churches, her improved farms and thriving villages, her virtue and intelligence;here is our work and whatever shall promise advantage to all of the peopleof the county shall have our chiefest care.

There are many advantages that we need, andthat will yet require much hard work, many journeyings and negotiations,much writing and time and anxiety and care, and we shall work with you tosecure them.

Our railroads we must have and two if we canget them.

While we shall adhere to our east and west roadso long as it is possible that it can be built into our county, we shalladvocate the north and south road which is now before the people. In supportingboth we do not fear that we shall secure too many or too soon. We ardentlyhope that neither will fail, but in case of such misfortune we shall workuntil we secure at least one road and cheap freights to and from easternmarkets. When this is accomplished, we shall then truly be on the high roadto prosperity.

We shall try to promote the interests of ourcommon school system, of our churches, and of all other societies and organizationsthat are well calculated to make our people, young or old, more virtuous,more intelligent, more prosperous, better citizens, and happier in all oursocial relations.

We shall try to run clear of all rings and factionsshould any such exist, but shall have our own opinions on social, economic,and political questions, and shall express them freely and fearlessly whenin our judgment the occasion exists.

In politics we believe in the Republican party,the party of progress and of freedom, the party which has abolished slaveryand preserved the integrity of our nation for seventeen years, the mosttrying and turbulent in the history of our republic, made so by the errorsof former Democratic administrations, and which, leaving behind all of thepast but its lessons, deals with the living present and looks forward toa grand future.

When that party was first organized, we wereof its members, have ever since adhered to its fortunes, and intend to workfor its success so long as it shall remain true to its history and traditionsand move forward in the course we have described.

We shall try to promote the unity of that party,to harmonize factions, and to keep the party in good working order.

The COURIER shall be eminently a newspaper,containing accounts of all matters of general interest transpiring in ourcounty, with a summary of the news of the state as derived from our exchanges,together with the latest news from all parts of the world.

Everything of general interest that we can makeroom for will appear in our columns, correspondence, science, and literatureeach having a reasonable space, and we hope the files of the COURIER willbe worthy of preservation as a history of the times in which we live.

Notwithstanding our many hopes and aspirationsfor the future of the COURIER, it is with great diffidence we assume itscontrol. We succeed in its charge an experienced newspaper man who has writtenhis name high among the names of Kansas journalists, and has made the COURIERrespected throughout the State, and we feel it an undertaking of no smallmagnitude to sustain its present position, much more to improve it, butwith your liberal encouragement and support, we will do what we can.



Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.


Our district school board are in negotiationwith the trustees of the Presbyterian church with a view to rent the basem*ntof the new church building for school purposes. The church trustees areto finish up the room ready for the furniture and the school board are tomake a temporary partition dividing the space into two rooms, and to furnishthe rooms. The rent is to be $300 per year. The question of leasing fortwo years instead of one is not settled at this writing.

We think the school board should not hesitateone moment to engage the room for two years, for it will certainly be asmuch as two years before new rooms can be built by the district to pay $300yearly rent than to pay from $500 to $800 yearly interest on the cost ofa new schoolhouse. The church basem*nt will be convenient and suitable inevery way. It will be warm in winter and cool in summer and be a very pleasantplace for the pupils of the two lower grades. We heartily approve of theproject.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.


Our friend, Robert Hudson, has got his divorce.It will be recollected that he had a suit for divorce pending before theDistrict Court of this county for some time which culminated in the refusalof his honor, Judge Campbell, to grant the divorce, but charging him tendollars per month to be paid to his wife for her support.

Feeling deeply grieved by this decision of thecourt, he followed in the footsteps of the illustrious Brick Pomeroy, andlike him obtain his decree in a probate court of the land of Brigham.

Like Brick, he too accepted the services ofa sharp Chicago lawyer, who, for the sum of one hundred dollars, to be depositedin Read's bank to await the result, agreed to obtain for his client a decreeof divorce without alimony that would be valid in this or any other state,and be so pronounced by our courts, and when it should have been so procuredand tested, Read was to pay over the fees.

The famous Poland bill which passed Congressand became a law, in giving jurisdiction to the territorial courts of Utah,provides that the Probate Courts of Utah in their respective counties shallhave jurisdiction of suits for divorce for statutory causes concurrentlywith the District courts.

The act of the Territorial legislature of Utahrelating to bills of divorce provides that "Any person who is a residentof the Territory or wishes to become one, could maintain an actionfor divorce in that Territory, and "when it shall appear to the satisfactionand conviction of the court that the parties cannot live in peace and uniontogether, and that their welfare requires a separation" then a divorceshall be granted.

Now neighbor Hudson really does wishto become a resident of Utah, and it is really true that he and his wife"cannot live in peace and union together," therefore it was veryeasy to satisfy and convince a probate judge in Utah of these facts. Sohaving first made the required publication in some Utah newspaper that hasa circulation of 150 copies, our Chicago limb of the law presents his evidenceand the decree of divorce is granted without alimony. An attested copy ofthe decree is on deposit at Read's bank awaiting a judicial test in ourcourts.

Mr. Hudson proposes to refuse payment of thenext $10 alimony, which is due Sept. 1st, at which time the District Courtwill be in session, which will precipitate the test of his divorce whichhe desires.

We shall leave the matter without expressingan opinion for the court will soon act upon the case.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

The convention of County Attorneys at theirlate meeting at Topeka have given the following answers to legal questionswhich were propounded to them.

"Neither the people of a school districtat an annual meeting, nor the School Board of a district, have the rightto appropriate money raised for building purposes to the payment of a judgmentagainst the district.

"County Clerks, in making certificatesof final payment on school lands forfeited by the purchasers, have no authorityfor compounding the interest due.

"If a School District has bonds outstanding,the County Superintendent can divide the district, but the whole territoryof the old district will be liable for the old indebtedness.

"The Clerk and Director of a school districtcannot call a meeting of the district for the transaction of district businesswithout first notifying the Treasurer.

"Where a school district Treasurer hasbeen re-elected, and fails to give a new bond, and has not been speciallyrequested to do so by the Clerk and director, he is Treasurer until theSuperintendent appoints a successor.

"A School Board has no right to employteachers before the annual meeting in August, such teacher to teach aftersaid meeting.

"In case a bridge is to be built whichis to cost more than $1,000 and the county agrees to appropriate $1,000,the delinquent road tax collected, belonging to the township in which saidbridge is to be built, cannot be used by said township in completing suchbridge.

"Where the cost of the bridge exceeds $1,000,but the excess is raised by private or other means, the County Commissionerscan appropriate $1,000 to complete the bridge.

"If trustees fail to furnish, in time,a list of jury names, a legal jury can be drawn from the names furnished."

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

The R. R. Bond Elections

Will soon be upon us, and the people will againbe asked to deposit their ballots either for or against the propositionto take $100,000 stock in the Memphis & Ellsworth railroad, which proposesto run through our county east and west through Longton, Elk Falls, andGreenfield townships. The bonds will, beyond a doubt, be carried, but itis well that all who favor to be on hand on election day and see that theassurance is made doubly sure. The election takes place on Tuesday, the28th inst. Howard City Courant.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

The piers for the bridge across the Walnut arenearly completed. Had it not been for the high waters, the bridge wouldhave been completed by this time. Augusta Gazette.

Had it not been for the high water, the bridgewould not have been built at all.

[Note: The only acknowledgment by Manningthat Millington has taken over the control of the COURIER appears in "Personals"in August 23, 1877, edition.]


Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

To Courier Readers.

All subscribers to the COURIER who are in arrearsfor subscription will please settle the same up to September 1st, 1877,on my account. Mr. D. A. Millington, at the COURIER office, will receivethe same for me for the next thirty days. Accounts not paid at that timewill be left with an attorney for collection. E. C. MANNING.

August 23rd, 1877.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

This year's wheat crop will reach 750,000 bushels.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

Miss Nellie Barnard, of Wellington, visitedWinfield last week.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

Mr. C. S. Thomas, of the City hotel, took atrip to Wichita the first of the week.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

Sid Major and wife visited friends in the vicinityof Arkansas City during last week.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

The school board has taken a lease of the basem*ntof the Presbyterian church for two years.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

Rev. C. J. Adams was too ill to preach lastSabbath.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

Messrs. Simpson and Stewart have the contractto build the piers and abutments of the new iron bridges.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

Hotel arrivals, in this city, for the week endingAugust 22, 1877, number as follows: Central, 51; City, 40.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

Cowley County will produce this year a millionand a half bushels of corn. Never before was the corn crop so promising.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

The ground is in splendid condition for seedingwith wheat. The breadth of land to be sown this fall will probably reach65,000 acres.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

Mr. D. A. Millington will lecture before theteachers and citizens at the Courthouse on Friday evening next. Subject:Prairie and Forest Fires.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

The boys in the office are under obligationsfor several very fine peaches which were tossed through an open window byMr. J. D. Cochran, our city marshal.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

A game of base ball is to be played, five mileswest of this city, on Saturday, September 1st, between the Grasshoppers,of Vernon, and the Modocs, of Belle Plaine.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

A picnic will be given in Marshal's grove, onthe Arkansas River, in this county, on Friday, August 31st, by the AuroraSunday School, of Vernon Township. All are invited.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

Rev. J. L. Rushbridge is going east to be absenta few weeks and recruit after his months of arduous labor in building achurch and raising the funds to pay for it, in addition to his regular pastoralduties.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

Read Prof. Jones' professional card in anothercolumn. The Prof. is a first class workman and you can always dependon what he tells you.

[Could not find card in this issue. Did findan ad for Thomas J. Jones.]


House, Sign, and Carriage Painting, Grainingand Papering.

Office under Read's Bank, Winfield, Kansas.

NOTE:Now we get the answer to who is handling paper...

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

THE COURIER COMPANY is composed of D. A. Millington,James Kelly, and A. B. Lemmon, who will jointly edit and conduct the businessof the COURIER. Job work, subscriptions and advertisem*nts are respectfullysolicited.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

Harter, Harter & Co. have taken a contractto supply the Cheyenne, Comanches, and Wichita Indians with flour. Thiswill make a home market for a large quantity of wheat and save a large amountof hauling to Wichita.


Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

There is to be a meeting at the Vernon Centerschoolhouse, in Vernon Township, on Saturday evening, August 25th, to forma secret organization for protection against horse-thieves. If theoriginators of the movement desire secrecy, they must not tell about itto a COURIER man.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

Our Cowley County readers in going to Independenceshould take the hack line at this place and go by Sedan thence to Independenceby daily stage. At Sedan they will find good hotel accommodation at theGreat Western, kept by a Cowley County man, Capt. H. W. Stubblefield.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

Mr. "Tuck" Southard, with the BairdBros., at Winfield, was in our city last week. He reports the Bairds asprosperous. Also, Wm. C. Robinson, as great a Sunday School worker as ever,and very popular; and Mr. T. E. Gilleland as having sold out his boot andshoe business and going into clothing. All prospering. Independence Courier.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

The Normal Institute still increases in interestand in the number of teachers in attendance. An accession of five has beenmade this week, and the total number in attendance reaches seventy-five.It is really exhilarating to meet fifty neatly dressed, bright looking,jolly schoolmarms on the narrow sidewalk every time one goes to dinner.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

The new Presbyterian Church will be dedicatedon the 3rd Sunday in September if nothing occurs to prevent. President Anderson,of the Agricultural College at Manhattan, is expected to be present andtake part in the exercises. The directors intend to raise the funds to supplythe deficiency by private subscription before the day of dedication.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

ALMOST A RUNAWAY. Last Sunday afternoon as agentleman and lady from Arkansas City were leaving the hotel in a buggy,one of the horses began kicking and trying to run. Several gentlemen endeavoredto stop them, but without success, until John H. Rearick boldly ran in,caught the unruly one by the bridle, and brought them to a full stop. Mr.Rearick certainly deserves great credit for averting what would undoubtedlyhave been a serious affair.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

The festival given by the Presbyterian ladies,to raise funds to carpet the new Presbyterian church, came off on Tuesdayevening at the new palace building of Mr. Frank Williams. Everybody wasthere with his wife, baby, sweetheart, brother, uncle, and mother- in-law,as Short says, "to get one good square meal." The way the loadsof two-story biscuits, pressed hash, chickens, grapes, ice cream, peaches,cake, etc., disappeared was wonderful. Everyone said a great many smartthings and joined in the general merriment. Altogether it was one of themost enjoyable occasions that Winfield has ever seen. The receipts reached$90.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

Mr. Daniel Read, who lives on upland prairieland, in Tisdale Township, two and one half miles west of New Salem schoolhouse,has a farm and an experience in Cowley County that shows what an energeticman can do. He settled there six years ago. Two years ago he became a littlediscouraged and went to California for a new location. He thought that noimprovement on this county and in seven months was back upon his place inthis county.

He has 320 eight-year-old bearing apple trees,850 bearing peach trees, many of them the choicest varieties, one acre ofblackberries, three acres of cottonwood trees, 1,800 in all, some of themthirty feet high. This grove he used for a hog and stock lot, and it containsa large artificial pond of water. He has sixty acres of fine corn and raisedthis year considerable other crops. Twenty months ago, on his return fromCalifornia, he purchased a six-months- old pig for $3.50 and from that startin hogs he now has seven brood sows and altogether thirty hogs, and hastwenty-five dollars worth besides. He is now selling peaches from his orchardand has had ripe peaches for four weeks. He has been in twenty-one differentstates of the Union and considers this section the best country for a manof moderate means that he ever saw. Some specimens of Early Amburge peachesfrom his orchard are before us as we write.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

The Bridges.

The township board of Winfield township havelet the contract to build the bridges across the Walnut River to the KingBridge Co. for the sum of $7,000.

Several styles of bridges were presented inthe bids and specifications and the board selected therefrom King's bestand strongest style of patent tubular wrought iron bridges.

The cost is $600 more than it would have beenhad one of the lighter styles been selected, but the board have done wellin selecting the best.

The South bridge is to be of one span of 150feet, and the abutments are to be taken down 13 feet, rebuilt, and raised6 feet higher than before, and is to be completed ready for travel on orbefore the 27th of next October.

The West bridge is to have a main span 120 feet,an east approach span 60 feet, a west approach span 30 feet, two stone piers30 feet above low water, and one stone abutment, the whole to be completedby the 17th of November next.

The bridges are to be paid for with the bondsauthorized by our late election so far as they go and the balance by privatesubscriptions, of which nearly the necessary amount is already pledged.

The specifications on file are very voluminousand minute, leaving no loophole, so far as we can see, for a misunderstandingwith the contractors or for slighting the work. Everything necessary toa perfect and substantial job seems to have been specified.

We opposed the bonds at the election becausewe did not believe we were able to build both bridges, and feeling thatthe South bridge was most important we desired that it alone should be undertaken.It now looks as though we were mistaken and that both will be built in ashort time, and we are prepared to give those who have labored so effectuallyto this end due credit for all the success that shall be achieved.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

That Accident.

The following account of a most painful accident,which will interest a good many people in Cowley County, where the unfortunateyoung man lived and was well known, we copy from the Black Hills Daily Times.

"Just as the miners, who are working claimNo. 11, Deadwood Gulch, above discovery, owned by James Burns, were leavingtheir work for noon today (August 9th), a fatal accident occurred in thefollowing manner: Two men had been raised out of the shaft, forty-five feetdeep by six feet square, in one bucket, and while two others, John Philbinand Joe Carter, were awaiting the descent of the other bucket, it becamedetached from the chain, and fell with lightning-like rapidity down theshaft, striking, in its descent Philbin and Carter. The former fortunatelyescaped with severe bruises on the left side of the head and left shoulder,but the latter, we regret to announce, was killed instantaneously; in fact,never moved a muscle after being struck. Philbin says the bucket struckthe unfortunate man on the crown of the head, felling him at once, and thathe never spoke or moved again. The bucket weighs about fifty pounds. Theonly manner in which the accident can be accounted for is that the descendedbucket must have become entangled with the one ascending, and was borneto the surface, in company with the bucket containing the two miners whowere being raised, which, of course loosened the chain so that the hookturned and the bucket fell back into the shaft.

"DIED. Joe Carter came to the Hillsfrom Cowley Co., Kansas, in April last, where he lived, a near neighborto Mr. Burns, the proprietor of the mine, and where his mother, step-father(named Fannestock), and one married brother reside at the present time.He has worked for Mr. Burns about two months.

"I am informed that it is a common occurrencefor the shaft buckets to become entangled in the way I have mentioned above."

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

Earlier issues showed S. W. Chase and A. T.Shenneman announcing their candidacy for Sheriff.

This issue showed three more:

County Clerk.

I hereby announce myself as candidate for theoffice of County Clerk, subject to the approval of the Republican convention.JAMES S. HUNT.


I hereby announce myself as a candidate forthe office of Sheriff of Cowley County, subject to the decision of the RepublicanNominating Convention, and I pledge myself to abide by the decision of thatconvention. L. LIPPMANN.

To the Republicans of Cowley County.

I am a candidate for the office of Sheriff ofthis county, and shall submit my name in the Republican Convention, to beheld on the 22nd of September.

Some of my opponents have circulated a reportthat I am a Democrat. I have always been a Republican, and voted the Republicanticket. I shall abide by the decision of the Republican convention and supportit* nominees. GEORGE L. WALKER.


Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

Nice, smooth, dry wood for sale by J. C. Franklin,at his Harness Shop.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

The highest price in cash paid at the mill ofC. A. Bliss & Co. for good milling wheat. Do not sell to anyone elseuntil you see them. Their mill is now running on full time.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

A Word to the Wise.

All parties knowing themselves indebted to thefirm will call and make a settlement by September 1st. We start east thento buy goods and want our money. LYNN & GILLILEN.

Winfield, August 21, 1877.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

Cash for Wheat.

Harter, Harris & Co. want 10,000 bushelsof wheat delivered to them at the Tunnel Mills within the next thirty days.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

For Sale.

Barley and Timothy seed, by A. G. Forney, living2½ miles southeast of Belle Plaine, Sumner Co., Kan., at the followingprices: Barley, $1.00 per bushel; Timothy, $2.50. Also two choice varietiesof seed wheat, viz: California May and Todd, the latter was procured inOhio two years ago.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

Farm for Sale.

400 acres of choice upland, in Sheridan Township,12 miles east of Winfield. Inquire at this office, of D. A. MILLINGTON.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

A Bargain.

My home and lot, situated in Winfield, is forsale cheap. Price $400.00; $100.00 down and balance on time, in small payments.W. E. DOUD, Eureka, Kan.

Winfield Courier, August23, 1877.

at the
Keeps the Best and Purest Liquors.
Corner 8th Avenue and Main Street,


Winfield Courier, August30, 1877. Front Page.

Architect and Builder,

Designs for buildings of any description, withestimates of cost, free. To all those with whom I make contracts I desireto call attention to the fact that I can and will do as good work, and asat low prices, as any workman can do it. Call and see me before you build.A liberal share of patronage solicited. Shop next to old M. E. church building.


Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.



The election for the Emporia railroad comesoff Sept. 18, prox., and we hope that the bonds will carry by a large majority.Indeed we cannot see why a single voter in the county should vote againstthe proposition.

We know, however, that there are many who opposeall bonds from principle, and while we respect both them and their views,while we deprecate as much as they, the system of reckless issues of countybonds in large amounts on many different occasions, as has been done inmany of the older counties of this State, yet we hold that there may beand are occasions when bonds to a limited amount may be voted and issuedto secure great and important interests when such interests cannot be securedin any other way, and this we believe to be one of those occasions.

We cannot if we would issue bonds in the recklessmanner that some of our older counties have done. They have bonded themselvesfrom $400,000 all the way up to $1,300,000. It is no wonder that they complainof high taxes but it is a wonder and a disgrace that they should try torepudiate their bonds. But since they have bonded themselves so heavilya law has been passed limiting the issue of bonds in each county to $100,000and 5 percent of the assessment of the county. Under this law the limitbased upon the last assessment is less than $200,000 in the aggregate forrailroad purposes, which is a very modest sum for a great county like this,capable of becoming the wealthiest county in the State if we only had railroads.

It is true that we have already voted $120,000to the Parsons road, but those bonds are not issued, perhaps they neverwill be, it is not quite sure that that road will be built. Even thoughthat one road would be sufficient for all our purposes, yet that road isnot as certain as our necessities, and we cannot afford to reject anotherequally probable road for fear that we may have $80,000 or even $120,000more to pay.

If we should get both roads, unless our assessmentshould be increased above $2,000,000, both together could not get over $200,000of our bonds, though we had voted ten times that amount. The company havethe law before them, know that the law is a part of every contract, andknow that we have voted to the Parsons road; therefore, when we vote tothe Emporia Company $120,000, it is no promise to deliver them more bondsthan the law will allow.

If our assessment should be raised to $2,800,000by the time the roads are built and if neither company forfeits, but bothbuild to us on time, then perhaps we may issue $120,000 to each road. Inthat case, however, it will be because the building of the roads will haveinduced a large amount of capital to be brought into the county sufficientto be assessed $800,000 and with so much new capital to pay taxes the rateof taxation for the bonds would be reduced, to say nothing of the very materialhelp this new capital would be in reducing our other taxes. But let us considerthe effect on our taxes of the issue of the highest amount contemplated,$240,000, which will be considered as the worst that can happen ifwe vote these bonds.

Taking all our taxes together, State, county,township, school, schoolhouse, etc., they will aggregate on an average throughoutthe county about 40 mills on the dollar assessment. Calling our presentassessment $2,000,000 in round numbers the 40 miles $80,000 taxes leviedin the county for all purposes. We will suppose that this sum will be requiredeach year hereafter besides interest and principle of railroad bonds. Ifwe issue the $240,000 in bonds, the yearly interest will be $21,600, butthe local tax, county, township, and city, collected from the railroad propertyis by law applied directly to reduce this amount. We shall then have atleast 70 miles of road to tax which will be assessed at not less than $5,000per mile, or $350,000. The local taxes will probably average 15 mills andon the railroads will raise $5,250. This deducted from the above interest,$21,500, leaves $16,250 per annum to be raised by taxation to pay balanceof interest. This added to the $80,000 for all other purposes, will give$96,250 total amount to be raised yearly.

But the total assessment is in this event atleast $2,800,000, and if we levy an average of 40 miles as now, we shallraise on this increased assessment $112,000, which is $15,750 more thanis wanted and we may reduce the present rate 5½ mills and only levy34½ mills on the average, and still pay both the $80,000 and the$16,250 interest. This 5½ mills which we would save for the payersof taxes on the present property $2,000,000 would amount to $11,000 a yearand $110,000 in ten years.

But let us go farther. The principal of thebonds will have to be paid too. Let us take the last ten years the bondshave to run, to pay off the principaldirectly as provided in the Parsonsproposition, and to raise a sinking fund to pay the Emporia bonds, investingthat sinking fund at 8 percent and you will find that during this time ifwe levy the 40 mills as now, upon the $2,800,000, the yearly excess of $15,750which we should raise over and above the present amount raised for all purposesand the yearly interest on the bonds, would be more than sufficient to payoff the principal of the bonds when due. So if we vote these bonds and theresult is that both roads are built so as to be entitled to the whole amountof bonds voted, and if our assessment shall have increased so that the wholeamount may be issued to the two roads, then the present taxpayers will save$110,000 at least of taxes on their present property by voting the bonds.If these figures seem to you to be incorrect, get out your pencils and figureit yourselves. It is a good exercise for your boys and girls.

We have above stated the facts substantiallyand will add that the Parsons bonds draw 10 percent interest and run 20years, the last ten years of which one tenth of the principal is to be paideach year. The conditions of the Emporia bonds you find in the call forthe election in this issue.

Please read that call carefully and make yourfigures, then come up to the polls Sept. 18th and vote for the bonds.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.


All admit the need, the necessity we have forat least one railroad, all admit that one road would save the people ofthis county at least $150,000 per year, but some that if we hold on we willget a railroad without bonds. Have we not been holding on for at least fiveyears? Has there ever been a time in these years when we did not need aroad, when we were not inviting and urging every company or individual thatwe suspected could or would aid in building a road to do so? Has there everbeen a time in those years when the attitude of the A. T. & S. F. Co.was different in relation to the building of a road down this valley fromwhat it is now? The only proposition it has made is that it will build usa road from Eldorado in eight months after the county bonds of Butler andCowley counties have been voted to the extent of $4,000 per mile in bothcounties and the right of way and depot grounds procured for the road.

Now we know very well that the bonds of ButlerCounty cannot be procured. If it were not so, this proposition of the A.T. & S. F. is undoubtedly the best we have had. It is true that thisproposition would be about equivalent to requiring of the county $160,000,but we could well afford to pay that much for a road in 8 months ratherthan half that sum for a road in sixteen months. The evident fact is thatButler County will not give them a bond and we have not the least indicationthat the Santa Fe Company ever intend to build without bonds. Our five yearsof experience and waiting should prove to every mind that no road will everbe built to us without a liberal subsidy. The only fear we have is thatwe may not get a road at all.

The Emporia proposition now before us is theonly thing in sight in that direction, the amount of bonds required is only$120,000 at the outside limit. If the bonds are voted, the road will bebuilt within a year without reasonable doubt and that is the best thingfor us we know of. It is the only road that we can make ourselves sure of,at least from that direction. Let us vote the bonds.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

The Junction City Union, Winfield Courier,and a number of other journals in the State are bitterly denouncing theaction of several counties that have refused to levy a tax to pay the intereston their county bonds. These journals generally mention Atchison as oneof the repudiating counties. They are mistaken. Atchison County has levieda tax, every year, to pay the interest on her bonded debt, and the interesthas been regularly paid. The tax for interest has been levied this year,for 1878, as usual. Atchison County is, we think, able to meet all her obligationspromptly and honorably. Champion.

Good for Atchison County. She is an honor tothe State. Repudiation is a moral disease and is apt to be contagious andwhen it gets into a county, there is danger that it taints all the municipalcorporations within the county, and most of its citizens, and that it spreadsinto adjoining counties.

We hope Atchison County has quarantine regulationssufficient to keep out the disease for all time.

It is a terrible complaint and a community infectedwith it is a bad place to live in and to invest money in. Honest men withcapital to invest will be shy of such districts. If it only affected thecredit of the infected counties, it would not be so serious as it is, butthe fact that the disease is raging in any county throws discredit uponevery county in the state.

No doubt some counties have issued bonds recklesslyand foolishly. No doubt that they have been swindled out of some of theirbonds, but there is no excuse for their refusing to pay any bond legal uponits face which is outstanding against them. It is true that the amountsof these bonds against some bounties are very large, $400,000 to $1,300,000to a county, but we venture to assert that no county in this State whichhas a railroad through it is worse off though it should pay every dollarof its bonds, than it would have been had it never had a railroad.

Cowley County could this year well afford topay the interest on the Leavenworth $1,300,000 bonds if that would giveus a railroad to move our present crops. Our farmers will sacrifice in timeand expenses for hauling their wheat crop alone enough to pay that interest.

If a bonded debt of that amount was the onlymeans of securing a railroad in this county, it would still be better forus to have the road. We could, however, probably secure a road for lessthan one-tenth of that sum if these old countries which have got their railroadsand have become rich because of them, would pay their debts "like alittle man," and not discredit the bonds of new counties which haveno railroads.

This question is one of interest to us beyondits moral aspect, beyond our State pride; it takes hold of our pockets.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877. [Editorial written by E. C. Manning.]


Cowley County is a sovereignty. If "State'srights" are good as consideration against "National rights,"then "county rights" are better. But of course we Republicansabjure "State's rights;" consequently "county rights."But nevertheless, Cowley County is a sovereigntyin the following sense atleast: the county, after paying its State tax, has performed all the dutyit owes the State. It is expected to keep the peace within its own borders,and pay for the maintenance thereof. It is expected to support its own courtsof justice, to protect life, liberty, and property; to contract and payits own debts, to erect its own internal improvements, to promote the welfareand happiness of its own inhabitants. These duties she has performed.

The Republican party is a National party, aState party, a county party. Men who join its ranks believe that the Americanprinciple"an inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit ofhappiness"can be best promoted and sustained by the maintenance andprosperity of the Republican party. Men who believe in caste and class,aristocracy in blood and color, the degradation of labor and the ignoranceof the masses, and scorn national unity and American glory, have no affinityfor or sympathy with Republicans.

A majority of the people of Cowley County areRepublicans. Note the evidences on every hand: the schoolhouses on the hilltops, the humble homes and broad fieldsbuilt of sovereign handsin everyvalley. Republicans rule in county and State. They should rule in nation.Their principals are right and safe in politics. By themas Americanstheyare willing to live and die. Another American principle is "rotationin office." In every township of the twenty-two in Cowley, there aremen as honest, as capable, as patriotic, as those who have filled the officesof state in Kansas, from Governor down. James M. Harvey, twice Governorand once U. S. Senator, Sam. J. Crawford, twice Governor and once candidatefor Congress, and other ex-State officers of lesser fame and note, can findtheir peers in every respect in each township within the boundaries of ourown fair Cowley. Our own Lemmon, who was but "one of the boys"with us, has proven himself the best State Superintendent of Public Instructionthe State has had. Our own Walton, who was another of "the boys"with us, has proven himself the best Chief Clerk of the House of Representativesthat was ever called to fill that difficult position in Kansas, a positionthat Governors Harvey, Crawford, and other "statesmen" could neverhave creditably occupied.

In maintaining a party organization someonein each of these townships must attend to party machinery; someone mustkeep booked up in county, State, and national matters; someone must spendtime and energy for partyhence nationalwelfare. Every true American citizenhas some public pride and ambition. Everyone would like at some time tobe honored, respected, and famed to some degree. They would like, amonga people like ours and in a county like this, to have an opportunity toshow of what metal they are made, what their qualifications are, and further,if there be a lucrative office, they would like to enjoy that for a season.

There is nothing dishonorable in their ambitions;on the contrary, they are meritorious. These premises being true it is butright that they be put in force. It is not fair, not liberal, not generous,not American, not Republican, that the strong, those who can, those whohave the opportunity, should get hold of the offices in a county, form aring, establish combinations, and "run the machine" in their personalinterest, instead of that of the party or the people who gave them the power.There are as good men, with as large hearts, as tender consciences, andas generous impulses, scattered about over this county who have not beenhonored or favored as there are among those who have.

After a man has enjoyed official honor and profita reasonable period, he should be willing to give way to someone else. Givethe worthy all a chance. This is a good platform in county politics; ifit is not, let someone promulgate a better one. MANNING.


Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

Normal Institute closes tomorrow.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

Winfield schools begin Monday, Sept. 10th.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

Ivan Robinson has been quite ill with biliousfever. He is recovering.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

The new Presbyterian church will be dedicatedon the 4th Sunday in September.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

Hotel arrivals in this city for the week endingAugust 29, 1877: Central, 97; City, 47.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

Notice the new card of Geo. P. Townsend's saloon,the Custom House. [Gave earlier.]

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

The election in Elk County, to vote $40,000bonds to the K. C. E. & S. K. R. R., will be held September 11th.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

Apples sell on the streets for $1.00 and peachesfor 60 cents per bushel. Think of that, ye fruit growing districts.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

Mr. Miller is erecting a large and commodiousstone blacksmith shop on the corner of Main street and 11th Avenue.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

Will Mowry, of the new drug store in ArkansasCity, called Monday. He reports the base ball fever as raging in the Cityat present.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

Mrs. W. D. Russell's troup of vocalists willgive a concert at the Courthouse in Winfield on the evening of Sept. 8th.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

Tom Baker, who left Winfield about a year agoand went to Arkansas City, is again engaged in the tonsorial professionin this city. He is assisting in John Nichols' shop.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

The Foults Bros. purchased the new patent chairand barber's outfit of Mr. Chas. E. Steuven, late of Wichita. It is quitean addition to their already neatly and well furnished room.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

Mr. P. Stump is erecting a new stone businessbuilding on the east side of Main street, between 10th and 11th Avenues.Size: 25 feet front by 30 feet deep and two stories high.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

Every day men and women are going the roundsinquiring for houses to rent. Even the corn cribs are occupied with families.Seventeen new houses have recently been built to rent, and fifty more arewanted.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

Mr. Jos. Mason, living about five miles southof town, gladdened the hearts of the COURIER office boys, on last Saturday,with two fine large watermelons.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

We were happy to meet Ed. G. Gray, foreman ofthe Traveler office, and A. P. Standley, assistant postmaster, ofArkansas City, last Sunday.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

Yesterday John T. Mackay, late captain in theU. S. regular army and late residing in Scotland County, Missouri, was admittedto the bar of the District Court. The Captain comes to us highly recommended.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

J. S. Baker, of New Salem, is a man of sense.He says that after a man is announced as a candidate for office, he willnot believe any scandal he has not before learned against the candidateunless he himself admits it under oath.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

The following attorneys have arrived since Monday,and are in attendance at the District Court this week: Thos. George, ofWellington; Chas. Wilsie, of Oxford; A. L. Redden, of Eldorado; J. C. McMullenand James Christian, of Arkansas City.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

U. S. Pensioners should bear in mind that thebiennial examination commences on Tuesday next, and that the law requiresall pensioners not exempted to be examined by the examining surgeon in Winfieldbefore their September installment can be drawn.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

A. H. Barnard called on us on Monday. He knowshow to keep a hotel, as the guests of the Valley House at Wellington willtestify.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

A lively game of base ball was played in ArkansasCity last Thursday between the "East Side" and "West Side."The two nines were made up from the ball players living and doing businesson the east and west side of Summit street, as the name of each nine indicates.The score stood, at the end of the 9th, the last inning, 20 to 25, in favorof the "East Side." Another game will be played soon.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

Charles C. Black, Esq., was admitted to thebar last Monday, after passing a most rigid and exhaustive examination,in open court. Charley may be said to be one of the pioneers of Cowley County,coming here when a mere boy he, by his upright, manly conduct, readily wonhis way to the hearts of our entire community. The COURIER predicts forMr. Black a brilliant and honorable career in the line of his chosen profession.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

The District Court commenced its session onMonday with a light docket, and it is to be hoped that it will be clearedup this week. The following members of the bar present: Hon. W. P. Campbell,Judge; E. S. Bedilion, Clerk; R. L. Walker, Sheriff; M. S. Adams, of Wichita,C. R. Mitchell, E. B. Kager, and A. Walton, of Arkansas City; J. McDermott,County Attorney, J. E. Allen, A. J. Pyburn, O. M. Seward, W. M. Boyer, L.J. Webb, W. P. Hackney, J. W. McDonald, E. S. Torrance, H. E. Asp, D. A.Millington, S. D. Pryor, J. D. Pryor, F. S. Jennings, G. H. Buckman, andA. H. Green, of Winfield, attorneys.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

The Hon. C. Coldwell, and his son, N. C. Coldwell,late of Texas, were admitted to the bar. The Judge comes to us with an honorablereputation as a man and a lawyer, having served with distinction as a Judgeof the Supreme Court of Texas. He, with his amiable family, consisting ofhis lady, son, and three beautiful young lady daughters, are a great socialas well as intellectual acquisition to Winfield.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

Charles C. Black, of Winfield, and Charles Eagan,of Rock, were also admitted to the bar after sustaining very creditablya long and rigid examination in open court, proving that they had been diligentstudents. Mr. Black invited the officers of the court and members of thebar and press to refreshments at Jim Hill's, in the evening, which wereserved up in the best style, and it was an occasion of festivity and enjoyment.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

Camp Meeting.

There will be a Camp Meeting held 6 miles northof Winfield, commencing September 7th, and will continue through the followingweek. All are invited to attend.


Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

Winfield Laundry.

Remember your old washer-woman, Mrs. A. Nichols,the neatest and best washer in town. Try her once and see. Leave all yourorders and clothes at the barber shop of John W. Nichols.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

Town Lots For Sale cheap. Inquire of D. A. Millington,at the COURIER office.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.

Silverdale Township.

The Republicans of Silverdale Township willhold a primary meeting at the residence of William Butterfield, on Saturday,Sept. 15th, 1877, at 2 o'clock p.m.

Richland Township.

There will be a meeting of the Republican votersof Richland Township at the Floral schoolhouse, on Saturday, the 8th dayof September, 1877, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of electing delegatesto attend the County Convention on the 22nd day of September, 1877.

D. MAHER, Chairman Township Committee.

L. B. STONE, Secretary.


From Arkansas City.
ARKANSAS CITY, Aug. 9, 1877.

EDITOR COURIER: At this season of the year thereis seldom a break in the monoto- nous routine of a country town. We move,breathe, and have our existence with the regularity of the old open-facedDutch clock that used to stand in the corner at homeand with almost as apparentindifference to the happenings in the outside world.

Our people had a partial awakening today, however,over that old sorethe school teacher. No man less self-willed than Grantneed hope to teach the young ideas of Arkansas City how to shoot, and maintainamicable relations with the various so-called "rings." (What wouldthe average American talk about if that much-abused word were struck fromthe vocabulary of the English language?)

But to the meeting. The good people assembledat the schoolhouse, and actually dared to interfere with, and take exceptionsto, the proceedings of that august body, the school board, in the matterof appointing a teacher.

Some of the bolder ones have expressed the opinionthat, when two or more applicants present their names to a board, askingfor an appointment, a vote should be taken by the members, a majority ruling,and no favoritism to be displayed. This, however, is clearly proven by thegentlemen in the negative, to be mere buncomb; that all that is necessaryin such a case is an intimation by one of the board that the appointmentof such and such a one would be desirable, and presto, the thingis done. Then, to avoid any serious complications between themselves, anothermember is granted the appointment of a particular friend (he maybe a relative), and thus a most happy state of affairs is preserved.

As "those who know nothing about nothing,"a simple statement to the board that the applicant is efficient, and inevery way capable, silences all questions on that score. Of course, it isa matter of no significance that the main supporters of this admirable systemof municipal government are employees and relatives of these "moguls,"who thus openly tweak our social noses; and of course, the mere hint ofsuch a thing as a "ring" is moonshine.

Such a thing might be in suburban villages,but in Arkansas City, the Lawrence of Southern Kansas, a "quituate"of the Emporia Normal School, and having the best school (house) in thecountypreposterous!

The sum and substance of the whole matter is,no one has a particular dislike for the gentleman who is at present tryingto gain a certificate which will justify him in calling for eighty dollarsper month from our tax-payers, but there is a great deal of dissatisfactionamong our people because of the looks of the thing.

If a man with but a common school education(such a one, in fact, as our school once aimed to give) can draw the samesalary as the college graduate, the wielders of the birch bid fair to becomenumerous, while the reward for a higher type of learning will cease.

There are two ways of doing businesshonorablyand dishonorably. They have one way of doing it down here. Of course,we are not retrograding to the home of the sand hill, crane, and illiteratenatives, butjust see how it looks!

Two or three people have got the fool notioninto their heads that they want something, and how to get them rid of saidnotion is a perplexing question. One young enthusiast, but a stranger toLindley Murray, went so far as to assert that the present appointee "don'tknow nothing;" whereupon one of the "relatives," who mightprofitably court the above named gentleman's acquaintance, retorted with:"Yes, he does, too." And I think so, myself.


[NOTE. We would not allow such a state of affairsas the above to exist in Winfield a single day! Ed.]

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877. Back Page.

The county commissioners of Lawrence County,in which the city of Deadwood is located, have adopted an order declaringthat their county is overrun by Indians, and that as the government hasfailed to give protection, they (the commissioners) will give "thesum of $250 for the body of each and every Indian, dead or alive, killedor captured, within the boundaries of said county, upon satisfactory proofbeing given that such Indian was killed or captured within said county bythe person claiming such reward.

Winfield Courier, August30, 1877. The "road agents" in the Black Hills are humorists intheir way. A gang of them who recently robbed a stage made the messengersurrender the treasure-box, which contained $800, and then told him thathe ought to quit working for a company that did not carry more money thanthat.


Winfield Courier, August30, 1877.


WHEREAS, on the 18th day of August, A. D. 1877the board of county commissioners of Cowley county, in the State of Kansas,made and entered on record this following order, to-wit:

NOW on this 8th day of August, A. D. 1877, comesW. M. Boyer, a resident taxpayer of the county of Cowley and State of Kansas,and with him comes 1,299 other resident tax- payers of said county of Cowleyand State of Kansas and present their petition in writing to the board ofcounty commissioners of said county of Cowley praying that a special electionbe called for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of saidcounty a proposition for said county to subscribe to the capital stock ofthe Kansas City, Emporia & Southern Railroad Company to the amount ofone hundred and twenty thousand ($120,000) dollars in payment for said stock,upon the terms and upon the conditions, in said petition mentioned and described.And said board of county commissioners having duly heard, examined, andconsidered said petition doth find: That said petition is in writing; andthat said petition is signed by more than two-fifths of the resident tax-payersof said county of Cowley in the State of Kansas, and is in all respectsaccording to law. It is therefore ordered and declared by said board thatthe prayer of said petitioners be granted;

And that a special election be held in saidcounty of Cowley, at the usual place of holding elections therein, on Tuesdaythe 18th day of September A. D. 1877. And that thirty (30) days notice ofsaid election be given by the Sheriff of said county by publication in theWinfield COURIER, a weekly newspaper published and printed in said countyof Cowley, and of general circulation therein; and it is further orderedby said board of county commissioners that said subscription to the capitalstock of said Kansas City, Emporia & Southern Railroad Company be made,and bonds of said county of Cowley in payment for said stock be issued,upon the following conditions, to-wit:

That the county Cowley, State of Kansas, bythe county commissioners, subscribe for, and in behalf of said county, takethe capital stock of the Kansas City, Emporia and Southern Railroad Companyin the amount of $120,000.00; and in payment therefor, execute and deliverto said railroad company the bonds of said county to the amount of $120,000.00,payable both principal and interest at the Fiscal Agency of the State ofKansas, in the City of New York, in thirty years after the date thereof,with the privilege reserved said county of paying the whole or any partof said bonds at any time after five years from the date thereof, by givingnotice thereof for twelve months, and the further privilege reserved tosaid county, of paying for and redeeming the whole, or any part of saidbonds at the time of the delivery thereof, as herein provided: at the rateof eighty-five cents for each dollar of the face value of said bonds sopaid and redeemed.

Said bonds to be issued in denominations of$500.00 each, and to draw interest at the rate of eight percent per annumfrom the date of their delivery to said railroad company; payable semi-annuallyon the 15th day of January and July in each and every year, and all interestcoupons matured or to mature within three months of said delivery of saidbonds to be canceled and returned to the county commissioners. Said bondsto be issued in consideration of the construction, operation, and maintenanceof the said railroad into and through said county, from the north line thereofin the direction of Douglass, in Butler county, to the south line of theState of Kansas, at or near Arkansas City, over the most practicable routebetween said points, and the erection and maintenance of suitable freightand passenger depot, and the necessary side tracks at the following pointsin said county, to-wit:

At a point not exceeding one and ½ milesnorth of the point where said railroad shall cross Rock creek, at a pointnot exceeding one mile from the point where said railroad shall cross LittleDutch creek; at a point not exceeding one-half a mile from a point in thecity of Winfield where Ninth street intersects Main street; at a point inPleasant Valley township nearly equi-distant from Winfield and ArkansasCity; at a point not exceeding one eighth of a mile from the corporate limitsof the city of Arkansas City; and at a point at or near the south line ofthe State in the township of Bolton.

And upon the further condition that the saidroad shall be completed and trains running thereon from the City of Emporiato the south line of Lyon county, on or before February first, 1878, andto the City of Eureka on or before August first, 1878; and to the southline of Butler county on or before the first day of February, 1879; andto its depot at Winfield on or before the first day of April, 1879, andto its depot at Arkansas City on or before the first day of May, 1879, andto the south line of the State, in Bolton township, on or before the firstday of August, 1879.

And should said Railroad Company fail to constructsaid road to any of the points above mentioned, on or before the dates hereinmentioned, said Railroad Company shall forfeit the bonds of said Cowleycounty.

Immediately after the proposition is voted bythe people of said county, and the result of the election duly ascertainedto be in favor of said proposition, said subscription to the capital stockof said Railroad Company shall be made.

The said Kansas City, Emporia & SouthernRailroad Company or their assigns shall construct and equip as aforesaid,and have in operation a railroad of a gauge of three feet, so constructedas to form one continuous line from the east line of the State of Kansas,at or near Kansas City, Mo., by way of Emporia, in Lyon county, Kansas,and Eureka, Greenwood county, Kansas, to the points herein mentioned insaid Cowley county, within two years from the first day of August, 1877.

Said road to be constructed in a substantialmanner, and the equipment thereof to be first class, and sufficient forthe ordinary traffic of the road. And no part of said bonds shall be deliveredto said Railroad Company, nor be of any binding force or validity upon saidcounty until said railroad is completed to the points in said county, andat the times hereinafter specified.

If, however, the said Railroad Company shallbe restrained from prosecuting the work, of constructing said road by legalproceedings instituted by citizens of Cowley county, the length of timesuch restraint shall exist shall be added to the time herein specified forthe construction of said road to the various points in said Cowley county,

Provided,That when said road is completed and trains running thereon a distance often miles in said county, the bonds of said county to the amount of thirtythousand dollars shall be delivered to said Railroad or their assigns andthe stock of said company in equal amount, dollar for dollar, shall be deliveredat the same time to the commissioners of said county; and when said roadshall be completed and trains running thereon a distance of twenty milesin said county, there shall be an additional amount of thirty thousand dollarsof the bonds of said county delivered to said railroad company, and an equalamount of the stock of said company shall be delivered at the same timeto the commissioners of said county, and when said road shall be completedand trains running thereon a distance of thirty (30) miles in said county,there shall be an additional instalment of the bonds of said county deliveredto said railroad to the amount of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) and anequal amount of the stock of said company shall be delivered at the sametime to the commissioners of said county; and when said road shall be completedand trains running thereon to the south line of the State, in the townshipof Bolton, there shall be delivered to said railroad company the bonds ofsaid county to the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000), and an equalamount of the stock of said company shall be delivered at the same timeto the commissioners of said county.

And provided further, that if this propositionis adopted by a majority of the legal voters of Cowley county, and the subscriptionto the capital stock of the said railroad company shall be made, and thebonds of the county executed and delivered as herein provided, then thesaid railroad company hereby releases all claim to the subscription of stock,and delivery of bonds to said railroad company heretofore voted by the townshipsof Creswell and Bolton in said Cowley County.

And that the form of ballots to be used at saidelection in voting upon said proposition be "For subscribing to thecapital stock of the Kansas City, Emporia and Southern Rail Road Companyand issuing bonds in payment therefore," and "Against subscribingto the capital stock of the Kansas City, Emporia and Southern Railroad RoadCompany and issuing bonds in payment therefor," as prescribed in saidpetition.



I, M. G. Troup, Co. Clerk and clerk of the boardof county commissioners, in and for the county and State aforesaid certifythe foregoing to be a true and correct copy of the order of said board,concerning the matter therein set forth and contained.

Witness my hand and seal this 9th day of August,A. D. 1877.

M. G. TROUP, County Clerk.

NOW, therefore, I, R. L. Walker, Sheriff ofCowley county, Kansas, do hereby proclaim and make known that on Tuesday,the 18th day of September, A. D. 1877, there will be held a special electionat the usual places of voting in said county of Cowley for the propositioncontained in the above order in the manner and form therein provided andset forth.

R. L. WALKER, Sheriff of Cowley County,Kansas.


Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

We learn that work is progressing rapidly onthe narrow gauge south of Emporia. The company propose to have trains runningto Eureka 50 miles by Jan. 1st, next; to Augusta, 90 miles, by May first,and to Winfield, 120 miles, by Aug. first, 1878.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

We understand that the Atchison, Topeka andSanta Fe Railroad Company contemplate extending the Florence, Eldorado andWalnut Valley branch of their road from Eldorado to Caldwell, via El Paso,Belle Plaine, and Wellington, in case the Emporia and Southern, narrow gauge,is built down the Walnut valley. Let us wait and see. Wellington Press.

All right, Mr. Press. Get the Santa Fe roadif you can. Nobody in Cowley County will feel badly about it. If our workfor the narrow gauge will assist you in getting the broad gauge, we shallall rejoice together. We hope it will be your privilege to wait and seeinstead of waiting and not seeing as we have been forced to do.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.


Some voters say they would vote bonds to a standardgauge road but they do not want narrow gauge roads. A few years ago whena three feet gauge road was unknown in this country, we might well havesaid that such a road was unknown in this country; we might well have saidthat such a road was an untried experiment at best; and that it was saferto invest our bonds in standard gauge roads that we know something about.But now, since a hundred 3 feet gauge roads have been wholly or partly constructedat from one-third to two- thirds of the cost of standard gauge roads insimilar situations, and have been operated at from ½ to _ of theexpense of other roads, making about the same time, with equal convenienceand greater safety, it is too late to make any such objections. Since hundredsof our acquaintances and friends have had experience in traveling and transportationon these roads, we have about as conclusive knowledge of their feasibilityand practicability as we have of other roads.

With all the experience of the past three orfour years, while railroad accidents have been numerous and terrible, whoever heard of a serious accident on a narrow gauge? Who ever complainedof want of convenience or dispatch in its transportations? Who ever foundfreights or fares on them as high? Whoever found more comfortable passengercars than those on the Denver & Rio Grande? . . .

If the narrow gauge is worth $6,500 per mileand has $3,000 per mile actually invested in it raised from municipal bonds,the remaining $3,500 of its value could probably easily be raised from thesale of its mortgage bonds; but if after being built, it will not pay anythingon its cost, it is therefore valueless. No capitalist will subscribe toits stock or take its bonds at any price and it cannot be built.

The Santa Fe Co. is the only standard gaugecompany in the State that by any possibility would or could build us a roadand it evidently has concluded that it will not pay.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.


Geo. Walker is announced as a candidate forSheriff. George is a gentleman and a whole souled good fellow, well qualifiedby education, energy, and experience for the position he seeks.

A. T. Shenneman is announced as a candidatefor Sheriff. He is in every way well qualified for the position. In hislong career in this county in business of the same nature as are the dutiesof sheriff, he has proved himself to be honorably and eminently efficient.He has hosts of friends.

Leon Lippmann comes forward as a candidate forsheriff with a host of friends to support him who insist that he is thoroughlywell qualified for, and eminently worthy of the position in every respect.We heartily agree with them.

Notice the announcement of E. P. Kinne as acandidate for re-election to the office of Register of Deeds. He has notgot rich from the office the first term by charging illegal rates, nor bypinching and penuriousness, but he has been a faithful, obliging, pleasant,and gentlemanly officer, satisfied with the moderate pay provided by law,a noble and generous citizen always ready and willing to assist with histime and money in every good work, and he deserves a re-election.

James S. Hunt is announced in our columns asa candidate for County Clerk. We have known the candidate for many yearsas a truly liberal citizen, a faithful and honorable man and officer, andhe is eminently well qualified for the office he solicits.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

One of the proprietors of this paper visitedthe lead mines at Empire City, Cherokee County, recently. He is satisfiedthey have immense quantities of the ore. For several miles Short Creek isbeing honey-combed with shafts. Many have already reached paying ore andall are hopeful. The town is growing rapidly. It now contains near threethousand inhabitants.

Mr. S. A. Weir, who used to keep the LagondaHouse in Winfield has the best residence in Empire City.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.


Meetings will be held at the following placesfor the purpose of discussing the propo- sition to vote $120,000 in bondsto the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern Railway Co., as follows:

Thomasville schoolhouse in Beaver tp., Monday,Sept. 10th, at 7 p.m.

Brane's schoolhouse, Pleasant Valley tp., Tuesday,11th, at 7 p.m.

Park's schoolhouse in Silverdale tp., Wednesday,12th, at 7 p.m.

Dexter schoolhouse, Thursday, 13th, at 7 p.m.

Coburn's schoolhouse, in Silverdale township,Friday 14th, at 7 p.m.

Maple City, Saturday, 15th, at 7 p.m.

Patton's, in Cedar tp., Monday 17th, at 7 p.m.

Darien schoolhouse, Rock tp., Monday, Sept.10 at 7 p.m.

Floral schoolhouse, Rock tp., Monday, Sept.10, 7 p.m.

Lazette, Wednesday, Sept. 12th, at 7 p.m.

Tisdale, Thursday, Sept. 13th, at 7 p.m.

Worden schoolhouse, Vernon tp., Friday, Sept.14, 7 p.m.

Schoolhouse near the line between Ninnescahand Maple townships, Saturday, Sept. 15, at 7 p.m.

Courthouse at Winfield, Monday, Sept. 18, at7 p.m.

Everybody invited to be present. Don't failto attend to this, the most important of all matters relating to your welfare.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

The Bismarck Tribune says: "A gentlemanwho had just made a trip down that river from the mouth of the Big Hornreports having met twenty steamers between the mouth of the Big Horn andthe mouth of the Yellowstone, on their way up, loaded with freights forthe military posts now being constructed on the Big Horn and at the mouthof the Tongue River. Steamers have found no difficulty so far in runningup the mouth of the Big Horn, a distance of eight hundred miles from themouth of the Yellowstone."


Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

W. C. ROOT & CO.,
Successor to


Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

Bring us some wood.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

Court adjourned Monday.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

Allison has oxen and nursery stock for sale.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

Winfield boasts of three photograph galleries.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

Concert at the Courthouse Saturday evening.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

Presbyterian church dedication September 23rd.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

C. M. Scott, of the Traveler, calledupon us last week.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

The peach crop of Cowley is estimated at 15,000bushels.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

P. Stump drives the fine bays formerly ownedby M. L. Robinson.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

Mr. Jas. H. Vance and wife, of the Centennialhotel, are visiting in Wichita this week.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

Cowley County has 47,000 acres of corn whichpromises to average 50 bushels to the acre.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

Mrs. C. S. Thomas was called to the sick bedof her sister at Chillicothe, Missouri, last week.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

A. A. Jackson succeeds Jim Hill in the restaurantbusiness. Jackson knows how to run the biz.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

Nate Robertson has been down from Eldorado thisweek. His stage line is doing quite a business.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

C. C. Harris sports the finest buggy in CowleyCounty, to which he drives a span of fine black horses.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

The bright, smiling countenance of John Bacheldoris again behind the counters of Lynn & Gillilen's store.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

On Monday the Tunnel Mills loaded an ox trainof thirty wagons with flour for the Cheyennes and Wichitas.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

A. N. Deming, formerly "mine host"of the Lagonda, is down from Wichita selling farm machinery in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

Hotel arrivals, in this city, for the week endingSeptember 5th, 1877, number as follows: Central, 97; City, 47.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

Ten thousand head of cattle are held by SumnerCounty owners, near the State line, in the Indian Territory. WellingtonPress.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

Mr. Brooking is again an employee of the Winfieldboot and shore store. He is a good workman and a jolly whole-souled fellow.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

The Harter Brothers have bought out the McMillen& Shields stock and propose to fill up and run the mercantile businessagain.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

The city of Winfield has over 1,500 inhabitants,and more coming. Houses, shops, cellars, barns, and corn cribs are in demandfor dwellings.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

Two horse thieves started last Tuesday morning,in charge of a deputy sheriff, for Leavenworth, where they will engage inhard labor for two years.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

The Winfield schools will not begin on the 10thinst., as announced, on account of the rooms not being ready, but will commenceSeptember 17th.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

J. P. Short says he will have on his farm justsoutheast of town about 300 bushels of the largest and finest peaches hehas seen. They are mostly late varieties of budded fruit.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

Elk County, on Tuesday, August 28th, voted $100,000bonds to the Parsons road by over 600 majority. Now we want to hear of work,and expect President Mathewson and Manager Hamilton will stir themselves.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

See the new ad. of W. C. Root & Co., successorto T. E. Gilleland. They carry a very extensive stock of boots and shoes,consisting of over one hundred and eighty different styles. [Already gavead.]

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

Last Tuesday the Harter Brothers had their stockof dry goods, groceries, etc., transported from Wellington to this place.They say there is more business done in Winfield in one day than in Wellingtonin a whole week.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

BIRTH. FACTS VS. THEOLOGY. The good orthodoxdogma, that all are born sinners, was refuted in this city on Monday morningby the fact that a girl, weighing nine pounds, was born a Saint. If proofis wanted, J. Ex. will testify.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

They have a ferry across the Arkansas Riverat Salt City now, which makes a direct line from Winfield to that place,South Haven, and Caldwell, without going to Arkansas City.

The ferry is said to be the best ever constructedon the river.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

Last week Mr. C. S. Thomas took a large droveof hogs to Kansas City. He returned Tuesday evening and tells us that thetrade of the City hotel is increasing daily. Mr. Thomas is a No. 1 landlordand always furnishes his customers with the best the market affords.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

We understand that Bert Crapster is engagedin the wholesale dry goods business in Rock Island, Illinois. The name ofthe firm of which he is a member is H. C. Wivill & Co. We wish him successin his new undertaking.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

Dr. Rising, who resides near New Salem, madeus a call this week and told us all he knows about farming. He is a staunchRepublican and an able physician. He has lately commenced farming in thiscounty, and is not only in name but in fact a Rising man.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

That jolly, good natured, whole souled deputypostmaster, A. P. Standley, of Arkansas City, spent last Friday afternoonwith us.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

Mr. B. Gray, late of Bloomington, Illinois,has arrived and will remain, during this month, in Winfield with his photographicinstruments and tent. He has pitched his tent next to Bliss, Earnest &Co.'s store, where parties desiring first class work should call at once.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

G. W. Aze, "runner" for Sayrs, Thompson& Co.'s wholesale tea house, of Chicago, and the Metropolitan JewelryCo., of New York, accompanied by Mr. D. P. Hubbard, "runner" foran extensive boot and shoe house, of Chicago, spent several days of lastweek in this city.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

Tommy Dryden, who has been clerking in J. B.Lynn & Co.'s store for something over a year, left Winfield yesterdaymorning for Kansas City. During his stay in our midst and his experiencein the employ of Lynn & Co., he has proven to be an amiable, straight-forwardyoung man and a good salesman.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

Mr. D. Robertson called at the COURIER officeMonday with a bag of choice peaches, of a native variety, which he had gatheredfrom trees in the northeast part of this township. He thinks the crop thisyear is the best ever seen, and he wants two railroads. The more farmersof his stamp Cowley has the better.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

D. C. Stevens, of Floral, called on us Monday.He is raising some short-horn young cattle, and thinks this is the kindof stock for the farmers of Cowleythinks the farmers should fence theirpastures, raise short horns, wheat, and corn, get all the railroads possibleat a reasonable expense, and be prosperous.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

John Johnson, who was convicted, and ThomasCronkhite, who plead guilty of the crime of horse-stealing, at this termof court, were sentenced on Monday morning to two years imprisonment each,in the penitentiary. They are young men of good appearance and evidentlycapable of becoming useful citizens. We hope they may accept their punishmentas a lesson and that when they again appear in the world, it will be asyoung men determined to redeem themselves.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

DIED. Mrs. Mary Smith, mother of Mrs. Millington,of this city, died at Belle Plaine, Iowa, on the 28th of August, at theadvanced age of 84 years. Hers has been a very eventful life, in many scenesof which she has manifested heroic fortitude, as well as the more tendergraces and virtues of womanhood, and she has ever enjoyed the love, respect,and admiration of all her acquaintances. She was an enthusiastic and consistentmember of the M. E. church.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

The Winfield Silver Cornet Band serenaded JudgeW. P. Campbell last Monday night, at the residence of Judge McDonald, whoseguest Judge Campbell had been during the term of court just closed. Theboys played a few beautiful airs, when they were invited in to partake ofthe good things set out by the clever host, Judge McDonald. Quite a sprinklingof the members of the bar were present and, of course, an impromptu meetingwas organized. Remarks were made by several gentlemen present, complimentingJudge Campbell as a judge and a man, to which his Honor responded feelinglyand gracefully. The party broke up about 11 o'clock satisfied that it wasone of the most pleasant affairs which has happened for a long time.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

The Williams House, Frank Williams, proprietor,is open for business. This is an entirely new brick hotel, neatly and tastefullyarranged, beautifully painted and embellished, furnished throughout withnew, neat, and beautiful furniture. Altogether it is just the neatest, pleasantest,and most comfortable place to stop that can be found in southern Kansas.Frank and his estimable lady know just how to keep a hotel, as everyonewho visited them at Philadelphia, during the Centennial exhibition, is readyto testify. They are affable and attentive to their guests, who will haveall the comforts of a pleasant home. Excellent arrangements are providedto accommodate commercial travelers, and a fine sample room is prepared.Any description we could give of the house and its arrangements would failto do it justice. Go and see for yourselves.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

DIED. Died on the 28th ult., of cholera infantum,after a brief illness, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Phoenix,of Richland Township.

The bereaved parents have the sympathy of theentire community.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

List of letters remaining unclaimed in the PostOffice at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 5th day of Sept., 1877.

FIRST COLUMN: Anderson, Randolph; Allen, Lou;Brown, Ann; Brown, N. M.; Brown, W. F.; Brown, Thomas J.; Briggs, L. M.;Bragg, Abner P.; Blair, J. S.; Birdzell, Joshua; Bishop, J. A.; Baily, ThomasA.; Carter, Hannah R.; Clemm, J. R.; Day, Wm. G.; Fisher, Elmer; Guian,T. M.; Grose, W.; Gore, Joanna; Hynds, L. S.; Homes, I. W.; Irvin, Matilda;Johnson, S. B.; Jones, Mary; Johnson, John; Johnson, A. A.; Johnson, Wm.H.

SECOND COLUMN: Kefert, Julia E.; Keesey, Melvina;Lloyd, Miss Hannah; Musselman, D. C.; More, Chas.; Miles, J. F.; Mann, Alice;Mayginnis, T.; McAdow, Horace; Northup, Philo; Newland, Mr.; Mill, Wm. T.;Park, Wm.; Park, W. J.; Rhodes, M. B.; Snyder, C. F.; Smith, R. G.; Seward,W. H.; Thompson, Flora; Wright, Maggie; Wright, A. N.; Woofert, Samuel;Willis, Mary; Williams, James; Williams, John W.; Weathers, Wm.; Waddell,C.

Persons calling for any of the above will pleasesay "advertised." JAMES KELLY, P. M.


Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.


It won't pay you to put up dry, flavorless seedlingswhen you can get budded fruit. I have any amount of late Crawford, Snow,and other favorite canning varieties, and the Heath Cling, an extra largecling for pickling. See samples and leave orders at A. H. Green's drug store,or with J. P. SHORT.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.

Horses For Sale.

One span of brown mares, good work animals $100.

One span of sorrel driving mares, 3 years old$80.

One gray work mare $40.

One roan saddle pony $40.

One sorrel saddle pony $30.

One small gray saddle pony $20.

C. M. SCOTT, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877.


After September 1st I will have fine peachesat from 50 to 75 cents per bushel, at my farm, one mile southeast of town.J. P. SHORT.

Winfield Courier, September6, 1877. Back Page.

The Sitting Bull Matter.

The commission appointed by the United StatesGovernment to proceed to Fort Walch, Canada, will be afforded every facilityfor making a treaty with Sitting Bull for his peaceable return with histribe. While in Washington lately, Hon. Edward Mills fully explained toPresident Hayes the Canadian system of dealing with Indians. The presidentexpressed his intention of adopting a similar line of policy and give themanagement of the outposts to experienced army officers and do away altogetherwith the agent.

The Canadian Indians of the northwest are fiercelyjealous of the advent of the hostile Sioux, and it is feared at any timemay make war upon them if their removal is not secured. It is expected thatthe new policy toward the Indians, about to be adopted by President Hayes,will bring about a withdrawal of the American Indians from Canada.


Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.


Generals Terry and Lawrence constitute the commissionto go and treat with Sitting Bull. At last accounts he had decided to stayin British America.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

An Independent Greenback Convention has beencalled to meet at Wyandotte Wednesday, September 19th. Every county in theState is entitled to six delegates. Will Cowley be represented?

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.


This is our last issue before the election ofthe 18th inst., and we feel that we shall then meet a crisis in the historyof our county without a due appreciation of its momentous importance.

If we should fail to carry the bonds, thereis great danger that the result will be disastrous.

A few months ago we felt confident of the buildingof the Parsons road, and the A., T. & S. F. also, but since that timea great change has taken place in the sentiments of capitalists in relationto railroads, and bonds issued in aid of railroads.

Since then there have been great railroad strikesand riots destroying millions of dollars of railroad property, and men arein consequence disinclined to invest in railroads. Since then many of ourolder counties have made and are making attempts to repudiate their bondsissued in aid of railroads; and as a consequence, capitalists do not wantany more such bonds, and it will be much more difficult to negotiate bondsand build railroads than was then anticipated, so difficult that the A.,T. & S. F., as hinted by Mr. Nickerson when here, seems to have concludedto attempt to do nothing towards building further in this direction; sodifficult that it is not at all sure that the Parsons company will be ableto move in time to avoid the forfeit of the bonds we voted.

Should they fail and should we vote down thebonds next Tuesday, we shall be left out in the cold for perhaps anotherfive years.

The A., T. & S. F. will then surelynot build any further for they would have nothing to gain by it and thereis no other show that we can name for a road in five years. In that timeit will cost our people a million of dollars for moving freights that wouldbe saved with a railroad, all that time we shall be living in retired povertywhile we should be in the midst of the world where intelligence would seekhomes and capital seek investment had we a railroad, and at the end of thattime we shall be in no better situation than we are now at best, while witha road we should be in a county rich and prosperous.

Now here is another chance to get a road, muchthe best chance that has been offered. The road is in process of buildingand is progressing favorably. The contracts are let to within seventy milesof us, the grading is being rapidly made, bridges are being constructed,the iron is on the way, the money is on hand and is being expended on theroad, the county bonds are negotiated in advance of their issue, and thecompany exhibits more vim, and persistence, more determination and "gitup and git," has more working men whose souls are in their work thanany other company in Kansas, and they are much more likely to build a roadthan any other company. An enormous amount of work has been done by Bancroftand others to get the project in motion and it is done successfully. A continuationof the same persistent energy will build the road to us in a year if wevote the bonds.

Let us vote the bonds and secure one road sure,then if we get the Parsons road, so much the better, but it is surely notwise to risk all our chances on that road alone.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

The Elements of Book-Keeping is a new text bookfrom the pen of Prof. S. A. Felter; Geo. W. Martin of Topeka is the publisher.This, we believe, is the first school book published in the State. The workhas been prepared especially for common schools. It has the endorsem*ntof our present, and several of our ex-State superintendents of education.The plan of the work is excellent. But one difficulty is introduced at atime. Every principle is illustrated by numerous practical problems. Inthese problems the names of Kansas towns and persons living therein aregiven. This may help to popularize the book, but we object to his leaving"our Wirt" in debt for cod fish. It is not improbable that theboy ever owed that kind of a debt.

The book is printed in the best manner and issold for about half the price usually charged for such works by easternfirms. We predict that it will become a very popular text-book.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

Nez Perce Indians.

Gen. Howard has been severely criticized, particularlyby the Democratic press, because he has not succeeded in overtaking anddestroying Chief Joe and his Nez Perces. The criticism has probably beeninspired partly by his staunch Union, Republican, and Christian record.Gen. Howard is an accomplished officer and enjoys the respect of the wholecorps of army officers. There is no doubt that he has done all that couldbe done under the circ*mstances toward the suppression of the hostiles.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

An Excellent Educational Pamphlet.

Prof. A. B. Lemmon, State Superintendent ofPublic Instruction, was elected president of the State Teachers' Association,at a late meeting of the association at Emporia.

Prof. Lemmon recognizing the importance of placingthe papers read before the association in the hands of every teacher inthe State, has published in pamphlet form 5,000 copies of the proceedings,which will be distributed without charge among the teachers and others interestedin educational work. Among the addresses published are "The OpeningAddress," by Prof. L. B. Kellogg. Kansas Farmer.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

Republican Convention.

The Republicans of Richland Township, CowleyCounty, met pursuant to call at the Floral schoolhouse Sept. 8, 1877.

On motion N. J. Larkin was chosen chairman andJames Groom secretary.

On motion Samuel Groom and John R. Thompsonwere elected delegates to the county convention by acclamation.

On motion the third delegate was elected byballot. M. C. Headrick received 13 votes, Daniel Maher received 17 votesand was declared elected.

Motion to instruct the delegates for Walkerfor Sheriff and Troup for clerk was lost.

Daniel Maher offered the following preambleand resolutions and moved their adoption.

WHEREAS, We Republicans of Richland Townshipin caucus assembled, believe that T. K. Johnston was chosen chairman ofthe County Republican Committee by unfair means and against the best interestsof the party, therefore,

Resolved,That our delegates are hereby instructed not to recognize him as such chairman,but to recognize Chas. H. Eagan as secretary and chairman pro tem.

Resolved,That our delegates are instructed to use their votes and influence in thecounty convention for James S. Hunt for County Clerk and A. T. Shennemanfor Sheriff. Adopted.

Moved and carried that the proceedings of thismeeting be published in the Winfield COURIER. On motion adjourned. N. J.LARKIN, Chairman.

JAMES GROOM, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

The Normal Institute.

MR. EDITOR: It will certainly be gratifyingto your readers, who have the best interests of our county at heart, tolearn that with all her other achievements, in the way of development, CowleyCounty is not behind in the matter of education. With sterling and enterprisingmen to manage the rapid improvement, we have attained a success of whichevery citizen can be justly proud, and today our county stands almost aprodigy in wealth and prosperity. It might be supposed that, with all theincidents and vicissitudes naturally attendant upon the new settlement anddevelopment of a new county, the educational interests would be neglected,but it is certainly not so in this county, and nothing can be more indicativeof the enterprise and determination of our people in this direction thanthe well attended and eminently successful normal that has just been held.

Mr. Story, our county superintendent, sparedno efforts to induce a full attendance and secure good and efficient instructors,and was certainly very successful in both. Prof. Kellogg, formerly presidentof the State Normal, assisted by R. C. Story, Prof. G. W. Robinson of theWinfield schools, Miss Wickersham, also of the Winfield schools, and Mr.Geo. H. Buckman, conducted the various branches of study pursued.

The attendance from the first was equal to themost sanguine expectations of those interested, there being on the firstday over sixty enrolled. This number was steadily augmented until it reachedalmost a hundred earnest hard-working teachers. The interest throughoutwas unabating, and every branch in which applicants for teachers' certificatesare required to be examined was thoroughly and systematically discussed.

In addition to the regular exercises, a courseof lectures was given by some of the most eminent men of the State and countyon moral, educational, and scientific subjects. These lectures were wellattended and very highly appreciated. Dr. Pomeroy, Prof. Kellogg, D. A.Millington, Esq., Rev. J. E. Platter, Rev. J. L. Rushbridge, and Rev. C.J. Adams filled the different appointments in this course.

The immediate effects of the normal were veryperceptible in the teachers' examination held at the close; out of nearlyeighty applicants, only seven failed, while twelve got first grade and six"A" grade certificates although the rate of marking was higherthan at any time during the past year, and we think it safe to predict thatour schools will be conducted with greater efficiency during the comingyear than ever before.

The following is a list of teachers who receivedcertificates at the examination.

Winfield. Grade "A". Misses Mina C.Johnson, Alice A. Aldrich, Emma Saint, Sarah Hodges.

Winfield. Grade 1. Misses Ella Freeland, EllaScott, Allie Klingman, Sarah E. Davis, Jennie Hane, Mr. O. S. Record.

Winfield. Grade 2. Misses Maggie Stansberry,Amy Robertson, R. E. Nawman, Fannie Pontious, Mary Pontious, Lissie Summers,Mattie Minihan, Effie Randall, Alice Pyburn, Lusetta Pyburn, Mattie Walters,Mrs. B. Seibert, Messrs. J. D. Hunt, John Bower, A. B. Taylor, B. F. Starwalt,E. M. Snow, M. H. Markcum.

Arkansas City. Grade "A". Miss LizzieLandis.

Arkansas City. Grade 1. E. R. Thompson, J. O.Wilkinson, Mrs. R. Stauffer, Miss Ella Grimes.

Arkansas City. Grade 2. Misses Annie O. Wright,Albertine Maxwell, Lillie Kennedy, Dora Winslow, Kate Hawkins, Mary Pickett,Messrs. C. C. Holland, B. F. Maricle, J. F. Hess, C. L. Swarts, N. N. Winton.

Oxford. Grade "A". Miss Veva Walton.

Lazette. Grade 1. H. T. Albert, M. Hemenway,Miles J. Smith.

Lazette. Grade 2. Miss Kate Fitzgerald, Mr.J. F. Tucker.

Dexter. Grade 1. Miss Kate L. Ward.

Dexter. Grade 2. Misses Alpha Harden, Cela Toplin,Belle Byard, Messrs. T. J. Rude, J. C. Armstrong.

New Salem. Grade 2. Mrs. I. E. Brown, MissesSarah Bovee, Ella E. Davis.

Cedarvale. Grade 2. Misses N. P. Seacord, MarthaThompson, Mr. Geo. W. Seacord, S. T. Hockett.

Red Bud. Grade 1. Porter Wilson.

Red Bud. Grade 2. C. H. Eagin, R. T. Tarbet,J. M. Crawford.

Polo. Grade 2. Mrs. S. Hollingsworth.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

Items from the Traveler.

Shields and Parr took a load of dressed cat-fishto Winfield last Thursday and sold them for five cents per pound.

Several pupils from Kaw Agency will attend schoolat this place.

Mathias Hoyt has been appointed postmaster atDexter, Cowley County.

It costs fifty cents per hundred pounds to havegoods hauled from Wichita to this place a distance of fifty miles.

Mr. Thomas Parvin wishes to return thanks tothe parties that stole fifty bushels of wheat from him, last Saturday night,for leaving him their scoop shovel.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

Notice of Application for Pardon.

Notice is hereby given that on the 27th dayof September, 1877, the undersigned will apply to the Governor of the Stateof Kansas for the pardon of one John W. Barber, now confined in the jailof Cowley County, Kansas, having been convicted at the May term, 1877, ofthe district court of said county, of the offense of assault with intentto rape.

LELAND J. WEBB, Attorney for John W.Barber.

Winfield, Kansas, Sept. 6, 1877.


Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

Gen. Howard has arrived at Bozeman. No man conflictswith the Indians reported.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

Sept. 5. Eldorado is in its glory, the railroadcelebration is a success; eight carloads of Butlerites excurt to Florence;many carloads of guests excurt to Eldorado; Hon. T. B. Murdock, Hon. P.B. Plumb, Hon. Sidney Clark, Judge Lewis Hanback, and others orate. Oursister city has our cordial congratulations.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

The fall session at the Kansas State University,at Lawrence, opened with an unusually large attendance. The number of pupilsthis year will be considerably over 400.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

The Indian chief, Crazy Horse, has gone to the"happy hunting grounds." He was captured by the U. S. troops andin attempting to make his escape received a wound from the effects of whichhe died soon after.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

The principal agitators among the Indians ofthe west are to be apprehended and confined in Florida. So say the dispatches.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

It cost Pennsylvania $800,000 for calling outtroops to suppress the late railroad riots.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

Gen. Howard has got Joseph in the valley ofthe Yellowstone, Gen. Miles is hunting him from the east, and it beginsto look very scaly for the Nez Perces. [Scaly ???]


Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

Vote for the bonds.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

A new jeweler and watch maker in town.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

Fire Company meeting tomorrow (Friday) evening.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

W. W. Andrews is reputed at Deadwood to havemade $100,000.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

C. S. Thomas has sold out the City hotel businessto J. L. Bruce & Co.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

The new Presbyterian church will be dedicatedSunday, September 23rd.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

Judge Coldwell's new residence is assuming animposing appearance.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

If you want live, vigorous nursery stock withplenty of roots, order of Trissell.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

Next Tuesday will determine that we shall havea road to move our next crops if we vote for the bonds.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

A. E. Baird has returned from the east, havingbrought piles of goods which will be on hand in due time.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

Hotel arrivals, in this city, for the week endingSeptember 12th, 1877, number as follows: Central, 56; City, 50.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

On Tuesday evening two bran new buggies arrivedat Mr. Wilson's livery stable, from the factory at Quincy, Illinois.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

C. C. Harris has traded his patent, back acting,quadruple spring, buggy to W. M. Allison for his prairie breaking long andshort horned oxen.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

Rev. Father Shurtz is about to move to Winfieldand build a residence. He will superintend the building of a new Catholicchurch just north of the schoolhouse.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

Rev. Adams preached a very instructive and entertainingsermon last Sunday evening. Mrs. Russell's company from Wichita formed thechoir and added much interest to the exercises.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

Dr. A. V. Polk, of Rock Township, called tosee us last Friday. He is about to visit his old friends in Pennsylvaniaand will be absent about a month or two. Dr. Polk is one of our best citizens,and we wish him a pleasant visit and safe return.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

Read the announcement of Jacob Nixon for Registerof Deeds in another column. A cripple for life in his country's service,a man fully qualified for the office he seeks, the party would honor itselfas well as him by the nomination of the "Little Sergeant."

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

Mr. James Binner at the saloon corner of Mainstreet and 8th avenue, lost by theft $600 a short time ago. The thief hasnot been detected. Deposit your money in a bank the next time, James. Winfieldhas two of the soundest banks that there are in the State.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877. O. F. Boyle has returned from the Black Hills. He met the roadagents and was beaten severely and robbed. He reports T. A. Blanchard atDeadwood, but about to start for Colorado; Seth Blanchard also there withRodocker taking views; John Swain about to come home.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

The Winfield schools commence on Monday next,September 17th. The first and second grade classes will occupy the schoolhouse,the third and fourth grades the basem*nt of the new Presbyterian church.Teachers: Prof. Geo. W. Robinson, Miss Emma Saint, Miss Ella Wickersham,and Miss Mollie Bryant.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

Notice the announcement of T. R. Bryan as acandidate for re-election to the office of County Treasurer. Mr. Bryan hasby his straightforward honesty, his promptness, accuracy, and gentlemanlybearing, in transacting business, won the respect, confidence, and goodwill of all he has done business with, and it seems as though he has nocompetitor.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

At a railroad meeting held at the Darien schoolhouse,in Rock Township, last Tuesday evening, W. H. Grow, J. B. Holmes, WilliamWhite, Alexander Grabeer, and Harvey Harris were appointed a committee tolook after the interests of Rock Creek in the approaching election.

With the interest already manifested and sucha committee, Rock Creek will go almost solid for the bonds.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

On Thursday evening last we had the pleasureof taking tea at Frank Williams' new hotel with a very pleasant party ofguests, who did ample justice to the bountiful spread of choice viands andthe finest fruits of the season. The table was richly decorated with silverplate and flowers, and the host and hostess by their polite attentions madethe occasion one of delight to all present.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

The Russell concert on last Saturday evening,notwithstanding the rain, was a success. Mrs. Russell sustained fully herreputation as the finest vocalist in Southern Kansas. It is a delight notonly to hear her, but to see her sing.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

We would call attention to the announcementof I. H. Bonsall as a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds. Mr.Bonsall is one of the original free state men of the Territory of Kansas,and fought and suffered in that early struggle. He was a Republican whenit cost him three years of persecution to be one, and has always supportedthe Republican party. He is in every respect eminently well qualified forthe position he seeks.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

The line of the Emporia railroad is permanentlylocated in Greenwood County, and contracts let. The firms that have thegrading have twenty-five grading machines, each of which is doing the workof ten teams with scrapers. Ties and iron are provided and track layingwill begin about the 20th inst. An engine and construction train are onthe way. There is no doubt but that the road will be here to move our nextcrop if we vote the bonds.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

The Hon. E. P. Bancroft, of Emporia, and otherspeakers, will address the voters of Cowley County on the subject of railroadsas follows: Thursday evening, Sept. 13th, at the Tisdale schoolhouse, Tisdale;Friday evening, Sept. 14th, at the Worden schoolhouse, Vernon; Saturdayevening, Sept. 15th, at the schoolhouse near the line between Maple andNinnescah townships, Monday evening, Sept. 17th, at the Courthouse in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

DIED. By the courtesy of Mrs. Swain, we areshown a letter from her husband, John Swain, stating that N. C. McCulloch,of this place, died at Deadwood, Dakota Territory, on Sunday morning the2nd inst., of convulsions, which came on without warning and ended fatallyin three minutes.

Mr. W. W. Andrews called on us and says thatwhen he left Deadwood, only a few days ago, Mr. McCulloch was in apparentrobust health. Mr. O. E. Boyle, who left there more recently, remarks thathis health appeared excellent when he left.

Mr. McCulloch was about to start for home. Hisbereaved wife is in St. Joseph, Missouri, suffering severely from illness.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

MARRIED. BUCKMAN - NEWMAN. We have known G.H. Buckman, vocalist and young limb of the law, for a year or two and haveconsidered him a gentleman of good behavior until last Thursday evening,when we learned that he had for some time past been making systematic attacksupon the heart of Miss Annie Newman, one of Winfield's fairest daughtersand that he had gone so far as to persuade the Rev. J. E. Platter to assisthim in his wickedness by tying the strong and silken cords to bind the ladyto him for life. Mr. Platter does not seem to suffer remorse for his partin the transaction, and the lady makes no complaint, even seems to be happy.Well, since we cannot veto the bill, we give in and wish the happy couplea long and joyous life together. [Gather they were married Thursday, Sept.6, 1877.]

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

Camp Meeting.

There will be a camp meeting, 6 miles northof Winfield, commencing on the 28th of September, 1877. The tabernacle willbe there.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

DIED. Died at her residence, on Silver Creek,on the 2nd day of September, 1877, Mrs. E. M. Thomas, wife of Elder Thomas.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

County Treasurer.

T. R. Bryan announces himself a candidate forthe office of County Treasurer, before the Republican convention. He hasendeavored to conduct the business of the office in such a manner as tomerit the approval of the voters of Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

Register of Deeds.

We are authorized by the old comrades and friendsof Jacob Nixon, of Vernon Township, to announce him as a candidate for theoffice of Register of Deeds, subject to the decision of the Republican convention,September 22nd, 1877.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

Register of Deeds.

I hereby announce myself as a candidate, fromCreswell Township, for the office of Register of Deeds. I. H. BONSALL.


Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

Of the largest stock of
Ever brought into Southern Kansas.

I have for sale the well-known ST. LOUIS HANDMADE BOOTS and SHOES, in Single, Double, and Lap Soles. The BEST BOOTS thatcan be made in KIP, VEAL, AND CALF. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION.

Also the CELEBRATED CHICAGO BOOT, together withthe best assorted stock of Ladies', Misses, and Children's goods ever shownin Southern Kansas.

Call and see my Goods at Prices that PeopleCannot Refuse to Buy.

Hoping for the continuance of past patronage,I remain, Yours truly,


Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

Go to McGuire & Crippen's for dry goods.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

The finest stock of Ladies fine Shoes in thecity at

W. C. ROOT & CO.'S.

Winfield Courier, September13, 1877.

JAMES ALLEN, Proprietor.
One door south of Baldwin's Drug Store,
Winfield, Kansas.

Choice and tender steaks, roasts, and all kindsof fresh meats always on hand.

[Beginning Thursday, September 20,1877.]

Beginning with this issue:



Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.


Nez Perces.

Gen. Sturgis is pursuing the Nez Perces downClark's ford, overtook them and fought them a whole day, killing or capturingseveral hundred Indians and taking 150 horses.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.


There is considerable feeling in the countyover the chairmanship of the Republican County Central Committee. Some ofthe townships have made that an issue in their primary meetings. We understanda few parties are disposed to drag it into the convention to be held nextSaturday. If this is done, it is liable to result in the holding of twoconventions and the nomination of two tickets. Under such circ*mstanceswhat should be the policy of the men who believe in the party and rejoiceat its success?

The writer of this article does not care todiscuss the question of the chairmanship of the central committee. He wasnot here when Mr. Johnston was selected for the place, does not know bywhat means he secured it, and does not think the question of sufficientimportance to merit much attention. If, all things considered, Mr. Johnstonis the proper man for the place, the people will endorse the men who puthim there. If the selection was unfortunate, their action will not be sustained.

When we assumed control of the COURIER, it containeda call for a county convention signed by Mr. Eagin as secretary of the centralcommittee. Soon after Mr. Johnston handed us another one worded almost asthe first and signed by himself as chairman. Since then these two callshave been published in the same column and strange as it may appear, theyhave not quarreled.

Is it not possible for the delegates electedunder these two calls to meet in the same hall, transact the business forwhich they have been chosen, and adjourn without any serious disturbance?We believe it is, and we believe the time has come when personalism shouldbe banished from the politics of this county.

The primaries of last Saturday were largelyattended and they show clearly that the party belongs to no man nor clique.It is a party of principle and every attempt to make it one of prejudicesshould be condemned.

We believe that Mr. Johnston has always claimedto be a Republican. However that may be, he is now serving as chairman ofour central committee. Unless he resigns or is deposed by the committee,it will be his duty and privilege to call the county convention to order.This will end his duties unless the convention reelects him. It is a smallmatter not worth making a fight about. We hope that the delegates to theconvention will look at this as we do. We believe they will. It is for thegood of the party that they should. It is very important that there shouldbe a good worker as chairman of that committee, for the success of the comingcanvass depends largely on his efficiency. We hope this matter will receivethe attention it merits, and that the position will be filled by one notinferior as a speaker to the present incumbent.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Items from the Walnut Valley Times.

The depot building is fast approaching completion.

The iron bridge for the Walnuta ninety feetspancame in on the railroad a few days ago and was taken from here to Augustaby six or eight teams on Monday last.

The Walnut Valley Oil Company let a contractlast Monday to Mr. Spencer, for boring a five-inch hole one thousand feetdeep for the sum of $2,500, work to commence at once and to be completedby March 1st. A hole 1,000 feet deep will strike coal, petroleum, lead,or something else. But we will not predict. The indications for coal areexcellent and the boring will commence at once.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Republican Convention.

The following persons are elected delegatesto the Republican convention at the Courthouse next Saturday.

Beaver. M. Teter, A. B. Littell.

Bolton. Hawkins, Buzzi.

Cedar. Wiley, W. A. Metcalf.

Creswell. A. A. Chamberlain, R. A. Houghton,T. E. Manter, Dr. Cormack, Mantor.

Dexter. J. F. Hardin, Wallace Craiger.

Harvey. Martin Barber, Robt. Strother.

Liberty. J. H. Mounts, Henry Collier.

Maple. H. H. Siverd, W. B. Norman.

Ninnescah. Dr. Keffer, Leonard Stout.

Omnia. W. H. Gilliard, E. Henthorn.

Otter. J. J. Smith, Hiram Utt.

Pleasant Valley. T. J. Harris, Chas. Seacat

Richland. Daniel Maher, Samuel Groom, John R.Thompson.

Rock. Chas. Eagin, W. J. Funk, Geo. H. Williams.

Silver Creek. Wm. May, Harvey Smith.

Silverdale. B. French, B. W. Herbert.

Sheridan. H. Treadway.

Spring Creek. Wiley.

Tisdale. J. S. Baker, O. P. West.

Vernon. F. W. Schwantes, P. M. Waite, C. S.Smith.

Windsor. M. Jackson, J. Reynolds, Geo. Lee.

Winfield. Jno. E. Allen, H. L. Barker, W. P.Hackney, N. M. Chaffee, L. J. Webb, and Sampson Johnson.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.


EDITOR COURIER: As our public schools open throughoutthe county some changes will be needed in text books. But no district shouldmake changes unless upon very urgent reasons. If bad books are in use, theyshould of course be thrown out. If a school has no uniformity in text books,all but those of one kind should be discarded. The law makes it obligatoryupon school boards to make uniform the books of their respective schools.To do otherwise is the worst kind of extravagance. Without uniformity inbooks, the teachers are crippled in their labors. Where this does not exist,the blame rests wholly on the school board, as the law put this matter entirelyinto their hands. Where uniformity exists, changes should seldom be made,and then only upon good grounds. A good teacher can do good work with evenbad text books, for such a teacher is independent of his books. But poorteachers, cheap teachers, are compelled to depend upon books in teaching,and hence should be supplied with the best works published. It is true withbooks and it is true with teachers, that the best are the cheapest, andthe poor ones are the most expensive. We have books in use in the countythat should be discontinued because of their worthlessness. But wherevergood books are in use, school boards should make changes with great cautionand reluctance, the arguments of interested parties to the contrary notwithstanding.R. C. STORY.


Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

The following is the vote on the Emporia railroadproposition, as far as heard from.


Beaver 60 13

Bolton 127 2

Cedar 3 18

Creswell 268 2

Dexter 8 72

Harvey 63

Liberty 1 33

Maple 6 48

Nennescah 2 46

Omnia 27

Otter (South) 19

Pleasant Valley 40 9

Richland 4 102

Rock 113 8

Sheridan 5 46

Silver Creek 58

Silverdale 47 7

Spring Creek 1 20

Tisdale 5 63

Vernon 10 22

Windsor 1 88

Winfield 332 62


FOR: 1,033



The north precinct in Otter yet to hear from,which will probably be about twenty votes against, reducing the majoritybelow 200.


Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Notice the Williams House card in this issue.



Opened Monday, September 10, 1877. A new brickbuilding. Everything new, clean, and attractive. The traveling public willfind accommodations up to city standard.

Good Sample Rooms.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Rock, Cowley Co., Kansas.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Physician and Surgeon.

Office and residence, corner of Eleventh andMillington streets, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.


At Tarrant's old stand. Will supply you withBread, Pastry, Fruit, and Confectioneries at low prices. He has a No. 1baker. Call and see.

Fresh made Candies.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

JAMES ALLEN, Proprietor.

One door south of Baldwin's Drug Store, Winfield,Kansas.

Choice and tender steaks, roasts, and all kindsof fresh meats always on hand.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.


JOS. LIKOWSKI, Proprietor.

The oldest house in the city. Choice Kentuckywhiskies, wines, beer, and cigars always ready to be "set up"(for the cash) by "Old Joe."


Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Bliss, Earnest & Co. have new goods on theway.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Wallis & Wallis have a choice stock of groceries.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

A. A. Jackson is running the Jim Hill restaurant.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Wilson & Harter have some new buggies. Trythem.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

H. S. Silver has gone into the country aftera big snake.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

The city schools commenced Monday with 165 scholars.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Hurrah for the Emporia railroad. The bonds arecarried.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Every store in Winfield did a rousing businesslast Saturday.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Tyrrell says the livery business never was betterthan now.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

W. B. Norman, Esq., of Maple Township, was intown yesterday.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

W. C. Root & Co. are enjoying an excellenttrade in boots and shoes.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Chas. Eagin is practicing law and will be foundat Rock.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

The Courier will be represented at the KansasCity Exposition this week.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

C. C. Black started for Illinois for a visitamong his friends last Friday.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

W. H. Stump's new business building is fastprogressing toward completion.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

C. J. Brane has been budding peach trees forus. He knows how to do it.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Dr. Mansfield, at his drug store, has just receiveda large lot of school books.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Harter Bros. & Co. are receiving new goodsat their store, McMillen's old stand.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Messrs. Lynn & Gillelen will move theirgoods into Maris' new building next Monday.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Jim Huey was with us again last week assistingTreasurer Bryan in his arduous labors.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Messrs. Hill & Christie have moved theirmeat market two doors south of Read's bank.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

McGuire & Crippin are daily in receipt ofnew goods. See their special, wheat wanted.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Mr. T. D. Lewis, capitalist of Utica, New York,is looking after his investments in this county.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Winfield has more money invested in churchesthan any other city in Southern Kansas.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Esq. Helbert, of Silverdale, was in town yesterdayand favored us with an item. Thanks.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Our estimate of the peach crop was too small.Cowley will have about 25,000 bushels.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Col. Manning has returned from St. Louis. Hehas been looking after the narrow gauge railroad.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Mc. D. Stapleton, of Lazette, was in town yesterday.He is enthusiastic for the Parsons road.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Dr. Wagner of Dexter, gave us a call yesterdayand reports Dexter still alive and flourishing.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Rev. J. L. Rushbridge returned home Monday eveninglooking less fatigued than when he left.

[Paper sometimes had Rusbridge rather thanRushbridge. Not sure which name is correct. MAW]

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Col. G. M. Simco*ck says he has all the workhe can do selling the Estlin stock of goods at cost.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Mr. H. Jochems has just received a carload ofcooking and heating stoves which he will sell at low prices.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Will Leonard, of Arkansas City, a jolly goodtype, graced the COURIER with his presence last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

A social little knock down between two of ourcitizens gave tone to the general excitement last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

BIRTH. Judge Gans is proud and happy. It isa girl and the Judge says she is not a candidate for any county office.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

L. C. HARTER has gone to Kansas City for a newburr, a wheat duster, and flour packer for the Tunnel Mills.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

It is said that the Indians never kiss theirwives. If the squaws that visit Winfield are a fair sample, who would?

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Walter Denning, our city auctioneer, left lastMonday for Paola, this State. He will be gone about four weeks.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Miss Josephine E. Mansfield has bought out Mrs.M. M. Goddard and intends to open a first class millinery establishment.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

BIRTH. And now cometh Dr. Davis and testifyeththat it is a boy and he has named him Winfield Cowley Davis. Good, Doctor,good.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Miss Sue Barnes, sister-in-law of the Hon. W.P. Campbell, is visiting in Winfield as the guest of Miss Kate Millington.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Still time for first class photos. Gray willremain in Winfield another monthperhaps permanently. Gallery by Bliss' store.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Read J. C. Franklin's proclamation in anothercolumn. Now is your time to buy harnesses and saddles cheap.

Ad: Harness exchanged for good wood by J. C.Franklin.

Ad: J. C. Franklin's Proclamation No. 1. AsI wish to return to California, I will sell my entire stock of Harness,Saddles, etc., at reduced prices for cash.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

See J. M. Dever's card, Star Bakery. He hasa first class baker and candy maker, and his customers are well pleasedwith his wares.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Prof. Lemmon returned to Topeka last Monday.Miss Jessie Millington went with him. She is to spend the winter at theState capitol.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Mr. R. Birnbaum has returned to Winfield withhis family and has come to stay and run the only cigar factory in CowleyCounty.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Hotel arrivals in this city, for the week endingSeptember 19th, 1877, number as follows: Central, 57; City, 66; WilliamsHouse, 38.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Mr. Leonard Farr, one of the staunch men ofMt. Pleasant, Iowa, has been in this vicinity for some time looking afterthe Requa estate.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Harter, Harris & Co., are making extensiveimprovements at the Tunnel Mills. Stone masons are at work building solidfoundations.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

The bells of the kitchen gave a surprise partyto Miss Jessie Millington on last Friday evening in honor of her departurefor a visit to Topeka.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Somebody will be disappointed next Saturday.We have counted them over time and again and cannot find quite half enoughoffices to go around.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Mr. Firman, a mile and a half east of town,has one of the most extensive peach orchards in the county. The peacheshe exhibits are simply immense.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Frank Galliotti has got the finest lot of bootsand shoes ever brought to Winfield. He buys exclusively for cash and isable to compete in price with anybody.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

We have accumulated a large amount of editorialand local matter which is crowded out this week for want of room. We proposeto enlarge as soon as possible.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

An immense amount of material has been collectedat the south bridge. The derrick is up and the abutments will soon be built.The iron will be here about Oct. 10th.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

A few weeks ago the man who did not have a carriage,or at least a buggy, was of no account; but these toys have got to be socommon in Winfield now that the owners are quite approachable.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Mrs. Mansfield and son, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss,Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Black, Mr. C. S. Thomas, W. D. Roberts, Wm. Hudson, andT. M. McGuire are attending the Kansas City exposition.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Baird Bros. are filling their store with theirfall stock of goods. They are thorough businessmen and realize the factthat next to printer's ink a good stock of goods is the best advertisem*nt.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Gary C. Roberts, son of John C. Roberts, broughtus on Tuesday a peck of the largest and finest peaches we have ever seen,many of them measuring nine inches in circumference.

Many thanks.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

John Hoenscheidt, architect and civil engineer,has bought W. E. Doud's house in Winfield and moved into it with his family.Mr. Hoenscheidt comes well recommended and will be a valuable acquisitionto our city.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Uncle Rube Rodgers, that indefatigable auctioneerand chicken hunter, accompanied by his family, is with us once more andhas gone to work just where he left off, as if he hadn't been a wandererfor two years.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

J. W. Thomas, who lives near Tisdale, met witha heavy loss by fire last week. His house, with all his furniture, bedding,clothing, library, etc., was destroyed. The family were absent from thehouse when the fire was discovered.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Eugene E. Bacon, from Burlington, Kansas, isin town and proposes to open in the jewelry business. He is a graduate ofthe Waltham Watch Factory and understands watches and all the branches ofhis business thoroughly. We welcome such businessmen.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Hon. E. P. Bancroft has been in this countyfor the past week at work for the Emporia Narrow Gauge railroad. He wasthe man who initiated the idea of building a narrow gauge road from KansasCity via Emporia down the Walnut Valley, and has done more persistent hardwork in organizing the present project and putting it in its present workingcondition than any other man, and we predict that if we get a road downthis valley within the next five years, it will be that road and we shallowe it to Major Bancroft. He has made hosts of friends in this county, andthe time will come when his labors in our behalf will be fully appreciated.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

A camp meeting will be held at a grove on PoseyCreek, one mile south of the Brane schoolhouse, in Pleasant Valley, commencingWednesday, Sept. 26th, under the auspices of the United Brethren. A numberof ministers from abroad will be in attendance.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

MARRIED. GRAHAM - ROBERTS. Mr. A. B. Grahamand Miss Emily Roberts entered the state of double blessedness last Mondayevening, and started for the State of Ohio the next morning. Rev. J. L.Rushbridge arrived from the east just in time to tie the knot. We wish thehappy couple much joy and a safe return.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Friends of the parties will be pleased to learnthat our friend, Linus S. Webb, and his brother, Lowell, both brothers ofour L. J. Webb, are attending the far famed University at Ann Arbor, Michigan.They are intelligent and gentlemanly fellows and we predict that they willprove an honor to the institution.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

We invite attention to the advertisem*nt ofthe Kansas State Agricultural College in this issue. This institution isin the management of one of the most accomplished educators in the wholecountry, President John A. Anderson, and is the place for obtaining a thoroughand practical education.





Four Years' Course.
No Tuition or Contingent Fees!

Students can meet part of their expenses bypaid labor. Fall term opened Aug. 23rd and closes Dec. 20, 1877. Studentscan enter at any time. Send for catalogue to JNO. A. ANDERSON, President,Manhattan, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

JOHN W. BARBER gives notice in another columnthat on the 27th inst. he will make application for a pardon. We are surprisedat his doing this. He is the guest of the county and is as highly honoredin Winfield as Gen. Grant is in Europe. Some months ago the mayor presentedhim with "the freedom of the city."

Notice of Application for Pardon.

Notice is hereby given that on the 27th dayof September, 1877, the undersigned will apply to the Governor of the Stateof Kansas for the pardon of one John W. Barber, now confined in the jailof Cowley County, Kansas, having been convicted at the May term, 1877, ofthe district court of said county, of the offense of assault with intentto rape.

LELAND J. WEBB, Attorney for John W.Barber.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

The streets of Winfield presented a lively appearanceon Saturday last. The hitching posts were all occupied and the streets werethronged with vehicles coming and going; a couple of auction sales, a candyfactory, the political squabble, dashing carriages and buggies, gave tothe streets quite an appearance suggestive of Broadway, New York.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

C. A. Bliss & Co. have sent us from theWinfield City Mills a bag of flour marked "Our best, from the creamof the wheat." There are no X's on the bag, for it would take too manyto express the superior quality of this flour. Our wife has tried it, hastried a great deal of other flour, is familiar with the best St. Louis Brands,and says that Bliss' "Our best," is equal to the best she hasever tried.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.


The boys tell one on Shenneman: Our friend,James McDermott, has a young man stopping with him. He just came into thecountry lately, and is looking around with a view to locating. He is rathernew to our county politics, but Shenneman heard he was working for the Lippmanndelegation, and he posted off in hot haste to electioneer him. The youngman weighs ten pounds and Mac calls him his baby. How is it A. T.?


Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Mr. John P. McMillen has returned to ColoradoSprings, where he goes into the hotel business as proprietor of the HowardHouse of that place. His family started yesterday. They are forced to makethis move on account of Mr. McMillen's health. We heartily commend thisexcellent family to the good people of Colorado Springs. They will be avaluable acquisition to that place. They have a host of friends in Winfieldwho deeply regret their departure.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

The Republican primary meeting held in thiscity last Saturday was attended with unusual interest and excitement. W.Q. Mansfield was chairman and J. M. Bear secretary. The principal battlewas between the candidates for sheriff. Two sets of delegates were votedfor, the one ticket being put in the field by the friends of Walker, theother by the friends of Shenneman, and the township was scoured for votes.The result was the election of the Walker ticket by a majority of one ina total vote of 355.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

"Dr. J. M. Wright, of Hopeville, startedfor Kansas yesterday, taking with him his family and property, intendingto establish himself permanently at Winfield, in that State. The Doctorhas proved to the people of this county that he is a worthy, capable gentleman,who richly deserves the confidence of the people, and success in life, whereverhe may go. Clark County sustains a loss in the departure of Dr. Wright,and Kansas makes a substantial gain in acquiring him." We clip theabove from the Osceola (Iowa) Beacon, of Sept. 13th. The Dr. J. M.Wright alluded to is a cousin of our Dr. W. O. Wright, of Winfield, whois "all right."

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Rev. J. C. Hill, of Adrian, Michigan, will delivera lecture, interspersed with reading, at the courthouse on tomorrow (Friday)evening. The proceeds to be applied for the benefit of the new Presbyterianchurch. Admittance 25 cents. Mr. Hill is highly recommended as an oratorand humorist, and has made his name quite famous in Michigan.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

Dedication of Presbyterian Church.

The new Presbyterian church will be dedicatedon Sunday morning next, Sept. 23rd. Rev. F. S. McCabe, of Topeka, will preachthe occasional sermon. Mr. McCabe is the oldest preacher of the denominationin the State, and has acquired a reputation as a deep thinker, a sound preacher,and a pleasing orator, second to none in the State.

In the afternoon a conference will be held inwhich several ministers will make short addresses: subject, "The churchin its relations to society."

In the evening will be held a praise meeting.

A considerable number of preachers from adjoiningcounties will take part in the exercises. All are invited to attend.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

County Surveyor.

We would call special attention to the announcementof G. S. Manser as a candidate for nomination to the office of county surveyorin another column. The matter of sheriff and some other offices has so absorbedthe attention of the party that the office of county surveyor has receivedvery little attention. Yet this is the office above all others in whichincompetency is most disastrous to a county. If your surveyor is incompetent,if he makes mistakes, endless litigation will follow, and the county willbe continually disturbed with neighborhood wars. There are plenty of menin the county capable of performing well the duties of any other officein the county, but the men who are fully competent for the office of countysurveyor are scarce indeed. We know G. S. Manser well, know him to be thoroughlywell qualified for the office. He is a mathematician by nature and education;was educated as a surveyor and engineer, has had long experience in thebusiness in the employ of the government, and of the public, and as a railroadengineer. He is careful and accurate, and a skillful draftsman. The conventionwill honor itself and confer a great benefit on the county by making himits nominee, not because he is thorough Republican, but because he is eminentlyfit for the place.

ANNOUNCEMENT: County Surveyor. We are authorizedto announce Mr. G. S. Manser as a candidate for the office of County Surveyor,before the Republican convention which meets next Saturday.

Winfield Courier, September20, 1877.

DIED. Of consumption, in Tisdale Township, onthe 18th inst., in the 48th year of his age, Hiram Chase, brother of S.W. Chase, of Tisdale Township.

Howard County (Indiana) papers, please copy.


Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.


Topeka has purchased a new steam fire engineat a cost of $4,600.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

Ottawa has a miniature steamboat. It is usedby excursion parties on the Marias des Cygnes.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

Coffeyville is now without a bank. Two havefailed there recently. One of the bankers has just been convicted of embezzlement.[Mr. M. R. Eby, cashier of the banking firm of Noah Eby & Co., has beenconvicted of embezzlement.]

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

Nez Perce Indians.

Gen. Sheridan has received an official accountof the battle of Big Hole, of August 8th, from Col. Gibbons, who says thatthe white inhabitants of Montana sustained and helped the Nez Perces bysupplying them with provisions. The Indians Numbered 200. Gibbon by forcedmarches with 144 men and officers and 34 citizens, overtook them and madethe attack late at night. The Indians sought shelter in the bushes and pouredvolleys into the troops who were on open ground. In a few minutes the wholecamp was in possession of the troops, but the Indians continued the firingat long range; but were finally so much cut up that they withdrew. Gibbon'sloss was 29 killed and 40 wounded. The Indians left 89 dead on the field.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

The proposition in Elk County to vote $40,000bonds to the Emporia narrow gauge road carried on the 11th inst. by a largemajority.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

WINFIELD, KANSAS, Sept. 22, 1877.

Pursuant to the call of the Republican CountyCentral Committee, of Cowley County, the delegates assembled in conventionat the courthouse, in the city of Winfield, on Saturday, Sept. 22, 1877,at 11 o'clock a.m.

The convention was called to order by T. K.Johnston, Chairman of the Republican County Central Committee.

On motion Albert Chamberlain of Creswell Township,was chosen temporary chairman, and Chas. H. Eagin, of Rock Township, temporarysecretary.

On motion the following committees were appointedby the chairman: Committee on permanent organization, C. A. Metcalf, A.A. Wiley, Robt. Strother, C. S. Smith, and H. L. Barker.

Committee on credentials, W. P. Hackney, H.H. Siverd, James Utt, G. W. Herbert, and Daniel Maher.

On motion convention adjourned to meet at halfpast 1 o'clock.

A. CHAMBERLAIN, Temporary Chairman.
CHAS. EAGIN, Temporary Secretary.

Convention called to order by the chairman.

The committee on credentials submitted the followingreport.

Mr. Chairman: Your committee on credentialsbeg leave to request that the following townships and delegates therefromare entitled to representation and seats in this convention.

Maple: H. H. Siverd and W. B. Norman.

Winfield: J. E. Allen, H. L. Barker, W. P. Hackney,N. M. Chaffey, L. J. Webb, and S. Johnson.

Ninnescah: A. S. Capper, Len Stotle.

Harvey: Robt. Strother, Martin Barber.

Spring Creek: A. A. Wiley, J. B. Callison.

Richland: Sam'l. Groom, J. R. Thompson, DanielMaher.

Vernon: W. F. Schwantes, P. M. Waite, Chas.S. Smith.

Sheridan: C. Treadway, J. W. Dow.

Tisdale: O. P. West, J. S. Baker.

Silverdale: Benjamin French, G. W. Herbert.

Beaver: S. B. Littell, M. S. Teter.

Windsor: J. W. Jackson, Jos. Reynolds, Geo.Lee.

Bolton: L. Harkins, M. Bussi [?Buzzi], J. O.Herbert.

Omnia: J. L. Parsons, E. A. Henthorn.

Otter: J. J. Smith, Jas. Utt.

Liberty: Henry Colyer, J. H. Mounts.

Rock: Chas. H. Eagin, Frank Akers, Wm. J. Funk.

Creswell: A. Chamberlain, D. W. Cormic, KendallSmith, Reuben Houghton.

Silver Creek: Harvey Smith, Mr. Peters.

Dexter: Jas. Harden, Fred Coger, John Wallace.

Cedar: W. A. Metcalf, Henry Thompson.

Pleasant Valley: Chas. Seacat, T. J. Harris.

Total: 56 delegates.

Respectfully submitted.

W. P. Hackney, Dan'l. Maher, H. H. Siverd,Jas. Utt, G. W. Herbert.

On motion the report was adopted.

The committee on permanent organization submittedthe following report.

Mr. Chairman: Your committee on permanent organizationand order of business beg leave to submit the following report.

For permanent chairman, J. B. Callison; forpermanent secretary, Chas. H. Eagin; assistant secretary, R. A. Houghton.That the order of business be as follows.

1st. Selection of County Central Committee.

2nd. Nominations in the following order: Sheriff,Coroner, County Clerk, County Treasurer, Register of Deeds, County Surveyor,and County Commissioners.

3rd. That in balloting for each candidate thesecretary shall call the roll and each delegate as his name is called willanswer with the name of the person he desires to vote for.

W. H. Metcalf, A. A. Wiley, C. S. Smith, R.S. Strother, H. L. Barker.

On the question of the adoption of the report,a motion prevailed to adopt the order of business, excepting the selectionof Central Committee and the manner of voting for candidates.

It was then moved and carried that the selectionof County Central Committee be the last thing in the order of business,and that tellers be appointed to receive and count the votes for candidatesin the regular way.

Nominations being next in order, a motion totake an informal ballot to bring out candidates for Sheriff was carried.

On the first ballot Leon Lippmann received 21votes; A. T. Shenneman, 16; Geo. Walker, 15; S. W. Chase, 4.

The balloting continued until the 24th ballotwas reached, when the convention adjourned for supper.

At 7 p.m. convention called to order and proceededwith the ballot for sheriff. At the 45th ballot S. W. Chase withdrew fromthe race. When the 53rd ballot was reached, A. T. Shenneman withdrew infavor of Lippmann, followed by Geo. Walker.

A motion carried to suspend the rules and callthe roll of the house on the question of making Mr. Lippmann the nominee.The roll was called and resulted in favor of Lippmann, who was declarednominated.

Nominations for Coroner being next in order,Dr. J. Headrick and Dr. W. G. Graham were nominated. The ballot for Coronerresulted as follows: Dr. Graham, 38; Headrick, 13. Graham was declared nominated.

Nominations for County Clerk being next in orderL. J. Webb announced that M. G. Troup had withdrawn in favor of J. S. Huntand moved the nomination of Hunt by acclamation. The motion prevailed andHunt was so nominated.

Nominations for County Treasurer being nextin order, T. R. Bryan having no opposition was nominated by acclamation.

Next in order was Register of Deeds. Jacob Nixonreceived 5 votes, E. P. Kinne, 30, Chas. Irwin, 10, M. G. Roseberry, 4,I. S. Bonsall, 5. E. P. Kinne was declared nominated.

Next in order was County Surveyor. G. S. Manserand N. A. Haight were nominated. Manser received 5 votes, Haight, 44; resultdeclared in favor of Haight.

On motion a county central committee consistingof one member from each township was chosen by the delegates from the respectivetownships. The following gentlemen were selected:

Maple, W. B. Norman; Winfield, L. J. Webb; Ninnescah,H. Martin; Harvey, L. L. Newton; Spring Creek, J. B. Callison; Richland,N. J. Larkin; Vernon, P. M. Waite; Sheridan, B. Longshore; Tisdale, S. W.Chase; Silverdale, John Tipton; Beaver, C. W. Roseberry; Windsor, S. M.Fall; Bolton, Reuben Bowers; Omnia, W. H. Gilliard; Otter, C. R. Miles;Liberty, Justus Fisher; Rock, Frank Akers; Creswell, C. R. Mitchell; SilverCreek, A. P. Brooks; Dexter, H. C. McDorman; Cedar, W. A. Metcalf; PleasantValley, T. J. Harris.

The following named gentlemen were nominatedby the delegates from their respective districts as candidates for CountyCommissioners:

1st District: Geo. L. Gale.

2nd District: W. M. Sleeth.

3rd District: R. F. Burden.

On motion convention adjourned.

J. B. CALLISON, Chairman.

CHAS. H. EAGIN, Secretary.

R. A. HOUGHTON, Assistant Secretary.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

Official count of the vote on the Emporia railroadproposition was given in this issue. Not bothering with breakdown given...Totalfor: 1,033; against: 865. Majority for railroad: 168.


Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

Opposite Read's Bank,

Needles, Oil, Attachments, and Supplies forall machines always on hand.

J. A. SEXTON, Agent for Cowley.

1872 1877

Winfield, Kansas,
Special Agent for the "NEW NO.8,"
For the Counties of Cowley, Sumner,Elk, and Chautauqua.

A new Machine with straight needle, particularlyself-setting. No shuttle to thread, work runs back from operator, does notoil thread or goods.

It is the simplest and easiest to handle; runseasily, quietly, and rapidly, and is the most durable and best Machine inthe World. Sold on Easy Terms and Fully Warranted.


We are also prepared to furnish Organs and Pianosof the best standard makes at reasonable prices, on terms to suit purchasers.We make a specialty of the new "MAGIC STOP" ORGAN, which possessesspecial advantages over other organs.

Call and See and Hear them at our Rooms on MainSt.

Stock or Produce taken in payment for Machines,Organs, or Pianos.

Needles, Oils, Attachments, and Repairsfor all Machines.
Office on Main Street.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

Harter, Harris & Co.,
Proprietors of the Old Reliable

The above named firm is paying the highest cashprice for wheat. They Grind for Cash, They grind for Toll, They grind thebest Flour in the Valley. GIVE THEM A TRIAL.

The exchange Flour for Wheat, Flour for Corn,Flour for "Corn in the ear." No other Mill in the county offersto do this. Flour, Meal, Bran, and Chop Feed always on hand.

One Half Mile South of the City.


Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

A. H. GREEN is opening in the real estate business.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

It has been dry, windy, and dusty for the lastweek.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

Wm. Newton has a large stock of harnesses andsaddles.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

The corn is mostly ripe and an early frost coulddo but little damage.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

Sid Major drives a span of handsome and wellmatched cream-colored horses now.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

Our gentlemanly boot and shoe man, W. C. Root,reports a lively trade last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

The convention balloted 56 times last Saturdayin nominating a candidate for sheriff.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

The Central Hotel registered 65 names last Saturday,the City 56, and the Williams House 49.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

Mr. A. Howland is at home. The "Knightsof Honor" have engrossed his special attention of late.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

DIED. The young child of Mr. H. Brotherton,a boy, died last Sunday. Mr. Brotherton has our sympathy in his affliction.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

The Rev. J. C. Hill, who has lectured and preachedin Winfield recently, is a brother of our townsman, J. L. M. Hill.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

Our friend, Tony Boyle, is stopping at Wichitanow, for the present, where he is engaged in buying and selling grain.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

L. C. Harter has returned from Kansas City.He succeeded in purchasing the new machinery wanted for the Tunnel Mills.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

They made Lippmann stand upon the table andmake a speech when he was declared by the convention the nominee for sheriff.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

Mr. Millington, editor of this paper, has goneto Eldorado and Wichita, accompanied by Mrs. Millington. They will attendthe Wichita exposition.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

Building operations are still lively in Winfield.More new buildings have been erected this year than in any previous year.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

S. H. Myton has got stoves until you cannotrest. His backyard is full of them and he is looking around for a placeto put them.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

That's funny! Timothy McIntire, formerly ofthis vicinity, is president of the Democratic club at Arkansas City. EmporiaNews.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

Hotel arrivals, in this city, for the week endingSeptember 26th, 1877, number as follows: Central, 121; City, 91; WilliamsHouse, 70.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

Tell W. Walton is a candidate for the officeof county surveyor in Sumner County.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

There will be a meeting in Winfield tomorrow(Friday) evening, to organize the Grand Lodge of the State of Kansas ofthe "Knights of Honor."

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

We understand that a gentleman by the name ofS. Suss will put in a stock of dry goods and clothing in the building latelyvacated by Lynn & Gillelen.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

Messrs. Lynn & Gillelen have moved intoMaris' new building. They have more room for their immense stock of goodsthan any other house in the border tier.

LYNN & GILLELEN moved into their new quarterslast Monday. They have the best storeroom in town, and their goods are welldisplayed and arranged, presenting a very attractive appearance.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

The camp meeting of the United Brethren on PoseyCreek, 5½ miles south of Winfield, commenced last evening and willcontinue until Sunday night or longer. There are refreshments provided onthe grounds.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

Notice Mrs. Stump's new advertisem*nt in anothercolumn. Mrs. Stump has had much experience in her business and is giftedwith good taste and judgment. Ladies will be sure to be pleased with herstock and prices.



Has just returned from Chicago with an immensestock of


Which, having bought at bargains, she will sellcheap for CASH.

Ladies will please call and examine her stockof


A full Line of Buttons,
Latest Novelties in Canvas,



Decalcomania & Cigar lighters,
Ladies' Reform Dress Goods.
Ruches, Two for 5 cts.

Mrs. Stump has spared no pains or expense invisiting the Trimming department, and feels confident she can please themost fastidious.

Mrs. Stump is an agent also for selling theMagic Plaiter, which is far superior to any other.


Done on short notice and warranted to give satisfaction.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

A number of Arkansas City gentlemen have calledat the COURIER office during the past week. Among the number were Mr. A.P. Standley, of the post office, Mr. I. H. Bonsall, E. G. Gray, of the Traveler,and J. H. Sherburne.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

See the new ad of Mr. Eugene E. Bacon, watchmaker and jeweler, formerly of Burlington, this State. Mr. Bacon is a firstclass workman and will warrant satisfaction. You will find him one doornorth of the new brick hotel.


Winfield, Kansas.

Manufactures to order, and keeps constantlyon hand, a full line of Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry of latest styles.


Skillfully and promptly done, and all work Warrantedsatisfactory.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

We got the names of the delegates to the Republicanconvention last week quite wrong in many cases. We used the best means wehad, to get the facts. Will our friends throughout the county please furnishus as early as possible with such information and much oblige.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

While in Lynn & Gillelen's new store lastTuesday morning, Mrs. Swain had her pocket book, containing about $15 ingreenbacks and currency, and Black Hills gold to the amount of $7.50, stolen.The supposed thief, Merc. Young, of Eldorado, was immediately arrested,searched, and put in the "cooler" until the property was returned.He was released on condition that he would leave the county within a giventime.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

Mrs. Mansfield has returned from the KansasCity Exposition, and says that in works in art and ornament the displaywas rather meager, but the displays of goods from different mercantile houses,and of machinery, were large and excellent. She did not notice the bloodedstock, but believes this display to have been the superior attraction toothers. She much admired the trotting of Goldsmith Maid, and is not willingto believe the great show was Barnum's at all, it was so feeble.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

The lecture on "Wit and Humor," deliveredby the Rev. J. C. Hill, at the Courthouse on Friday evening, was well attendedand was a decided sensation. The lecturer is a young man of good looks,pleasing address, and a first class elocutionist. His renderings of variousselections and readings to illustrate the subject of his lecture were exquisite,and his audience were frequently convulsed with laughter. The general expressionwe have heard from those who attended has been that the lecture was thebest of the kind they had ever heard.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

NOT "A FRAUD." Some time since thispaper had occasion to reflect upon L. Dresser, the St. Louis agent of theNew York Watch Company. Since that time a satisfactory explana- tion ofthe delay in paying for his advertisem*nt has been made, and we gladly acknowledgeour error in having spoken disparagingly of him. A citizen of this place,not connected with this paper, has one of Mr. Dresser's watches and is verywell pleased with it, and recommends them to those who are in need of goodtime pieces. Mr. Dresser's advertisem*nt appears in another place in thispaper.


$20 American Watches for $10.
Your Express Agent will show you thewatch before you pay
your money.

These are $4 American Movements put into a 3-oz.nickel case, worth $6 making Movement and Case $20. The case is better thansilver, and will last longer. Can give you the case in Open Face or Hunting.We will send you Movement and Case by express, in good running order, andwarrant the Watch to keep good time for one year, all for $10.

You can send money by Express or Post OfficeOrder, or we will send the Watch to you C. O. D., and your express agentcan collect the money from you. Address all letters to

L. DRESSER, General Agent,
305 N. Seventh Street,

With an order of eight Watches at one time,we give ONE WATCH FREE.

Nickle Plated Chains, $.10, $.50, and $2.00each.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

Rev. J. E. Platter.

Rev. Dr. McCabe, in his preliminary remarksSunday morning, paid a well merited compliment to the Rev. J. E. Platter,of this place, and added that he had it in his heart to say much more thatmight be too unseemly praise to be spoken in the presence of the subjectof his commendation. We have it in our heart to say even more than all thatthe Rev. Dr. could have had to suppress. When Mr. Platter first came toWinfield four years ago we said: "What can that good looking boy do?"We were told that he was rich as well as good looking. We answered, "Somuch the worse; wealth will spoil any young man in his situation."But the young man has since labored among us pleasantly, earnestly, successfully.He found his church with scarcely more than a name, he has made it a greatpower for good. We owe it largely to his persistent energy and his meansthat we have the finest church building in Southern Kansas. He has madeother valuable material improvements in our city and county, has laboredwith us in promoting our railroad and other enterprises for the generalgood, he has entered into our social life with his genial spirits, his readywit, and his large fund of general information, he has become a leadingpreacher and lecturer, and is now honored, respected, and loved, not onlyby his own church but by all his acquaintances. May the bright promise ofhis early manhood be abundantly realized in his after life.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.


The dedication of the new Presbyterian Churchon last Sunday was an occasion of great interest. The house was furnishedwith beautiful and substantial seats, the rostrum with desk and chairs ofthe most beautiful and appropriate style, and the aisles with carpets. Greenhouseplants and flowers and trailing vines arranged with taste added greatlyto the enchantment of the scene. A large Oleander in full blossom was perhapsthe most striking feature. There was a full choir, whose performance wasexcellent. About six hundred persons were seated comfortably and enjoyedthe pleasing solemnity of the exercises. The statement of the board of trusteesshowed that the house had cost about eight thousand dollars, which was allpaid up except about twenty-seven hundred dollars, and that some two hundreddollars more than that amount is pledged by citizens, the largest portionof which is immediately due and the balance due in six and twelve months,so the house may be considered as practically out of debt.

The exercises were conducted in a pleasing andimpressive manner. The occasional sermon was delivered by the Rev. Dr. F.S. McCabe, of Topeka, which was listened to with marked attention. Rev.Berry, Rev. J. L. Rushbridge, Rev. C. J. Adams, Rev. E. P. Hickok, Rev.S. B. Fleming, of Arkansas City, Rev. J. C. Hill, of Michigan, and Rev.Patton, of Wellington, took part in the exercises of the day. Rev. J. E.Platter conducted the services in his usual graceful manner.

In the afternoon was held a conference meetingin which several clergymen delivered short addresses, and in the eveninga sermon was delivered by Rev. J. C. Hill.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

DIED. Died at 8 o'clock a.m., September 26th,at the residence of her son-in-law, T. R. Bryan, Mrs. Sarah V., wife ofElder Joshua Jones, in the 75th year of her age.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

In Memoriam.


WHEREAS, It has pleased the Supreme Architectof the universe to summon hence Mrs. E. M. Thomas, the wife of our belovedbrother, David Thomas, and while we reverentially and humbly bow with submissionto this dark and afflictive dispensation of our Supreme Grand Master whodoeth all things well; we also feel more closely drawn toward our brotherin his great affliction, therefore be it

Resolved, Thatwe deeply share in the sorrow of Brother Thomas and the other relativesof the deceased, and hereby extend to them our heartfelt sympathy and condolence,and we beseech Him who is gracious, and merciful, to bind up their brokenand bleeding hearts.

Resolved, Thatthese resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this lodge and that thesecretary furnish copies thereof to the city papers and request their publication.

By order of the Lodge. W. G. GRAHAM, W. M.

JAMES KELLY, Secretary.

Winfield, Kansas, September 18, 1877.

Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

Opening Services

At the Methodist church on Sabbath next, Sept.30th. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a.m., sermon in monosyllables to theyoung.

At 7:30 p.m., sermon. Subject, "The GreatMystery."

The public are requested to visit the committeeat the church on Friday next at 3 p.m., to select seats in the church. Allseats free.


Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

MARRIED. HATFIELD. - BROWN. By G. W. Herbert,J. P., at the residence of Mr. Cattell, in Silverdale Township, Mr. Wm.Hatfield to Miss Martha Brown.


Winfield Courier, September27, 1877.

Correspondence From Lazette.

On Saturday, the 15th inst., in a shady grovein the Grouse Creek valley, about four miles above Lazette, the ArmstrongUnion Sunday School with other neighboring schools had a grand time. Mr.Story, County Superintendent, delivered a masterly address expatiating onthe great necessity of keeping the Sabbath day by various sublime illustrations,man's dependence for physical, mental, and moral culture, exhorted all tokeep the laws of nature (which were the laws of God) inviolate, observestrict obedience and unswerving loyalty to the laws of our beingof God andour country.

Elder Thomas, a Baptist minister, made a goodspeech; said many good things. His late bereavement of the companion ofhis bosom caused many a heart to vibrate in sympathy. Dr. Snyder, a Christianminister, was then called for by order of the programme. He made a luciddiscourse upon the bible, its divisions, and how to study it. . . .

Interspersing all these exercises we had finemusic, Miss Rosa Herr at the organ and a selection of the best musical talentof the country. Mr. Hall, marshal of the day, acquitted himself nobly. Messrs.Peebler and Smith, superintendents, gave all a fine reception. After allwas over at the grounds we saw a couple joined in matrimony by Dr. Snyderon the banks of the Grouse. [Name of couple not given.] NEW COMER.


Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.


Sitting Bull a College Graduate.

The New York World's correspondent atFort Walsh, British Columbia, has the following about Sitting Bull.

In conversation after dinner, with one of thepolice officers the other day, he said Sitting Bull was a native of FortGarry, and an alumnus of St. John's College. These statements Sitting Bullhimself afterwards confirmed. Several old traders who have had a look athim declare they remember him well as Charlie Jacobs, a half breed who attendedthe college in its infancy, thirty years ago. This young Jacobs was an Objibway,and was a remarkably intelligent lad, with ambition to become a "BigInjun." He disappeared from Fort Garry about 1853. When asked by apolice officer if he recollected anything about Fort Garry, Sitting Bulllaughed heartily, and said he knew the principal people thereamong others,Donald A. Smith, a Hudson Bay factor; James Sutherland, and Father Vary,now missionary at the Sault. He was also well acquainted with the late JamesRoss, Chief Justice of the Riel- Lepine Government in 1869-1870. Indeed,he says, they were boys together. Ross was a half breed who, after graduatingat St. John's College, went to Toronto University, where he was gold medalist.Sitting Bull says his father, Henry Jacobs, was at one time employed asan interpreter by Father Prouix on Manitoulin Island, but whether the oldgentleman is dead or not, he does not know. Sitting Bull is thoroughly familiarwith French and English and several Indian languages. He is about 42 or43 years of age, a medium sized, athletic built man, of no distinguishedtraits beyond those always found in a half breed. He is an excellent conversationalist,and will talk on every subject but his plans for the future.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

Cedarvale Blade: Quite a number of cattlehave died in this vicinity of a disease supposed to be dry murrain.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

J. L. King, the correspondent who offended theDexter girls last year, is about to marry a sister of Mrs. Thos. Ryan.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

The Blade says: At Ross City, at thehome of Peter Funk, a Mr. Alexon, in an altercation about a pig, shot Funkthrough the heart, killing him instantly.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

Gen. A. L. Pearson, commander of PennsylvaniaState troops during the riot, was arrested recently on complaint of a citizenof Pittsburgh charging him with murder. He has since been released on awrit of habeas corpus.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

We met in Wichita the Hon. H. L. Taylor, Registerof the Land Office. He says he is doing a good business. About 100 Osageentries were made during the last month. Mr. Taylor proposes to visit Winfieldbefore long.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.


In Elk, Chautauqua, and the eastern part ofthis county are many men engaged in the stock business who are clamorousfor a law of Congress made with the consent of the Osages, authorizing thesale of all unentered lands in the Osage Diminished Reserve, at auctionto the highest bidder, and our member, Hon. Thos. Ryan, seems to favor theproject.

It occurs to us that this would not be a wisecourse, that the result would be to favor land monopoly, to throw largequantities of land into the hands of the few at very low prices.

The true land policy of the government is togive as many heads of families as possible permanent homesteads at the leastpossible cost to them, and we heartily favor a reduction of price for theunimproved Osage lands, even to the actual cost of survey and sale. We havenever believed it just or right to give the Indians all the advantage thatarises from the labors of settlers in improving this country. In 1870 buta small portion of this land was worth $1.25 per acre. The balance was thenworth from ten cents to a dollar per acre and the average value of the wholereserve was not over forty cents if more than twenty-five cents per acre.In fact, in 1869 at Drum Creek the Osages made a treaty by which the wholereserve was to be sold to Sturgis of Chicago, for less than nineteen centsper acre.

Now because white men have settled and improvedthe country, these lands have risen in value to four times the value theythen had and land that was not then worth thirty cents will now sell at$1.25.

There is no doubt that the Osages have alreadygot all their lands were worth when they left them, and it is time somedisposition of the balance was made that will benefit the country insteadof making an enormous Indian fund from the labor of white settlers. Of course,we counsel honesty and adherence to treaties until modified, but we shouldsay let the government make a treaty with the Indians by which their interestin the balance of these lands shall be extinguished for a small gross sumand then offer the land to actual settlers in quantities not exceeding 160acres (including the Osage land each has already entered) at actual costto the government, then give settlers at least five years to settle uponthese lands and make homes and if at the end of that time any land is notentered, it will be because it is not suitable for homes; therefore, letit be sold to the highest bidders and this will give the stockmen sufficientopportunity to acquire large ranches at low prices.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.


We had last week at Wichita an interview withour former M. C., who engineered in Congress the defeat of the Sturgis treatyand the passage of the act opening these Osage lands to settlement. He wasquite indignant at the ingratitude of the settlers of the ceded lands ofLabette and adjoining counties in failing to pay the late Gov. Wilson Shannonhis fee in the great land suit by which they won their farms against theR. R. companies. Mr. Clarke says that Gov. Shannon devoted two years ofhis life with all the resources of his powerful intellect and extensivelegal knowledge and research to working up that case for the settlers, andhas now deceased, leaving his family in need of all the money due him fromthem, and if they do not now promptly pay over the amount they agreed topay, they are too mean to live in Kansas.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.


Hon. Thomas Ryan, our Member of Congress fromthis district, in his speech at Wichita, said:

"Our seventy-six millions of bushels ofcorn, produced in 1875, brought us but sixteen millions of dollars, whilethe same number of bushels reward the farmers of New York, Pennsylvania,and other Eastern States with fifty millions of dollars."

Now this is a very common error and one we aresurprised that our observing member should have fallen into. He neglectsto count the great difference in the first cost of the land, the preparationand manuring of the soil, and the cost of cultivating the crop in thoseStates and in Kansas. Had he done this, he would have found them balancingthe drawbacks of poor transportation and remoteness of markets referredto and would have placed Kansas where she belongs, in the front rank, asrewarding the toiling husbandman.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.


We believe our patrons will read with interestthe following extract from the last letter of a very excellent series, writtenfrom Colorado for the Kansas City Journal of Commerce by itstraveling correspondent, Mr. A. R. Green.

Concerning the San Juan country, he writes:

"I have not a word to say to those whohave money to invest in that country. Money is the one thing needful outthere, and the opportunities for investments are various and inviting. ButI want to say to the laboring men who are thinking of removing to the SanJuan, make haste slowly. Labor is not in demand in that country. Wages arelow and living is high, and the working season short. The country is overrunwith men out of employment, out of money, out of provisions, out of heart.

"Quartz mining is very different from placermining. The one requires large capital, and years of preparation and experiment.The other requires a shovel and pan and a day's provisions. The one is forthe rich man, the other for the poor man.

"San Juan is exclusively a quartz miningcountry, and no place for a poor man. Ten years from now when millions havebeen expended in developing the mines, there will be a demand for all thelaborers that may apply, and the avenues for profitable employment willbe increased a hundred fold.

"Somebody is terribly to blame for misrepresentingthe facts in the case, and inducing so many men of no capital to go to thatcountry. I met men who were well to do in Kansas and Missouri, but who hadbeen allured to the San Juan by lying reports of its richness and availability,only to meet with disappointment and return, ruined in fortune and disgustedwith life and with humanity. Men find themselves victimized, and after cursingtheir ill luck awhile, turn out to play the same game upon others.

"The consequence is a race of sharpersthat are doing much, and will yet do much more, to arouse suspicion of thecountry's resources and retard its development.

"Three or four of these fellows lay theirheads together and concoct a plan to sell shares in a mine. One of theirnumber is sent East with samples of their ore and their assay to negotiatesales with `tenderfoot' capitalists, and the chances are fearfully in favorof his being successful, and the unsuspecting purchaser finding when itis too late that he has been taken in and done for."

From the description of his trip in a four-horsestage-coach from Lake City to Silverton, we clip the following.

"I shall never forget the ride up HensonCreek, over a toll road that was planned and built by three Yale graduates,along a route that seemed at every foot of the way to have been obstructedand blockaded by the Almighty; so steep and apparently inaccessible werethe granite walls, and the fields of great boulders piled in grand and inextricableconfusion across the route. But the impression this produced sank into insignificancein the contemplation of the view from the summit of Engineer mountain. Onemust go to Silverton to see mountains. Standing there on the great ridgeof the San Juan, with a world of mountains around us, lifting their spectralforms into cloud land, with thousands of acres of snow glistening beneathus in the sunlight, with five rivers born of the snow, their sources atour feet, and their courses winding in and out among granite walls to thevalleys of Colorado and the plains of Utah, then uniting their waters inone grander stream and stretching away under the cloudless skies and amongthe orange groves of California to the Pacific, we were lost in contemplationof the vastness, the grandeur, and the oppressive solitude of the scene,and a feeling of awe came over us as we seemed above the world, above thesphere of human effortintruders upon the sacred precincts of Almighty God.How strangely out of place that stage and horses seemed, and how like desecrationthat giddy trail, zig-zagging up the mountain, until, in its serpentinecourse it had crossed the line of vision eleven times in reaching the summit.And then suddenly remembering the boy on the box, who had held a steadyhand and kept an iron nerve as he guided that team along the brink of chasmswithin an inch of eternity to a point twelve thousand feet above the soundingsea, the whole party gave a hearty cheer for Will Goff and his dauntlesscourage and skill."

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.


Sept. 21

U. S. notes in treasury $84,319,697.

Bank notes in treasury 12,461,996.

Total: $96,681,693.

Redemption fund $44,700,000.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

Nez Perces.

Gen. Sturgis writes that at the fight and pursuitof the Nez Perces on the 13th, 14th, and 15th, 20 dead warriors were found,that more were killed, and the Indians' loss in wounded must be 60. Foursoldiers were killed and 12 wounded.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

Sitting Bull is still in British Columbia. Thecommissioners have not yet reached him.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

Delegations of Sioux and Arapaho braves of theRed Cloud and Spotted Tail agencies visited the president. Speeches weremade by Big Road, Little Wound, Little Big Man, Iron Crow, Three Bears,Black Coat, American Horse, Young Man Afraid of his Horse, Yellow Bear,and He Dog.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

Within the last year in a single county in Utah240 divorces have been granted by the Probate Court when neither plaintiffnor defendant were ever in the territory of Utah.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.


EDITOR COURIER: I observe in the Telegrama call for an independent county convention, signed "C. C. Black, Secretary,"and purporting to be by order of some commit- tee. It is a well-known factthat Mr. Black is secretary of the Democratic committee, but this call doesnot come from that source, else it would be signed by the chairman of thatcommittee, J. Wade McDonald. Mr. Black has been absent for more than twoweeks, and never saw or even heard of this call to which his name appeared.I am informed by Mr. McDonald, the chairman of the Democratic central committee,that there is nothing Democratic about this independent call, but that itwas gotten up in the interest of a few sore- head Republicans. The lastclause of the call shows the source from which it emanates. Here it is:

"Come Democrats; come Republicans; comeall who are dissatisfied with the Republican nominees and want to see asquare fight."

Republicans read this, look at the Republicanticket. It is worthy of your hearty support. Let us not be misled by thosewho are "dissatisfied" with the nominees. If such men are to rule,we had better turn over the party to them and let them run it. L. J. WEBB.


Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.


That was an interesting and impressive picturewhich Congressman Ryan drew in the Wichita addresspublished in the Commonwealthyesterdayof the wonderful development of southwestern Kansas, along theline of the old Spanish trail. The facts seem hardly credible, and yet weknow that they might have been considerably enlarged and still kept withinthe truth. The picture is one well worth studying, not only for what itshows in the way of assured results, but also for the certain promise itgives of greater things yet to be achieved.

Mr. Ryan's remarks on the subject of agricultureproper were sensible and to the point, as were his remarks upon the laborproblem; and he touched upon a matter of vital interest when he referredto the fact that our failure to guard and promote national maritime commercehas virtually lost us the foreign trade which, if we had it, would speedilysolve all our industrial difficulties. While not committing himself to thepolicy of subsidizing steamship lines, he alluded significantly to the factthat other countries have shut us out of the foreign markets by doing, ashe alleges, that very thing.

He spoke strongly, also, in favor of remonetizingsilver, presenting the matter in a very direct and practical way; and fromthis turned to the southern policy of the administration, and committedhimself, unreservedly in favor of giving the president's policy "apatient and hopeful trial." He did not say he thought it the wisestor safest policy that could have been pursued, nor yet did he denounce itas a mistake or a fraud. "It is now beyond control," he said,"and we cannot avoid it if we would." Therefore, he argued, thebest thing we can do about it, is to submit in silence, if we cannot endorseit, and trust to the president's "purity of intention and exalted patriotism"to resort to harsher and sterner measures if the south shall interpret hisoffer of the olive branch to be "a surrender" of the things securedby the overthrow of the rebellion.

On the whole, Mr. Ryan's address was one whichdid him credit, as a citizen and as a member of congress, and we are surethat all who heard it, and all who read it, will agree with us in commendingits rare good sense, its freedom from clap-trap, and its general suitablenessto the time and the occasion. Commonwealth.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

Wichita Beacon, 26th:The shipment for the week ending September 7th, was: Wheat, 22 cars; corn,1 car; hogs, 3. For the week closing the 14th: Wheat, 19 cars; cattle, 16cars. For the week ending the 23rd: Wheat, 28 cars; corn, 1 car; cattle,18 cars; horses, 1 car; hogs, 1 car. On Sunday last 15 cars of cattle andone of hogs were shipped. On Monday 12 cars of cattle and three of wheat.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

Emporia News:Mr. Manning, who lives west of town, brought us lately several fine applesgrown on trees which he planted out last Spring, and are now but three yearsold. Each tree yielded from 30 to 40 apples. He has the reputation of agood orchardist.


Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.


Peace and Harmony in the Republican PartyA FullTicket Nominated.Presbyterian Church Dedicated.

WINFIELD, Sept. 24, 1877.

To the Editor of the Commonwealth.

Peace and harmony prevails once more in theranks of the Republicans of Cowley. They met last Saturday, and from themany good men presented, selected the following straight Republican ticket:

For sheriff, Leon Lippmann; clerk, Capt. J.S. Hunt; treasurer, the present incumbent, Thos. R. Bryan; register, presentincumbent, E. P. Kinne; surveyor, N. A. Haight; coroner, Dr. W. G. Graham;commissioners, G. L. Gall, and the present incumbents. W. M. Sleeth, andR. F. Burden.

The principal fight lay between Messrs. Shenneman,Walker, and Lippmann, all first- class men, candidates for sheriff. Theconvention met at one o'clock and balloted until ten, resulting in the nominationof Lippmann on the fifty-sixth ballot. This is without doubt oneof the strongest tickets ever placed in the field here, and I predict forit complete success. The Democrats and a few "off" fellows willprobably form an alliance and make a break for one or two of the best officeson the "independent" or "greenback" line. The conventionselected J. B. Callison as chairman of the county central committee, a manwho will not expect a post office in consideration of his services for theparty. This last selection is an unusually good one.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

The fruit crop is much better than was anticipatedinfact, Cowley will have more peaches than she can use. Farmers are preparingto sow a greater breadth of wheat than ever before. It is estimated thatat least seventy thousand acrestwenty thousand more than last year's cropwillbe sown within the next forty days.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

The county voted aid last week to the Emporiaand Southwestern (narrow gauge) railroad, and Winfield is blooming likea country school-marm at a town picnic. Business is lively in every channel,and new men coming in every day. The town boasts of having over fifteenhundred bona fide inhabitants, with a prospect of increasing thenumber to two thousand "before snow flies."

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

The Presbyterians, who have been "layinglow," so to speak, since the grand dedicatory ceremonies at the completionof the Methodist church recently erected here, came to the front yesterdayin right royal style. Over six hundred of our citizens occupied seats inthe newly and handsomely finished Presbyterian church yesterday and listenedto Dr. F. S. McCabe, of your city. The occasion was one of great interestand enjoyment. Dr. McCabe fully sustained his high reputation as a pulpitorator. The Presbyterian fraternity are justly proud of their five thousanddollar house of worship, as it is the best one in the state south of Topeka.Winfield now claims the honor of having the best church building in Kansas,considering her wealth and population.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

The COMMONWEALTH, in its new dress, is the bestlooking daily, and under the new order of things, with Cliff Baker as cityeditor, is the spiciest local in the state. As I take the paperand pay foritI will be pardoned for expressing my views in this manner.


Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

The Nez Perces.

Chicago, September 29. A telegram from Benton,Montana, says the Nez Perces attacked the rifle pits at Cow island, at sundownon the 23rd inst., making seven charges, and fighting until ten o'clockthe next morning, when they left, probably for Mill River. Sunday nightthey burned the freight pile, containing thirty tons of government and twentytons of private freight. Citizens Weymore and Walker were seriously woundedin the fight. It is believed the hostiles are making their way to the Britishpossessions.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

The Sitting Bull commission has arrived at Benton,but owing to the absence of troops necessary for an escort, it will notleave before the 1st proximo.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

Address of Hon. Thomas Ryan, Deliveredat Wichita,
September 27, 1872.

Over three hundred years ago a Spanish expeditionpassed not many miles from where we now stand. One Coronado, at the headof twelve hundred men, then traversed the counties of Barbour, Kingman,Reno, Harvey, and McPherson. Could he have done the same thing again buta few short years ago, taking in also the counties of Cowley, Sumner, andSedgwick, he would have explored the garden of the universe, still occupiedby beast and savage, precisely as he found it three centuries before. Butwere he to return today and chronicle the prenatural change, and we couldgo 500 years into futurity and read his marvelous narration, we should doubtlessconclude that Coranado was the champion liar of the age in which he wrote.

But seeing is believing: with our own eyes webehold Cowley County with her 15,000 population, her schoolhouses, her magnificentchurches, her mills, her newspapers, her 400,000 acres paying tribute togovernment, and 150,000 producing acres, and yet she was organized but sevenyears ago. . . .


Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.


Graham & Moffitt,
Dealers in LUMBER,
Windows, Doors, Blinds, Hair, Cement,
Building Material Generally,
And will sell at
Lowest Living Rates.

YARD and Office Corner of 9th and MillingtonStreets,

Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

W. B. Graham, M. D. C. H. Strong, M. D.

Office 1 door South of Bliss & Co.'sstore.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

J. EASTON, GUNSMITH, Keeps constantly on handa good stock of Guns, Revolvers and Repairs.


Repaired and warranted to run as good as new,or no pay required.

Shop one door west of Stone Livery Stable, Winfield,Kansas.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.



Main Street, 2 doors north of Bliss, Earnest& Co.'s store.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

Manufacturer of
And Dealer in
Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

Bottom Prices!
CLOTHING, Hats and Caps,
Gent's Furnishing Goods, and STAPLEDRY GOODS.

The undersigned desires to inform the Peopleof Cowley County that he has brought to WINFIELD the largest and best selectedstock of the above named goods ever seen in SOUTHERN KANSAS, and is determinedto sell them at prices which Defy Competition. Give Him a Call and be Convinced.Fair Treatment Guaranteed to all.

At Lynn & Gillelen's old stand.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

The Garden of the Great Southwest!
The Best County in the Best State inthe Union!
Map, Resources, Development and Advantagesof
Cowley County, Kansas.


[BOX] shown below map...indicates areas withshaded box are Government Lands.


(Since the above map was made about one halfof the land represented as Government land has been patented.)


The people of the eastern states are hungryfor information in regard to Kansas. Every mail brings letters of inquiryfrom persons who think of casting their lot in our State. Immigrants arepouring into Kansas faster than they have ever done before. They come onevery train, and our principal highways are lined with "prairie schooners"filled with people in search of homes. They have heard of our splendid climateand the wonderful productions of our soil, and have determined to come andask for themselves. This article is written that some of the questions ofthe former may be answered more fully than they can be by letter, and thatthe attention of the latter may be called to this part of the State, a sectionthat has never received its share of advertising, and that offers advantagesunequaled by any other.


Cowley County is situated on the south lineof the State, one hundred and ten miles west of its eastern border. It isbounded on the east by Elk and Chautauqua counties, on the north by Butlercounty, on the west by Sumner county, and on the south by the Indian Territory.

It is about 240 miles southwest from KansasCity, from which it is reached via the A., T. & S. F. railroad to Eldorado,or Wichita, and thence by stage about forty-five miles to Winfield.

The best wagon road from Kansas City to CowleyCounty is via Paola, Humboldt, and Howard City.


The western part of the county is smooth andlevel with slight undulations. The eastern part is rougher, there beingsome rugged, rocky bluffs along the streams.

Bottom lands are generally considered the mostvaluable for agricultural purposes, the uplands being better adapted tograzing. As shown by the report of the Surveyor General, one third of theterritory of the county is bottom land. The uplands are the smoothest, containingthe least rock, and are the most productive of any in the State.


Concerning the soil of this region the editorof the American Agriculturist says:

"It is a deep black loam, resting upona lighter colored subsoil, consisting of loam, clay, and gravel, both soiland subsoil being so porous that surface water readily passes through them,and in no case is there any difficulty experienced in crossing with anywagons or stock, any water courses or beds of streams. Teams may be drivenacross springs or creek bottoms fearlessly without danger of miring. Thisporosity of the soil, while it renders it capable of being plowed or workedimmediately after the heaviest rains, at the same time keeps it constantlymoist by evaporation from below and protects it from drouth. Within sixhours of the cessation of a rain, in which we judge at least three inchesof water fell, I saw farmers breaking sod and cultivating young corn.

The crops of corn, oats, rye, spring and fallwheat, potatoes, and garden vegetables, which I saw growing on both oldand new breaking, in various localities in the valley, are equal to anythat we have ever seen anywhere during many years experience. I know ofno part of the country possessing a more attractive soil for the farmerthan this."


As a glance of the above map will show, thecounty is well watered. No other county in the State has more streams ofgood, pure, clear, running water. The Arkansas River flows through the southwesternpart of the county. Its principal tributary, the Walnut River, one of themost important mill streams in Kansas, extends entirely across the countyfrom north to south, about ten miles east of its west line. Grouse Creekis a large stream flowing from near the northeast corner of the county southwestto its confluence with the Arkansas. Timber, Silver, and Rock Creeks areimportant streams. These and the other streams located upon the map arefed by springs of the purest water, and they have never been known to "godry." Abundance of good water can be secured anywhere by digging fromfifteen to forty feet, the average depth of wells being about twenty-fivefeet.

The rainfalls occur at the time they are mostneeded. Generally the ground is thoroughly saturated with water in May andJune. Then again in August copious showers put the ground in good orderfor fall wheat. The winter months are dry, so dry that stock requires butlittle shelter, and wagon roads keep in prime condition.

Timber. Width of timber belt of the Arkansasone-eighth of a mile. Varieties: Cottonwood and sycamore. On the Walnut,one-fourth mile: Walnut, oak, and hackberry. On Grouse, one-fourth mile.On Timber, Rock, and Silver Creeks, one-eighth of a mile. Varieties: Walnut,oak, and hackberry.

Fuel costs in the timber from twenty-five tofifty cents per wagon load. Good cord wood sells on the streets of Winfieldat from $3.50 to $4.50 per cord.

Coal. Coal has been found in the southeasternpart of the county, but not in sufficient quantities to pay for mining.Further investigations will be likely to result in the discovery of goodveins of coal. The indications are very favorable.

Building Stone. East of the Arkansas inexhaustiblequantities of best quality of magnesia limestone are found.


The first settlements in the county were madein 1869. They were in the groves growing along the principal streams.

The county was organized in February, 1870,and named in honor of Matthew Cowley, a brave Kansas soldier, who died inthe service at Little Rock, Arkansas, August, 1864. Cowley is one of thelargest counties in the State. It is almost square, being about 34 milesfrom east to west, and 33 from north to south, and containing more thaneleven hundred square miles of territory.


At its organization in 1870 the county containedseven hundred inhabitants, about one-twentieth of its present population.Then there was no taxable property in the county, now there are about fourhundred thousand acres. In every industry marked development has been made.Growth has been continual, steady, satisfactory. The following figures aretaken from the assessors' reports of last March.

Number of acres in county, 718,080; taxableacres, 384,443; under cultivation, 126,440; increase of cultivated acresin one year, 25,132.

Dairy Products. Cheese manufactured in 1876,648 lbs. Butter manufactured in 1876, 185,327 lbs.; increase, 71,525.

Farm Animals. Number of horses, 4,501; increasein one year, 765; mules and asses in 1876, 891; increase 312. Cattle in1876, 12,107; increase 211. Sheep, 4,883; increase, 3,157. Swine, 14,982;increase 6,980.


This county is on the Osage Diminished Reservelands, and has been open to purchase only to actual settlers, in quantitiesof not more than 160 acres each, at $1.25 per acre. The entire western halfof the county has already been patented. In the eastern part of the countythere are yet near 100,000 acres of good land subject to pre-emption andentry. As the land is purchased direct from the general government titlesare unquestioned. Not a railroad grant covers any part of the county. Thequestion of title is in no respect complicated by the conflicting claimsof railroad corporations.


Substantial improvement is being made on almostall the lands that have been purchased or claimed. Nearly every quartersection is occupied by an intelligent and industrious family intent on makinga home. Most of the people now here have come to stay. They have built asgood houses as they can afford. The planting has received considerable attention.Many fine groves have been planted, and, where they have been properly cultivated,the growth has been wonderful.

Fences. Considerable rail, stone, board, andwire fence has been constructed, but the Osage orange hedge is destinedto be the fence of the future in this part of the State. At present growingcrops and trees are protected by a herd law, which requires every man totake care of his own stock. Hedges have been planted so extensively thatin a few years a majority of the farmers will be surrounded by an everlastingfence. Then the herd law will be abolished.


Nearly all kinds of fruit do well in this locality.As yet the country is too new to contain many orchards of bearing appletrees. The young trees are thrifty and the fruit thus far produced has beenof excellent quality. Cherries, grapes, strawberries, blackberries, andraspberries have been thoroughly tested. The fruit is luscious and the cropabundant. Our peach orchards have begun to yield. The first crop has justbeen harvested. No finer peaches grew anywhere than this year's crop inCowley County. Every four year old tree in the county has been loaded downwith delicious fruit.


More than four-fifths of our people are agriculturalists.At present wheat and corn are our staple productions. During the past yearmore than fifty thousand acres of wheat have been produced in the county.Not less than seventy thousand acres either has been or will be sown thisfall. The yield of corn is very large. We now have more than forty thousandacres, standing in the fields, ripe and ready for the huskers. Fed to stock,it will be a great source of revenue to the county.

Many farmers are turning their attention tostock raising. As soon as the herd law is abolished, this is destined tobecome a great grazing country. Its heavy growth of nutrious grass and manyfine springs and streams of running water specially recommend it. Cattle,sheep, and horses could not do better than they do in Cowley County. Ourstock of hogs is very fine, and no disease of any kind has ever been amongthem.

There are six excellent flouring and severalcorn and saw mills in the county.


There are nearly fifteen thousand people livingin Cowley County. They are the cream of the population of older states.Generally they are intelligent, industrious, enterprising, go- ahead youngpeople. They have been reared in the best society and educated in the bestschools of other states. They read the newspapers, support schools and churchesheartily, and think for themselves. They are the kind of people God sendsto a country that He intends to bless. The man who hesitates about comingto Kansas on account of our society is fooling himself. It is as good andas cultivated as he will find anywhere.


The county contains one hundred and eleven schooldistricts, nearly all of which have substantial schoolhouses. Many of thesehouses have already been wholly paid for. In a very few years every dollarof our school bond indebtedness will be paid. The people tax themselvesas high as the law allows for the support of schools, and keep the schoolsopen just as long each year as they can afford to.

There is a church organization in nearly everyneighborhood in the county. Most of these hold their services in schoolhouses.A few have built excellent church edifices and others are "talkingthe matter up."

The teachers and ministers in the county areup to the average almost anywhere. The man who preaches to the keen, shrewd,thinking people of the west, or who teaches their children, must have brains,education, and grit.


A considerable portion of the wheat crop justharvested will be required to supply the forts and Indians in the IndianTerritory. The market will be at home, the price fair, and the payment cash.What cannot be disposed of in this way must be hauled to Wichita or Eldorado,each forty-five miles distant from Winfield.


At present the county is without a railroad,but work is progressing on two roads, one of which is to be constructedto Winfield within a year and the other within eighteen months. The A.,T. & S. F. company has commenced the construction of a road down theWalnut Valley. More than thirty miles of this road has been built duringthe past season. Many think it will be the first road to reach our county.


No danger need be apprehended from Indians.Since the settlement of the country, seven years ago, they have not committedan outrage within our borders. Their location is really a blessing to us.It furnishes us a good market at home for much that would have to be hauledaway were they removed.


The grasshoppers, chinch bugs, and other pestsare no more numerous than in other localities west of the Missouri River.The first named have never visited this locality but once, and then theycame too late to do much harm. The region of their origin is many hundredsof miles to the northwest and when they move, they either distribute themselvesover the region north of us or arrive in this locality too late in autumnto do much harm. We have no fears of ravages from them.


Good farming land can yet be had at $1.25 peracre by settlement and pre-emption, but all the best of the unimproved landwill be found already entered, and can be bought at from $2.00 to $5.00per acre. Good farms more or less improved can be had at from $4.00 to $15.00per acre, depending upon location and the amount of improvements.


Winfield, the county seat of Cowley County,is a young city of about 1,500 inhabitants. It is situated on an undulatingprairie on the left bank of the Walnut River, is bounded on the north, south,and west by a beautiful belt of timber and on the east by a line of finelyrounded mounds, and is in the midst of natural scenery of surpassing loveliness.It commenced to be built in 1870; the early buildings were of timber framesand rather small, but each year has added more spacious and substantialbuildings until now it has many large and beautiful structures of brickand of magnesian limestone which compare well with those of older and largercities of the East. Winfield is the center of business for the county andhas the reputation of being the liveliest city of its size in the State.The streets are generally well filled with teams and the merchants are doinga very large business. Nearly all kinds of business are represented withgood stocks. The citizens are enterprising and intelligent, society is excellent,and one needs only to visit the splendid costly churches and the schoolroomswhere from 200 to 300 pupils are taught efficiently by the most approvedmodern methods, to be satisfied as to the tone of morals and culture ofthe place. The names and lines of business, of the leading businessmen ofWinfield, will be found in our advertising columns, in which we refer thereader.


Arkansas City is a city of some 600 or 700 inhabitants,beautifully situated near the confluence of the Walnut and Arkansas Rivers.It has a class of citizens of unusual intelligence and culture, and somefine large business houses with large stocks of goods. It has the finestschoolhouse in the county.

Dexter is a thriving village on the left bankof Grouse Creek, as is also Lazette; both do a considerable business andbid fair to become towns of some importance.

Tisdale is a thriving town in the geographicalcenter of the county. All these towns are favored with ambitious and enterprisingcitizens.


Men who want good farms at moderate prices forimprovement as homes, and have energy and perseverance should come to CowleyCounty. Men who have vim, perseverance, industry, and thrift should comeat once, bring their families, make farms, build houses, shoe horses, drivemills, make brooms, sell goods, buy wheat, do almost any kind of business,become rich and happy; but men who do not like to work at any useful businesshad better stay away, they will not be appreciated.


Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

Frost last night.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

The Central Hotel has a new bell.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

The Williams House has a new register.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877. Mr. John Swain has returned from the Black Hills.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877. Mr. W. McRaw and Mr. S. Mullin have returned from the Black Hills.We met them in Wichita.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

John W. Smiley is building a new wagon shopjust east of the Central Hotel.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

Our city Marshal and esteemed citizen, J. D.Cochran, is very dangerously ill.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

The Belles of the Kitchen will meet next Tuesdayevening with Miss Kate Millington.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

A. B. Taylor supplied the boys in the officewith some choice apples last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

Hotel arrivals, in this city, for the week endingOctober 3rd, 1877, number as follows: Central, 70; City, 55; Williams House,48.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

In accordance with an invitation the COURIERforce took dinner at the City hotel last Sunday, as guests of J. L. Bruce& Co., the proprietors. The dinner was an excellent one, consistingof the best the market affords.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

The Winfield schools are doing good work. Inattendance, first grade scholars, 49; Prof. Geo. W. Robinson, principal.Second grade, 44; Miss Emma Saint, assistant. Third grade, 40; Miss F. Wickersham,teacher. Fourth grade, 77; Miss M. Bryant, teacher. Total attendance: 210.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

The residence of our esteemed citizen and ex-hardwaredealer, Mr. N. M. Powers, four miles west of Winfield, was destroyed byfire on last Saturday. The fire is supposed to have originated from a defectivestove pipe and was under such progress when discovered that but little couldbe saved and the clothing of the family, bedding and furniture, exceptingan organ and some small articles, were lost.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.


Jolly old bummers,

For several summers

Have been regular comers.

There are several in town now.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

Nice rain Monday and Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

The whistle of the steam thresher is heard inthe land.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

"Lo! the poor Indian," has been havinghis picture taken.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

The Eldorado stage now leaves at seven o'clocka.m., its old time.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

Wilson & Harter's livery stock earned them$375 in the last thirty days.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

A. G. Wilson will soon go to Missouri to visitfriends and bring back his family.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

Harter, Harris & Co. have got their TunnelMills well fitted up with new machinery and four run of burrs.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

We met Mr. James Vance and lady, of the CentralHotel, at Wichita enjoying the fair. They returned on Friday.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

The vane on the M. E. church steeple was a littletoo vain. The wind yesterday bent it over to a more humble posture.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

Mrs. E. E. Olds, milliner and dress maker, appearswith a new card in the supplement. She is a newcomer, but has had long experiencein her business.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

On last Friday we met Mr. C. M. Wood on theway to Wichita with a drove of fat hogs. We also met John B. Holmes witha load of the same kind of fruit.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

We were heartily glad to meet Enoch Maris intown one day last week. Enoch is one of the prosperous men of Eldorado,and reports that place improving rapidly.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

Dr. J. H. Phelps of Floral made us a pleasantcall on Tuesday. He says the farmers of Richland Township have planted aboutone-third more wheat this year than last.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

E. C. Manning is again in Parsons. He receiveda dispatch from there stating that the contracting parties were on the groundready to commence work on the East and West road, and desiring his presencethere immediately.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

J. C. Fuller makes an addition to his ad thisweek. He has one of the best burglar proof safes in the State, which isguarded by the Yale time lock. No city in Kansas has two sounder, saferbanking institutions than those of J. C. Fuller and of M. L. Read, of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

An adjourned meeting of the congregation ofthe Presbyterian church will be held at the church on Friday evening (tomorrow)to decide upon the manner of occupying seats and of raising a salary forthe pastor. All interested in the prosperity of the church are requestedto attend.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

An important meeting was held at Doctor Mansfield'sdrug store Tuesday morning, to take steps toward organizing a lecture andlibrary association. Committees were appointed and directed to report onFriday morning next, at the courthouse, when a permanent organization willbe effected. Let all interested parties attend.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

Our readers will notice a new ad. of S. Suss,late of St. Louis, in the clothing and furnishing line in the supplement.Mr. Suss is an experienced merchant, knows what is wanted, how to buy, andhow to treat customers, and is determined to build up a trade in this citysecond to none in the State. Our readers will do well to give him a call.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

Not being ready yet to enlarge the COURIER,we have this week issued a supplement which contains much matter of interest.Do not destroy this supplement, but read it and send it to your friends.We send this issue to many who are not subscribers, but hope they will becomesuch. The COURIER will appear in the enlarged form on October 25th.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

The following is verbatim of a letter receivedat the Winfield post office: "Mr. postmaster Dear sir will you pleassend me a justice of the piece of that place or that county and you willoblige HENRY FORTNEY."

Now, if some aspiring judge will step up andpay his own postage, the postmaster will send Henry one.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

The opposite side of this supplement is takenfrom matter printed in the Commonwealth. The article headed "CowleyCounty Contented," should be corrected as follows: The nominationsfor Commissioners should read, G. L. Gale, W. M. Sleeth, and R. F. Burden.The Presbyterian church cost about nine thousand dollars, instead of fivethousand as stated.

[They had W. M. slu*th...I already corrected.]

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

Our readers will not fail to notice the newadvertisem*nt of M. L. Read, which has appeared in the two last issues.It contains an excellent cut of Mr. Read's substantial bank

building. Mr. Read is a substantial banker,does business in a substantial way, has a substantial safe that neitherfire nor burglars can penetrate, and a time lock that will keep the cashierand his assistant from delivering up the contents of the safe during thenight, though strongly persuaded by an exhibition of shooting irons.



Our Safe is Guarded By The Yale Time Lock.

Collections Solicited and Promptly Attendedto.

M. L. Read's Bank,
Does a

M. L. ROBINSON, Cashier. W. C. ROBINSON, Asst.Cashier

Possessing ample means for the successful conductof our business we would be pleased to receive accounts from any believingwe can make it to their advantage to do business with us.


First National Bank, Kansas City, Mo.

Cass County Bank, Beardstown, Ills.

Rev. O. M. Stewart, Trinity M. E. Church, St.Louis, Mo.

Wichita Savings Bank, Wichita, Kansas.

F. W. Fraey, Cashier 1st. N'l. Bank, Springfield,Ill.

Donnell, Lawson & Co., Bankers, New YorkCity.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

We clip the following from the Kansas City Times,which is well worth remembering by school children and their parents:

"One of the greatest annoyances of theday is the rush of school children to the post office every noon spell andat the close of school in the afternoon. They go rushing in pell mell, makingall the noise possible, annoying everybody within hearing, and frequentlyseveral children out of one family will clamor noisily for mail that thefather or head of the family usually has received at the regular distributionof the mails. The post office is too public a place for modest little girlsto frequent several times a day. Parents should see to this."

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

"A Horse, a Horse!"

The Topeka Driving Association will hold a fairat Topeka, from Oct. 16th to 19th inclusive. The finest and fastest trottinghorses in the west will be there. 2:20 to be beaten by three different horsesfor $1,000. Everybody is going. The cheapest rates ever offered to the peopleof the southwest. The A., T. & S. F. railroad will sell round trip tickets,good from 16th to 20th, from Eldorado or Wichita to Topeka for $5. Roundtrip stage tickets will be sold for $4. Good board at the best hotel inthe State, the Tefft House, only $1.50 per day. You who want to have a goodtime for a week, see the State Capitol, the fastest horses on the turf andotherwise, take the train for the north.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

List of letters remaining unclaimed in the PostOffice at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 3rd day of Oct., 1877.

FIRST COLUMN: Barnes, Preston; Bishop, J. A.;Black, J. D.; Brown, Nancy M.; Castilberg, W. J.; Cates, Geo.; Chambers,West; Chambers, C. A.; Chancy, Hiram; Clark, S. B.; Craig, H. H.; Crosby,Walter; Draper, A. O.; Dixon, E. W.; Eastman, Sarah E.; Eads, Geo.; EdwardsR. S.; fa*gin, D. J.; Fee, J. A.; Gilliard, C. M.; Gore, Joanna F.; Headrick,Jacob E.; Higginbottom, Eliza; Higbee, S. P.; Hickman, James; Hoblitt, Annie;Howie, Robert; Juman, Elinor; Jones, T. H.; Kegger, Mr.

SECOND COLUMN: Kevzer, W. H.; Livergood, H.C.; Lloyd, T. Addis; Martin, Mrs. Jennie; Martin, F. J.; Miller, Mrs. K;Miller, Frank; Moffitt, Daniel; Morgan, Thomas; Nelson, Wm.; Paul, C. F.;Plants, Edward; Poe, Amos; Rhodes, H. B.; Richards, Harvey; Sandercook,John; Smith, C. Hinchmon; Sweet, William; Sullivan, P.; Tubbs, Eva; Vessels,Thomas; Wartan, Emily; White, Chas.; White, Emma; Williams, Hannah; Wilson,Philander; Wilson, Emily; Wilson, Rebecca; Williams, James.

Persons calling for any of the above will pleasesay "advertised." JAMES KELLY, P. M.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

Grouse Valley Notes.

Mr. H. T. Albert has been selected to teachthe Lazette schools.

Mac. D. Stapleton's new dwelling house addsmuch to the appearance of Broadway and Cherry.

Several new buildings are in process of erectionin Lazette.

Windsor Township turned out in force to attendthe primary.

A picnic was given by the Union Sunday schoolof Harvey Township on the 15th. Music and a long table of good things, inaddition to the speeches of R. C. Story, Rev. Mr. Thomas, Doctor Snyderand Lear made the day and the occasion pleasant.

Harvey had a large turn-out at the primary.

Wheat is green and growing well. The corn cropwill be very large.

BIRTH. It is a girl, and Gans says that he canhandle any sixteen men in the county.

Mr. L. M. Fall and family, Mac. D. Stapleton,and Dennis Layco*ck, of Lazette, were in town a few days ago. Mac. says itisn't so.

Why have so many of our evergreens died thissummer?

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.


The sun-flower harvest has commenced and thecrop is estimated at ninety cords to the acre.

On Tuesday of last week we visited Douglass,saw a horse race in which the gray formerly owned by W. P. Hackney ran againsta large bay and won a mule.

Douglass has an excitement. Mrs. Neil Wilkieand Mr. George Yewel are members of the school board, and, with the approvalof the teacher and Mr. Neil Wilkie have ordered a change in the text booksin use in the school and the rest of the people are indignant and theirgrievances are the sole topic of conversation from which we concluded thatthe Wilkies and Yewells were right and have started a much needed reform.

Winfield Courier, October4, 1877.

Teachers' Examination.

There will be an examination of teachers inthe Winfield high school building, beginning at 9 o'clock a.m., October12th. Parties desiring to teach will please report at that time, as it willpositively be the last examination this year. R. C. STORY, Co. Supt.


Winfield Courier, October11, 1877. Front Page.


Drouth and Grasshoppers.

The year 1874 is specially noted as the drouthygrasshopper year in Kansas. In that year but little rain fell in CowleyCounty from June first to September first, and therefore late planted grainand other farm products suffered much from drouth, and the grasshopperscame in the last of August and first of September and devoured such productsas were then unmatured.

It happened that much of the corn and vegetableswere planted late and were a complete failure, but the early planted cornand such other products as got their principal growth during the Springmonths did not suffer materially from the drouth and were too ripe for thegrasshoppers when they came, so such produced about the usual crop. Therewere instances in Cowley County in that year of early planted corn producingfifty to seventy bushels per acre. The wheat crop was ready for harvestin the beginning of the dry time producing a full crop averaging about twenty-threebushels per acre throughout the county. The wheat harvest commenced June5th and the weather thereafter was very favorable for securing the crop,so that the quality of the wheat was unusually good.

In September, 1876, the grasshoppers appearedagain, but as the season had not been specially dry the crops were all mature,and the hoppers did very little damage except that they stayed so long thatthe frightened farmers did not sow their wheat in September, the propertime, fearing the hoppers would destroy it as fast as it came up, but delayedsowing until November. The result was that it did not get much growth untilthe warm showery weather of the spring when it grew so very rapidly thatthe straw rusted and the wheat shrunk, so that this year quantity and qualitywere both reduced to the value of about one- half of a good crop. Thereare some farmers in this county, however, that sowed their fall wheat inSeptember last and have this year harvested a full crop of first qualityof wheat.

With these two exceptions this county has neverfailed of producing large crops of almost every kind that has been tried.Experience points unmistakably to the conclusion that had all crops beensown early and at the proper time, there would have been no failure in thepast, and that there need be no failure in the future in Cowley County.Much growth occurred until the warm showery weather of the spring when itgrew so very rapidly that the straw rusted and the wheat shrunk, so thatthis year quantity and quality were both reduced to the value of about one-halfof a good crop. There are some farmers in this county, however, that sowedtheir fall wheat in September last and have this year harvested a full cropof first quality of wheat.

There is no county in the United States whoseaverage wheat crop has been larger per acre and better, for the last sixyears, than that of this county, and the farmers are so well assured ofa crop that instead of planting less on account of the partial failure,this year have planted during the past September about 75,000 acres in placeof the 50,000 acres of last fall.

The climate here is by no means a dry climate.There has been more complaints of too wet weather than of too dry sincethis county was settled eight years ago. There is not a State in the West,if in the Union, where there has been in the same time so little failureon account of drouths. The rains are usually as frequent and as abundantas could be desired.

So far as the grasshoppers are concerned, webelieve their history establishes the fact that they never invade any territoryexcept in a very dry time, and we have no occasion to fear that they willvisit us at all more than once or twice out of a dozen years, or that theywill do any material damage at their visits if farmers follow the maxim,"plant early."


Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Republicans, Take Notice.

The Republicans of Winfield Township will takenotice that a convention of the Republican voters of said township willbe held at the Courthouse in Winfield on Saturday, November 3, at 2 o'clockp.m., for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the varioustownship offices. C. C. PIERCE, Chairman.

S. E. BURGER, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Republican Caucus.

The Republican voters of Rock Township are requestedto meet at Darien schoolhouse on Thursday evening, October 18, 1877, at7 o'clock, to nominate candidates for the several township offices. WM.WHITE, Chairman of the township central committee.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

The Republican county central committee metat Winfield, Saturday, October 6, and organized by the election of C. R.Mitchell, of Creswell Township, Chairman; Augustus Fisher, of Liberty Township,Secretary; Frank Akers, of Rock Township, Assistant Secretary.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Mrs. Dr. Dolar, of Paola, has a mad stone andclaims she can cure any case of hydro- phobia with it. This item may yetbe valuable to some of our readers. Make a note of it.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.


On the 25th inst. the COURIER will begin itsissue in the enlarged form. It will be printed in smaller type than heretofore,one column will be added to each page, the length of the columns will beproportionately increased, and it will contain twice the amount of matterit has had heretofore. We have ordered new nonpareil type for the principalpart of the reading matter and other necessary furniture, and the changewill nearly double the cost of publishing the paper, an outlay greater thanthe receipts of the office have ever been; but we are determined that thepeople of this county shall have a county paper equal to the best in theState, one worthy of our glorious county, worthy of the generous supportof its people, and we expect to get such support. Of course, we must havesuch help if we succeed.

Citizens of Cowley, will you please help usin this undertaking? Will every subscriber please forward whatever is duethe COURIER and constitute himself a committee of one to urge others tosubscribe? There are a thousand persons in this county who should immediatelysubscribe; there are a considerable number of men in business who shouldforward us their advertisem*nts. Every dollar we get from these sourceswill add to the value of the COURIER and will be fully appreciated by thepublishers.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.


On Saturday, September 22nd, the Republicansof Cowley County in a regularly called and organized convention, selectedfrom the many good men in the party, the following gentlemen as candidatesfor county officers at the ensuing election. After an unusually warm contest


was nominated for Sheriff. Mr. Lippmann is anative of France, of French parentage, and is 33 years old. He came to theUnited States when but eleven years of age; joined the Union army in 1862and was honorably discharged from the same at its close in 1865, withall the rights of citizenship of the government. However, to avoid allimaginary objections, he presented his proofs at the last term of our districtcourt, and was "naturalized" under the laws of the U. S., a proceedingentirely unnecessary. He has been a resident of Cowley since 1870, and amore temperate, honorable, and upright citizen does not live within thiscounty, all the flings and covert insinuations of his enemies to the contrarynotwithstanding. Mr. Lippmann is a Republican, has always supported thenominees of the party by his voice and vote, and is now deserving of thestraightforward and honest support of the entire party.


In the selection of E. P. Kinne for re-electionto the office of Register of Deeds, the convention did just what thepeople would have done had they been present, retained a good and faithfulofficer at his post. Mr. Kinne has the confidence of all classes and willreceive his reward in November.


One of the first settlers of the valley, nowengaged in farming in Vernon Township, is our candidate for the responsibleposition of County Clerk. He is competent, willing, and worthy, and theCOURIER assures the people of this county that their business will be properlyattended to and their records reliably kept while Capt. Hunt is their clerk.

[Candidate for Treasurer.]

needs no introduction or "good words."Two thousand "snow flakes" will fall from the hands of the honestvoters on the 6th day of November and express in a better and more lastingmanner what we refrain from saying here. The people are not afraid to trusttheir money in his hands.


Candidate for County Surveyor, is highly recommendedby those who know him and have seen his work. Competency above all thingsshould be considered in connection with the office and we are assured thatMr. Haight is competent.

Of the County Commissioners we scarcely needspeak. Messrs. Burden and Sleeth will be elected without opposition, andMr. Gale, of this district, should and will poll the entire strength ofthe party. He is well known and esteemed as a citizen of Rock Township.

This is the ticketour ticket, and weshall use all honorable means to secure its election in November.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Mr. Hildredth, the contractor who is buildingthe Narrow Gauge, stated in his speech on Tuesday that on Monday he hadreceived orders from the east to go ahead and push the road bed throughwith all possible energy, and that he was now going to grade at the rateof a mile and a half a day, and would have the road finished and runningto the south line of the State in twelve months. No one in Emporia now doubtsthe speedy completion of the road. Emporia News, Oct. 5.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Central City, Dakota Territory, October 4. Afatal shooting affray occurred this evening. Jno. S. Bryant, owning a placerclaim here, claimed surface ground of his claim as a mill site. A. W. Adams,formerly a correspondent of the Salt Lake Tribune and Chicago papers,whose nom de plume was "Old Pioneer," and "Ching Foo,"also claimed the ground by right of purchase. The difficulty culminatedthis evening. They met on the ground. Adams shot Bryant through the body,and turned and fled. Bryant then, drawing a navy revolver, fired three shotsat Adams, the first missing; after the second shot, Adams fell. Bryant stilladvanced, and placing the pistol at his head, sent a ball through Adams'brain, killing him instantly. Bryant is not expected to recover.

We believe that Mr. Bryant is a son of Mrs.Lowry, of this place, and visited here two or three months in 1872. Mr.Bryant has since died.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

They have a Greenback county convention in ChautauquaCounty on the 17th inst.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Oct. 1. During September the public debt decreased$3,882,524, special redemption funds $51,945,468 on hand, coin in the treasury$39,997,500, outstanding legal tenders $356,914,932.

The mints of the U. S. coined $7,056,200 duringSeptember.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

The Red Cloud and Spotted Tail chiefs had afinal interview with the president, wanted their agencies established innew places in the Territory, and wanted to live like white men. The presidentanswered that it was too late in the season to effect such change untilnext Spring.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Eight companies of U. S. Troops under Cols.Shafter and Bullis are raiding on Mexican soil in pursuit of depredatoryIndians.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Gen. Crook arrived in Washington from Portland,Oregon; he started next day for San Francisco.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Spotted Tail, in his talk to the president,said: "If you pay us for it, probably we can move (to the MissouriRiver); otherwise we cannot," in answer to which Secretary Schurtzsaid that the provision for the Indians was at the Missouri River and couldnot be transported to them, so they must go to the provisions.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Cols. Bullis and Shafter returned from theirraid in Mexico unsuccessful. The Indians had been warned and escaped.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

N. Y. Gold $1.02-3/4.

Kansas City. Wheat, No. 2 $1.13, No. 3 $1.06,No. 4 $.95.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

The total loss by fire at McKeesport, Pa., willprobably reach $175,000.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Cheyenne, Oct. 4. Last night's coach from Deadwood,carrying six passengers, was stopped by two road agents twelve miles southof Fort Laramie. The robbers got about $4,000. The treasure box was brokenopen but contained nothing of value to them.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Custer, Dakota Territory. Three road agentsundertook to rob Myers freight outfit, but young Myers, one of the outfit,was too smart for them. One of them, the noted Texas Frank, was killed,the two others escaped.


Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Apples are scarce at $1.50 per bushel.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Harry Foults is again an attache of the COURIERoffice.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Mr. D. Tyrrell, of Tisdale, made us a pleasantcall on Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

J. L. M. HILL has bought A. G. Wilson's interestin the livery business.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

A. G. Wilson goes to Wisconsin instead of Missouri,as stated last week.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

A. J. Pyburn's law office is temporarily locatedin the office of Curns & Manser.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Rev. Berry filled the pulpit pro-temat the Presbyterian Church last Sunday evening.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

We have a smooth white sweet potato from thegarden of Rev. J. E. Platter weighing

4 ½ pounds.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

The old meat market building next to the St.Nicholas restaurant has been torn down and moved away.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

W. B. Norman, of Maple Township, was in townMonday morning and made us a pleasant call.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

M. L. Bangs is doing a heavy business with hisstage line carrying passengers to and from Wichita.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Bi [? By ?] Terrill now has one of the finestdriving teams in the city. He also has a bran new carriage.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Mr. Ed. Fenlon, a large government contractor,was in town on Monday looking up Indian supplies.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Charley Foults, brother of "Jack"and Harry, is again flourishing the razor at the old stand in this city.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Hotel arrivals, in this city, for the week endingOctober 3rd, 1877, number as follows: Central, 55; City, 42; Williams House,43.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

A gentlemen from Missouri is fitting up theroom just north of J. W. Johnston's furniture store, preparatory to puttingin a stock of drugs.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Last Monday Mr. O. S. Record commenced a fourmonth's term of school in the southeast part of this county, six miles eastof Maple City.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Mr. W. H. Clay, township trustee of SheridanTownship, was in town Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Mr. James Baldwin, Miss M. M. Baldwin, and B.F. Leach, from Illinois, have been visiting their brother, B. F. Baldwin.They left for their home yesterday morning.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Wilbur Dever is one of the boys that will nevercurry favor from any man. Since he got kicked out of the stable while curryinghis horse, he is afraid to curry anything.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Ten large government wagons, drawn by sixtyoxen, came down from Wichita last Saturday loaded with lumber for Graham& Moffitt. They loaded again, at the Tunnel Mills, with flour for theIndians.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

The Ladies' Aid Society, of the M. E. Church,will give a supper and sociable in the lecture room on Friday evening ofnext week, October 19, 1877. Proceeds for the building fund.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

The Tunnel Mills have a grinding capacity of500 bushels per day, and will grind within the next ninety days 600,000pounds of flour for the Indians, besides filling their merchants' ordersand doing their custom work.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

At a special meeting of the city council onSaturday evening, James C. Binner was granted the privilege of carryingon the saloon business under the license issued to Geo. P. Townsend, andat a special meeting on Monday evening his bond was approved by the council.On Monday evening Chas. C. Stevens was appointed city marshal to fill thevacancy occasioned by the death of James D. Cochran.

DIED. J. D. COCHRAN, a highly esteemed citizenof this city, who has of late honored the position of city marshal, diedat his residence on Saturday morning, the 6th inst. He leaves a wife andseveral children to mourn his irreparable loss. The funeral was conductedby the Masonic fraternity on Sunday from the new M. E. church, which wascrowded to overflowing by a sympathizing audience. The procession was oneof the largest that have ever been seen on a like occasion in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Mr. D. M. Commons and family, of Wilson County,have been spending several days in Winfield visiting their daughter, Mrs.Harry Foults. Mr. Commons thinks the soil of Wilson is equal to that ofCowley, but is of the opinion that the citizens of this county are of amore enterprising class, judging from the amount of land under cultivation.He was surprised to find Winfield as large as it is and such a vast amountof improvement going on.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Mr. James P. Henderson, from Poplar Flat, LewisCounty, Kentucky, arrived here last Saturday night with his family, consistingof eleven persons, and with Joseph Bryant and family, from the same place,and five young men. They all propose locating in this immediate neighborhood,and will make valuable acquisitions to our county. Mr. Henderson says thaton the train in which he came were six hundred immigrants to Kansas. Hesays: "This is surely the garden spot of the world."

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

A. N. Deming, formerly of the Lagonda House,Winfield, has bought the Empire House, in Wichita, and is fitting it upin good style. The house is a very large one and has been moved from faruptown down to Douglas Avenue, near the depot.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

The city of Winfield has over 1,500 inhabitants,and more coming. Houses, shops, cellars, barns, and corn cribs are in demandfor dwellings. Winfield Courier.

If you will make a careful examination of theassessment rolls of Winfield Township, for March, 1877, you will find thatyou did not have at that time, 1,500 in your town and township. Winfieldis a fine young town, and next to Eldorado, the largest in the Valley, andif her people will only wait till they get cross roads at that place, theywill have a larger town than they now have. Walnut Valley Times.

"Next to Eldorado, the largest in theValley," ha, ha, ha! But, that is good. During the last six monthsfive dollars have been invested in new buildings in Winfield to one in Eldorado,and our population is increasing more rapidly than that of any other townin the southwest. Move some of your empty buildings down to Winfield, sothey can be rented. Eldorado is a nice lively town, but then when one undertakesto compare it with Winfieldtut, tut. But you ought to know better. Comeand see for yourself.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Flouring Mills.

There are at Winfield two excellent flouringmills, each working four run of burrs and doing a large business. They areboth run by water, having each an excellent water power on the Walnut River.They make a good market for a large amount of wheat. The upper mill is alarge stone structure, and has a fall of eight feet. The lower is a largeframe upon a substantial stone basem*nt. The river at this place runs inthe form of an ox bow, with the two ends near together. Under this necka tunnel is constructed, a distance of about 100 feet, through which thewater passes to the mill and attains a fall of about eight feet. There aresome other mills in the county.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Our Sidewalks.

Those running east from Main street are in adisgraceful condition. They warp up and they warp down. They curl and twistand stand on end; they rock with every passing breeze. They are embellishedwith loose boards and promiscuous holes. They lie in undulating waves andsteep descents; they roll and pitch, and one-half hour's travel on themwill give a bad attack of sea sickness. We are not complaining on our ownaccount, but for the cattle in the town herd. Since they have become high-tonedenough to use the sidewalks, half the herd is lame. Can't this outrage ondumb beasts be stopped? The walks ought to be made wider, too. Three cowscan't walk abreast without crowding. We don't mind clambering over them,ourselves, we are pretty athletic, but for a poor cow now that can't handleherself, we say it's a shame.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.


Winfield has four excellent church buildings.The Baptist Church was built of Magnesian limestone in 1871, at a cost of$2,500. At that early day when but few people had located on the town site,it was something quite wonderful that so good and costly a structure shouldbe built. The enterprise, energy, and public spirit displayed in the erectionof this church has not been excelled or equaled, considering the circ*mstances,in the erection of the more recent and more imposing structures.

A M. E. frame church was erected at the sametime, when the Methodists were few, and their self-sacrificing energy atthat time was at least equal to that exhibited in producing their presentnew and magnificent structure. This last was built during the past year,of magnesian limestone, costing $7,000, and is perhaps the most spaciousand imposing church in Southern Kansas. It is capable of seating, comfortably,800 to 1,000 people; has a fine orchestra and class room, is beautifullyfurnished, and its windows are magnificent.

The building of the Church of Christ is a fineframe building, built in 1874, when the church had very few members, butthese few were thoroughly imbued with genuine Western enterprise.

The Presbyterian Church, which has been builtduring the last year at a cost of $9,000, is of brick, with a stone basem*nt,and is perhaps the most beautiful structure of the kind in Southern Kansas.It is magnificently furnished, and is a delightful place to spend an hour.

Other churches are projected and will probablybe built within a year or two.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.


Of the Philomatic Society to be held at theCourthouse in Winfield, Friday evening, October 12th, 1877.

1. Music.

2. Reading of the minutes of last meeting.

3. Election of officers.

4. Music.

5. Valedictory by out-going president.

6. Music.

7. Discussion of the question: Resolved,That our country owes its prosperity more to the civil law than to the Divinelaw.

Affirmative: W. P. Hackney and O. M. Seward.

Negative: J. L. Rushbridge and F. S. Jennings.

8. Miscellaneous business.

9. Music.

10. Report of committee on programme.

11. Adjournment.

C. M. WOOD, President.

EMMA SAINT, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

WINFIELD, October 7, 1877.

WHEREAS, The grim tyrant death has invaded ourfraternal circle and taken from our midst our worthy brother, James D. Cochran,thereby depriving our brotherhood of one of our brightest and most exemplarymembers, the family of our beloved brother of a loving husband and father,and the community of a useful and energetic citizen; Therefore be it

Resolved,That while we bow in humble submission to the will of our Supreme GrandMaster, we do most sincerely deplore the great calamity thus visited uponthe fraternity, the family of our departed brother, and the community atlarge.

Resolved, Thatwe extend to the bereaved family our sincere and heart-felt sympathy, andmore especially do we mingle our tears with her, who is thus left a widowtoher and to the children thus bereaved, we pledge our brotherly guardianshipin this their life's greatest affliction.

Resolved,That these resolutions be spread upon the records of the Lodge, that a copybe furnished to the family of our deceased brother, and also to the citypapers for publication, and that the members of the Lodge wear the usualbadge of mourning for thirty days.

M. L. READ, M. G. TROUP, A. J. PYBURN,Committee.


Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Call and see our $2.50 boots, at W. C. Root& Co.'s.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

A. G. Wilson wants to buy several good milchcows for cash.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

J. W. Johnston keeps on hand a well selectedstock of burial cases.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

10,000 lamps (more or less), at McGuire &Crippen's.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Low Prices is what attracts the crowd at FrankGalliotti's Boot and Shore store.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Go to A. A. Jackson, at Jim Hill's old stand,to get a good square meal for 25 cents.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Town Lots for Sale cheap. Inquire of D. A. Millington,at the COURIER office.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Come and see. A fresh stock of Groceries, cheaperthan ever, at Wallis & Wallis'.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Farms to exchange for wheat or cattle, fit forfull feed this winter. F. M. FRIEND.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Orders for fine Photographs, are coming fastat Gray's gallery. Call early, examine styles and prices. Next to Bliss'store.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Don't you forget it. A. McInturff is ahead ongood pictures. Makes gems, photographs, and landscape views. Just oppositethe post office, Winfield, Kansas. Call and see work done in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, October11, 1877.

Farm for Sale. 400 acres of choice upland, inSheridan Township, 12 miles east of Winfield. Inquire at this office, ofD. A. MILLINGTON.


Winfield Courier, October11, 1877. Back Page.

In compliance with a law enacted last winter,the State Auditor has been collecting information in regard to the indebtednessof the municipal corporations in the State. He has returns from sixty-sixof our seventy organized counties from which we glean the following items.

Leavenworth County heads the list with an indebtednessof one and a half million dollars.

In twenty-two counties the entire municipalindebtedness amounts to less than fifty thousand dollars each.

Outstanding county bonds and warrants amountto nearly seven million dollars.

The bonded indebtedness of school districtsis nearly two million dollars, nearly one third of which belongs to theState permanent school fund.

The aggregate municipal indebtedness in theState is about thirteen million dollars.

Cowley has outstanding $31,500 of county bonds.The township bonds in the county amount to about the same sum. Our one hundredand eleven school districts owe in the aggregate about fifty thousand dollars.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877. Front Page.


Wheat Culture Again.
VERNON, KAN., Oct. 1, 1877.

EDITOR COURIER: I called the attention of ourwheat raisers in July, 1876, to an experiment in making a hard seed bedfor wheat, by harrowing and rolling the plowed ground before drilling inthe wheat. The return of the pesky grasshopper prevented a trial last fall,and we presume most all have forgotten the suggestion. The result of drillingin a field of wheat by a roller drill which yielded 22 bushels per acrein north Vernon by Mr. Brannon, and also the report of method and resultsof a wheat grower in Reno County, prompts me to again call our wheat growersattention to it. This wheat grower in Reno County, after getting his landin cultivation, does not plow his land, but burns off the stubble and keepsthe ground free of weeds with the harrow until seeding time (a mower couldbe used), when he drills in his wheat on this unplowed ground and gets ayield of from 30 to 40 bushels per acre, or about one-half more than theaverage in that vicinity on plowed land. I obtained about the same resultson a road square or so in drilling on an unplowed turning row in this year'sharvest. It is late for seeding, but will not everyone that has clean stubblegive it a comparative trial at once, say one acre each unplowed, drilledon plowed ground, and harrowed in on plowed ground, and report results anotherharvest. JACOB NIXON.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877. Front Page.

September 15, 1877.

WHEREAS, We the citizens of Otter Township assembledin primary convention, looking to the selection of candidates to be votedfor at the ensuing fall election, feeling this a fitting opportunity toexpress our opinions respectfully and firmly in regard to certain grievanceswhich have been bearing heavily upon us for years, do, with honest, sincereintentions uphold and support the principles contained in the followingresolutions.

Resolved,That because of our remoteness from the county seat, we have been treatedwith an indifference neither compatible with our interests, nor in accordwith that feeling of independence which causes a desire for influence ingovernmental affairs.

Resolved,That we desire and respectfully demand as our due, representation in thecounty directory for 1878, having good and intelligent men, fully capableof performing the duties which an investment of office would devolve uponthem.

Resolved,That we are fully and unqualifiedly opposed to voting bonds for the buildingof a railroad not calculated to benefit the interests of a majority of thetax-payers of Cowley County.

Resolved,That by vote of the convention, copies of these resolutions are directedto be furnished to the editors of the Winfield COURIER and Cedar Vale Blade,with the request that they receive insertion in their respective journals,and we hereby tender them our thanks for a favor, which we doubt not theywill kindly grant us.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877. Front Page.

Corn Lands.

It has been generally supposed that the lowrich bottoms along the Mississippi and other rivers and streams of the westwere the only places, and the only soils where large crops of corn couldbe raised, but this is a mistake. If you come to Cowley County and visitthe valley lands along her streams, you will find as good corn as ever theMississippi bottoms produced; then, if you visit her upland farms, you willfind corn equally good. The uplands of Cowley County seem to be an exceptionto all rules in other States, in producing abundant crops of corn.


Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.


In the nomination of Dr. W. G. Graham for Coroner,the late Republican convention made a wise selection. It is true that rarelya case of death occurs in this county that requires the intervention ofa coroner, but there is other business and the office is an important one.Dr. Graham is a man of excellent judgment and is well read up in his profession.He will honor the office.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.


M. G. Troup is an independent candidate forCounty Clerk.

We think he is making a great mistake. It istrue that he has for four years past filled that office ably, efficiently,and satisfactorily, true that many Republicans desire his re-election, andthat many Democrats will vote for him; but it is equally true that thereis a large number of the voters of this county who believe and justly, too,that there are a hundred other men in the county who would like a term atthe office and are fully competent in every respect to fill it with credit,and these voters hold that such an office ought not to be monopolized byone person but be passed around and give others a chance, that Mr. Trouphas held it long enough for one. It was this belief that nominated Capt.James S. Hunt for the office, that will impel not only Republicans but Democratsto vote for him, and will we doubt not, elect him by a handsome majority.

Capt. Hunt is popular where he is known, iseminently fitted for such a position, is honest, capable, and agreeable,was fairly nominated by his party, and should receive the entire vote ofthat party, while there is no good reason that Democrats should vote forMr. Troup, another Republican, in his stead.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.


In another column will be found the names ofthe men who are to be chosen officers of Cowley County at the approachingelection. Since the convention we have said little about the ticket nominatedbecause, first, it was not required, and secondly, we have been crowdedwith other topics.

The COURIER expressed its unqualified approvalof nearly all the candidates some time ago. We are more than satisfied withthe ticket nominated. There is not a mean man on the list. Nearly all ofour candidates are well known throughout the county. Most of them have livedamong us since the organization of the county. Everyone of them are heartilyendorsed and will be warmly supported by those who know them best. . . .

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.


EDITOR COURIER: I see by the Travelerof this date, in a card by M. G. Troup, that he is "still a candidatefor re-election" to the office of County Clerk. He says that he believesthe action of the late Republican convention did not represent "thewishes of a majority of my party" in selecting a candidate for CountyClerk. Well, Mr. Editor, that is good. Will Mr. Troup please tell the votersof Cowley County to what party he belongs? It is a well known fact thatthe convention recently held by the Republicans of this county representedthe whole party. That its nominations were fairly and honestly made, thatthey are good nominations is not denied. The Republicans did not expectto make nominations for any party but their own. Troup says his party isdissatisfied, and therefore Troup is "still a candidate." Troupwas before the Republican convention distributing tickets from eleven o'clocka.m., until half past eleven p.m., and just before the vote was taken onCounty Clerk one of Troup's delegates said he was elected in Troup's interest,but Mr. Troup was no longer a candidate before that convention. Had he continuedon the track and been nominated, his party would undoubtedly have thoughtthe nomination satisfactory. Any way, it is fair to presume that if suchhad been the case, the head and front of Mr. Troup's party, Troup himself,would not have been dissatisfied.

Trusting that Republicans will give the matterdue consideration, and believing that if they do so they will find Mr. Troup'sparty consists of himself, and knowing that it is the duty of Republicansto disregard the appeals of defeated candidates who run independent, weawait information concerning "my party." REPUBLICAN.

Winfield, Oct. 17th, 1877.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Skipped Oct. 1, 1877, County Commissioners Proceedings.


Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Jack Thurman is in trouble about a woman.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Mr. Lane is building a residence in the northpart of town.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

S. W. Buell has given his house a new "patentoutside."

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Our foreman, T. C. Copeland, has been visitingin Augusta.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Judge Coldwell's large new residence is nearlycompleted.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

There is a great demand for residences and residenceproperty.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Reuben Rogers has built a residence at the southend of town.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

J. B. Lynn is building a residence in the northwestpart of town.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Ground is broken near the old M. E. Church fora new bakery.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

J. A. Foults is building a residence just northof the schoolhouse.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

E. C. Manning has made an addition to Winfieldon the west side.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

DIED. A young child of Mr. Lebow died last Sundaymorning of __________. [WAY THE ARTICLE APPEARED!]

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Judge Gans says the marriage license businessis distressingly dull.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

J. C. Fuller has laid out an addition to Winfieldon the east side of town.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

E. E. Boyd, special mail agent from St. Louis,Mo., was in town last week.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

John Hoenscheidt is making a county map forA. H. Green's land office.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

John Wilson, our former barber, is in town renovatinghis residence building.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Rev. J. L. Rushbridge is building two residencesin the south end of town.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

J. W. Batchellor is about to build a residencein the northwest part of town.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Geo. Crippen is building a brick residence onManning's Addition to Winfield.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Bring on your toads. Chinch bugs have appearedin the eastern part of the county.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

P. Stump's new cut stone front business houseis getting forward toward completion.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

M. J. Miller, contractor, has elevated and lengthenedhis shop, and put on a new outside.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Mr. Crippen, of McGuire & Crippen, is buildinga brick residence in the west part of town.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Sim Moore, the Republican war-horse of Tisdale,has returned from the Black Hills, hale and hearty.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

The large stone blacksmith shop, which is beingbuilt by Mater, Son & Miller, is progressing well.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Wm. Atkinson, our new tailor, appears in a cardtoday. He is well recommended. Give him a call. [COULD NOT FIND CARD!]

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Levi Putnam has been buying residence lots intown, and proposes to build two or three residences at once.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

E. C. Seward has fitted up the old M. E. Churchin excellent style, and it has become a fine and commodious residence.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Rev. N. L. Rigby is in the city again visitinghis better half. He says his lamp manufacturing business is going on well.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Tom Blanchard, one of Cowley's earliest settlersand most substantial citizens, returned from the Black Hills last Saturday.[Note: Earlier they had him moving to Colorado?]

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

J. C. Fuller sold T. M. McGuire, E. P. Kinne,and E. S. Bedilion each a quarter of a block in his new addition, east oftown, for residences.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

BIRTH. E. Spencer Bliss comes to the front again,but is only half as proud as he was the other time. It is a boy this time,and Spencer is happy.

[Previously Mr. Bliss had twins: both died.]

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Services at Methodist Church next Sabbath asusual Subject of evening discourse, "Inspired truth in its relationto the past, present, and future."

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

J. W. Tull, of Lazette, made us a call lastFriday. He says trade is good at that place, and that Stapleton has a newstock of goods and a new wife.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

President Matthewson, of the Parsons road, assuredMr. Manning, last week, that his company would build 28 miles of their roadthis fall and winter.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

MARRIED. Mac D. Stapleton, one of the leadingcitizens and merchants of Lazette, lately married Rebecca Ramage, of thatplace. Wish you much joy, Mac.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Remember the Supper and Sociable at the M. E.Church next Friday at 5 o'clock p.m. Let everybody get a square meal foronce, and help in time of need.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

The Rev. pastor of the Catholic Church asksthe public to be punctual in handing to H. Jochems the moneys contributedor assessed to the church building fund.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Mrs. Nettie Lundy and her son, from Carrol City,Iowa, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Buell, and other relatives in Winfield.She is a niece of the senior editor.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Hon. J. McDermott, Hon. T. R. Bryan, Prof. WillG. Robinson, and others, whose names we did not get, have gone to Topeka.Wonder if the horse fair was the attraction.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

The Arkansas City Traveler comes outsomewhat improved in appearance, and proposes still further improvements.Scott makes a good paper, and deserves a liberal patronage.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

WASH-PON-E-KA, king of the Kaws, "deposedand said," in Hackney & McDonald's office last Thursday, in relationto the marriage laws of his kingdom, for use in the U. S. court.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

O. F. Boyle called on us last Saturday. He isin the grain buying business at Wichita, making his headquarters at theWestlake Elevator. Do not fail to see him when you have wheat to sell.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

The School Basket will be read in the IntermediateDepartment of the Public Schools, on Friday afternoon, Oct. 26th. Parentsand friends of the pupils are cordially invited to attend.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Goldie Triplett, a former resident of Winfield,returned last Friday. He is now living at Oswego. He says Winfield has grownbeyond all his expectations.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

DIED. Mrs. T. H. Henderson, known better asMrs. McMasters, for some years a resident of Winfield, died at Joplin lastweek. Her relatives and numerous warm friends here will deeply mourn herloss.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Hon. J. S. Wilson, Attorney of Lawrence, wasin town last Friday taking evidence in a case in the U. S. court, in which400 acres of Kaw bottom lands is involved. He called at the COURIER office.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

J. Ex. Saint and lady, James Kelly and lady,and L. J. Webb have gone to Topeka to attend the Masonic Grand Lodge, orthe horse fair, or to visit their friends, we forget which. Hope A. B. willkeep them out of mischief.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Rev. F. C. Wright, of Jefferson, Ohio, willpreach at the Baptist Church this evening, and on next Sabbath morning andevening. All are invited to attend. Mr. Wright is a talented preacher, andmay be located here as pastor of the Baptist Church. He is evidently theWright man.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Col. E. C. Manning returned from Parsons lastFriday. He does not bring a very flattering account of the progress of theParsons road. Some difficulties are yet to be overcome before the work canstart this side of Parsons, but it is believed they will be conquered intime to build the first fifteen miles before December 22nd.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

We wish to give fair warning to any personswho are contemplating, or who may contemplate, abstracting any of our firewood, that we have loaded several of the sticks with giant powder, and ifanyone gets blown to the four winds of heaven, we refuse to pay any funeralexpenses, or sympathize with the mourners.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

The erection of the Catholic Church will commenceon the 29th, and will be pushed forward for completion so rapidly that servicesare to be held in it on the second Sunday in November. Building committee:Rev. J. C. Schurz, president; H. Jochems, treasurer and collector; DanielMaher, secretary; J. Hoenscheidt, architect.

Rev. Father Schurz called on Monday, havingheld services in this city Sunday. He says that his district is too extensive,and that it is necessary to locate a pastor here, to take charge of a partof his district. The Rev. S. Rohr will probably soon be located as Catholicpastor. Services will then be arranged for twice a month.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

A small cyclone, with heavy rain, passed overthis city last Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The steeple of the new M.E. Church was thrown to the ground and utterly demolished, doing much damageto the tower and church. This is a serious misfortune after the large expenseof money and energy in its erection.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

DIED. Miss Julia A. Barnard, who has been boardingwith her grandmother, Mrs. Read, and attending school in this city, diedSaturday, Oct. 13th, at 6:30 o'clock, aged 14 years. She was a member ofthe Missionary Baptist Church for the past three years, and died with abright hope of the future. Her remains were taken to Richland Township forburial.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

T. R. Carson, of Richland Township, made usa call on Tuesday. He says the wheat in his section is very fine, completelycovering the ground with a green carpet. He is a young farmer who uses brainsas well as muscle in his farm operations. His windmill is one of his machines,and is used principally in pumping water for his stock and saves a greatdeal of labor, but can be put to a variety of uses. He is agent for thesale of such mills.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Republican Meeting.
FLORAL, KANSAS, Oct. 15, 1877.

There will be a meeting of the Republican votersof Richland Township at the Richland schoolhouse, on the 27th day of Oct.,1877, at 7 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of nominating township officers,and selecting a township committee. DANIEL MAHER, Chairman.

L. B. STONE, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.


This grand body was organized in this city September28th, by Past Supreme Dictator, A. E. Keyes, of Mansfield, Ohio, with thefollowing officers.

Alonzo Howland, Past Grand Dictator; Dr. W.G. Graham, Grand Dictator, Winfield; C. W. Rambo, Elk Falls, Grand ViceDictator; E. Maris, Eldorado, Grand Assistant Dictator; B. F. Smith, Oxford,Grand Chaplain; Henry J. Walker, Grand Reporter; S. P. Channell, ArkansasCity, Grand Treasurer; R. W. Stephenson, Wellington, Grand Guide; H. O.Lystre, Cedar Vale, Grand Guardian; James Fogy, Douglass, Grand Sentinel.

The following were elected Trustees: H. O. Lystre,E. Maris, R. W. Stephenson, R. F. Smith, and L. F. Chandler.

The Grand Dictator appointed the following committees.

On Appeals: E. B. Kager, L. F. Chandler, andW. C. Robinson.

On Printing and Supplies: The Dictator, ViceDictator, and Reporter.

On Laws and Supervision: A. Howland, R. F. Smith,and H. J. Walker.

On Finance: E. Maris, W. C. Robinson, and F.Sowers.

On Mileage and Per Diem: Thos. Osborn, H. O.Lystre, and A. E. Garrison.

On Returns: E. B. Kager, C. W. Rambo, and Dr.Lewis.

On State of the Order: H. J. Walker, A. Howland,B. F. Smith, J. W. McWilliams, and L. F. Chandler.

Upon motion the Grand Lodge adjourned to meetthe second Wednesday in June, 1878, in the Knights of Honor Hall, in Eldorado,Kansas.

The first Lodge of the Order in this State wasorganized February 20, 1877, in this city. There are at present twelve subordinateLodges working in the State, all in a good prosperous condition, havingan aggregate membership of about 240 members.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

The Philomatic Society

Met last Friday evening with a very respectableattendance. The society elected M. G. Troup, President; J. E. Allen, VicePresident; Kate Millington, Secretary; Fred Hunt, Treasurer. The music wasexcellent, and the debate was ably conducted by Messrs. Seward, Rushbridge,and Jennings.

Next meeting Friday evening, Oct. 19. Music,Paper by F. C. Hunt and Kate Millington; Select Reading, Will Stivers; Discussion,J. E. Allen, W. Q. Mansfield, and others, with sundry exercises.

Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.

Hall of Winfield Chapter No. 31, R.A. Masons.
WINFIELD, KAN., Oct. 8, 1877.

WHEREAS, Death, for the first time, has invadedour circle, and taken from among us our companion, N. C. McCulloch, and;

WHEREAS, In the dispensation of Divine Providencewe recognize the ruling of the Supreme Grand High Priest of the universeand bow submissively to his will.

Resolved,That we most sincerely deplore his loss, and in the true spirit of charitywhich animates our Brotherhood, we pledge to his bereaved family our sympathyand benefactions.

Resolved,That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the Chapter, a copyof the same attested by the Secretary and with the seal of the Chapter attached,furnished the family of our deceased companion and the city papers requestedto make publication hereof.


Winfield Courier, October18, 1877.


To the Voters of Cowley County:

Believing that the action of the late RepublicanConvention of this county, in the choice of a candidate for County Clerk,does not represent the wishes of a majority of my party, and at the earnestsolicitation of many friends, without regard to party, I am still a candidatefor re-election to that office. Believing there is no political significancein the office of County Clerk, and regarding him simply as the servant ofthe people. I herewith pledge you that, if elected, in the future, as inthe past, I shall endeavor to discharge the duties of the office to theentire satisfaction of the whole people, and not in the interests of anyparty, clique, or ring. Trusting that you will not be deceived and blindedby the "howl" and "smoke" that this Card will call forthfrom the "professional politicians" of the county.

I am most respectfully, Your obedient servant.M. G. TROUP.


Winfield Courier, October25, 1877. Editorial Page.

Will start for

With teams sufficient to bring into this county$5,700 worth of Stock. We believe that the fruit growers of Cowley and adjoiningcounties are satisfied that the Nursery Stock sold by our agent, W. B. TRISSELL,Is just what it is represented to be.


Call upon him at his delivery grounds, in WINFIELD,or ARKANSAS CITY, on or about the 17th of November.


Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

BAIRD BROS., At the New York Store,
Want 1,000 families to call and examinethe largest stock of
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc., in CowleyCounty,
where everything is sold at
Grasshopper Prices.
Remember the place.
You can save money by buying of us.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.


I have engaged rooms in Maris' new buildingfor the


and having lately been associated at Wichita,with a first-class artist from New York in that time, I am prepared to givesatisfaction in


I would respectfully solicit a share of thepublic patronage.

I have received the latest fashions.


Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

Corner of Main Street and 10th Avenue,Winfield.

Keeps constantly on hand a most stylish assortmentof


Orders filled on the shortest notice, and onthe most reasonable terms.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

Prices Low for Cash.

Liberal Terms to Those who wish to Purchaseon Time.

Payments can be made in Monthly Installments.

The "Webber" Piano,
The favorite of all first-class musicians.
The Bloomfield & Otis Pianos
The Emerson Piano,
The Celebrated "SILVER TONGUE"Organ,

manufactured by the oldest Reed Organ Home inthe United States. Elegantly and durably finished. Sweetest tone and extraordinarypower.

For circulars and terms apply to



Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.


Honest John Guthrie, of Topeka, is Grand Masterof the grand Lodge of Masons.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

Judge Prescott, of Salina, has decided thatdivorces granted in Utah are invalid in this State.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

It is said that Spotted Tail, when at Washington,refused to accept a portrait of the nude statue of Venus. The old fellowis sadly in need of civilization.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

The Sitting Bull peace commission have finallyhad an interview with the great warrior, who was afraid of treachery, wouldnot surrender nor make peace, and the commission had to abandon the workof conciliation.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877. M. G. TROUP.

The announcement of this gentleman as an independentcandidate for County Clerk deserves more comment. Four years ago he wasnominated by the Republican party of this county for that office, and theRepublicans stood by him and elected him; not because they knew anythingabout him but because their convention had endorsed him.

In Tisdale, his own township, where he was bestknown, a township largely Republican, his opponent received a majority ofthe votes cast. No other candidate who was before the convention that nominatedMr. Troup had the bad faith to run against him after being defeated in theconvention. On the contrary, like honorable men, they accepted the decisionof the convention and supported Mr. Troup. Again two years ago he was nominatedby the Republicans and no one bolted the nomination to run independent.

Now the Republican convention has in its wisdomnominated Capt. J. S. Hunt for that office, and Mr. Troup says their action"does not represent the wishes of my party." He assumes by hisaction that any convention which nominates Mr. Troup is wise, and that anythat nominates anyone else for the office does not represent the wishesof his party. His party is only satisfied when it nominates him.

In the COURIER for Sept. 18th is found sideby side the announcements of M. G. Troup and J. S. Hunt as candidates forthe office of County Clerk before the Republican convention. Both were wellknown to be candidates all over the county, both canvassed to a considerableextent, and the primaries were held more with reference to the claims ofthose two candidates than of any others save those for Sheriff, and weremore fully attended than ever before; no set of delegates ever before sonearly expressed the will of their constituents, and when the conventionassembled, Mr. Troup was there busy canvassing the delegates.

It was there ascertained that a great majorityof them were for Capt. Hunt, a fact that Mr. Troup fully realized by hiswithdrawal, and Capt. Hunt was nominated without dissent. Never was a fairernomination nor one which gave more general satisfaction to the party.

The people do not know that there is anythingwrong about the Clerk's office. They hope that the incumbent has done hisduty well, but they well know that there is opportunity for many fraudsin that office, and many neglects of duty which would not be detected untila change of officers. They know that nearly all the astounding frauds thathave been unearthed, have been perpetrated by persons who were consideredabove suspicion; who not having been scrutinized on account of the confidencereposed in them, have been tempted into small peculations which have grownwith years into enormous embezzlements and other frauds. They know thatin the office of County Clerk there are fees to collect and credit to thecounty; that there are large amounts of stationery and expensive books tobe bought for the county, on which a high price is sometimes paid the seller,who in turn pays back the officer a high commission; that there are largeamounts of county scrip to control and handle, that considerable sums ofscrip are made and signed, ready for delivery, which are never called for,and should be cancelled and destroyed after three years; that there arethe accounts of other officers to be kept straight; that the errors andfrauds of county officers are usually only detected when there is a changeof County Clerks; that County Attorney McDermott discovered last wintera $2,500 error in the late Treasurer's account which the County Clerk hadfor three years failed to detect; and that four consecutive years is aslong as any person should ever hold that responsible position.

The late convention did well to decide upona change. It expressed the wishes of nearly all the voters of the countyif we may judge from the expression we hear. It did well in nominating Capt.J. S. Hunt, a man who is in every respect the peer of the present incumbent;a man whose whole record shows that he will thoroughly overhaul the pastoperations, and discover if anything is wrong; and Republicans will, wedoubt not, vote for him almost unanimously, while the Democrats who preferthe good of the county rather than the damaging of the Republican partywill also support him.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.


Charley Harter, the Democratic nominee, is agood fellow, has no faults except such as are common to Democrats, and wouldpossibly make a good sheriff, therefore it is to be expected that most ofthe straight unterrified Democrats will support him, but there is no goodreason that any Republican or any Democrat who wants the best man electedshould vote for him.

The Republican nominee for Sheriff, Leon Lippmann,was a candidate in the contest against two other Republicans, of acknowledgedability and fitness for the office, men that would have honored the partyand the county had they or either of them been nominated and elected, yetthe convention, composed of men of judgment and sagacity second to nonein the county, selected Lippmann against the others, thus giving him suchan endorsem*nt as few candidates ever get.

Mr. Lippmann is not a stranger in this county.He is one of the early settlers, an honest, thoroughly educated, energetic,courageous, hard-working man. He has demonstrated his fitness for the officein his whole course of life and business in our midst, has earned his popularityby earnest hard work, fair, honest dealing, and pleasant, affable intercoursewith all his acquaintances, and if any man deserves the office, that manis Leon Lippmann.

The only fault we have ever heard mentionedagainst him are the facts that he was not born in this country, and thathe took out naturalization papers at the term of court last spring.

He was born in France because he could not helpit, and the evidence we have that he would have helped it if he could, isthat he migrated to this country at the age of eleven years, entered theUnion army at the age of 18, and fought for our country during the war,receiving his honorable discharge three years later at the close of thewar. Under the laws of the United States such service invests a foreignborn man with all the rights and privileges of citizenship, hence in 1865,at the age of 21, Mr. Lippmann was as fully and legally a citizen of theUnited States as any other person, and had no need to take out naturalizationpapers, but to avoid all cavil he took the trouble to take out his paperslast spring just as he would have done in 1865 when he had reached his majority,had he not been already invested with citizenship by his discharge papers.

No Republican, who desires the integrity ofhis party, no elector who has the interests of the county at heart, canafford to neglect to vote for Leon Lippmann on the 6th day of November.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.


We took a look through the register's officethe other day and are pleased to be able to inform our readers that it isin the best possible shape.

The cases for books are on the most approvedplan, the shelves being constructed so that the books slide back into theirplaces on rollers, making the wear in handling them very slight. We haveseen but one other office in the State so well arranged.

We find that the expense of the purchase ofbooks for the office has been greatly reduced during Mr. Kinne's term. Therecords that cost us formerly $28, are purchased now for $22.

We have now as complete a set of abstract booksas can be found anywhere. These books have been made for the public. Theplan is so simple that anyone can determine at a glance the exact conditionof the title to any piece of land in the county. These abstracts were preparedby Mr. Kinne for less than half the fees allowed by law. He has the businessof his office so systematized that everything moves like clock work. Mr.Kinne deserves another term and he will get it by a majority of about sixhundred votes.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.


Mr. Troup asserts that during his term he hassaved this county ten thousand dollars. How, Mr. Troup? When were we indanger of sustaining such a heavy loss? Have you done any more than yoursworn duty as an officer? On the contrary, we have just come into possessionof evidence that satisfies us that this county did sustain a loss of atleast $2,561.20, that is directly charged to either your inefficiency orneglect.

October 23rd, 1876, the retiring county treasurerfiled in your office a statement of his business during his term. The boardof county commissioners intrusted you to examine that statement in detail,and ordered the county treasurer to refund to Mr. Kager any sum of moneyyou should find due him. You have, or should have, in your office such checksand balances as would enable you to detect at once any error in the countytreasurer's accounts. On the 7th of last December, after examining the statementwith Mr. Kager's attorney, you reported to Mr. Bryan that Mr. Kinne hadoverpaid the county $522.17, and that that sum should be repaid to him asordered by the county board. Sometime after this county attorney McDermottcalled your attention to the fact that Dist. No. 5 had sustained a lossof about $300, and said that it must be an error in your settlement withthe county treasurer. You denied this emphatically, and said you knew thestatement was correct. Mr. McDermott showed you after your efficient (?)service of three years as county clerk, how to detect such errors, lookedup with you the affairs of Dist. No. 5, convinced you that a mistake ofover $300 had been made in that instance, and left you to examine the accountsof other districts and see if other blunders had been made.

You then proceeded to make the examination anddiscovered that in your statement to Mr. Bryan you had made a mistake of$2,561.30, and you reported that blunder to the county board April 11th,1877. Would the mistake ever have been discovered had it not been for theefficiency of the county attorney? Does not the county attorney deservethe credit for the detection of your blunder and the recovery to this countyof the lost $2,561.30? We think so.

Did you save the balance of the ten thousanddollars in the same way?

You are invited to make your defense throughthe columns of the COURIER.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.


A. H. Green, lawyer and real estate broker,has issued the first number of a newspaper entitled The Kansas News,and devoted to the interests of the county of Cowley and the city of Winfield.He has already printed an edition of 5,000 copies, and proposes to increaseit to 10,000. He is circulating the paper throughout the State, in the hotelsof the principal cities further East, and on all railroad trains runningin the State. It contains a complete description of the county, its productions,industries, trade, and products, and will be an invaluable advertisem*ntfor our county and city. We have the best county and the liveliest cityin the State, but located as we are, away from the lines of railroad travel,men who have money and brains desiring to locate in Kansas have not visitedus in such numbers as have examined other portions of the State, and thoughwe have a goodly number of that class of men, particularly men of brains,yet a still larger number is desirable. If such be induced to visit ourcounty, they will be pretty sure to locate. What they need are the facts,and A. H. Green has been to a large expense in time and money to lay thefacts before such men. He is entitled to the gratitude of all who are interestedin the growth and prosperity of this county. A man who can exhibit suchenterprise will do your business efficiently. Give him a call.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

WINFIELD, KANSAS, Oct. 23, 1877.

EDITOR COURIER: I understand that Mr. Troupand his friends are circulating the report that he (Troup) was "soldout" in the Republican convention, and did not have a fair show. Whenit became apparent that George Walker could not be nominated for Sheriff,I told Walker that there was nothing to be gained by prolonging the contest,and he authorized me to act for him as I saw fit, and therefore I withdrewhis name. When I did so, Mr. Troup came to me and wanted to know what itmeant, and I told him what I had told Walker. He replied, "Why didn'tyou wait a little longer and give me a chance to make some votes out ofit?" I told him he was all right, and in no danger. He went away andshortly came back and said he was not going to have his name go before theconvention. I tried to dissuade him from withdrawing. I told him he wasalready before the convention, and I believed he could be nominated. Hesaid he could not, and authorized me to withdraw his name. He now chargesCapt. Hunt's nomination to be a "trade," when there is no foundationfor it. He was dissatisfied because he was not notified of Walker's intentionof withdrawing, in order that he (Troup) might "trade" on it.These are the facts, and I only state them in justice to myself, and othersof Mr. Troup's friends, who were anxious to have him nominated, but arenow charged with these things, to secure Mr. Troup's election, against theregular nominee.


Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.


MARRIED. Frank Manny, who formerly lived inRock Township, lately married a Miss Mary Chamberlain, and is running abrewery at Wichita.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

The Masonic Grand bodies have been in sessionin Topeka during this week. Hon. M. S. Adams, of this city, was electedGrand High Priest of the Grand Chapter for the ensuing year.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.


Sixty counties have held normal institutes underthe law enacted last winter.


Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

The Frazee brothers have returned from the goldregions.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

The post office at Douglass has been made amoney order office.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

Mr. E. S. Bliss is making additions to his residence,and building a barn.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

Seth Blanchard and D. Rodocker have left theBlack Hills and gone East.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

Nate Robinson's stage line between this placeand El Dorado is well patronized.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

Mr. A. G. Wilson is building a fine residenceat his stock ranch, southwest of the city.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

Quite a number of farmers went from Rock Townshipto Eldorado with wheat last Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

J. B. Lynn's new house presents a fine appearance.It is enclosed and will be completed soon.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

J. C. Fuller sold, this week, a half block northof his present residence to Rev. J. C. Schurz.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

E. C. Manning is making arrangements to builda brick business house on the site of the "old log store."

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

E. Shriver and Barney Shriver, of Sheridan Township,have 600 head of cattle in the Territory, south of this place.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

J. L. Bruce & Co. have sold out their interestin the City Hotel to W. D. Anderson, who will continue the business.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

Our enterprising druggist, B. F. Baldwin, advertisesin the Courier. He treats his patrons well and has a large trade.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

Our popular stage agent, M. L. Bangs, had boughta lot on Ninth avenue, west of Main street, and is about to build a residence.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

E. C. Manning sold two lots on 9th Avenue andthree lots on his addition, to Levi Putnam, who is going to build residencesto rent.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

At the Rock Creek meeting, Mr. Troup attemptedto explain the "crookedness" in the $2,561.30 deficiency, bututterly failed to exonerate himself.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

J. C. Fuller has commenced the building of anew residence on his square southeast of the courthouse. It is supposedit will be something fine.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

Joe Stansberry was taken with a paroxysm ofinsanity, while in Winfield last Tuesday, and attempted self-destruction.At last accounts he was nearly recovered.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

It will take one thousand dollars to repairthe M. E. Church and make a new steeple, and it is to be done at once. Thesteeple will be on a more beautiful plan than the first.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

John Hoenscheidt, whose ad appears today, isgetting many jobs in architectural drawing, which he executes with greatneatness and accuracy. He is a first-class architect.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

Read Harter & Hill's ad. They are reliableyoung men, wide awake and full of business. Their livery stable is in everyrespect first-class. Give the boys a share of your business.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

Charley Roberts, one of our most prosperousfarmers, has gone with his family to Iowa to visit old friends. They willreturn about the time the "boys get the corn gathered."

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

Hotel arrivals, in this city, for the week endingOctober 24th, 1877, number as follows: Central, 70; Anderson House, 44;Williams House, 44.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

There will be a meeting held in the classroomof the M. E. Church next Monday evening, for the purpose of organizing aGlee Club. All interested in singing are requested to attend.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

The Democratic candidate for Register of Deedsis a "middle man." His only visible means of support is a littlestore at Salt City. His place of business will soon be at the head of SaltRiver.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

The road to Eldorado has been improved recently.The steep hills have been graded and the rocks removed from many of therough places. A little more work will put the road in excellent condition.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

A meeting of the L. M. I. S. will be held atthe residence of Mrs. Mansfield, Monday evening, Oct. 28th, promptly at7 o'clock. MRS. A. C. WILKINSON, President.


Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

HON. D. T. BLIGH, chief detective, of Louisville,Kentucky, visited this place a few days ago. He is a relative of J. W. Hamiltonlikesthe county so well that he bought a farm and talks of building several housesfor rent in town.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

E. Spencer Bliss, and his brother, Albert Bliss,have bought out the interests of Mrs. Rigby and Mr. Earnest in the generalstore of Bliss, Earnest & Co., and the new firm will be all Bliss, underthe firm name of Bliss & Co.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

Dr. F. H. Bull, dentist, late of Burlington,Iowa, has opened rooms upstairs in the S. C. Smith building to practicehis profession. He is a first-class dentist, as many who know him will testify.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

Will the judges of election in each townshipor precinct carefully prepare a statement of the vote at the election onNovember 6th and send it directly to the COURIER office by the person whobrings in the sealed returns that day?

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

Joel Mason, of Pleasant Valley Township, hasleft at our office a sweet potato, weighing 5¼ pounds, taken outof a lot of 100 that averaged 5 pounds. He also left an English flat turnip,weighing 4 pounds. Both are beautiful specimens.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

Mr. John D. Pryor was appointed Grand PrincipalSojourner of the Grand Chapter, and Dr. W. G. Graham, Grand Junior Deaconof the Grand Lodge of Masons, at the recent session of the fraternity atTopeka.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

Mr. W. D. Roberts, of this city, has accepteda situation as salesman to Geo. Y. Smith's store, at Wichita. He is to goto that city the first of next week to enter at once upon his duties.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

Rev. N. L. Rigby exhibited to us his patentfor his invention in lamps, issued to him by the government of Great Britain.To those who have never seen such a document, it is worth a visit to Mr.Rigby to see it. The document itself would do for a table-cloth, and isneater, whiter, and more substantial than most table-spreads. The seal weighsabout four pounds, and the whole is enclosed in and fills up a neat caseabout twelve by sixteen inches, five inches deep.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

Last Tuesday night, while grinding flour atTabler's mill, on Cana, the machinery, all of a sudden, refused to performits revolutions. The next morning the miller "drew off" the waterfor the purpose of examining the water-wheel, which he found loaded withlarge fish. He informs us that fifty pounds of fish were taken out, severalof which weighed forty pounds. Cedarvale Blade.

What is it Sam? What are you trying to getthrough you? You had the idea, Sam, but you got the story awfully mixed.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

DIED. At Central City, Dakota Territory, Oct.5, 1877, John S., youngest son of William S. and Leonora Bryant, formerlyof Peru, Lazette County, Illinois; aged 22 years and 14 days.

We clip the following from the Black Hills DailyPioneer:

"The funeral of Mr. J. S. Bryant on Sundaywas attended by a large crowd of his mourning friends. It was the largestfuneral procession we have seen in the Hills. The services were conductedat Central City by Major Newson, and the choir led by Mr. Charles Lack.The Major made a most eloquent, touching, and appropriate address. We regretexceedingly not having space to publish it. It was a sermon preached outof the pulpit without gown or cassock, a just tribute to the memory of thedeceased, and caused the tear of sympathy to moisten many a manly eye. Itdid not harrow up the feelings of the bereaved, but appealed to the heartsof all."


Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

Charley Harter's democratic friends have perpetratedrather a good joke on him. They intended it for a joke, but we understandhe takes it in good earnest. They thought it would be a good thing to getCharley out of a store long enough to tan his face and soil his soft whitehands. Had they intended to do him a favor they might have nominated himfor county clerk, register of deeds, or some other office suited to histastes. The idea of selecting a nice, ladies' man like Charley for sheriff,is simply ludicrous. Would it not be fun to see him called out of bed at12 o'clock of a cold winter night to chase a horse thief? How long wouldit take him to get up? On such occasions wouldn't he give the boys who electedhim blue blazes. Where would the horse thief be by the time Charley hadput on two overcoats, drawn on his tight kid gloves, and over them a pairof buckskin gauntlets, warmed bricks, and put them in his stirrups to keephis feet from becoming cold, placed the sheepskin in his saddle to makehis ride as easy as possible, tied a couple of handkerchiefs around hisneck, and pulled a very broad-brimmed hat low down over his face to keepthe moonshine from tanning him? Charley, take our advice and do not spendmuch money in this campaign. Quit rubbing your hands on the fork handleso much trying to harden them. You will only make blisters, not callousedspots. Stay in out of the sun and keep your hands and face smooth and white.The people may elect you to a nice indoor office, when they have one tospare. They would not think, for a moment, of subjecting you to the hardshipsincident to the sheriff's office.

Lippmann was a poor orphan boy. He has alwaysbeen exposed to hardship and toil. The hard work of the office will nothurt him. Let him have it and you take care of yourself.


Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.


Rooms upstairs in S. C. Smith's building.

Office days: Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.



to order from the best stock and gives entiresatisfaction to his customers.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

Wm. Hudson & Bro.,
Watchmakers And Jewelers,
Keep constantly on hand the latest stylesof Watches,
Clocks, and Jewelry.
done with promptness and skill, and

in which are kept all articles left for repairs.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.


Will make PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND CONTRACTSFor Buildings on short time at Reasonable Prices, in any part of Kansasor neighboring States.

Public Buildings Made a Specialty. CorrespondenceSolicited.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

9th Avenue, East of Main Street, Winfield,Kansas.
Runs in connection with their Stablein Wichita.

Winfield Courier, October25, 1877.

Lodging connected with the House.


Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.


The following is a copy of the order made bythe board of county commissioners Oct. 23rd, 1876, referred to in our editorialheaded "Crookedness," to-wit:

"It appearing to the board that E. B. Kager,ex-county treasurer, has turned over to his successor in office too muchmoney, the present county treasurer is hereby ordered to refund to saidKager all money in his hands in excess of the total amount that shall beagreed upon by the clerk of this board and said Kager as being due the variousfunds at the expiration of said Kager's term of office."

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

ROCK, Oct. 27, 1877.

HON. L. J. WEBB: Dear Sir: I notice inthis week's Telegram that it is claimed that my interests are notentirely in Cowley County, but rather in Butler. I will simply say to thevoters of the first district, that I never owned a foot of land or propertyof any kind in Butler County. All the real estate I possess is located inthis county. Yours truly, G. L. GALE.

The above from Mr. Gale, the Republican candidatefor county commissioner for the first district, fully answers the insinuationthat he is a Butlerite. Mr. Gale is a Cowley County man and as deeply interestedin the welfare of this county as any other citizen. He is a warm, but judiciousrailroad man, and has heartily supported both the Parsons and the Emporiaroads. He will use all judicious and honorable means in his power to securethe building of an east and west railroad through the center of the county,and another down the Walnut valley, in the shortest possible time, at thesame time saving the county all unnecessary expense. The fears that someexpress that he will be disposed to throw obstacles in the way of any railroadcompany proposing to build into this county are entirely groundless. Weconfidently expect his election, and the aid of his strong, good sense,and his active work, in securing such improvements as our county still needs.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.


Some of the leading supporters of Charley Harterare throwing out hints that a scheme is on foot that will beat Lippmannand are offering to bet it will succeed. From other sources we have hintsthat some yarn against him has been fabricated and been sworn to by someunscrupulous scamp, which is to be published in the Telegram andin hand bills and circulated on the morning of the election, when it istoo late to refute it. Such tactics have often been practiced by politiciansin desperate straits, but are too contemptible to think of. Every sensiblevoter should know that nothing but lies are ever circulated in that way.

As we go to press we learn that the Telegramhas been printed but is still withheld, though it is now two days behindits regular time of publication. This confirms the suspicion that it containssomething that the COURIER would disprove if published before the COURIERgoes to press. It is possible that some similar game against Capt. Huntis on foot.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.


The following editorial appeared in the COURIERof last week. [REPRINTS ARTICLE ENTITLED "CROOKEDNESS."]

To this Mr. Troup replies as follows:


This is to certify that we, the undersignedCommissioners of Cowley County, Kansas, have read an article in the editorialcolumns of the Winfield COURIER, entitled "Crookedness," and findthe same to be a gross misrepresentation of Mr. Troup's official acts concerningthe final statement and settlement of Mr. Kager's account vs. county treasurerof said county. Believing in the motto of "honor to whom honor is due,"we would further say that no official act of Mr. Troup's in connection withMr. Kager's final settlement would, in the least degree, indicate to themind of any fair-minded person that he (Troup) was dishonest, inefficient,or unfaithful in the trust confided to his care, but on the contrary, hisevery act in that matter but serves to confirm us in the belief that hehas been, and is, a faithful, efficient, and honorable public servant.


October 27th, 1877.

Now, Mr. Editor, I deem the foregoing to bea sufficient answer to the villainous article you published last week, anddo not care to trespass further on your space with that matter. However,I desire to say that you must be supporting a most odious ticket indeed,if it requires such dirty work to carry it, as you had made use of, in yourlast issue. Does it not strike you as being a little ridiculous, Mr. Editors,for you to resort to such infamous measures to carry a ticket, that is asworthy of support as you say yours is, in a county where you have a straightmajority of 700 votes? Do you not think you could lend more dignity to theexalted position which you hold, at the head of the public education ofthis great commonwealth, if you were to devote more time to the educationalinterests of the state, and less to the publication of such articles, asemanated from your fertile brain last week? Is it not, in fine, just a littledegrading to the Office of State Superintendent of Public Instruction, foryou to come down here, 200 miles, to do the dirty work for a few politicalshysters, in a local canvass for county officers? I leave you to answerthese interrogations at your leisure.

Now, Mr. Editor, having performed my dutieshonestly and faithfully, I feel confident that all future discoveries of"crookedness" will have the same foundation of fact, as the onementioned last week. Having nothing to fear from a strict and impartialinquiry into my official career, I invite you to try again, in your searchfor "crookedness."

Yours respectfully, M. G. TROUP.

There is no principle of newspaper courtesythat would require us to publish the above strictures on Mr. Lemmon. Onthe contrary, under the rules of the press we would be justified in refusingto publish the communication, because Mr. Troup has so forgotten that heshould be a gentleman, as to call us hard names. However, we waive the discourtesyand publish the article entire.

We do not think the people care to be divertedfrom the issues in this canvass by a discussion of Mr. Troup's strictureson Mr. Lemmon. Mr. Lemmon is a citizen of this county; votes only here,has invested all his means here, returns to this county as his home whenhis official duties will permit, will permanently remain here when thoseduties are ended, feels as deep an interest in, and works as hard for thewelfare of this county as any other citizen, and has an equal right to beheard in its politics and policies. But whether he is behaving badly orwell is not an issue at this time, for he is not "running for office."Mr. Troup is a candidate for a third term as county clerk, and his officialacts are legitimate subjects for discussion. Hence our editorial in lastweek's COURIER as above. Please examine it carefully and see where the "villainy,"the "dirty work," and the "infamous measures," comein. We think we treated the subject with great fairnesseven with tenderness.We stated certain facts which are not controverted in his reply, neithercan they be successfully, for the records of his office and that of thecounty treasurer, together with the testimony of other county officers andother men of unquestioned veracity, amply prove them to be true.

The issue is made only on our conclusion, thatthe loss of about $2,500 to the county was due either to Mr. Troup's neglector his inefficiency. It is a cheap way to controvert such conclusions, towrite or dictate a denial in general terms like the above, and induce threeof his particular friends to subscribe it as a favor. It is a fact oftencommented upon that most men at the instance of a friend will sign any paperexcept a promise to pay money. Our commissioners being human are not exemptfrom such weakness. But if they really meant to stand by what that papercontains, they are in the same boat with him. There was assuredly some neglect,or inefficiency, or something worse somewhere, or school districts in thiscounty would not thus have lost more than $2,500 of the fundsa loss thatwould evidently never have been detected had it not been for the efficiencyof county attorney McDermott. The use of this large sum for fifteen monthswas lost beyond recovery.

Mr. Troup makes the commissioners deny thathis official action in this case indicates any dishonesty on his part. Pleaseexamine our editorial again and see where we intimate that he has been dishonest.We fail to find it. The idea of dishonesty has been suggested by Mr. Troupalone, and while we will not say that "a guilty conscience needs noaccuser," we think it well, now that he has called our attention tothis phase of the subject, not to brush the thought too hastily away, butto proceed to state a few more facts.

The law of 1875a law that has been on our statutebooks for two and a half years, requires the county clerk to make underoath quarterly, and file with the register of deeds a detailed statementof the amount of fees received by him during the quarter. No such reporthas ever been filed with the register of deeds of this county. We leaveit for others to say whether this is neglect, or inefficiency, or the otherthing. The same law declares that county clerks shall be allowed "asfull compensation for their services" in counties of 5,000 andless than 10,000 inhabitants, $1,200, and in counties of 10,000, and notmore than 15,000 inhabitants, $1,500 per annum, which salaries shallbe in full for all the services by law required to be performed in theirrespective offices." At the commissioners' meeting on the firstMonday of October last, Mr. Troup presented his statement of account againstthe county, in which he claimed, after deducting certain fees, a balancedue him for his services during the preceding quarter of $663.15, and thatsum was allowed and paid him. In that statement was included $300 for aduplicate tax roll. We have consulted the leading attorneys of this cityand have failed to find one who will say that the account was a just one,or that it should have been allowed and paid. There is no law authorizingit, and even if there were, the work could have been done for one-fourthof the sum Mr. Troup has received for it, and besides the work had not beendone, notwithstanding the account was verified by his oath, stating "thatthe amount claimed thereon is actually due." The tax roll had not beencompleted the first of this week, and yesterday it had not been receivedby the county treasurer.

What is the conclusion to be drawn from thesefacts? Are either of the three that are above considered sufficient? A yearago he also collected from the county in addition to his legal salary thesum of $300, for a duplicate tax roll, making with the late $300, and the$2,500, the sum of $3,100 saved to the county in his peculiar way.

The township assessors in the spring of 1875,after the law above referred to came into force, returned a total populationof less than 10,000 in the county. Mr. Troup procured an addition to bemade to the population returns of one township and raised the total to 10,020,thereby making his salary $1,500, instead of $1,200, thus saving $300 tothe county for himself, and $300 for another officer, raising his sum ofsavings up to $3,700.

So why should we doubt that the whole $10,000has been thus saved. Mr. Troup claimed to have found many evidences of thethree faults we have been discussing in the records made by his predecessorin office. What will Mr. Troup's successor find? Here we gladly leave thesubject of Mr. Troup's official record. We have stated facts onlyfacts whichwe have not searched for, but which our attention has lately been calledto, and which we would not state until we had the proofs.

We feel no unkindness toward Mr. Troup, butso long as he and his friends have been perambulating the county makingexaggerated statements about his honesty, efficiency, and faithfulness,and circulating slanderous statements about Capt. Hunt, it is due both toMr. Troup and to the republican nominee for county clerk that the peopleshould know these things that they may vote understandingly.

It is due, however, that Mr. Troup's politicalrecord should receive some attention.

After the republican convention of Sept. 22nd,last, had nominated Capt. Hunt, and up to the time of the democratic convention,Oct. 13th, Mr. Troup repeatedly stated to republicans that he would notbe an independent candidate, but would support Mr. Hunt. Was this for thepurpose of avoiding an examination of his official record until it shouldbe too late to get before the people in time to influence the election,any facts that might be discovered?

Last fall he requested to be placed on theManning ticket as a delegate in the convention, and was so placed and selecteda delegate. He entered that convention and supported and voted for Manning,as senator, but after Manning was nominated, he was among Manning's opposers,and anxious to be made a nominee for the same office against Manning. Hehas talked heavily against bonding the county for any purpose, when thatview was popular, and has afterward made speeches in favor of voting bonds.He is strongly temperance, with temperance men; signed three petitions forsaloon licenses in one season; and signed a petition and a remonstrancethe same week. He has supported bothJohnston and Kelly for postmaster at the same time. In fact, his politicalduplicity has become so notorious that it is often remarked that Troup ison both sides of every question.

He is a politician, and apparently only anxiousto be found on the winning side. Two years ago the republicans nominatedhim as a republican and the democrats as a democrat, and being on both sides,with no opposing candidate, he was sure to win. Now he is at it again, andit remains to be seen whether he will win this time with similar tactics,now that he is opposed to a regular republican nominee.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

JOHN D. PRYOR, Esq.: Dear Sir: Referringto our editorial entitled "Crookedness," in last week's COURIER,will you state what you know about the transaction therein referred to inrelation to Mr. Troup's connection with that settlement with Mr. Kager?Yours truly, ED. COURIER. MR. EDITOR: In reply to your inquiry above, Iwould say that I was Mr. Kager's attorney referred to in that editorial,and acted in place of Mr. Kager in that settlement. Your statement is correctso far as it relates to Mr. Troup's connection with it.

Yours truly, JOHN D. PRYOR.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

WINFIELD, KANSAS, Oct. 31st, 1877.

EDITOR COURIER: In compliance with your request,I herewith submit a statement of the facts in relation to the discoveryof the deficiency in the accounts of Mr. Kager, referred to in your editorialarticle entitled "Crookedness," in last week's COURIER, so faras they are within my knowledge.

To begin with, County Treasurer Bryan and myselfare both tax-payers in school district No. 5 (Dexter), in this county andboth interested in its welfare. Sometime in the summer of 1876, probablyin July, I had occasion to, and did, examine the condition of the bond taxfund of that district, and informed myself as to its condition at that timeand as to the amount of tax necessary to be levied on the assessment of1876 to meet the bonds and coupons maturing up to and including June 1st,1877. That amount (10 mills) was levied. On or about the 4th Monday in January1877, County Treasurer Bryan prepared and published his first quarterlystatement as required by law. That statement showed that district No. 5had been largely overpaid on account of its bond tax fund, I think somethingover $300. Shortly after the making of this statement, I happened into Mr.Bryan's office and he called my attention to the fact that "our district"(meaning No. 5) was in a bad fix. Upon my inquiring what was the matter,he showed me the statement and added that, in addition to the large overpaymentthere shown, the district had one bond, then past due since the 1st of thepreceeding June, and still unpaid.

I, referring to the information which I hadobtained in the summer before, immediately stated that there was somethingwrong. That the district could not be in that condition. That there wasan error somewhere. Reference was made to the ledger account of the districtand an item, of date January 15th, 1877, of sundries $339.01½was found charged against the district. Mr. Bryan informed me that saiditem of sundries represented a balance claimed for Kager against the districtin final settlement and which claim had been allowed by Troup and the itementered upon the ledger by J. D. Pryor.

I immediately walked into Mr. Troup's officeand called his attention the matter, claiming that there was some mistake.He produced a statement which had been filed by J. D. Pryor for Mr. Kagerand proceeded to show me that there could be no mistake. I called his attentionto the fact that I had been in his office the summer before, looking intothe condition of that district and he admitted having some recollectionof that fact.

I then asked him to furnish me with the amountof the levy for bond purposes in that district for the years 1872 to 1875,both inclusive, which he did. (I do not remember the figures.) I then requestedhim to take his bond register and tell me the amount of bonds and coupons,issued by that district, which had become due June 1st, 1876, which wasstill unpaid. This he did and thereby demonstrated the fact that, if Kagerhad paid all the bonds and coupons which had become due, in fact everythingwhich he could lawfully have paid on account of that district, there wouldstill be a small balance due to the district instead of $339.01½against it. Having thus convinced Mr. Troup that there was an error somewhere,I left him to find it out. When I next saw Mr. Troup, he informed me thathe had discovered the error and that Kager owed district No. 5 $351.69,thereby showing that, at the final settlement, Kager owed that districtthe sum of $12.67½ instead of the district owing him $339.01½,as claimed by him and as allowed by Troup.

Mr. Troup further stated that there were 12other districts in the same condition and that the whole amount was $2,561.30.

The above, Mr. Editor, is the full story ofthe great discovery, so far as I am concerned, and which, I am informed,Mr. Troup denies; I also learn that the commissioners of this county, ina card, have denounced the above facts, with others, as "gross misrepresentations."In this connection, I desire to state that neither of the commissionersknow anything about the facts herein stated, except what may have been toldthem, and either of the gentlemen ought to have more regard for their reputationas honest and sensible men, than to pronounce as false facts of which theyhave no knowledge, and I regret exceedingly, for the sake of Cowley Countyand the Republican party, that the said commissioners are not, to say theleast, thoughtful men.

In regard to Mr. Troup's denial of these facts,I desire to say that if my information is correct, Mr. Troup has, in dealingwith this matter, forgotten that he is a gentleman, and has appeared inthe role of a blackguard, and, as I do not desire to compete with him forsuch doubtful honors, I will, so far as that is concerned, "leave himalone in his glory."

In deciding as to the truth or falsity of Mr.Troup's denial, it might be well to inquire: If my statement of facts, asabove set forth, is not true, what led Mr. Troup, at that particular time,to make an examination of Mr. Kager's accounts? Mr. Troup admits that inDecember he examined Kager's settlement in company with J. D. Pryor andfound the sum of $522.17 due to Kager, and he (Troup) ordered Bryan to payKager that amount, which Bryan did. Now, if Mr. Troup was not satisfiedwith the result of that examination, he ought not, as a faithful officer,to have suffered, much less ordered, Bryan to pay Kager that money. If hewas satisfied that the statement was correct and that amount of money dueKager, then why examine it again? Surely his attention must have been calledto it in the way I have spoken of, if not then, how? Surely at some timematters of this kind must be finally disposed of, and if not so disposedof at the time they are examined and balances paid, then when? And if theyare so disposed of at that time, then why examine them again? Mr. Troup,so far, has neglected to state.

Again, Mr. Troup, by his own admission, virtuallysays, that that statement of Kager's having been duly examined by the clerk(himself) under the order of the board of county commissioners, pronouncedcorrect and balance shown to be due to Kager, being $522.17, paid, was filedaway among the completed records of his office, and, in the regular courseof business, would never be looked into again, and the snug little sum of$2,561.30 would have been wholly lost the 13 school districts to which itbelonged.

Mr. Troup, I understand, complains that I collectedthe money and charged 5 percent for so doing. Mr. Troup is right. I collectedthe money with 15½ month's interest and charged the 5 percent, whichthe statute says I shall have for such services, and I am convinced of twofacts in regard thereto.

First, that the school districts had betterpay me 5 percent than to lose the whole amount, especially as my commissionamounted to only about one half of the interest collected.

Second, that I would never have had the opportunityof charging 5 percent, or any other percent, on $522.17 of that amount,if Mr. Troup had not, on the 7th of December last ordered Bryan to pay itto Kager.

Now, Mr. Editor, I have carefully refrainedfrom calling hard names in making this statement. I have not undertakento say that Mr. Troup is either "dishonest, inefficient, or unfaithful."I have simply stated the facts and will let the public draw their own conclusions.

If it had not been for serious sickness in myfamily, I would have met Mr. Troup, face to face, before the people andwould not have asked the privilege of communicating with the public throughthe medium of your paper. JAMES McDERMOTT, Co. Attorney.

I have read the above statement and so far asit refers to me or the records of my office, it is true. T. R. BRYAN, Co.Treasurer.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.


The republicans of Richland Township met inconvention Oct. 27th, with D. C. Stevens, chairman, and S. W. Phoenix, secretary,when the following nominations were made.

Trustee, M. C. Headrick.

Treasurer, T. R. Carson.

Clerk, James Groom.

Constables, J. Holaway, T. D. Givler.

Road supervisors: District 1, F. Dickens; District2, C. Stevens; District 3, J. H. Edwards; District 4, David Roberts.

The following named gentlemen were elected astownship republican committee: D. C. Stevens, E. B. Stone, and J. R. Thompson.

The meeting was addressed by several citizensof the township and gentlemen from Winfield.

Mr. Allen, of the democratic county centralcommittee, said that his party had refused to support Mr. Troup for countyclerk, and that if his name appeared upon their ticket, it would be as anIndependent candidate for the office. They did not want any regular republicanin theirs.

Voted that the proceedings of this meeting bepublished in the Winfield COURIER.

Adjourned. D. C. STEVENS, Chairman.

S. W. PHOENIX, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

The republicans of Omnia Township, at theirprimary meeting last Saturday, nominated the following as their ticket atthe approaching election.

W. H. Gillard, trustee.

Peter S. Loy, justice of the peace.

Eleazer Henthorn and A. B. Snow, constables.

Mr. Messenger, treasurer.

We failed to get the name of township clerk.

They had a large and enthusiastic meeting, andwill elect the ticket nominated. Mr. Enos Henthorn, one of the best citizensof the township, was chairman of the meeting.


Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

On account of wet weather, the horse fair atTopeka last week was a failure.

The Tefft House, Topeka, was sold recently tothe Fire Association Insurance Company for $17,000.

The Independence Courier puts the entireindebtedness of Montgomery County and its citizens at $2,195,000.

Wild geese are so plentiful in Reno County thatthey would entirely destroy the crops of growing wheat if not watched anddriven away.

Mr. Edward Copeland, residing in Richland Township,near the southwest corner of the county, was in town Monday, and from himwe gather some information about sheep raising. Mr. Copeland has five hundredand sixty head of Merino, all in good condition. It is his intention toincrease his herd to a thousand before disposing of any. He bought severalvery fine Merino bucks of A. J. Uhl, near Douglass, and expects to improvehis stock.

Eldorado Times.


Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

DIED. A child of Mr. N. Davis died Tuesday night.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

Caywood says the rock trade is very heavy.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

A large addition to the Tunnel Mills is in processof erection.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

Col. Quarles lately fell from his buggy andwas seriously injured.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

Rev. J. L. Rushbridge read "Enoch Arden"at Oxford last night.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

Rev. Rushbridge has an adult Bible class inthe M. E. Sabbath school.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

McInturff has a fine photo of the PresbyterianChurch. Call and see it.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

John R. Smith and B. Shriver have 700 head ofcattle in Sheridan Township.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

C. C. Black has returned from Leavenworth infine clothes and is looking well.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

Read and Robinson have laid out a new additionto Winfield on the southwest.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

Some of the street crossings in the city oughtto have more gravel immediately.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

Harvey Dwyer has returned from Colorado andrelocated in Beaver Township.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

See the change in the card of J. C. Binner's,the Railroad saloon, on the first page.

Saloon Cards.


at the

Keeps the Best and Purest Liquors.

(Corner 8th Avenue and Main Street)
Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

S. H. Myton has a very large demand for stoves.He has some beautiful patterns for heaters.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

The farm advertised for sale by Mr. C. C. Pierceis not his home place. That is not on the market.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

Last Sunday the Presbyterian Sunday School decidednot to elect officers until next Friday evening.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

Who will attend to repairing the sidewalk betweenthe residences of Will Allison and Mrs. Bruner?

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

Col. Manning has sold a full block in the westpart of the city to A. H. Doane, son of Mrs. Mullin.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

The barber shop of Nichols & Wilson hasbeen thoroughly renovated and looks as neat and clean as can be.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

We understand that Mr. F. M. Freeland will bea candidate for constable. No better selection can be made.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

Our foreman, M. T. C. Copeland, is not excelledas a job printer. He can and will satisfy the most fastidious.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

SIMPSON & STEWART have finished the abutmentsof the south bridge and have moved their derrick to the west bridge.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

Geo. W. Martin, our popular boot and shoe maker,has removed his shop to the room two doors south of Read's bank.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

H. Jochems has some beautiful patterns of parlorheaters. If he cannot suit you both in style and prices, you are hard toplease.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1887.

We took dinner with Mr. Carver, of Omnia, lastSaturday. He has a fine farm, a substantial stone residence, and a verypleasant family.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

The contract is let to grade the approachesto the south bridge, to be completed by the 15th inst. The superstructureswill be raised immediately.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

DIED. Huston, a young child of Robert E. Wallis,died last week. The parents have the warm sympathies of this community intheir bereavement.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

Mr. J. K. Beckner, who has for some time beenwaiting upon the customers of F. Galliotti's boot and shoe, returned tohis old home in Missouri.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

RETURNED. Col. J. C. McMullen returned fromWisconsin last week, after a visit of several weeks. Cowley County is goodenough for him.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

DIED. At the residence of his brother-in-law,S. H. Sharp, in Pleasant Valley Township, Cowley County, Kansas, John Keer,aged 51 years. [PAPER HAD JOHN KEER...COULD THIS BE JOHN KERR?]

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

G. H. BUCKMAN is talked of as a candidate forthe office of justice of the peace for this township. In our opinion, nobetter nomination could be made.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

Mr. C. Farringer, a teacher of music and tunerand repairer of pianos and organs, late from Missouri, has been in townsometime and is getting up a class in music.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

Drs. Davis and Mendenhall have formed a partnershipfor the practice of medicine. Both of them stand at the head of their profession.See their card on the first page.

CARD: W. R. Davis, M. D. W. S. Mendenhall, M.D.


Having associated themselves together in thepractice of medicine, offer their services to the citizens of Winfield andadjacent country. Particular attention given to surgery and diseases ofwomen and children.

Office upstairs, Corner of Main and 9th Avenue.(Manning's Brick.)

Prompt attention to all calls, day or night.

Oct. 27th, 1877.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

Mr. S. D. Groom, of Richland, is one of thesolid men of this county. He is a staunch republican, a public spiritedcitizen and takes no stock in shams of any kind.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

The new firm of Bliss & Co. consists ofC. A. Bliss, E. S. Bliss, and E. H. Bliss. It is in the merchandise businessonly. C. A. Bliss alone is the proprietor of the flouring mill.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

Dissolution Notice.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, Oct. 19, 1877.

The firm of Bliss, Earnest & Co. has, thisday, dissolved partnership. All debts due the firm to be paid to C. A. Bliss,and all debts of the firm to be paid by C. A. Bliss.


Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

The Vinita Herald says: "An alligatoror some other monster is causing great uneasiness among the Osages on theArkansas. They keep fires blazing all night, and refuse to sleep near thewater."

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

Mr. Fuller, engineer of the K. C., E. &S. W. railway, was in Winfield last Friday. He reports work progressingon the road, and says the company is desirous of reaching Cowley Countyas soon as possible.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

Hotel arrivals (transient) in this city, forthe week ending Wednesday evening, October 31st, 1877, number as follows:Central, 56; Anderson House, 48; Williams House, 49.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

One of the largest cabbage heads we have seenfor many a day was left in our office by David Bright. It was grown on thesandy land of the Arkansas River, and weighed twenty- one pounds. Traveler.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

We got hold of the wrong Berkey last week asthe democratic candidate for Register of Deeds. A. W. Berkey is a clerkfor the bank of J. C. McMullen, of Arkansas City, not a merchant at SaltCity. He will go up Salt River all the same.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

It will pay our businessmen to volunteer fundsto pay for labor to repair the road from the north bridge across the Walnutwest to the rise of the bluff, and to grade the approaches to the TimberCreek bridge. The work should be done at once. Who will attend to it?

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

MR. DAVID CRAIG, while engaged on a contractfor excavating earth at the Tunnel Mills, was on Monday seriously if notfatally injured by the falling of a high bank of earth and rock upon him,literally crushing him. Mr. Craig is a young man of industrious habits.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

A line from W. W. Walton informing Mr. Lemmonthat Wirt's sister, Miss Lillie, was hopelessly ill at Oxford, and thatWirt was on the way to see her, caused Mr. Lemmon to start suddenly forTopeka yesterday. Later we learn that Miss Walton is better and Wirt hasreturned.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

Frank Galliotti has caused another row of shelvingto be put in his store, upon which he has put another addition to his largestock of boots and shoes. He has employed the services of Mr. Perry Hill,a first class boot and shoe maker, for the purpose of mending and also manufacturingboots and shoes.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

Notice the new advertisem*nt of Harter Bro.'s& Co. This firm is too well and favorably known to need any words ofcommendation. They are reliable gentlemen, and always mean just what theysay. Read their ad and act accordingly. If Virgil Harter cannot suit youwith goods and prices, thee is no use of trying.



For the next 60 days we will offer

GREAT BARGAINS in the prices of




If you want

More Goods for Your Money

than be bought at any other store in Winfield,

Go to Harter Bros. & Co.,

At the McMillen Stand.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

Today we display a new advertisem*nt of G. Y.Smith, of Wichita. Besides the attractions of cheap, first-class goods,and plenty of them, the citizens of Cowley County visiting Wichita willfind there their old acquaintance and friend, W. D. Roberts, of Winfield,who is a salesman in that house. Call and see him, sure. Hon. J. C. Redfield,the late popular receiver at the land office, is the manager.


Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

At a meeting held in the lecture room of theM. E. Church last Monday evening, an association called the "WinfieldMusical Union" was organized, for the purpose of mutual improvementand enjoyment in music. It was decided to meet on Monday evening of eachweek, and to assess to each male member a monthly fee of 25 cents to defraythe necessary expenses. Let everybody come out to the M. E. Church nextMonday evening, and let us have a good time.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

Dexter, Kansas, Oct. 20, 1877.

EDITORS COURIER: On Thursday, the 25th inst.,about noon, my son, Richard, wandered from home and got lost. The good peopleof Dexter and neighborhood began the search about dark and continued itall night and all next day until dark, when he was found by Esq. Osborne,near the head of Beaver Creek, some eight or nine miles southeast of town,while on his way home from Dexter. For all this interest and sympathy shownme and my family, I feel myself truly grateful, and will ever hold the peopleof this vicinity in remembrance for their kindness. H. B. RUDE.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

List of letters remaining unclaimed in the PostOffice at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 31st day of Oct., 1877.

FIRST COLUMN: Anderson, T. C.; Adams, Charlie;Anderson, Mollie; Allen, Elizabeth E.; Anderson, J. H.; Anderson, A. A.;Barnes, W.; Bard, W. C.; Busten, James; Beck, Geo. A.; Beardsley, Mr.; Brookwalter,E.; Bush, Henry S.; Burr, J. L.; Cane, Elizabeth; Clemons, Mary; Clark,Miss Florence; Cox, Geo.; Collins, F. E.; Coward, Wm.; Cook, Geo. L.; Craig,David; Crockett, John O.; Cade, Benjamin; Davis, Gerty; DeWitt, James L.;Downs, Rev. T. C.; Easts, W.; Ellexson, Lewis; Eads, Geo. W.; Eckles, Ada;Evans, R. P.; Forbes, Henry; Frisbee, Geo. M.; Hasley, John T.; Harger,C. F.; Hatcher, Hiram; Hanson, John C.; Harlow, Wm. E.; Henderson, A. J.;Herniman [no first name given]; Herndon, John F.

SECOND COLUMN: Hoddy, W. S.; Haston, Wm.; Jones,Laura; Jenkins, Alice; Johnson, Sue; Johnston, J. L.; Jones, Alice; Jones,Will; Koonize, Frank; Kehoop, Geo.; Laughbaum, Joseph; Leach, B. F.; Lewis,Wm.; Loomis, Mr.; Land, J.; Mayse, Clark; Miller, Mrs. C. B.; McDowell,A. J.; McKibben, Joseph; McClanahan, C. H.; Mullen, Samuel; Nevins, S. P.;Norman, Geo. H.; Owings, James; Page, Cole; Phillips, I. N.; Ratliff, Wm.;Ramsey, Robert; Ross, Miss M. J.; Reynolds, P.; Robinson, H. M.; Skeer,James; Sacket, J. H.; Sandford, Annie; Stout, Lizzie L.; Stewart, Joel;Swasy, G. W.; Thomas, Jacob; Van Laningham, C.; Young, Laura; Wilson, Rebecca.

Persons calling for any of the above will pleasesay "advertised." JAMES KELLY, P. M.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.


Somewhere between Harter & Hill's LiveryStable, in Winfield, and the Thomasville schoolhouse on Friday evening oflast week, a pocket-book, containing something like $15.00 in money, 1,000mile ticket, issued by the A., T. & S. F. R. R., a Stage ticket andpass, Discharge from the U. S. army, and other papers issued to W. M. Allisonofno value whatever to anyone but the owner. The finder can keep themoney if he will return the book and papers. Drop them in the post office,addressed to W. M. Allison, Winfield, or leave at the Telegram office.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

Sunday School.

The Methodist Sunday School will give the firstof a series of monthly concerts Sunday evening next, November 4th. The exercisesto consist of select reading by Misses Ella Wickersham and Ina Daniels,recitations by Misses Lizzie Kinne and Eugenie Holmes, declamations by someof the little folks, and music by the school. All are most cordially invited.


Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

Fresh Lime.

I have for sale at the old Amos Smith lime kiln,about six miles south of town, a kiln of lime just burned.


Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.


Wood, Corn, Potatoes, and Butter to trade forBoots and Shoes at Frank Galliotti's.

Winfield Courier, November1, 1877.

Teachers' Directory.

Geo. W. Robinson, Dist. No. 1, Winfield.

Miss Emma Saint, Dist. No. 1, Winfield.

Miss Ella Wickersham, Dist. No. 1, Winfield.

Miss Mary Bryant, Dist. No. 1, Winfield.

Miss Mina C. Johnson, Dist. No. 1, Winfield.

E. B. Thompson, Dist. No. 2, Ark. City.

Miss M. L. Els, Dist. No. 2, Ark. City.

Mrs. T. M. Theaker, Dist. No. 2, Ark. City.

J. F. Hess, Dist. No. 42, Ark. City.

C. Swarts, Dist. No. 10, Ark. City.

Mrs. R. Stauffer, Dist. No. 53, Ark. City.

C. C. Holland, Dist. No. 89, Ark. City.

Miss Lizzie Landis, Dist. No. 80, Ark. City.

J. O. Wilkinson, Dist. No. 62, Ark. City.

M. T. Albert, Dist. No. 15, Lazette.

[?] L. Tucker, Dist. No. 14, Lazette.

J. K. P. Tull, Dist. No. 84, Lazette.

M. Hemenway, Dist. No. 78, Lazette.

Miss Kate Fitzgerald, Dist. No. 30, Lazette.

R. B. Carson, Dist. No. 26, Little Dutch.

J. Rupp, Dist. No. 48, Winfield.

Miss S. E. Davis, Dist. No. 49, Winfield.

Miss Ida Brown, Dist. No. 52, N. Salem.

H. R. Attwater, Dist. No. 84, Cedarvale.

Miss N. P. Seacord, Dist. No. 66, Cedarvale.

Miss Celia Laflin, Dist. No. 107, Dexter.

T. H. Aley, Dist No. 5, Dexter.

T. J. Rude, Dist. No. 7, Dexter.

Eugene Millard, Dist. No. 46, Tisdale.

O. S. Record, Dist. No. 86, Maple City.

Miss S. Hollingsworth, Dist. No. 74, Polo.

Porter Wilson, Dist. No. 114, Red Bud.

H. S. Rush, Dist. No. 72, Red Bud.

C. Eagin, Dist. No. 29, Rock.

Miss Lena Bartlett, Dist. No. 37, Winfield.

Miss Ella Davis, Dist. No. 97, Winfield.

Miss Ella C. Scott, Dist. No. 39, Winfield.

Miss Fannie Pontious, Dist. No. 55, Winfield.

Frank Starwalt, Dist. No. 48, Winfield.

Miss Mary Pontious, Dist. No. 20, Winfield.

Miss Emma Burden, Dist. No. 94, Lazette.


Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.


[From the K. C. Journal of Commerce.]
Interesting Reminiscences of the CountySeat of Cowley County.
How they Surveyed Its Streets by theNorth Star and Located
An "Organ" by a Resin Weed.
Winfield's Proud Position as Queen ofthe Walnut Valley.
From our own Correspondent.

WINFIELD, KAN., Oct. 22. Seven years ago nextDecember, a party of emigrants camped on the banks of the Walnut River,about twenty miles above its confluence with the Arkansas, in a beautifulbend of the stream where a prairie about two miles in extent lay environedby gently receding hills and a dense growth of forest bordering the riverwith a


stretching far way beyond, and pleasant breadthsof sunshine. It was not only a place to camp, protected from the breathof the winter winds and convenient to wood and water, but it was worthyof a habitation for more than a day, and the emigrants took this view ofit as they discussed their supper around the log fire.

By dark it was decided to locate a town, andhalf an hour later the party was out laying off the streets, with the northstar for a compass and a lariat rope for a surveyor's chain. There was apreacher, a teacher, and a newspaper manthe invincible Trinity of Kansasandthey talked of their purposes and hopes as they drove the stakes and gavenames to the streets. Here was to be reserved a lot for a church, thereanother for the public school, while on the principle thoroughfare was tobe the newspaper office, and to designate the spot, the editor tied thedish rag on a resin weed. Late at night they returned to camp and "turnedin" to dream of the metropolis of the Walnut Valley.


Today it has a population of fifteen hundred,and is much the best town of its size in the State. It has two banking houseswith a capital and accumulated profits of $200,000, two excellent flouringmills that run day and night the year round, a score of stores that woulddo credit both in stocks and business to Topeka, and two newspapers thatare doing more to settle up the county and increase its material wealththan all the other influences combined.

It is a young Brooklyn for churches, and boaststhe phenomenon of a minister who exacts every dollar of his salary fromhis parishioners, and then faithfully covers it all back into the churchtreasury. The Methodist church suffered the loss of its spire during thegale a week ago, a damage that will require one or two thousand dollarsto repair. The ungodly of the town consider this a judgment upon the sinfulpride of the society for getting their weather vane several fathoms


than any other. The humility of these sinnersis commendable.

This is one of the few towns in Kansas thatmanage to keep its streets cumbered with building material the year round.Since I was here in the summer, two dozen houses have been built, and fiftyare now under way. The principle ones of the former are Lynn & Gillelen'stwo story cut stone, 25 x 100 feet, and a brick hotel at the south end oftown. Among the latter, as conspicuous and handsome as any will be, theelegant seven thousand dollar residence of Mr. J. C. Fuller, President ofthe Winfield Bank. Mr. Fuller has been here since 1870, established thefirst bank in the county, and has large and valuable tracts of real estateadjoining the town. He has recently laid off a part of his land in an addition,and is selling some very desirable residence plats. The other bank is thatof M. L. Read, of which M. L. Robinson is cashier and W. C. Robinson assistant.This bank has been established five years, and occupies the first brickbuilding in Cowley County.

Both banks are doing a good business and havethe entire confidence of the community. They are supplied with the celebrated"Yale Time" locks. The principal mill is that of C. A. Bliss &Co., who also have one of the most extensive stores in town. Mr. Bliss isa Kansan of twenty-one years' residence and knows how it is himself. Heis


I noticed thirty teams loaded with flour forthe Cheyenne agency, Indian Territory, at one of the mills.

There are half a dozen hotels in town representingall degrees of excellence, from the Central Hotel, creme de la creme,down to a twenty-five cent hash foundry. Sid Major and Jim Vance are toowell known as successful landlords to lose a wink of sleep over any threatenedcompetition in this town.

The principal hardware dealer is S. H. Myton,who occupies a large two-story brick block, and keeps an extensive stockof shelf and general hardware.

An exclusive boot and shoe house is that ofW. C. Root & Co. The leading clothiers are Boyer & Wallis, who canstop at any hotel in Saratoga. The most prominent real estate dealers areJ. C. Fuller, E. C. Manning, and A. H. Green, and from a score of lawyersI select as the probable leaders of the profession here Hon. W. P. Hackney,Hon. L. J. Webb, the present representative from this district, Messrs.McDonald, Jennings & Buckman, and E. S. Torrance. Mr. Henry E. Asp isa young limb of the law, just admitted to practice in the district court,and gives promise of a successful career.

The Courier changed hands some time since,Hon. A. B. Lemmon, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, succeedingMr. Manning, the present style of the firm being Millington & Lemmon.


This county has voted the desired aid to theKansas City, Emporia & Southern railway, now being built between Emporiaand Eureka; Winfield and Arkansas City being designation points. This securesto these towns the best lines of railroad for its length in Kansas, andhappily terminates one of the most unfortunate struggles that ever disturbedthe welfare of two worthy towns.

It is not improbable that the Atchison, Topeka& Santa Fe road will be extended down the valley from Eldorado, to dividethe business with the narrow gauge road, and thereby give this section competinglines within a year.

In view of these advantages, this county isreceiving a large accession to its population this fall, and before anothertwelve months all the government land will probably be taken up. JOE FLUFFER.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

Nez Perces.

A law of the Nez Perces is that a widower shallnot marry within a year after the death of his wife. But polygamy is allowed,and when a man thinks his sick wife is about to die, he marries anotherwoman, and so escapes the weary year of waiting.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

Senator Plumb has introduced a bill providingthat any army officer guilty of gambling shall be dismissed from the service.

Correct Senator. It is time this terrible evilin the army should be terminated.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

None of the banks of the city of Pittsburghwill touch its city warrants. There is no money in the treasury, and thecity is swamped with indebtedness. When it foots the bills for the lossesin the strike, there will be nothing left among the people but poverty andcurses.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

The national debt has decreased $45,000,000since the first of March.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

Chautauqua County has a murder each week. Lastweek George Mefford killed a man by the name of Goodin at Peru.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

Prof. Kellogg, of Emporia, was in our city lastWednesday, negotiating for the purchase of Dr. Hall's drug store for a brotherin Arkansas City. Junction City Union.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

Two robbers between Deadwood and Cheyenne recentlyin one day robbed a stage and seven passengers, a freight train, and sixother men at different places, but were chased down and captured.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

For U. S. circuit court convening at TopekaNov. 26th the following named persons were drawn as jurors [LISTING ONLYTWO]: Tell W. Walton, D. A. Millington.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.


The result of the late election so far as theoffices of sheriff and county clerk are concerned is a republican defeat.The causes of this are quite apparent. In the first place the successfulcandidates, M. G. Troup and Charley Harter, are well known all over thecounty and their well known affability and obliging dispositions have madethem extremely popular everywhere. In the next place Capt. Hunt and Mr.Lippmann were not so widely known, but that electioneering lies told againstthem had considerable effect.

The result does not show that they were notthe choice of a majority of the republicans in the county, but it does showthat they were not the choice of a minority of about one- fourth of theRepublican voters, and that this minority voted with the democrats for Troupand Harter. Now that the election is over and the smoke of the contest isclearing away, we can look back on our course and the words we have publishedand say truly that we have done what we could honorably for the successof the whole republican ticket and have said nothing that we need to takeback or apologize for. We can stand by what we have said.


Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

Topeka is to have a military company.

At the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge ofI. O. O. F., which met in Topeka on the 8th inst., Secretary Burdette madehis report from which we glean the following: There has been $7,221.50 paidfor relief during the year in this State. Fourteen deaths are reported amongmembers of the Funeral Aid Association, and their families have receivedin the aggregate $21,000. The burden imposed upon the members by this losswas $9.90 per $1,000, or less than one per cent. The lodge is in a flourishingcondition, though it has deteriorated slightly during the year. It has amembership in the State of 5,000.


Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

Arkansas apples sell in Winfield at one dollarand fifty cents per bushel.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

James Renfro has sold his farm to T. E. Gillelandand moved to Missouri.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

A building association is about to erect a halfdozen new houses in Arkansas City.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

DIED. The young child of Hon. Jas. McDermottdied on Tuesday last. Its parents have our sympathies.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

Dr. Emerson, late of New York, is about to locatein this city and practice in his profession as a physician.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

J. H. LAND is in the sorghum business heavily.He will soon be so sweet his friends won't know him.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

DIED. David Craig, the youngster who was crushedby the falling of the bank at the Tunnel Mills, died last Sunday. [Thisindicates he died November 4, 1877.]

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

Walter Denning met with a serious loss lastweek in the burning of his granary containing 300 bushels of wheat.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

Some person nightly abstracts wood from theresidents east of Main street, several of whom are losers. Who is the winner?

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

A. B. Lemmon and W. W. Walton came from Topekato Winfield, voted, and returned, being absent from Topeka only 45 hours.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

W. M. Copeland and R. Stinson, of Augusta, brotherand brother-in-law of our foreman, visited Winfield one day of last week.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

It is said that railroad ties and other materialare being accumulated in large quantities at Eldorado. What does that mean?

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

The trustees of the Presbyterian Church arein the street repairing business. They are graveling up 10th street andthe approaches to their church.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

New building projects and improvements are becomingso numerous that we cannot keep track of them. Every builder and mechanicis crowded with work.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

Mr. Road Overseer: Please to grade the roadacross the bottom west of town now while you can. Why don't somebody seethat this road is repaired at once.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

Hotel arrivals (transient) in this city, forthe week ending Wednesday evening, October 31st, 1877, number as follows:Central, 72; Anderson House, 50; Williams House, 59.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

W. D. Roberts returned from Wichita in timeto vote. He concluded he could do better here. It is unpleasant for a marriedman to live so far from home, and for a Winfield man to live anywhere else.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

"Uniformity in text books," is wellhandled by Mr. Story in another column. We think we need such legislationas will unquestionably authorize the district to purchase and own all thetext books that are used in the schools.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

Some of the attendants at the Methodist Churchlast Sunday evening walked so loud that they jarred the church. There isno need of thumping along like striking with sledge hammers if you do wearboots weighing five pounds apiece.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

BIRTH. John D. Pryor came into our office yesterdayas though he had just received the papers conveying to him the entire fortuneof W. H. Vanderbilt. We asked him about a certain paper and he answered,"It is down home." It is a girl.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

Prof. C. Farringer, piano and organ tuner andteacher of vocal and instrumental music, is meeting with much success inhis line of business in this city and in Oxford. He has quite a number ofscholars in each place both in vocal and instrumental music.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

DIED. Died suddenly in Maple Township, Oct.11, 1877, Henry Locker, son of Gustavus and Caroline Locker, aged threeyears and 8 months. Henry was a very bright child, and while in apparentgood health was stricken by death. Supposed cause: suffocation by worms.The parents have the sympathy of all who know them.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

The Presbyterian Sunday school is fully organized.Last Friday evening officers were elected as follows: Rev. J. E. Platter,superintendent; Henry E. Asp, assistant; G. S. Manser, secretary; T. B.Myers, librarian; Miss Mary Bryant, treasurer; J. D. Pryor, chorister; MaryBryant, organist; Mrs. Earnest, assistant. The school meets regularly everySabbath at 3 o'clock p.m.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

Teachers should promptly furnish the countysuperintendent with their names, post office, number of the district inwhich they teach, etc. Those who had attended to this before November firstwill find the information thus given in this paper. Some teachers have complainedthat we slighted them by leaving their names out of the list. They are mistaken;they slighted themselves.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

ROLL OF HONOR. M. H. Mounts, of Flora; N. J.Larkin, of N. Richland; A. P. Brooks, of Silver Creek; J. M. Barrick, ofRock; Richard Courtwright, of S. Otter; E. Henthorn, of Omnia; H. C. McDorman,of Dexter; and J. E. Allen, of Winfield, furnished us with the returns ofthe election, at their several polls in time for this issue of the COURIER.They have our thanks.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

We copy from the Journal of Commercetoday a letter from its correspondent, A. R. Green, a very forcible andspicy writer who lately visited this place. He has done justice to the improvementsand businessmen he has mentioned, but could not be expected to learn aboutall the men and business in so short a visit. Thanks, Mr. Green, come again,and the "Queen of the Walnut Valley" will give you a grand reception.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

We have been unable to obtain before going topress the full returns of the election in this county last Tuesday, butwe can give the result with sufficient certainty. Troup, Independent, iselected county clerk by about 150 majority; Harter, democrat, is electedsheriff by over 100 majority; the republican candidates, Kinne for registerof deeds, Haight for surveyor, Graham for coroner, and Gale, Sleeth, andBurden for commissioners are elected by large majorities, and Bryan, republican,is elected treasurer without opposition.

Thos. G. Bronson, late of Independence, is aboutto locate in the building now occupied by Brotherton & Silver. He willopen a stock of groceries and queensware, and is a first-class businessmanin every respect. It is such men as he who are making Winfield the "QueenCity," and it is indeed a compliment to our city that he should selectit as his future home.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

Teachers' Examinations.

Public examinations of applicants for teachers'certificates will be held during the coming year at the following timesand places.

February 21 and 23, at Arkansas City, Dexter,and Winfield.

April 5th and 6th, and October 25th and 26th,at Winfield.

At the close of the county institute for 1878,at Winfield.

A State examination will probably be held duringthe spring or summer at Winfield.

Certificates of grades one and two will be issuedupon examination in orthography, reading, writing, English grammar, geography,arithmetic, United States history, and constitution.

Grade "A" certificates require anexamination upon the following additional branches: book-keeping, industrialdrawing, the elements of entomology, the elements of botany, and the elementsof geology.

Second grade certificates will be issued tocandidates whose standing in no branch falls below 70 and whose averageis 75 percent; first grade certificates will be issued to candidates whosestanding in no branch falls below 85 and whose average is 90 percent; grade"A" certificates will be issued to candidates who have a standingin every branch of not less than 90 percent.

Certificates can be neither extended nor datedback.

Private examinations are contrary to law andcannot be given.

Only those teachers who hold certificates canlegally teach, and with those only should school boards contract.

R. C. STORY, GEO. W. ROBINSON, F. S.JENNINGS, Board of Examiners.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.


Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

Shall School Districts Own Text Books.

In the annual reports of school districts thequestions "does the district own a part or all of the text books usedin school, and from your experience are you in favor of the district owningthe text books," are asked the clerks of the school districts of theState. In the last annual report of the State Superintendent, the followinglines on this subject may be found.

"Forty-nine superintendents sent replieson this topic; of those seventy-eight percent recommended that the districtpurchase and own the text books on the ground of economy to the parent andefficiency in the school. They believe this the best method of settlingthe vexed question of text-book uniformity, and of avoiding the expenseof frequent changes of text-books. Twenty percent oppose the plan, and twopercent consider the plan, though desirable, not feasible. Of the districtsactually owning their text-books, sixty-seven percent do not consider theplan an entire success."

The State Superintendent strongly favors theplan.

The clerk of district 46, Mr. A. T. Gay, inhis last annual report, gives the following testimony on this subject.

"For the last four years we have furnishedtext-books for our school at a cost of $119.20, and average of $29.55 ayear. Those who have taught our school say they would rather teach per monthfor five dollars less where the books are furnished by the district thanotherwise. For the last four years we had seven months school per year.This would give us a saving of $5.45 a year over cost of books. I thinkthis is the correct way to run our district schools."

As district 46 (Tisdale), has an enrollmentof 60 pupils, the yearly cost of text books is only 49¼ cents perpupil. . . .

Citizens of Cowley County! You can remove someof the most grievous evils that afflict our public schools by making theschool books the property of the district using them. This great reformationcan be effected at an actual gain in dollars and cents. By this you cansecure uniformity in books, economy in expense, and completeness in classificationof pupils, ends most desirable in every school in our country.

Winfield Courier, November8, 1877.

Skipped the official vote of Cowley Co., Kansas,November 6, 1877.

Total Cast for Troup and Hunt: 1,122 for Troup;970 for Hunt.

Majority [Troup over Hunt]: 143.

Creswell: 118 Hunt, 82 Troup.

Bolton East: 8 Hunt, 31 Troup.

Bolton West: 19 Hunt, 7 Troup.

Winfield: 206 Hunt, 286 Troup.

Total Cast for Harter and Lippmann: 1,103 forHarter; 1,020 for Lippmann.

Majority [Harter over Lippmann]: 88.

Creswell: 23 Harter, 20 Lippmann.

Bolton East: 23 Harter, 16 Lippmann.

Bolton West: 5 Harter, 23 Lippmann.

Winfield: 333 Harter, 168 Lippmann.



Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.


BeaverC. G. Holland, Trustee; Warren Wood, Treasurer;W. A. Freeman, Clerk; C. G. Bradbury, Justice; Theo. Wright, Constable.

BoltonJames Sample, Trustee; A. J. Kimmell,Treasurer; A. H. Buckwalter, Clerk; F. C. Davis, Justice; J. S. Lewis, J.W. Brown, Constables.

CedarJ. W. Searle, Trustee; D. M. Patten, Treasurer;John Belles, Clerk; No Justice; E. Osborn, W. Morgan, Constables.

CreswellM. R. Leonard, Trustee; M. Finley, Treasurer;W. D. Mowry, Clerk; J. Christian, I. H. Bonsall, Justices; Geo. McIntire,Jas. Morgan, Constables.

DexterJ. V. Hines, Trustee; O. P. Darst, Treasurer;J. B. Bryan, Clerk; M. Hoyt, Justice; G. W. Jones, C. M. Gates, Constables.

HarveyE. J. Horsman, Trustee; L. Smith, Treasurer;G. Savage, Clerk; R. S. Strother, Justice; A. Smith, L. L. Newton, Constable.

LibertyL. Weimer, Trustee; E. Newlin, Treasurer;J. Reynolds, Clerk; Geo. Moore, J. J. Hawkins, Justices; J. Campbell, Constable.

MapleThos. Cooley, Trustee; Newton Wilson, Treasurer;S. Martin, Clerk; W. B. Norman, Justice; David Walck, Constable.

NinnescahL. Stout, Trustee; D. A. Byers, Treasurer;Charles James, Clerk; No Justice; A. B. Odell, Constable.

OmniaW. H. Gillard, Trustee; R. W. Pester, Treasurer;G. B. Darlington, Clerk; W. Savage, F. A. Henthorn, Justices; A. J. Henthorn,A. B. Snow, Constables.

OtterA. B. Shaver, Trustee; C. R. Myles, Treasurer;E. J. Edwards, Clerk; J. J. Smith, J. McDonough, Justices; F. M. Ross, T.Thompson, Constables.

Pleasant Valley West Holland, Trustee; S. H.Tolles, Treasurer; C. J. Brane, Clerk; B. W. Sitter, E. H. Chapin, Justices;J. L. Hon, Constable.

RichlandM. C. Headrick, Trustee; T. R. Carson,Treasurer; J. P. Groom, Clerk; No Justice; T. D. Givier, J. Holoway, Constables.

RockW. B. Weimer, Trustee; J. M. Harcourt, Treasurer;G. H. Williams, Clerk; H. Fisk, R. Boothe, Justices; No Constable.

SheridanJoseph Burt, Trustee; Joseph McKay,Treasurer; R. R. Longshore, Clerk; W. Morrow, J. R. Smith, Justices; R.Moore, W. Smith, Constables.

Silver CreekJ. A. Barr, Trustee; J. A. Goforth,Treasurer; No Clerk; H. Smith, J. Clover, Justices; J. Gatton, ____ Chandler,Constables.

SilverdaleD. Grant, Trustee; W. T. Estus, Treasurer;S. Cattrell, Clerk; D. Francisco, W. Butterfield, Justices; A. W. Butterfield,W. S. Gilman, Constables.

Spring CreekJ. H. Gilleland, Trustee; HenrySutliff, Treasurer; W. W. Thomas, Clerk; J. H. Callison, W. E. Ketcham,Justices; R. E. Howe, W. Thayer, Constables.

TisdaleJ. H. Hall, Trustee; O. P. West, Treasurer;A. J. Gay, Clerk; R. S. Morse, H. L. Thomas, Justices; No Constable.

VernonE. D. Skinner, Trustee; D. M. Hopkins,Treasurer; F. H. Werden, Clerk; J. W. Millspaugh, P. M. Waite, Justices;R. McClung, Constable.

WindsorH. D. Wilkins, Trustee; J. H. Sweet,Treasurer; M. Hemingway, Clerk; T. Tyler, A. J. Pickering, Justices; D.A. Dale, C. W. Kelly, Constables.

WinfieldC. C. Pierce, Trustee; B. F. Baldwin,Treasurer; E. S. Bedilion, Clerk; W. M. Boyer, G. H. Buckman, Justices;J. H. Finch, Burt Covert, Constables.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

Nov. 13th. Kansas City. No. 2 wheat $1.18; No.3, $1.07; No. 4, $.93

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

Latest. The army appropriation bill passed theHouse on the 12th.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

The Ponca Indians had a conference with PresidentHayes last Friday.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

Congress will not probably reduce the regulararmy below twenty-five thousand.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

Robert Addy, a base-ballist of Cincinnati, wasdismissed from his club for getting drunk.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

Gen. Sherman says that Gen. Howard's wonderfulmarch after the Nez Perces is one of the greatest on record.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

The Sitting Bull commission have returned toFort Benton.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

Exchanges in the north and east part of thestate tell of having seen snow. We have not seen a flake here yet.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

The army appropriation bill still "hangsfire" in the house. Senator Matthews' financial bill provides thatlegal tender notes redeemed under the resumption act may be paid out ofthe treasury again in the ordinary course of business so that not exceeding$350,000,000 shall be kept in circulation; that the treasury shall accumulateand keep on hand for redemption $100,000,000 in coin, but in case this reserveshall at any time be reduced to $50,000,000, the coin redemption shall suspenduntil the coin in the treasury is replenished. In that case legal tendersshall be redeemed in sums of $50 and over in U. S. four percents. It alsoauthorizes the secretary to receive legal tenders in lieu of coin for anybonds he may sell.


Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

A six foot vein of good coal has been discoveredin the north part of Montgomery County. It is one hundred and thirteen feetunder ground.

The new State armory at Topeka is rapidly approachingcompletion.

There are thirty-six lodges of colored Masonsin Kansas.

Two lodges of the Knights of Honor have beenorganized at Topeka.


Winfield Courier, November15, 1877. Editorial Page.

LITTLE DUTCH, Nov. 3, 1877.

EDITOR COURIER: I desire through your columnto make a statement personal to myself. Some hard things have been saidof me during the campaign to which I would reply that my friends may notbe led astray. It has been said in speeches that a certain person (meaningme) was electioneering on the day of the republican convention for a nominationas commissioner because he could be used as Winfield dictated.

A report has been circulated by Mr. Gale'sfriends that E. C. Manning had stated that I could be thus used. What theeffect of these statements was I neither know nor care, but I wish to saythat I have never in any official capacity done anything favoring Winfieldagainst the interests of other portions of the county, and those who havecirculated such statements have simply given currency to falsehoods.

Mr. McDermott says the commissioners are notthoughtful men to say the least. He may admit that one of them at leastis not so thoughtless, when he learns that he was not the first man to discoveran error in the statement submitted by J. D. Pryor. I myself first discoveredsomething wrong in regard to district number 26, in which district I wasa taxpayer. I happen to know what I was doing when I signed that card.

Now, Mr. Editor, you would like to make thepeople of Cowley County believe there was something wrong about the commissioners.You say that but for the efficiency of the County Attorney, the county wouldhave lost so much money, and in another column you attempt to show dishonestyon the part of Mr. Troup and the board of commissioners in the matter ofthe duplicate tax roll.

It is a little strange that, lawyer as you are,you are not aware that you are getting your efficient County Attorney ina fix, as he is the legal adviser of the board who indorsed the claim "Countyliable." I believe that better men than Messrs. Sleeth and Burden forcom- missioners never were or will be elected to that office in this county,and such stuff as the COURIER contained in relation to them is mere trashfabricated for electioneering purposes.

As for myself, Messrs. Webb and McDermott withthe COURIER man have fixed me out. Now, MR. COURIER, I have always beena republican, am now, and expect to remain so. Mr. McDermott deserves nocredit in the Kager matter because I discovered an error first, and I thinkI should have called Mr. Troup's attention to it just about as repeatedlyas I did Mr. McDermott's for six months after the mistake was discovered.

You are right about my signing Mr. Troup's card.I did it because I was his friend and believed I was stating the truth inhis behalfnot because I was fighting Capt. Hunt, whom I have always considereda gentleman and my friend.

The future will probably develop the motivesfor using my name in this campaign, while I was not a candidate. Beforethis reaches you the election will be over, so it cannot be said this isfor electioneering purposes. My object is to let my friends have the truthand not be led into error by false statements about the county board. YoursRespectfully,


[We publish the above because Mr. White feelshurt by some matter which has appeared in the COURIER, and desires to beheard in reply thereto. The strictures we made were in reply to a card whichtermed our remarks referred to therein "gross misrepresentations,"which was signed by Mr. White, knowing that it was to be published for electioneeringpurposes. If in proving that we did not misrepresent, we had to hit him,he has no reason to complain. We shall stand by our statement of fact. However,he did not accuse the commissioners of any official wrong, and we thinkwith Mr. White that they are as good men for the office as we ever had ormay expect to have. We do not think Mr. White's statement of facts warrantshis conclusion that Mr. McDermott is not entitled to the credit of discoveringthe error in the account of district No. 5, and of causing the matter tobe pursued until the total sum named was discovered.]ED.


Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

Bert Crapster is in town again, staying withCharley Black.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

The wife of Harry Foults has been seriouslyill for several days. We hope she will recover.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

Miss Nellie Aldrich has our thanks for specimenswhich we have added to our geological collection.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

BIRTH. Dr. Mendenhall falls into line and keepsstep with the "music of the union." It is a ten pound boy.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

They are still counting the votes at Wellington.Somebody stole a part of the ballots and it takes time to get them back.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

Miss Kate L. Ward is teaching a six-months schoolin Cowley County, at a salary of $35 per month. Garnett Plaindealer.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

Mr. Ned Fuller, late of Lockport, New York,brother of J. C. Fuller, has located in Winfield and will keep the booksof the Winfield bank.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

DIED. Dr. Andrews, of this city, died suddenlylast Sunday evening. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon from theM. E. Church.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

E. C. Manning has sold his home place to Capt.Hunt. He will not build a grand residence across the street north of Capt.Lowry's.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

David Stump, who is on his way to Missouri,from Oxford, is stopping in Winfield this week, has taken a "case"and is helping us out at the COURIER.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

The heating apparatus at the M. E. Church didnot work well last Sunday morning. The preacher and audience were smokedout before the sermon commenced.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

Quarterly meeting services will be held in theM. E. Church on Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 24th and 25th, 1877. Preachingby the Rev. A. H. Walter, P. E.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

By Terrill has purchased the fine carriage ofM. L. Robinson. He now has one of the finest livery outfits in SouthernKansas. He keeps the very best of teams and good buggies.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

Hotel arrivals (transient) in this city, forthe week ending Wednesday evening, October 31st, 1877, number as follows:Central, 74; Anderson House, 51; Williams House, 57.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

Mr. John S. Williams, from Iowa, made us a callrecently. He is about locating near Winfield in this county. He is a substantialman and will be an acquisition to the county.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

Notice the new advertisem*nt of T. A. Wilkinson.He will furnish lumber of best quality at lowest prices. His well-knownenterprise will secure him a good trade.



Would respectfully announce to the people ofCowley County that he has established a Lumber Yard in WINFIELD, at O. F.Boyle's old stand, on the corner south of the Williams House, and expectsto keep constantly on hand all kinds of lumber for building purposes. Alsoa full stock of LIME, HAIR, PLASTER OF PARIS,




Mr. Wilkinson is agent for the Celebrated "VICTORLOCK DESK."

and having had an opportunity, while he wasCounty Superintendent, of examining nearly all the styles of school furniturein use, he can truthfully say that the "Victor Lock Desk" is thebest school seat made in the United States. A sample may be seen at hisoffice at any time.

"Fair and Upright Dealing"is his Motto.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

Notice the new advertisem*nt of McGuire &Crippen and learn where to get bargains for the next thirty days, especiallyin the various kinds of seasonable dry goods there mentioned.

AD: BARGAINS FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS IN Shirting,Sheeting, and Flannels, Dress and Pants Goods, Water-Proof, and all otherkinds of DRY GOODS. At First Cost. Come and see for yourselves. McGUIRE& CRIPPEN.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

We would call attention to the advertisem*ntof The Emporia Normal Institute, in another column. This college is underthe best kind of management and is eminently the place for those preparingto teach. [COULD NOT FIND AD IN THIS ISSUE!]

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

BIRTH. Another lawyer has come to town and yetthere is "room in the upper story." This time the newcomer enteredthe house of W. P. Hackney. He weighs seven pounds. We owe Webb one forselling out the editor on this occasion.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

There is a rumor that the A., T. & S. F.R. R. Co. have submitted a proposition to Sumner County to extend theirWichita branch to the state line, and that petitions are in circulationwith five hundred names already procured.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

GILES BROTHERS, late from Palmyra, Missouri,are opening up a large stock of drugs three doors north of the WilliamsHouse. From the quantities of cases on the sidewalk, we look for an exhibitionof every kind of goods usually found in their line.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

Mr. M. L. Robinson sold his house place to Dr.Emerson. He will now improve his reserved block in the southwest part oftown. We expect to see a residence there next spring that in magnificencewill eclipse everything else in Southern Kansas.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

J. N. VANDEMARK and lady, of Sidney, Ohio, havebeen visiting friends in our county. They report large numbers of peopleon the western excursions, and say that railroad men do everything possibleto keep travelers from coming into Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

IRA McCOMMON and Jos. Harter have bought outthe drug store of A. H. Green and will continue the business under the firmname of McCommon & Harter. Both are industrious, enterprising, and carefulyoung men; with good habits and the good will of the whole community. Ofcourse they will succeed.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

On Friday evening of last week a literary societywas organized at district No. 21, with W. W. Limbocker as president; J.H. Curfman as vice president; Miss Mattie Baird as secretary; and Miss BelleCurfman assistant secretary. The question for debate on Friday evening ofthis week is, "Resolved, That ladies should be given the ballot."

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

The city ordinance published this week repealsthe fire ordinance which forbade the building of frame or wood buildingson the eight most central blocks along Main street. We think the city councilshould now pass an ordinance forbidding the construction of such buildingson the east half of blocks 108 and 109 and on the west half of blocks 128and 129.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

Union Thanksgiving services will be held inthe Methodist Church on Thursday, Nov. 29th, at 11 a.m. Discourse by J.L. Rushbridge. All are cordially invited to take part in these servicesand thus acknowledge the blessings that have come to us from our Father.




Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

WHEREAS, Death has called from our midst Dr.Joseph Andrews, therefore

Resolved, Thatthe medical fraternity of the city of Winfield, in meeting assembled, herebytender the bereaved widow and relatives of the deceased our heartfelt sympathyin this their hour of sore distress, and that in their behalf we would invokeDivine assistance and comfort.

Resolved,That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the wife of the deceased andthe same be handed our city papers for publication. W. O. WRIGHT, M. D.,Chairman.

C. H. STRONG, M. D., Secretary.

Winfield, Kansas, Nov. 12th, 1877.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

Correspondence from "J."- Sheridan.

R. B. Overman has begun school in our districtand has a large attendance.

`Squire John R. Smith is making some substantialimprovements on his farm in the shape of a new stone house.

Mr. David Hillicker, from Saginaw, Michigan,has moved into our township, and is stopping with his brother-in-law, W.H. Clay.

Mr. Tubbs, a Minnesota farmer, tried to finda new home in Texas, but disliking the "Lone Star State," he gotthis far on his homeward trip, and now concludes to try Cowley County.

Our County Superintendent faced the storm ofTuesday last to look after school interests in this part of the county.J.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.

[Published Nov. 15, 1877.]

An ordinance to repeal an ordinance, entitled"An ordinance to prohibit the construction of buildings of combustiblematerial within certain limits in the city of Winfield," numbered sixty-fourand approved June 4th, 1877.

Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmenof the City of Winfield:

SECTION 1. That said ordinance numbered sixty-fourbe, and the same is hereby repealed.

SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in forceand take effect from and after its publication once in the Winfield COURIERand Cowley County Telegram.

Approved November 12th, 1877. R. L. WALKER,Mayor.

Attest, HENRY E. ASP, City Clerk.

Winfield Courier, November15, 1877.



Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.


An earthquake shock was felt on the 15th atabout noon over a considerable extent of territory in Iowa and adjoiningStates. It was lightly felt as far southwest as Topeka. At Iowa City andOmaha it is said to have been severe. No considerable damage has been reported.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.


The following is a telegraphic report of a speechmade by Mr. Crittenden in the House on the bill to repeal the resumptionact.

Holding up a ten dollar legal tender note, hesaid he was much mistaken if the bill before the house was not downrightrepudiation. This note in his hand was a promise of the government to payhim ten dollars, but no time was fixed for the payment. The note was issuedin 1875; and on the 14th day of that year Congress enacted a law declaringthat this debt should be paid on the first of January, 1879. The governmentmust keep its promise faithfully or it would become the leader of all repudiationsin the land, including every defaulting town, city, and State. The questionof honor was a vital and central point. In his discussion he criticizedthe opening speech made by Mr. Phillips, saying the contraction of currencyduring the resumption act had no more to do with the present suffering ofthe country, than it had to do with frozen feet of Turks in Shipka Pass.The limitations of paper money should be left to adjust itself under thefree banking system, guided by intelligent, aggressive enterprise of thepeople. There was but one alternative: An exclusive greenback currency,subject at all times to caprice of Congress. The bill was hurtful, discreditable,and without excuse. The country was now shaken by a wild blast of grandcurrency illusion, which had swept over the plains of the south and theprairies of the west, carrying the house by a storm and threatening to engulfthe national integrity. Greenback was the most powerful money the countryhad ever encountered, slavery alone excepted. It was a fraud; it was a sham.It familiarized individual and public conscience with shame. It had saddledall streams of honest thrift and solid enterprise; had confused and misledpublic judgment; had stopped the courage and wisdom of the federal treasury,and had given immense comfort to demagogues.


The finance committee held a special meeting,at which many gentlemen from New York and Philadelphia, representing bankingand other financial interests, attended by appointment and presented theirviews against the House bill for the remonetization of silver. FrederickFraley, of Philadelphia, argued it would be inexpedient now to adopt silverfor full legal tender for obligations due by the government and people ofthe United States. We have large dealings with the outside world, and shouldwe adopt the depreciated standard, our people would have to suffer the results.If paper currency were allowed to circulate, it would be but a few monthsbefore it would be at par with gold. The passage of the bill would completelycheck the negotiations of loans of funds on the six percent bonds. He advisedthe committee to look at the question as one which connected the UnitedStates government with the outer world and not act hostile upon so seriousa matter. The New York delegation which included James M. Brown, A. A. Law,Samuel D. Babco*ck, and other members of the chamber of commerce, arguedthat should the bill be passed, no one could predict the amount of injuryand great loss it would occasion. The bill had two prominent features: one,the remonetization of silver, the other the demonetization of gold. Whenthe bill became a law, if it ever should, gold would go out from the countryand silver would come in. If the bill were pressed upon the people it wouldinjure the credit of the government and it would be injurious to all kindsof industry. The difficulties experienced by the laboring classes of theUnited States were [? ___sed ?] by capitalists withholding their mon- ???REST OF SENTENCE CHOPPED OFF...THIS WAS AT BOTTOM OF COLUMN AND ARTICLEWAS NOT RESUMED.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.


The army register usually gives the name ofeach regiment in the service preceded by the names of the battles in whichit has taken part. It is now stated that the War Department has issued anorder taking off from the next number all mention of the battles of therebellion.

If such an order is issued, it is simply contemptible.It is an official declaration that service in the Union armies during therebellion was dishonorable, that the regiments and men which distinguishedthemselves in their efforts to save the Union should be ashamed of it, thatthe record of their acts should be blotted out as soon as possible, andthat nothing but treason is commendable. This is on a par with placing nonebut rebels in the chairman- ships of the committees of the House.


Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.


Emporia is to have a democratic paper.

Topeka is making war on its gamblers.

The Indian pony trade is brisk at Coffeyville.

The schoolhouse in Ead's district, Sumner County,is burned down.

A twenty inch vein of coal has been discoveredon Indian Creek, in Potawatomie County.

A. P. Tenney, of Bloomington, Ill., is the newsuperintendent of the Insane asylum at Osawatomie.

The Murphy movement is spreading. It has reachedEmporia, Cottonwood Falls, Newton, Eldorado, and Augusta.

W. B. Strong is the new manager of the A., T.& S. F. R. R. He is employed for three years at $12,000 a year witha bonus of $10,000.

Kansas distillers are having considerable troublethis fall. U. S. marshal Miller and his deputies manage to find a "crooked"one every few days.

Parties in digging a well at Neodesha, at thedepth of 123 feet found salt water, and immediately struck coal and havegone down six feet in coal without finding bottom.

The Wellington Press says the proposition ofthe A., T. & S. F. R. R. Co. is to build a road from Wichita or Eldorado,at the option of the company, by way of Belle Plain and Wellington to Caldwell,to reach Sumner County in 1878, and be completed in 1879, in case Sumnervotes them $4,000 per mile.

It seems that there are land swindlers in Kansasas well as in Texas, and perhaps in our very midst. The register of deedsof Pottawatomie County has received from Indianapolis a pretended abstractof land that did not exist, signed "John A. Phillips, recorder,"instead of the register's name, John A. Whims. The Indianapolis man sayshe has a similar abstract from Cowley County.

They had recently a $3,500 fire at Wichita.

L. B. Snow, at Eldorado, has sold out the Nationalbank to a Mr. Wing.

A. B. Steinbergerour Abehas been elected mayorof Howard City.

Mayor Fuller promises to build the Emporia narrowgauge to Howard City by July 4th.

Eldorado polled 314 votes at the late election.Winfield 512. Which is queen of the valley?

Judge Campbell has adjourned court at HowardCity, and is now on the bench at Wellington.

Eldorado hoodlums tear down signs, blockadestreets, and move boxes and wares that are left out overnight.

Buffalo steak is plenty at Wellington at fourcents a pound. The animals themselves in their roving freedom are not sovery far off.

Newton P. Scott was convicted in the Elk districtcourt of the murder of Robert Daugherty and sentenced to the penitentiaryfor ten years.

Bent Murdock is jubilant. The borers for oil,a few miles below Eldorado, struck a three foot vein of coal, of a superiorquality, almost equal to anthracite.


Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

All the indications are that there will soonbe an advance in the price of wheat and other breadstuffs.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

The New England States haven't a single chairmanshipof committees in the House of Representatives, and but few influential placeson the committees.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

The Senate has passed the army appropriationbill limiting the army to 25,000. The limit fixed by the house was 20,000.The bill goes back to the House for action on the Senate amendment.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

From Our Dexter Correspondent.

Dexter is having a full school.

Our buffalo hunters have returned with plentyof beef. They killed seventeen buffaloes.

Our farmers are all very busy preparing forwinter, our merchants are selling lots of goods, and everything is lively.

Seventeen loads of wheat started last Saturdayfor the Osage agency. The party returned today, having sold at $4.05.

Messrs. Elliott & Harden are preparing tofeed 160 head of beef steers this winter; other parties are making similarpreparations, and about 700 will be fed in this vicinity.

Mr. L. J. Rude, having wearied of his rudeand lone fare, on last Saturday rudely appropriated about 130 pounds ofRice. Being a school teacher, he concluded that a rice diet was just thething for him. This new edible will serve also for a companion, will keephis house in trim, and make home delightful.


Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, Emporia, Kansas. The winterterm will commence Dec. 12th. Unsurpassed facilities are offered for a thoroughprofessional or general education.

For circulars address the President, C. R. POMEROY.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

CARD. G. EMERSON, M. D., Physician and Surgeon.

Office over New York Store (Manning's brick.)Residence, corner 11th and Fuller Street. (Robinson house.)


Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

The new Catholic Church has been enclosed.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

Revival meetings at the M. E. Church every night.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

The new bakery on Ninth avenue is nearly completed.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

G. W. Hunt is building a new tailor shop onNinth avenue.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

W. L. Mullen has bought three lots on Ninthavenue recently.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

S. Suss, one of our leading merchants, has goneeast to buy goods.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

A. G. Wilson started for his old home in Wisconsinlast Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

The workingmen's party is made up of men whoare too lazy to work.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

Elder Dave Dale and Dennis Cunningham, of Lazette,were in town on Saturday.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

Dempsy Elliott, one of Dexter's leading merchants,visited our city on Monday.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

W. B. Gibbs has his new carpenter shop on Ninthavenue completed and in occupation.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

BIRTH. J. B. Lynn is not to be beat in anything.Last week he became the happy father of a nice girl.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

Rev. A. H. Walter, P. E., will preach in theMethodist Church next Saturday and Sunday.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

Twenty-seven new babies in town. Now we cantake a census and count fifteen hundred, "you bet."

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

E. C. Manning, since he quit the newspaper business,is rich enough to build a nice house. Commonwealth.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

MARRIED. David Guthrie and Nettie Bacon, ofChautauqua County, were married lately. And Guthrie saved his Bacon.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

Judge Coldwell and son are making plans formore improvements in the town. This time it is an office on 9th avenue.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

Messrs. Mater & Miller have completed theirlarge stone blacksmith shop and are busy at work in it at their trade.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

BIRTH. Hon. T. R. Bryan has taken a Deputy Treasurerinto his employweight nine and a half poundsname not given yet.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

Arkansas City boys steal teams of horses andwagons just for fun. They should go to the stone institution near Leavenworthjust for fun.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

Nate Roberson was down from Eldorado last weekand said that Winfield was growing faster than that place. And still wehave no railroad!

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

Brotherton & Silver are building a businesshouse on Ninth avenue, east of Main street. That avenue has become an importantbusiness street.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

Linus and Lovell Webb and W. C. Campbell, ofthis city, are at Ann Arbor, Michigan, in the law department of the university.A recent letter from Mr. Campbell to a gentleman in Topeka states that theyare all well and like the place and school very much.


Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

Winfield, in Cowley County, has a Methodistminister who exacts every cent of his salary from his congregation in moneyand then donates it to pay for the church building.

We find the above in several of our exchanges.It originated in A. R. Green's letter to the K. C. Journal of Commerce,but Green did not say Methodist minister. We suppose he alluded tothe Presbyterian minister. Both, however, are more justly famous for enterprise,energy, industry, and a high order of talent and Christian character, thanfor collecting salaries.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

Among the substantial men of the county whohave favored us recently are Justus Fisher, of Liberty; F. D. Davis, ofNinnescah; D. M. Hopkins and T. B. Ware, of Vernon; Samuel Watt, J. L. King,and S. Nawman, of this township; H. Fisk, of Rock; and J. A. Barr, of Omnia.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

Last Saturday was the "boss" day fortrade in Winfield. We counted one hundred and twenty-seven teams on thestreets at one time. The streets, sidewalks, and stores were literally crowdedwith men and women. All our merchants sold large amounts of goods, someretailing from $300 to $600.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

Col. J. C. McMullen, the leading banker of ArkansasCity, has purchased in this city a block of land, which he will immediatelyimprove with a splendid residence for himself and family. He will also builda bank building and open business in this place. He understands this "queenof the valley" matter.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

T. J. JOHNSON threshed his wheat last week,and got a better turnout than he expected. He had fifty acres, but it washarvested late with waste. He threshed out and saved 20¼ bushelsto the acre, and thinks if it had been well saved, it would have yielded22. It is a plump and good grain of the Walker variety.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

Mayor Hope, of Wichita, has been in Winfieldfor a few days past, and has bought 450 head of cattle in this vicinity.He has leased the lot on Main street between A. A. Jackson's and Jim Hill'sbuildings and will build a store for a jewelry shop. His sons will occupythe building before Christmas with $4,000 worth of jewelry stock. They areexperienced workmen in their business.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

HOG DISEASE. On Sunday morning John Furgeson,who lives four miles northeast of this city, found one of his hogs deadand others sick. Five have since died and others will probably die. Theyfirst show symptoms of weakness and go around with their noses to the ground,and then appear blind and run against anything in their way, then turn roundand round with a twitching or jerking movement, them become spotted purpleand soon die.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

R. Birnbaum just returned from the eastern partof the state. He says that Messrs. Paull Bro.'s are building a new ironjail at Sedan, which is a very fine building, and looks as though it wouldhold those fellows who are so handy with the pistol and knife. He also saysthat coal has been discovered in this county east of this place near thesurface of the ground. He did not learn the thickness of the vein, but sawsome of the coal which was clean and hard like anthracite.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

On last Friday morning A. B. Taylor, teacherin district No. 21, repaired to his schoolhouse at a somewhat early hour,when he discovered the door had been broken open and the house occupiedby a dead beat who, upon the appearance of A. B., made an attempt to escapeby feigning crazy. A few vigorous jerks soon brought him to his right mind,when finding he was fairly caught, he determined to escape by main force,which proved unsuccessful. He was put to cutting wood to atone for the damagedone to the schoolhouse, when he was permitted to depart in peace. He gavehis name as Henry W. Morgan, says he lives 14 miles west of Wellington,Sumner County, Kansas, where he said he owns a farm. Sumner had better providefor her dead-beats instead of sending them to Cowley.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.


FRIEND MILLINGTON: Have you ever heard of CowleyCounty? Of Winfield? Of Kansas? Well, it beats the world how things growout West! What sudden and wonderful development our country makes! How ourpopulation increases!


There was Dick Walker, who was not satisfiedwith being sheriff a second term, and mayor of Winfield, and so he broughton a walker to keep him company.

This got Doctor Davis on his ear, and he sentright off and got a full-blooded Kentuckian, but gave him a Kansas name.

Then Judge Gans thought he would trump thatcard, but he missed it, for it was only a girl.

Then our accommodating county recorder, E. P.Kinne, resolved not to be out of the fashion, and he bought a ten poundboy.

After Dr. Mendenhall formed a partnership withDr. Davis, of course he could not afford to be behind the times, so he rushedout one night and caught a bouncing big boy.

Then J. B. Lynn, chuckling in his sleeve, saidhe'd show `em, and sent all the way to Kansas City for a little lad.

But how Tom Bryan laughed to himself, waitingtill these other fellows got through, when he went up to Topeka to see thestate treasurer, and now Tom has a bran new boy weighing nine and a halfpounds. Yours, SAMMY

P. S. I forgot John D. Pryor, who, you know,is a broker. Well, seeing how matters were going around town, he broke outand fished up the sweetest little girl in town.

And there's Bill Hackneywell, he won't be behindanybody, and nothing would do him but to take a run into Sumner County,or into the territory, and bring back a full-fledged attorney-at-law, weightnine pounds.

Won't these chaps have a big Thanksgiving. SAM.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

Mr. Clisbee is the new salesman in the drugstoreof B. F. Baldwin. He has had a long experience in the retail drug business,and wholesale as well. He has been for some time traveling salesman forAllwire, Woodard & Co., wholesale druggists, Peoria, Illinois. He comeswell recommended.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

Union Thanksgiving services will be held inthe Methodist Church on Thursday, Nov. 29th, at 11 a.m. Discourse by J.L. Rushbridge. All are cordially invited to take part in these servicesand thus acknowledge the blessings that have come to us from our Father.


Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.

Claims Presented for Election Services.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, Nov. 9, 1877.

The Board of Commissioners met in special session.Present: R. F. Burden, W. M. Sleeth, and William White, Commissioners; JamesMcDermott, County Attorney, and M. G. Troup, County Clerk.

Among other proceedings had, the Board allowedthe following claims for election services.

[Note: Am listing names only. Claims variedfrom about $2.00 to $5.00.]

NAMES ON LIST: E. A. Henthorn, W. H. Gilliard,J. L. Parsons, W. R. Stolp, A. E. Henthorn, N. J. Larkin, Calvin Sturm,T. H. Jones, Alex Kelly, A. J. Sandford, Adam Walck, W. B. Norman, A. J.Walck, J. W. Haynes, L. A. Walck, J. J. Smith, John R. Robinson, R. B. Shaver,C. R. Myles, A. J. Edwards, G. W. Herbert, W. Butterfield, W. A. Butterfield,S. Cattrell, W. T. Estus, J. V. Hines, P. G. Smith, Cyrus Dover, J. A. Bryan,Joseph Burdette, W. P. Hostetter, J. P. Eckles, Henry Forbes, A. C. Holland,C. J. Brane, P. W. Smith, P. J. Copple, William Sensenney, L. Goodrich,A. S. Capper, C. G. Bradbury, McD. Stapleton, A. J. Pickering, J. W. Tull,S. Tyler, M. Hemmenway, J. E. Dunn, D. M. Hopkins, E. D. Skinner, F. H.Werden, F. Starwalt, F. M. Osborn, D. W. Willey, B. L. D. Caldwell, D. M.Patten, J. W. Searle, A. Buzzi, R. Hoffmaster, John Herbert, T. S. Parvin,C. C. Holland, W. H. Clay, Wm. Marrow, D. Terrill, R. R. Longshore, CharlesIrwin, J. H. Hall, C. G. Handy, C. C. Krow, W. C. Bryant, A. T. Gay, A.P. Brooks, T. P. Carter, J. A. Goforth, N. Brooks, H. N. Hulse, A. A. Wiley,J. B. Callison, W. E. Ketcham, J. V. Waggoner, F. W. Nance, J. M. Barrack,W. B. Wimer, Hiram Fisk, Frank Akers, J. W. Douglass, J. J. Broadbent, J.M. Sample, J. W. Kimmell, ____ Sneigh, John Scott, John E. Allen, J. W.Curns, C. M. Wood, F. S. Jennings, Charles E. Love, Robert Thrisk, H. H.Robins, D. Maher, A. J. Jarvis, J. W. Thirsk, M. S. Roseberry, R. H. True,D. W. Frew, L. P. King, Justus Fisher, H. C. Catlin, Levi Weimer, John Hill,Thaddeus MaGinnis, T. McIntire, I. H. Bonsall, E. J. Fitch, _____ Bacon,____ Williams, H. C. Sartin, R. Courtright, Thomas Slater, Edward Fisher,John Rice, W. J. Gamel, R. S. Strother, A. J. Peebler, John Hodson, RobertBarker.

Winfield Courier, November22, 1877.


The State Agricultural College has telephones.

New students arriving every week, the last onefrom Cowley County. Industrialist.

No less than thirty wagons passed through hereone day last week, with people looking for homes. Censorial.

The wild geese are with us again, and farmersare compelled to drive them from their wheat fields or they would entirelydestroy the crops in certain localities.

Hutchinson Interior.

Our community has received a number of additionalpeople from Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, and other cities during the pastweek. The prospects of a narrow gauge have a desirable effect. Censorial.

The friends of the Memphis & Parsons narrowgauge, Winfield branch, are highly elated over the prospects for the earlycompletion of that road. A gentleman from Elk Falls informs us that theyhave positive information to the effect that work will commence on the roadin a very short time. Elk Co. Ledger.

During four weeks in October, 1874, the SantaFe road's weekly earnings were $116,379; same time in 1875, $178,954; in1876, $285,088; in 1877, $840,242. During three weeks in October, 1874,the Kansas Pacific road's weekly earnings were $386,090; in 1875, $356,978;in 1876, $231,415; in 1877, $273,990. Commonwealth.

Work has commenced on the narrow gauge railroadbridge over the Cottonwood River, at Emporia, in earnest, we are creditablyinformed, and employing as much help as can conveniently get around; andthat the grading contractors have put on the road another lot of gradingimplements, teams and men, and the work goes on. Madison Times.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877. Front Page.

Major Reno's Conduct in the CusterFight Criticized.

Major Reno's conduct in the battle which resultedin the massacre of Custer's command, is severely criticized in view of SittingBull's corroboration of the suspicions excited by the stories heretoforederived from scouts and friendly Indians.

The Herald says: "As soon as itbecame possible to construct from the excited stories of the participantsand witnesses a connected and logical chronicle of that bloody fight, itwas seen that the conduct of Major Reno called for explanation. Observationswere made at the time upon the circ*mstances that this officer appointedto cooperate in a combined advance upon the Indian position, did not dohis whole duty under his orders, and not only that, but discontinued hisadvance altogether on encountering some resistance, permitted himself tobe very easily whipped, and withdrew his force to a comparatively safe placeand saved his men, within sound of the fire that annihilated the force withwhich he was to cooperate. "Sitting Bull now tells the story of thebattle, which implies that Major Reno had so completely withdrawn from thefield before Custer even got into it, that the Indians thought there wasonly one column, which had withdrawn from a first point only to advanceat another. It was under the sense of encouragement given them by Reno'sflight that the Indians assailed Custer's command with such unusual vigor,and having destroyed it, they would have destroyed Reno's also with equalthoroughness but for Terry's arrival. This new light on the battle, confirmingso absolutely what was before thought, will give new occasion for regretthat Major Reno is still an officer of the army, under a too lenient remissionof his sentence for another offense."

The Tribune says: "If Sitting Bulltells the truth, Reno's first attack was merely a light skirmish, and hisforce remained perched upon the heights, and facing the squaws and superannuatedwarriors, when, if he had renewed the assault, in accordance with Custer'splan, he might have saved the lives of his gallant comrades. Reno has statedin his official report that he knew nothing of Custer's engagement. SittingBull says that the squaws in front of Reno heard distinctly the sound ofthe firing. Major Reno is not in fit position to command public sympathy.He was condemned by a court martial last spring for insulting a lady, andsuspended from rank and pay for two years."


Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.


Butler County.
ELDORADO, Nov. 23, 1877.

I found the people here excited about the coaldiscoveries. The oil company claim that they have drilled through more thanthree feet of coal at the depth of seventy-three feet. Bent Murdock showedme a sample of superior coal, not anthracite, but better than any Kansascoal I ever sawcompact and hard. He said he knew it came out of the bore.I judge that he is not fully satisfied that it is a bona fide affair. Iregard it possible that the company or some interested person may have procuredthe coal from some other source and repeatedly placed some of it in thebore of the drills. One reason for suggesting this idea is that the coalis so different from anything I should expect to find here. The citizenshave the consent of the company to sink a well; have an offer of well-diggersto sink a well four feet in diameter to the depth of eighty feet for $285,and propose to raise the money at once, sink the well, and test the matter,so there shall be no doubt about the matter. If such a vein as is claimedhas

been reached, it will be of inestimable valueto Butler County, and even to Cowley.


Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.


As I passed through Douglass today (Nov. 23rd)C. H. Lamb was dying. He was one of the first settlers of Douglass and aprominent and highly respected citizen, well known to many people of Cowley.He has always been quite delicate in health and physical strength, but ofa fine mental organization. He was incapable of much physical labor, butwas an excellent penman, and was nominated by the Republican conventionbefore the late election as candidate for Register of Deeds of Butler County.

Some candidates who were defeated in that conventionhad the meanness to put up a candidate in opposition and canvass the countythoroughly against Lamb, circulating false reports about his getting drunk,with other charges, and succeeded in beating him by an overwhelming majority.The exertions and excitement of the canvass, the terrible disappoint- mentof the defeat, and, probably a cold, were too much for one so constituted,and he fell a victim to the treachery of men who should have supported him.

When a man shoots down another in cold blood,or steals a horse, the law takes hold of and punishes him, but when oneis killed by treachery and carefully guarded, cowardly slander, there isno law that can reach the case. Even public sentiment is lenient and excusesthe offender.

Our political atmosphere is foul with such crimes.If a man is a candidate for office, then it is that stories of vice andfraud are circulated against him by persons who otherwise are consideredrespectable, and who excuse themselves with the plea that all is fair inpolitics. It is one of the mysteries that anyone will believe stories circulatedat such a time, but the result always shows that they are believed, thatthe poison always work, and sometimes fatally. D. A. M.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

Reimbursing Kansas.

The following is a copy of the bill introducedinto Congress by Col. Plumb, to reimburse Kansas in repelling invasionsand suppressing Indian hostilities.

SECTION 1. That the secretary of the treasurybe, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause to be examined, settled,and paid, any and all proper claims of the State of Kansas for money expendedby said State in organizing, arming, equipping, supplying, clothing, subsisting,transporting, and paying the volunteer and militia forces of said State,called into active service by the governor thereof after the first day ofJanuary, 1863, to aid in repelling invasions and suppressing Indian hostilitiesin said State and upon its borders.

SECTION 2. That the secretary of the treasuryshall cause the proper officers to proceed at once to examine, audit, andpay all claims for money expended and indebtedness assumed by said Statefor the purposes herein named, including the claims assumed and paid bythe State for horses and other property lost, while in the line of dutyby said State forces: Provided, That in determining the claims tobe allowed and paid under the act, the same rules and regulations shallbe observed by the accounting officers in auditing and paying such expensesas have been applied to the claims allowed to States under the act approvedJuly twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, entitled "An actto indemnify the States for expenses incurred by them in defense of theUnited States."

SECTION 3. That in settling the accounts ofsaid State as herein provided, the secretary of the treasury shall causeto be deducted, out of the aggregate amount allowed, the amount of directtax due the United States from said State under the act entitled "Anact to provide increased revenue from imports, pay interest on the publicdebt, and for other purposes," approved August fifth, eighteen hundredand sixty-one.

SECTION 4. That the sum of $470,726.15, or somuch thereof as may be necessary, be and the same is hereby appropriatedto carry this act into effect.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.


In another column will be found an account ofthe dedicatory exercises of the State University. This institution, locatedat Lawrence, is, in every respect, a credit to the state. The building isa very fine one. Probably no better university building can be found inthe United States. It is a very substantial stone structure of real architecturalbeauty. The faculty of the institution is a strong one. Several of the professorshave a national reputation; all are earnest, devoted teachers, and theyare determined that our university shall be in every respect worthy of thestate.

At present there are about three hundred studentsin the school. They represent 40 different counties of the state. They areas interesting and enthusiastic a company of young men and women as couldbe convened anywhere.

The time will soon come, if indeed we have notalready reached it, when the law and medical department of the universityshould be established. The institution should be in fact what it is in nameauniversity. Cannot the regents do something for these departments, soon?

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.


Special dispatch to the Journal.

Lawrence, Nov. 22. Yesterday the new Universitybuilding was formally dedicated. The exercises being specially interestingwere attended by a large concourse of the citizens of Lawrence and fromover the State. The large audience hall is furnished completely, frescoedin the Egyptian style, and seated with handsome opera chairs, making inits freshness and beautiful impressiveness the finest audience chamber inthe West.

His Excellency, Gov. Anthony, was present andpresided most happily on the occasion. Chancellor Marvin, on behalf of theBoard of Regents, presented the building to the State of Kansas, Gov. Anthonyresponding and accepting the trust in well chosen language. A large companyseated themselves at a banquet in an adjoining room. Adjourned at sevenand one- half past to the main hall. The chancellor read a letter of regretfrom Amos A. Lawrence, of the State of Massachusetts. Judge S. O. Thatcherspoke on the relation of the people of the city and vicinity to the University.

Short pithy addresses, full of humor, soundlogic, and argument. Periods were made by Rev. F. T. Ingalls, of Atchison,Hon. T. D. Thatcher, of the Lawrence Journal, and T. C. Henry, thewheat King of Abilene, Prof. Canfield, of the faculty of the University,and His Excellency, the Governor.

[??? Paragraph does not make sense to me. ???]

Later in the evening the Young Men's Socialclub serenaded the Chief Executive at the Ludington House and received wordsof cheer and apt advice.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.


J. B. Ives has been appointed postmaster atDouglass.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

The jail bond proposition was defeated by forty-ninevotes, while the twin proposition for the erection of public buildings,was carried by forty-nine majority. Wellington Press.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

The detachment of United States troops thatcame up last week in charge of prisoners, left Sunday morning for theirstation, Fort Reno. Wichita Beacon.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

The severe earthquake last Thursday noon wasdistinctly felt by us in the Times office, at a quarter past 12 o'clocknoon. We had 3 distinct shocks, or waves, which swayed the building fromnorth to south. The same wave was felt in a number of the western states.Eldorado Times.

Bent is bound that Eldorado shall not be behindany other town. Iowa City, Omaha, Atchison, Topeka, and other cities havehad an earthquake lately. Of course, Eldorado must have an earthquake.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

John H. Folks, of Wellington, has had greatnessthrust upon him. He was elected coroner and nobody stole votes enough tobeat him. Thus it is with editors; they get all the fat offices.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

Salina felt the late earthquake.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

The name of the county seat of Elk County hasbeen changed from "Howard City" to simply "Howard."

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

St. Louis, Fort Scott & ColoradoRailroad.

D. A. MILLINGTON, Esq., Winfield, Kansas.

DEAR SIR: To keep you posted upon the movementsof our Company, I thought to write, that soon after a meeting of the executiveboard at Ft. Scott this week, I shall start from Humboldt with a corps ofengineers, on a survey and location of our line from Humboldt to Winfield.Everything looks like business and a survey with approximate estimate costto build and statistics of each county through which we run. Will in ouropinion settle the question of going ahead at an early day.

I will write you again so soon as we get intothe field. M. S. Carter, the president of our company, will come out toFt. Scott in a few days. He will visit your place again this winter. Hewas much pleased with your city and Cowley Co.

Very truly yours, A. J. FRENCH, ChiefEngineer.

Humboldt, Kansas, November 18, 1877.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

From Red Bud.

EDITOR COURIER: In your showing of the officialvote of Maple Township in the COURIER of the 15th inst., you name Thos.Cooley, democrat, trustee. At the election Cooley received 18 votes andD. S. Haynes, republican, 21 votes. You make Newton Wilson, dem., treasurer.At the election Wilson received 11 votes and Thos. Daniels, received 28votes. You give but one constable, D. Walck, dem., 31 votes. Two were elected,George Brown, republican, receiving 17 votes over L. Walck, democrat, 13.Please make the correction. Wm. B. NORMAN.

Red Bud, Nov. 20, 1877.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.


"The main fight was made on A. Troup, candidatefor sheriff, Jas. H. Clark, a democrat being his opponent, and a gallantfight he made, but Troup received ninety-seven votes too many for him."Kirwin Chief.

We understand that the above named gentlemanis the father of our county clerk.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

Skipped Treasurer's Quarterly Statement in thisissue.


Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

Slight snow Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

What has become of the Philomatic society?

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

C. M. Scott, of the Traveler, calledlast Friday.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

Rev. J. McQuiston of Wichita visited Winfieldthis week.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

A little game called "fifteen ball pool"is all the rage now.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

Several of the boys have "sworn off"playing fifteen ball pool, billiards, and pin pool. They now play "pins."

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

Daniel Grant has been appointed postmaster atSilverdale.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

The skeleton of a woman was found near Augustanot long since.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

Six emigrant wagons from Illinois arrived inWinfield last Monday.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

We understand that our friend Root starts forIowa next Sunday.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

Will Klingman is learning the milling businessat the Tunnel Mills.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

Mr. Lew. Carr, cousin of W. M. Allison, formerlyof Chetopa, this state, is at present clerking for Harter Bro.'s Co.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

Harter & Hill are putting a 42 foot additionto the rear of their livery stable on Main street. The boys are doing agood business.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

D. Read, of Tisdale Township, called this weekand tells us of having a pig, which, at the age of sixteen months weighedfive hundred and twenty pounds.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

Col. Manning commenced work on the cellar forhis new brick building. The building will be fifty feet front by one hundredfeet deep, two stories high.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

Mr. M. Moore is the chief engineer of one ofNate Robinson's trains to Eldorado, and runs his train in the best of style,besides being very attentive to his passengers.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

Bi Terrill has improved the appearance of thestone livery barn by putting in new floors and making it almost air tight.He has also recently put an addition to the rear of the building.

[Sometimes they have "Bi" Terrill;sometimes they have "By" Terrell. Not sure which is correct.]

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

The road to Douglass is in excellent condition.The approaches to the Timber Creek bridge are well graded, the gulch atGrow's is smoothed down, and the rocky hill this side of Douglass is assmooth as a floor.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

One of the boys, Ed. L. Walker, returned onlast Wednesday evening from an extended visit to the eastern states. Helooks well and hearty and appears to be pleased upon getting back to hisold "stamping grounds."

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

The large eight-light chandelier in the MethodistChurch fell down last Friday night and was completely broken to pieces.It fortunately happened that the lights had just been turned out after theevening services or the damage must have been very great. Truly it seemsas if the fates were against the Methodist Church.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

Hotel arrivals (transient) in this city, forthe week ending Wednesday noon, November 28th, 1877, number as follows:Central Hotel, 51; Anderson Hotel, 89.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

The Walker brothers, who were out here a shorttime ago looking for a location, have returned with a well selected stockof groceries, which will be opened in the old Boyle building. We wish thegentlemen success.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

Mrs. P. Stump moved her millinery store to hernew stone building on south Main street last Monday. She has a large stockof goods in her line, and expects to do a good business in her new and handsomebuilding.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

D. A. Millington and wife, father and motherof Mrs. A. B. Lemmon, arrived in town yesterday. Mr. Millington is Mr. Lemmon'spartner in the Winfield COURIER. They will remain about two weeks. Commonwealthof Nov. 24th.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

Mr. Roberts, who made a Mrs. of Miss Rosa Cochransome years since, and carried her off, brought her back; and, as we hope,will now be a permanent resident of Winfield. He is the gentlemanly andobliging agent of Nate Robinson's stage line.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

Mr. E. Bacon tells us he is doing a good business.He is a first-class workman, and is taking orders for articles in his line,of his own manufacture, for Christmas presents. His work shows for itself.Call and see him, one door north of the Williams House.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

Dr. A. Howland, D. G. D. K. of H., of Winfield,Kansas, is in the city. The cabalistic letters at the end of the Doctor'sname refer to a new social order, the Knights of Honor, a lodge of whichthe Doctor is instituting in this city. Ottawa Republican.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

D. RODOCKER returned last week from his tripto the Black Hills. He brings with him many beautiful stereoscopic viewsof the mountains, peaks, hills, gulches, claims, camps, and towns in thegold region. He says he will return to the Hills about next Centennial.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

We know of a house in Winfield that is occupiedboth for a residence and stable. The people occupy the front and the horsesand hay the rear rooms. This should not be allowed, and especially on Mainstreet, as buildings in the immediate vicinity are endangered by fire.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

The editor, Mr. Millington, accompanied by hiswife and Master Bertie Flint, started for Topeka last Friday morning. Mr.Millington will be gone something over a week, while Mrs. Millington willremain at the capital about four weeks visiting her daughters, Mrs. Lemmonand Miss Jessie.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

We were pleased to receive a call Tuesday fromMr. A. M. Breese, brother-in-law of C. M. Wood, of Mount Gilead, Ohio. Mr.Breese visits Kansas with a view of locating. He is well pleased with CowleyCounty and may, we hope, be persuaded to remain permanently among us.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

We forgot to make mention of the party givenby the Belles of the Kitchen at the residence of L. C. Harter, last week.Those who were there speak well for the liberality and sociableness of thebelles. They have won a reputation for the handsome manner in which theytreat their guests, and we say all honor to the Belles of the Kitchen!

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

The report of the Kansas State Board of Agricultureshows the number of acres of winter wheat in Cowley County for the year1877 to be 50,621, and the number of bushels yielded, 55,683. We knew wehad a light crop this year, but by Jove, you know, we thought we raisedsomething more than a bushel to the acre, Mr. State Board of Agriculture.Why are these things thus?

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

The Courant and Ledger, long rivalpapers of Howard, Elk County, have consolidated under the name of the Courant-Ledger.The present editors, Steinberger and Reynolds, are both practical printers,and possess the ability and go-aheaditiveness to run a successful paper.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

McCommon & Harter, at A. H. Green's oldstand, have a full stock of Drugs, which they offer at the lowest prices.Special attention paid to prescriptions. Give them a call.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

MARRIED. ADAMS - WILSON. On the 13th inst.,by Wm. B. Norman, J. P., at the residence of the bride's brother, Mr. I.N. Adams and Miss Elmira Wilson. All of Maple Township, this county.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

MARRIED. ROCHENBACH - STANLEY. On the 11th inst.,at the residence of Sol. Smith, by T. P. Carter, J. P., Mr. C. A. Rochenbachand Permelia D. Stanley. All of Sheridan Township, this county.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

[Published November 29, 1877.]
Ordinance No. 68.

An ordinance provided for the construction ofsidewalks.

Be it ordained by the Mayor, and councilmenof the City of Winfield.

SECTION 1. That sidewalks be constructed onthe east and west sides of Main street, in said city, abutting and in frontof all the lots in blocks numbering 108, 109, and 110, and 128, 129, and130, and that said sidewalks be constructed of stone or wood and of thewidth of twelve (12) feet, if of stone to be of flag stone of uniform width,if of wood to be built of hard wood plank not less than one and one half(1½) inches thick and not more than six inches in width,

Provided,That where such sidewalks now exist upon said street none need be built.

SECTION 2. That unless the sidewalks mentionedin Section one of this ordinance be built by the owner or owners of thelots or pieces of ground abutting on said sidewalks within sixty days fromthe publication of this ordinance, then and in that case the same shallbe built by the city and an assessment for such building shall be made onall lots or pieces of ground in said blocks abutting on the said sidewalksaccording to the front foot so abutting.

SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effectand be in force from and after its publication once in the Winfield Courierand Cowley County Telegram.

Approved November 19, 1877. R. L. WALKER, Mayor.

Attest, Henry E. Asp, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

W. B. Trissell's nursery stock has arrived justas we go to press. We counted seventeen wagons loaded down and piled on.Trissell will be here at Winfield on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays untilhis stock is disposed of, to serve his customers. Now is your time.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

D. Rodocker would respectfully announce to thecitizens of Winfield and vicinity that he has visited all the first-classphotograph galleries in the city of Chicago and is now on his way home toresume his business as soon as he arrives in Winfield.

TRENTON, MO., Nov. 12, 1877.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

The highest price in cash paid at the mill ofC. A. Bliss & Co. for good milling wheat. Do not sell to anyone elseuntil you see them. Their mill is now running on full time.

Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.


All persons knowing themselves indebted to Boyer& Wallis must call and settle on or before the 1st day of December,1877.


Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.

Special Holiday Presents.

I will open a well selected stock of silverware,jewelry, etc., the second week in December. Will give particular attentionto special orders for the next ten days.


Winfield Courier, November29, 1877.


From the undersigned on Saturday, Nov. 24, abay mare colt 5 months old; was seen in the city on the afternoon of Saturday.Whoever has taken up the colt will confer a favor by letting the subscriberknow where it is. J. C. MONFORT.

8½ [? OR 3½] miles northeast ofWinfield.


Winfield Courier, December6, 1877. Front Page.

The Custer Massacre.

Sitting Bull has been talking with a correspondentand telling the story of the Custer massacre. He says: "The squawswere hell and a thousand devils; the squaws were like flying birds; thebullets like humming bees outside. We were whipped at first, but bye andbye, afterwards no. Your people were killed; I tell no lies about dead men.Those men who came with the long hair were as good men as ever fought; whenthey rode up their horses were tired and they were tired; when they gotoff their horses, they could not stand firmly on their feet; they swayedto and fro, so my young men have told me, like timber of cypresses in agreat wind; some of them staggered under the weight of their guns, but theybegan to fight at once; but by this time our company were aroused, and therewere plenty of warriors to meet them. They fired with needle guns; we repliedwith magazine guns (repeating rifles)." (Sitting Bull illustrated byputting his palms together with the rapidity of firing.)

"One young man rained lead across the river,and drove the white braves back and then they found that they had a gooddeal to do. The trouble with the soldiers was that they were so exhaustedand their horses bothered them so much, that they could not take good aim.Some of their horses broke away from them and left them stand to drop anddie. All the men fell back fighting and dropping, but they could not firefast enough, though they kept in pretty good order. They would fall backand make a fresh stand beyond the ground. There were a great many bravemen in that fight, from time to time while it was going on, who were shotdown like pigs. They couldn't help themselves; one by one the officers fellwhere the last fight took place. Where the last stand was made, Long Hairstood like a sheaf of corn with all the ears fallen around him, not wounded.Didn't know how many stood by him (a few). When he did fall, he killed aman. When he fell, he laughed."

"You mean he cried out?"

"No, he laughed, he had fired his lastshot."

"From a carbine?"

"No, a pistol."

"Did he stand up after he first fell?"

"He rose up on his hands and tried anothershot, but his pistol would not go off."

"Was anyone else standing up when he felldown?"

"One man was kneeling, that was all; buthe died before Long Hair."

Sitting Bull says there were only squaws, oldmen, and little children in front of Reno keeping him in his strong positionon the bluffs and preventing him giving aid to Custer.


Winfield Courier, December6, 1877. Front Page.

School Laws.

The following points, from our school laws maybe of interest to our readers.

1. There are no legal holidays for teachers.

2. A district officer cannot teach in his districtwithout resigning his office.

3. The district clerk shall be fined $50 fornot reporting the tax levy to the county clerk.

4. Teachers shall not be paid their last month'ssalary until they make a term report to the district clerk.

5. The district clerk is liable to $100 fineor three month's imprisonment for making a false report to the county superintendent.

6. The district board may require a teacherto teach any branch in the English language, provided he can teach it.

7. The district board shall be fined $100 permonth for refusing children residing in the district the privileges of school,and admit children living outside the district, but may assess a percapita tax on them.

8. Parents or guardians of children over eightand under twelve years of age, who live within two miles of school and areable to furnish their children with books and clothes, shall send them toschool three months of the year, six weeks of which shall be consecutive,or pay a fine of not more than ten dollars for the first offense, and notmore then twenty dollars for each subsequent offense.


Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Wirt Walton informs us that Superintendent Lemmonleft Topeka Monday to attend a call meeting of the Superintendents of theStates and Territories at Washington. They will confer with the senate andhouse committees on education with a view of bettering the condition ofthe educational cause in the southern States and Territories. Other mattersof importance will be discussed at the meeting. He will be gone some weeks.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

The suit of Taylor vs. District 82 has beenreversed in the Supreme Court. The school- house was built on the cornerof a farm, and the deed, though, not recorded. Afterwards the farm was mortgaged,and the mortgage foreclosed and an effort made to hold the school building.The mortgagee won the case in the District Court, on a technicality whichis now reversed.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Our fish commissioner, Hon. D. B. Long, of Ellsworth,is a good officer. He is using the limited appropriations at his disposaljudiciously. Already he has secured several large lots of fish spawn andplaced them in the streams of Northern Kansas. Those streams will soon bewell stocked with the finest fish. We would call Mr. Long's attention tothe fact that our Walnut River is a constant stream of as pure, clear wateras flows anywhere. We hope to come in for a share of his favors.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

The silk crop of Kansas this year is worth $20,000.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

The recent earthquake shock was felt at MarionCenter.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

The recent earthquake shock was felt as farwest as Salina and Hutchinson.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.


Still in existence.

And everybody happy.

Corn is in good demand and sells readily attwenty cents a bushel.

Our thermometer made a flying visit to zerolast Thursday morning.

Our ferry was unable to run three days lastweek owing to the quantity of slush ice running in the river.

We are gradually improving. A number of newbuildings have been commenced and will soon be ready for occupancy.

U. S. I. D.'s, or in plain English, Uncle Sam'sIdle Dogs, were well represented in town last Saturday, mostly of the Kawand Pawnee persuasion.

Sumner County will again look to Cowley forcorn and feed this winter, they having already commenced supplying themselvesfrom our cribs and granaries.

A Bolton lad, named Flonence [?] Randall, metwith a very severe accident last week while wrestling with a comrade, hebeing thrown quite heavily, dislocating his shoulder.

Owing to the severity of the weather but fewof our people attended the union Thanks- giving service at the First PresbyterianChurch, the majority preferring to return thanks around a warm fire at home.

Berry Bro.'s are enterprising grocery men havingcommenced the erection of a store room for their stock of groceries, queensware,etc. They still have faith in Arkansas City, in spite of the many disadvantageswe are at present laboring under.

Messrs. Speers & Martin are making rapidprogress on the new ferry west of town, and promise to have it completedand in running order in a few days. They don't propose to stop for ice,sand bars, high water, or anything else when they once get started.

We have heard it estimated that nearly one hundredpersons collected at the south ferry at one time last Saturday in attemptingto cross the river. Only a few succeeded in crossing, the rest returningto their homes minus the groceries, dry goods, etc., they intended to purchaseof our merchants could they have got across the river. And still we haveno bridge.

Arkansas City sports a real live literary society,which promises the means of our spending one evening in the week quite pleasantlythis winter. It is a good move and should receive the support of all ourcitizens. I. H. Bonsall, president; L. C. Norton and C. M. Swarts, vice-presidents;Miss Ella Grimes, secretary; Miss Flora Finley, treasurer; and A. W. Burkeyand W. D. Mowry, musical directors.

The Thanksgiving festival, given by the ladiesof the First Presbyterian society, proved a success in every particular.The supper was excellent; the supply of oysters, turkey, music, and pumpkinpie being inexhaustible, and made glad the hearts of the hungry multitudeof persons. (I speak from experience.) The fancy table was well filled withthe products of the nimble fingered ladies and made a handsome display.The fish pond was well stocked; and it only required one dime to secureyou a fish, and the ever present grab bagdid you ever attend a festivalwithout meeting it?well it was there and found quite amusing to those inthe grab; and last, but not least, the committee on amusem*nt deserves creditfor the fine entertainment given after the supper. The laughable farce,called the "Two Buzzards," was well rendered, and by the frequentbursts of applause, we should judge it was enjoyed by all. The play waswell committed, and the acting in some parts, first-class. The receiptsof the evening amounted to about eighty dollars, which we understand willbe used to repair the church. The evening passed very pleasantly, and allreturned feeling satisfied, and that it was good to have been there. TUTU.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.


There are plenty of new houses going up in Grousevalley.

Dexter is improving rapidly, and the farmersare following suit.

Messrs. Service and Merydith have started theirthreshing machine again. They have about 2,000 bushels to thresh.

BIRTH. Mr. John D. Maurer is one of the proudestmen in this section, becoming the father of a long sought for daughter.

A man was found near Cline's ford, on GrouseCreek, lying by his camp fire sick, and almost ready to pass in his checks,but Dr. Wagner and L. C. Patterson took him to Mr. Cline's house and heis now doing well.

I understand that Dexter mill is under contract.Mr. Nicholson and Meagin have contracted for the mill. I hope we will havea good mill. Mr. Stump, of Winfield, has been here working on the mill.Nicholson has it rented, and I predict he will do a good business.

C. Z.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.


Notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissionersof Cowley County, Kansas, will at their regular session in January, 1878,receive sealed proposals for the care of paupers of said county. Said proposalsmust specify the price per week at which the bidder will care for said paupers,exclusive of clothing and medical treatment. Bids must be filed with theCounty Clerk on or before January 7th, 1878. The contract to be for theyear 1878. The successful bidder must enter into an undertaking for thefaithful performance of duty. The Board reserves the right to reject anyand all bids. M. G. TROUP, County Clerk.


Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Heavy rain Sunday night and Monday.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Mr. Thompson, of Rock, was with us last week.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

W. H. Clay, of Sheridan, was in our city onSaturday.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

The M. E. Church was crowded last Sunday evening.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

F. J. Hess, of Arkansas City, was in town Saturdaylast.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

On Thanksgiving morning the ground was coveredwith snow.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Town lots are selling like hot cakes and Winfieldis booming.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

The work on the new brewery northeast of townis progressing.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Court convened last Monday with forty-four caseson the docket.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Captain Sibert, of Rock, was in the city Fridayand Saturday last.

[Not sure if Sibert is correct. Could beCaptain Siverd.]

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Turnips have sold by the wagon load upon thestreets for fifteen cents.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Frank Weakley has been appointed treasurer ofschool district No. 87.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

The cold weather has caused Young America tobuckle on their skates.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

The new Catholic Church will be dedicated onSunday, January 6th, 1878.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Corn sells upon the streets for twenty centsper bushel; oats, fifteen cents.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

J. G. Bullene is erecting a new building onMain street, opposite the cigar factory.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Rev. Mr. Nance, of Maple City, has been holdinga series of meetings in Sheridan.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Mr. H. Jochem informs us that he will in a fewdays receive another carload of stoves.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Mr. Gerry, lately from Iowa, will soon moveinto his residence lately erected east of town.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Mr. Earnest is now to be found in the new grocerystore in the Brotherton & Silver building.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Mr. G. [? O. ?] H. Crippen removed his familyand household goods to his new brick residence last week.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Elder E. E. Harvey, of Eldorado, has been havinga successful revival in Pleasant Valley Township.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

We are under obligations to the Giles Bros.for a copy of the Louisville, Kentucky, Courier-Journal.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

The new addition to Harter & Hill's liverybarn is 42 feet long instead of 30 feet, as stated last week.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

The question for debate at No. 21, this weekis, Resolved, That a gun is of more use to a man than a dog.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

See the new card of H. Thompson in another column.Mr. Thompson is a first-class stonemason and bricklayer.


Stone Mason and Plasterer.

Does work in his line according to contract,and guarantees satisfaction or no pay.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Mr. Ehret has caused the walls and ceiling ofthe Nations' saloon to be kalsomined and the bar to be repainted.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

The tall form of S. S. Moore, of Tisdale, wasseen on our streets last week. S. S. looks well after his trip to the Hills.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Wirt W. Walton came down from Topeka on Mondayto attend court. He is a witness in two important cases.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

A man in this place owns two teams and freightsfrom here to Wichita. He drives one team, and his wife drives the other.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Mrs. Dillingham is occupying the residence buildingrecently erected on Ninth Avenue, west of Main street, by Jas. Allen.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

G. W. Hunt has erected a new building on Ninthavenue, two doors east of J. E. Allen's law office, and has moved his tailorshop thereto.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Hotel arrivals (transient) in this city, forthe week ending Wednesday noon, December 5th, 1877, number as follows: CentralHotel, 54; Anderson House, 45.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Mr. W. H. Garrett, of Wichita, who resided inthis city until about a year and a half ago, returned for a few weeks visitone day last week. We were happy to see him.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

A fair crowd turned out to hear the Thanksgivingsermon by Rev. Mr. Rushbridge. The music was well rendered, the sermon wasexcellent, but what cold feet we all had!

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Four cigar makers of the Cowley County CigarFactory are kept busy rolling cigars day and night now. Mr. Birnbaum receivesorders from all parts of the State for his cigars.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

`Squire Curns has resigned the judicial erminein favor of G. H. Buckman, J. P. elect. If anyone wants any marrying done,let him call on Buckman, as he knows how it is himself.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

On the 30th day of November some of our icegatherers commenced putting up ice. This is earlier than ever before. However,the ice has now all disappeared from the creeks and ponds.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

The guests of the Anderson House have plentyof fun of evenings. One of the guests, Mr. W. H. Hudson, is a mesmerizer,and affords amusem*nt by mesmerizing the boys and waiter girls.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Will Hudson & Bro. have filled their storecases chuck full of jewelry, silverware, and watches. It is the largeststock of jewelry ever brought to this city, from which any man, woman, orchild can select anything they may desire for their own use or for holidaypresents.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

We were pleased to meet Mr. A. Hartenbower,of Butler County, brother-in-law of J. E. Allen, of this city, last Sunday.Mr. Hartenbower and a younger brother are two of Butler County's extensivecattle dealers.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

A family named Roberts, late of Ohio, have settledin Pleasant Valley Township; and each member of the family being a musician,are giving weekly concerts at the schoolhouse in that neighborhood.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

J. B. Lynn's new residence building, upon thelots on the northwest corner of Seventh Avenue and Manning streets, willbe completed by the last of next week. It is a large and commodious building.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

The Foults Bros. are erecting a new buildingbetween the Yankee Notion Store and the City Meat Market, on the west sideof Main street, to which they will move their barber shop about the firstof next week.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Two new buildings, just east of McGuire &Crippen's store, are rapidly nearing completion. One is being erected forMessrs. Brotherton & Silvers, grain and feed merchants, and the otherfor C. Coldwell & Son, lawyers.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Mr. S. Suss returned last Thursday evening froma trip to St. Louis, where he went to visit relatives and buy goods. Hewill have in a few days a large and well selected stock of clothing andgent's furnishing goods.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

On last Friday and Saturday evenings a few ofthe boys and girls of this city buckled on their skates and improved thefirst opportunity of the season. Capt. Lowry's pond afforded good skating.The ice was about four inches thick.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Rev. F. C. Wright, of Jefferson, Ohio, has acceptedthe call of the Baptist Church of Winfield, and will commence his laborsabout the 1st of March next. In the meantime the church will build a parsonageand otherwise prepare for his coming.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Jim Binner has purchased four fine oil landscapepaintings which he has hung upon the wall in the Railroad saloon, besidesfine engravings of the many celebrated trotting and running horses, whichadds much to the appearance of the already well furnished saloon.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

The Walker Bros. opened up their large stockof groceries last Saturday, on South Main street, at Hitchco*ck & Boyle'sold stand. Their stock is new and well selected. The boys are fine appearingyoung men, and by calling upon them, you will be convinced of their willingnessto accommodate and oblige all.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Mr. M. A. Brunson, formerly of Independence,this State, has opened up a large and well selected stock of groceries,at the sign of "Headquarters," in the building formerly occupiedby Brotherton & Silver. Mr. Brunson is a pleasant and agreeable gentleman,and those patronizing him will receive the best of treatment.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

It still lives. The name of our east and westroad has been changed to Memphis, Kansas and Colorado Railroad. The contracthas been let for the construction of sixty-six miles of the road, to-wit:from Brownsville via the coal beds to Cherokee, thence to Parsons and Neodesha.Its present objective point is Winfield.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Mrs. P. Stump has settled down in her new stonebuilding on South Main street and is as well satisfied as can be imagined.Her business room is large, in which her large stock of millinery and ladies'furnishing goods is neatly arranged and stored away upon shelves and inshow cases. She tells us that she had a splendid trade last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Captain Lee, of Cowley County, went to Emporialast week to inquire after the narrow gauge. He found ten or twelve milesof the grade completed and ready for the ties; the abutments for the Cottonwoodbridge rapidly nearing completion; a large number of ties, and a constructiontrain at Emporia, and he reports everything as looking very favorable forthe building of the road. Augusta Gazette.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Arrangements have been made by the Baptist Churchof Winfield with Rev. A. F. Randall, the Evangelist, of St. Louis, and M.H. Evans, singer, to hold a series of revival meetings here about the secondweek in January. Preparatory to this, it is earnestly hoped that all membersand others interested will attend the regular weekly prayer meetings ofthe church on Wednesday evening of each week.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Two children about nine years old, Harry Bairand Frank Cochran, of this place, a short time since encountered a porcupinewith seven young ones on the bank of the Walnut River near town. They killedfive of the young ones with clubs, by which time the old one drove the boysoff by shooting its quills into them. One of the animal's arrows struckBair in the forehead and the other struck him in the neck. His mother pulledthem from the flesh after he arrived home.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

On last Thursday evening as pleasant and selectparty as ever before assembled in Southern Kansas, assembled at the Courthousein this city. The skies were cloudless and it was a most beautiful evening,though very coldso cold and chilly that many who were invited could notattend. Notwithstanding, there were about thirty-five couples in attendance,all of whom expressed themselves as never enjoying themselves better andas being well pleased with the party in general. At 11;30 p.m., supper wascalled, which was served in good style at the Williams House. At 12 o'clockthe party reassembled, the musicians resumed their positions, and trippingof the "light fantastic toe" was engaged in with rare vigor. Thelong-to-be-remembered party concluded at half past 2 o'clock with the "ScotchReal," after which about seventy-five happy persons, two by two, reluctantlywended their way homeward, regretting that Thanksgiving parties are givenbut once a year. The music, furnished by the Roberts Bros. and Will Marshal,was splendid.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Noble L. Prentis, late editor of the TopekaCommonwealth, has returned from Europe and is delivering his lectureon "The Old Country," to crowded houses in the northern part ofthe State. One who has heard it says it is the richest, rarest, funniest,and most interesting lecture he ever heard. It is equal to Bayard Taylorfor "description," and Mark Twain for downright "fun."From the "love-sick couple at sea" to the top of Mt. Blanc, thebrilliant Prentis takes you with him, and you see what he saw and enjoywhat he enjoyeda three months' trip through England, Ireland, Scotland,and France. It is to be hoped that our lecture organization in this citywill secure him for an evening immediately.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

In conversation with Mr. Kimball, the attorneyfrom the east, at Topeka recently, he informed us that the company has beenreorganized and that it is now known as the St. Louis, Kansas and ColoradoRailroad Company. We learned from him that the new company has made a contractwith Greene, Bennett & Co. for the construction of the road from Brownsville,on the Atlantic and Pacific R. R., to Parsons, a distance of forty miles,by the first of May next. This is one of the strongest construction companiesin the United States. Mr. Greene, the leading spirit of the firm, has builtover 2,000 miles of railroad, and he is now president of a company thatowns and operates more than 700 miles of road. He also has very extensivemining interests in Colorado. His home is at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Mr. Kimballthinks the road will certainly be built according to contract. He says thatas soon as it is constructed to Parsons, another proposition will be submittedto the people of this county. He informs us that no attempt will be madeto secure the bonds heretofore voted, but that the old company will passresolutions admitting their forfeiture and releasing the county from allliability in relation to them, a copy of which release will be filed withour county clerk.

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.

Died in the Black Hills.

DIED. RANDALL. On Wednesday, November 14th,1877, of typhoid pneumonia, at Central City, in the Black Hills, DakotaTerritory, Mr. K. C. Randall.

The deceased was a brother of our fellow townsmen,Irvin W. Randall. He left Winfield about four years ago for Sterling, Nebraska,where he remained until last spring, when he emigrated to the Black Hills.We clip the following from the Daily Black Hills Herald.

"He came to the Black Hills but a few monthssince full of life and hopes of bettering his condition. He was a faithfulhusband, loving father, and a christian. Though he had never united withthe church, he had been brought up by christian parents, who had sparedno pains to give their son a classical education in his youth, and in hismanhood he had never betrayed the confidence of honored parents or lovedfriends. With a bright intellect, a clear conception of right and wrong,he ever lived for those who loved him, for the heavens who smiled abovehim and await his spirit.

"The funeral was held at the residenceof the Rev. David Ogden, father-in-law of deceased. Many friends and acquaintanceswere present to weep with the widow and mourning friends in their sad affliction.

"The funeral discourse was delivered from1st Corinthians, 15th chapter, 55th verse. After the discourse an intimatefriend of the deceased, Mr. R. Ellis, made a few brief and touching remarksrelative to deceased, and of a happy meeting beyond the river of death.The funeral procession then proceeded to the burial ground at Deadwood,where the deceased was laid to rest."

Winfield Courier, December6, 1877.


HOSTETTER - SMITH. At the residence of the bride,on Wednesday, the 18th ult., Mr. Wm. P. Hostetter to Mrs. Sarah E. Smith.All of Pleasant Valley township.

WYETT - McGUIRE. At the residence of the bride'sparents in Maple Township, on the 21st ult., by Wm. P. Norman, J. P., J.D. Wyett to Miss Margaret McGuire, of this township and county.


Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

Resumption and Remonetization.

The message appears to have had the effect,that immediately on its delivery, gold fell from three to two and one-halfpercent premium.

On the subjects of consumption and remonetization,it gave no uncertain sound. It was decidedly opposed to any measure thatwould delay resumption of specie payments, and equally opposed to any lawwhich will authorize the payment of the government indebtedness in any currencyworth less than gold coin. It is also decidedly against making silver alegal tender for any large amounts unless the gold and silver coinage shallbe first equalized so that the dollar of the one shall approximate verynearly the commercial value of the other.

It now seems quite evident that the resumptionact will not be repealed this session and that resumption will be an accomplishedfact before another congress can interfere. It also appears that silverdollars of 412½ grains will not be made a full legal tender. So thefluctuations and disturbances in business circles on account of the threatenedreappeal will be practically settled and business assume a more confidentand vigorous tone.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.


This year will be noted for the great mortalityamong the savings banks of the country. There have been perhaps less thanthe usual number of failures among national and private banks. Several nationalbanks have closed business and gone into liquidation not because they werein failing condition, but because of large accumulations in the bank ofcash assets which could not be profitably loaned or invested; therefore,making the continuance of the business a losing operation.

The few private banks that have failed havebeen such as never had much capital and were running almost entirely onconfidence. It is to be expected that such banks will fail whenever theoperators have got into such a condition that their capital and public confidencebecomes impaired; and when they fail, their depositors will suffer lossof course.

The system of savings banks of the country hasbeen based almost exclusively upon the idea of public confidence. They havea nominal capital which is rarely paid in, and if paid in at first, is soonwithdrawn. They are usually authorized by some kind of loose legislation,by which everything is made to look fair on its face, but which in factonly enables such institutions to run without actual capital and bank exclusivelyon the money of their depositors. They are purely "confidence"institutions. So long as times are "flush," they run finely, butthe moment depositors begin to draw down their balances below the usualaggregate, the bank must suspend. It is then that the officers, having nothingto gain or save by showing a good balance sheet, and being about to be thrownout of business, are tempted to grab what they can and leave for parts unknown.

The experience of the past should warn everyonenot to deposit with such institutions. All should learn that such finelysounding names as are applied to these banks are but the clap-trap triedeverywhere by "confidence" men to gull the unwary.

What, we ask, has ever been the need of anysuch institutions? Wherever there has been a demand for banks of deposit,there have usually appeared persons or banks with real capital, owned bymen who must lose their capital by a failure; by men whose interest is entirelyon the side of continuance in their business; men whose failure would bea heavy and almost fatal loss to themselves, and not to the public. Suchbanks are safe as a rule. Of course, some such bankers may be loose andextravagant men, and may manage very imprudently, but their customers caneasily learn of these faults and act accordingly.

Put not your trust in savings banks.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.


The price of corn has advanced to twenty-fivecents and commands ready sale.

We are going to have a bridge over the Walnut,at least it will be completed by the 10th of January next.

Carpenters are busy now. Something unusual forwe'uns, but nevertheless we can stand it. Bring on another carpenter.

A select hop at the Central avenue, last Fridayevening, was well enjoyed, so we understand, by those who participated init.

Lippmann's mill is kept running on full timenow, and can hardly supply the demand for lumber. Bring on another mill,we can use it.

A new storeroom is being built, between BenedictBros. and Gardners, by Dr. Sheppard. There are a number of applicants forit, but who the lucky person is we have not heard.

Hardly a day passes but what we hear the remark,"What a good school we are having this winter." Ed is workinghard to make it one of the best ever held here, and I think he will do it.

Some of our boys are getting desperate, andif they continue as they are doing, they will, no doubt, have occasion tovisit the probate judge, soon. Keep it up, boys, it will make a good item.

Judge Gans, assisted by one or two officers,has been holding a series of meetings at Parker's schoolhouse, east of theWalnut. We learn that some fifteen or twenty have been baptized and signifieda desire to depart from the evil of their ways.

Steam boating is the order of the day again.A man, calling himself Bacon, agrees to bring a steamboat up the Arkansasfor the modest sum of one thousand dollars, payable when he arrives at ourdock. Our people are not quite as anxious for a steamboat ride as they werea year or two ago.

The concert given by the First PresbyterianSunday school proved a decided success, and was enjoyed by all who werefortunate enough to secure seats. The exercises were quite interesting andwell delivered. The little folks, especially, deserve great credit for promptresponses. Another one is pronounced soon.

There is a great amount of building being donethroughout this section of the county at present. A number of Boltoniteshave forsaken their claim shanties for more comfortable and commodious dwellings,and I notice they are improving their out buildings as well, putting upgranaries, barns, etc., and making other general improvements which arenecessary.

Rev. Swarts met with quite a severe accidentlast Sunday evening, being thrown quite violently from the wagon and strikingupon the back of his head, causing him to remain unconscious for some time.It was feared at first that it might result seriously, but, fortunately,only a severe shock and a few bruises was the result. TU TU

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.


Wichita has got the Murphy movement "bad."

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

More new buildings since our last. Never sinceits location, has Wellington grown as rapidly as during the past half year.Press.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

The railroad committee met last Saturday andcompleted the draft of a petition asking for an election on the propositionsubmitted by the A., T. & S. F. railroad company. Press.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

Judge Campbell made a Murphy speech at Wichita,in which he offered to sign the pledge, was opposed to licensing saloons,or having any license money paid into the public treasury.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

The Independent man over at the ferrycrossing called Oxford, has become a Murphyite, and signed the pledge neverto drink intoxicating liquors again. He squirts it down with a syringe now.


Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

In Mexico various bodies of Mexican troops aremarching toward the Rio Grande.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

Orders have been issued sending troops to theRio Grande to secure the people against raiding parties from Mexico.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

The fourth cavalry, from the Indian Territory,and the twentieth infantry, from Dakota, have been ordered to the Rio Grande.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

Companies J, E, S, and M, of the seventh cavalry,184 men, are ordered from Fort Lincoln to Deadwood. Deadwood is reportedto be completely invested by Indians. Infantry from Standing Rock and Ft.Snelling will join in the march.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

Gen. Ord testified before the committee on militaryaffairs recently. He stated that the Mexican people and authorities on thelower Rio Grande were in sympathy with the raiders, and that there was notsufficient troops under his command to guard the frontier and pursue andpunish the raiders as his orders required him to do.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

In the senate, on December 6th, the house billfor the remonetization of silver coin was made the special order for the11th.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

Skipped County Clerk's Annual Statement, printedon Editorial Page.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877. Supplement.


No movement either religious or moral or politicalhas ever stirred Wyandotte, Kan., as the present temperance movement andcreated such enthusiasm. It is the theme of conversation on the streets,in the business houses, in the home circle, and about the first thing afterthe morning's salutation is, "How is the temperance movement?". . . .


Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

There is a house in town occupied by hogs, horses,cows, and people.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

A vocal music club will be organized next week,with Prof. Farringer as instructor.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

G. H. Crippen will soon have his new block dwellingcompleted. Billy Parker is doing the inside painting. Mr. Crippen knowsgood work.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

Hotel arrivals (transient) in this city, forthe week ending Wednesday noon, December 12th, 187, number as follows: Central,65; Anderson 39.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

Judge Coldwell has lost a very valuable blackand tan terrier. The person returning the same to the owner will be rewarded,and no questions asked.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

Mr. J. Silverman, who has been clerking in Mr.Suss' clothing house since he arrived in Winfield, some four months ago,left for his home in St. Louis last Wednesday morning.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

On last Tuesday morning, Messrs. L. J. Webb,Jay Page, Bert Crapster, and others whose names we have not learned, startedfor a grand hunt in the Indian Territory. They will return next Saturday.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

McCommon & Harter have just received a completestock of paints, oils, and varnishes; also school books and new goods forthe holidays. They will be found at the corner drug store, opposite thepost office.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

Prof. Farringer is building a fine residenceand music house on south Main street. As soon as the building is completed,the Professor will put in a good stock of all kinds of musical instruments,music books, and sheet music.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

Mr. Cromer, who has been canvassing Cowley Countyfor the past four or five weeks in the interest of an Ohio nursery company,informs us that there are plenty of deer in the Grouse valleynot a day passesbut that from one to a half dozen are seen.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

Prof. T. J. Jones is doing a rushing business.He swings his paint brush day and night now. The Professor is a good painterand paper hanger as his work shows.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

Major & Vance, of the Central hotel, arehaving a big run now. The house if full every day and night. They have recentlyput another table in their dining room, making in all, five large well furnishedtables. The silver and table ware are the best the market affords.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

Charley Williams, the colored man, who pleadguilty of horse stealing at the late term of court, was sentenced to oneyear's imprisonment in the state penitentiary. Sheriff Walker started onTuesday morning for Leavenworth with the said Williams. Dick will returnin a few days.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

J. P. Short has leased ground on Ninth Avenueto Weston & Hyskill, who are erecting a hardware and stove store. Heis also putting up a building adjoining, which will be occupied by Col.McMullen's bank. This makes six new business buildings that have gone upon that street within the last thirty days.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

The new M. E. church is lighted by the lateststyle Rigby & Pryor lamps. A brass pipe, about an inch and a half indiameter, suspended from the ceiling by four rods, passes through the centerof the building, upon which, about four feet apart, are a number of lamps,which illuminate the building as well as gas.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

We were happy to receive a call last Saturdayevening from Mr. Chas. H. Payson, from Pontiac, Livingston County, Illinois.Mr. Payson comes to Winfield with the intention of remaining permanentlyand comes highly recommended both as a gentleman and an attorney. He hastaken an office in Maris' new corner stone building, room No. 4.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

L. H. Hope has completed his new store building,adjoining Jackson's restaurant, in which he puts the largest stock of jewelry,watches, clocks, and silverware this side of Kansas City or Leavenworth.Their stock is well selected, consisting of both solid and plated goods,and is neatly and tastefully arranged in the show window and cases. Mr.Hope is recommended to us, by parties who have known him for years, as beinga first-class watchmaker, jeweler, engraver, and stencil cutter. We bespeakhis success. See his "ad."


Watchmaker, Jeweler, Engraver, and StencilCutter.

I am now opening the Largest Jewelry establishment,outside of Kansas City or Leavenworth, in the State, and am located in Winfieldto stay.

Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
Solid Silver and Plated Ware,
Spectacles and Table Cutlery,
all in large Stock and Great Variety.

Watch, Clock, and Jewelry Repairing a specialty,and all work warranted. Goods sold at Kansas City Prices. Goods bought ofme will be engraved free of charge. A share of your patronage is respectfullysolicited.

Store Next Door to Jackson's Restaurant,

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

Winfield Socially.

The coming winter bids fair to be the most pleasant,socially, that Winfieldians have ever experienced. Many changes have takenplace in the circle of young folks since the good old frontier days. Newand attractive young ladies and gentlemen have settled amongst us, givingto Winfield an air of city life and gaiety when they meet "in conventionassembled." The recent Thanksgiving ball was followed so closely byMiss Kate Millington's "dancing party," and both so largely attended,that the indications are that those "who look for pleasure can hopeto find it here" this winter. The last mentioned party, to use a stereotypedexpression, was a "brilliant success." Probably of all the gayand charming gatherings that have "tripped the fantastic," etc.,in our city, this was the most pleasant. The music was excellent, the refreshmentsgood, and the polite and attentive demeanor of the fair hostess most agreeable.

The following persons were fortunate enoughto be present at this party: Judge W. P. Campbell, of Wichita; W. W. Walton,of Topeka; Herman Kiper, of Atchison; Fred C. Hunt, W. C. Walker, Bert Crapster,Ed. P. Greer, Charley Harter, J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. J. Holloway, Mr.and Mrs. A. H. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Harter, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Baird,Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Earnest, Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.Thompson, Miss Ina Daniels, S. Suss, Josephine E. Mansfield, G. E. Walker,Mary McGaughy, M. B. Wallis, Fannie Wallis, Wilbur Dever, Maggie J. Dever,W. C. Root, Jennie Hahn, W. Gillellen, Mattie Coldwell, J. N. Harter, CarrieOlds, T. C. Copeland, Katie McGaughy, O. M. Seward, Nora Coldwell, Dr. Strong,Amie Bartlett.

Of course, they one and all enjoyed themselves;wished the occasion might be often repeated, and voted (in their minds atleast) Miss Kate to be the most "social campaign organizer" inthe city.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

The people of Winfield were surprised and startledlast Saturday evening. Many were the questions asked, loud and strong werethe cries of "circus!" "circus!" by the small boys,and great was the excitement. About 6:30 o'clock p.m., a wagon, loaded witha dozen or more happy boys and drawn by four fine horses, was driven uponMain street from 7th avenue. The street was brightly illuminated by thelanterns held in the hands of the boys and suspended from the wagon box.When opposite Mr. Lacy's residence, time was called, and as they passedon down Main street they favored the wondering people with the familiarpiece of music, "The merriest girl that's out." They then passedup one street and down another furnishing free music to the citizens ofWinfield for about two hours; and landing at the Central hotel about half-pasteight o'clock, called for supper for the Oxford Silver Cornet Band, elevenin number. After partaking of a good supper, they again started out andserenaded each and every business house in the city, besides calling atseveral private houses. The boys have good strong lungs and make good music.Drop us a line previous to your next coming, boys.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

On Friday night, November 16th, a meeting wascommenced at Parker's schoolhouse, a few miles east of Arkansas City, throughthe efforts of a few members of the Christian Church in that vicinity, havingobtained the services of Elder E. E. Harvey, of Eldorado, Butler County.On Saturday, the 24th, a church with fourteen members was organized, choosingS. B. Adams, elder, and T. L. Brown and C. M. Henshaw, deacons. The meetingclosed on Sunday night, December 2nd, leaving a church of thirty-seven members.Quite an interest was manifested during the meeting, and though the frequentrains and exceedingly dark nights seemed to forbid it, the house was crowdedto its utmost capacity to the close.

J. J.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

Last Saturday evening three of Winfield's youngmen attended a literary entertainment at the Excelsior schoolhouse, aboutthree miles south of town. While in the schoolhouse witnessing very attentivelyto the interesting exercises, some wretched boys, of that neighborhood,not small boys, either, who lacked the training they should have had intheir youth, sneaked outside and turned the young gentlemen's horses looseand started them on the run toward town. The consequence was that the younggentlemen were compelled to "foot it" home and wade the WalnutRiver. This was a little the meanest trick we have heard of for some time.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

Two Winfield boys went hunting one day lastweek. When they returned home in the evening, they figured up to see howmuch they made. Their account stood like this:

Hired two guns: $1.00

6 lbs. shot: $.75

1 lb. powder: $.50

2 boxes wads: $.70

2 boxes caps: $.20

Dinner at farm house: $.50

Broke one ramrod: $.50

Blew one tube out: $.15

Hired a man to take us home: $1.00

Total Indebtedness: $5.30

Hit one rabbit: $.75

Almost shot a goose: $1.50

Saw seventy-five ducks: $1.85

1 quail (claimed by each), to balance $1.20

Total credit: $5.30

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

We are informed that several young men fromthe north part of Winfield Township and the south part of Rock Townshipstarted for the Indian Territory last Tuesday with a view of locating claims.Some "galloot" informed them that the Territory would soon beadmitted as a State. We understand their intentions are to remain and pre-empta quarter section of land as soon as it is admitted. We hope they have provisionsto last them.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

Mr. J. T. Weston, late of Creston, Iowa, hasbeen stopping for a few weeks in our city, and has decided to permanentlylocate among us. He is building a business house on 9th avenue, just eastof McCommon & Harter's drug store, in which he intends engaging in thestove and tinware business. Mr. Weston is a good workman and will give generalsatisfaction.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

MR. EDITOR: The question for debate at No. 21for December 21st is: "Resolved, That free trade is beneficialto the United States." A cordial invitation is extended the Winfielddebaters to participate in the discussion. W. L. BURTON, Pres. LIZZIE HEFFNER,Sec.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.


Court convened on the 3rd inst., with an unusuallysmall docket. Forty-three cases composed the term's work. The criminal businesswas exceedingly light, there being but two or three cases for trail.

The Negro horse thief, Chas. Williams, chargedwith grand larceny, plead guilty, and was given the mildest punishment prescribedby law, one year's hard labor in the penitentiary. The jury was only usedin two cases.

Among the most important cases were the following.

Green vs. Requa, in which Green sought to recover$71 as a balance due on an account for legal services. The services wereperformed by L. J. Webb, and the account was assigned by Webb to Green.Mr. Webb had received $429 and claimed there was still $71 due him. Thejury gave verdict in favor of Mrs. Requa, but a motion was made for a newtrial, which was granted, and the verdict was set aside.

The cases of Dawson vs. Funk and Dawson vs.Brown, involving the title to about five acres of land, which Dawson claimedunder a line, as he supposed, established by the government surveyor. Funkand Brown claimed the same land under a survey made by the county surveyor,Walton, and denied that the corner claimed by Dawson was the governmentcorner. The land in dispute is worth probably $50; the costs in both casesis approximately $500. The court gave judgment in favor of Funk and Brownand established the line on the Walton survey. It is quite probable thecase will go to the supreme court.

The case of Wilson vs. County Commissionerswas brought for damages claimed by Wilson to be sustained from the factthat a road was laid out through his farm. The road viewers assessed Wilson'sdamages at $20, but the court raised them to $640. Pretty dear road forthe county.

The case of Newlin vs. R. L. Walker, sheriff,involved the question of the validity of an assignment made by A. A. Estlinto Newlin, as assignee, for the benefit of his creditors. Walker held partof the goods assigned under an attachment. The court held the assignmentgood and gave judgment in favor of Newlin. It will doubtless go to the supremecourt.

The case of Tout vs. Headrick Adair was broughtto recover back purchase money for land, sold by Headrick to Tout, on theground the title had failed. Headrick had pre-empted the land as administratorfor the benefit of the heirs and then sold it, under an order of the probatecourt for expenses of administration. The court held that the land belongedto the heirs and was not subject to the claims for which it was sold andgave judgment against Headrick.

The case of Gross vs. Funk was a foreclosuresuit. Gross had purchased the note before due, and a plea of usury was putin. The court held that it makes no difference when a note is secured, whetherit is assigned before due or not, so far as usury is concerned. Appealedto the supreme court.

Court adjourned on Saturday.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

Noble L. Prentis.

The suggestion made by the COURIER last weekin reference to securing Noble L. Prentis to deliver his lecture on "TheOld Country" before a Winfield audience has met with hearty approvalby the "Winfield Institute." The institute has made all the arrangementsto have him Friday evening, December 21st, without fail, at which time ourpeople will have the pleasure of hearing a most interesting recital of hisimpressions of our mother country. There will be enough fun in it to keepthe audience awake, we assure them, and genuine description, notes of travel,and "impressions" to keep them thinking long after Prentis isgone.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

Winfield Institute Library.

The citizens of Winfield are respectfully informedthat Noble L. Prentis, Esq., of Topeka, has been engaged to deliver hishighly interesting lecture, "The Old Country," in the M. E. Church,the use of which has been kindly granted for the occasion, on Friday evening,Dec. 21st. Admission, 40 cents; two tickets, 75 cents; Reserved seats, 50cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock, lecture to commence at 8.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.


MR. EDITOR: The Rev. James P. Henderson, ofthe Free Baptist Church, commenced a protracted meeting about the middleof November at the King schoolhouse, which continued three weeks, preachingevery night. On Sunday, December 2nd, a Free Baptist Church was organizedwith a membership of thirteen and eleven candidates for baptism. On theSaturday following the first covenant meeting was held at which time sixmore united. We then went to where there was a sufficient quantity of waterand buried with Christ in baptism fifteen happy converts. On the followingday five more united; so now our present number is thirty-six, and stillthere is more to follow, for which we thank God and take courage. The nameof our church is Science Valley.


Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.


STOUT - RUNYAN. On the 2nd inst., by P. W. Smith,J. P., at his residence, Mr. William M. Stout and Miss Dora S. Runyan. Allof Ninnescah Township, this county.


Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

Public sale of farming implements, stock, andblacksmith tools, on Thursday, Dec. 20th. Nine months time given on sumsover $5. Twenty percent per annum off for cash.

2 miles southeast of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.


All persons indebted to the undersigned firmare requested to call and settle at once and thereby save further troubleand costs. We cannot wait for our money longer than Christmas. We must havea settlement either by cash or note. We mean business.


Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.


To all whom it may concern. I hereby give noticethat I will neither ratify, nor in any way be responsible, for any buildingor other contracts made by G. C. Lilly and L. W. Spach, or either of them.


Dated Dec. 12, 1877.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

$10 Reward.

The undersigned, on Sunday, Dec. 9, 1877, betweenWinfield and E. B. Johnston's residence, via C. S. Smith's, in Vernon Township,Cowley County, Kansas, lost a small white envelope containing $68.00 incurrency. The following address was written upon the envelope: "E.R. Evans, Winfield, Kans." I will pay the above reward for the returnof the same.

Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

Prof. C. Farringer,

Teacher of vocal and instrumental music, directorof choirs and singing societies, has now permanently located in Winfieldand is ready to teach singing schools, societies, and give lessons on thePiano, Organ, Violin, Guitar, Flute, and in vocal culture, in Winfield,Oxford, and Arkansas City, and on the roads leading to these places. Pianosand organs tuned and repaired at reasonable rates. Orders left at his residence(house formerly occupied by Dr. Andrews), or Dr. Mansfield's drug store,will be promptly attended to. Call on Mrs. Farringer for pianos, organs,instruction books, etc. A good assortment constantly on hand.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.


New Grocery and Queensware house at Brotherton& Silver's old stand.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

Our Best, only found at Bliss & Co.'s.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

Mater, Miller & Co., at the stone blacksmithshop, on South Main street, do blacksmith, horseshoeing, and wagon workin first-class style, and always warrant satisfaction.

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.


Geo. W. Robinson, Dist. No. 1, Winfield.

Miss Emma Saint, Dist. No. 1, Winfield.

Miss Ella Wickersham, Dist. No. 1, Winfield.

Miss Mary Bryant, Dist. No. 1, Winfield.

Miss Mina C. Johnson, Dist. No. 13, Winfield.[CHANGE IN DIST.]

E. R. Thompson, Dist. No. 2, Ark. City.

Miss M. L. Ela, Dist. No. 2, Ark. City.

Mrs. T. M. Theaker, Dist. No. 2, Ark. City.

J. F. Hess, Dist. No. 42, Ark. City.

C. Swarts, Dist. No. 10, Ark. City.

Mrs. R. Stauffer, Dist. No. 53, Ark. City.

C. C. Holland, Dist. No. 89, Ark. City.

Miss Lizzie Landis, Dist. No. 80, Ark. City.

J. O. Wilkinson, Dist. No. 62, Ark. City.

H. T. Albert, Dist. No. 15, Lazette.

R. L. Tucker, Dist. No. 14, Lazette.

J. K. P. Tull, Dist. No. 94, Lazette. [CHANGEIN DIST.]

M. Hemenway. Dist. No. 78, Lazette.

Miss Kate Fitzgerald, Dist. No. 30, Lazette.

R. B. Carson, Dist. No. 26, Little Dutch.

J. Rupp, Dist. No. 48, Winfield.

Miss S. E. Davis, Dist. No. 49, Winfield.

Mrs. Ida Brown, Dist. No. 52, N. Salem.

H. R. Attwater, Dist. No. 84, Cedarvale.

Miss N. P. Seacord, Dist. No. 66, Cedarvale.

Miss Celia Taplin, Dist. No. 107, Dexter. [CHANGEIN NAME]

T. H. Aley, Dist. No. 5, Dexter.

T. J. Rude, Dist. No. 7, Dexter.

Eugene Millard, Dist. No. 46, Tisdale.

O. S. Record, Dist. No. 86, Maple City.

Miss S. Hollingsworth, Dist. No. 74, Polo.

Porter Wilson, Dist. No. 114, Red Bud.

H. S. Rush, Dist. No. 72, Red Bud.

C. Eagin, Dist. No. 29, Rock.

Miss Matt Minnehan, Dist. No. 29, Rock.

Miss Lena Bartlett, Dist. No. 37, Winfield.

Miss Ella Davis, Dist. No. 97, Winfield.

Miss Ella C. Scott, Dist. No. 39, Winfield.

Miss Fannie Pontious, Dist. No. 55, Winfield.

Frank Starwalt, Dist. No. 48, Winfield.

Miss Mary Pontious, Dist. No. 20, Winfield.

Miss Emma Burden, Dist. No. 95, Lazette. [CHANGEIN DIST.]


Miss Kate Ward, Dist. No. 56, Dexter.

Miss Dora Winslow, Dist. No. 36, Ark. City.

Miss Mary Pickett, Dist. No. 59, Ark. City.

Miss Lillie Kennedy, Dist. No. 34, Ark. City.

Miss Gertrude Davis, Dist. No. 40, Winfield.

Miss Alice Aldrich, Dist. No. 45, Winfield.

Mr. A. B. Taylor, Dist. No. 21, Winfield.

Mr. W. J. Stover, Dist. No. 63, Cedarvale.

Miss Sallie Leavering, Dist. No. 77, Winfield.

Miss Sarah Hodges, Dist. No. 19, Winfield.

Miss Ray Nawman, Dist. No. 106, Winfield.

Miss Mag. Stansbery, Dist. No. 108, Winfield.

Miss Allie Klingman, Dist. No. 50, Winfield.

Mrs. B. Seibert, Dist. No. 81, Winfield.

Geo. W. Rhodes, Dist. No. 41, Winfield.

B. W. Rutherford, Dist. No. 44, Winfield.

J. D. Hunt, Dist. No. 31, Winfield.

M. H. Markcum, Dist. No. 4, Winfield.

E. M. Snow, Dist. No. 9, Winfield.

R. B. Overman, Dist. No. 47, Tisdale.

J. D. Rude, Dist. No. 7, Dexter.

Miss Veva Walton, Dist. No. 111, Dexter.

Miss Alpha Hardin, Dist. No. 88, Dexter.

A. F. Overman, Dist. No. 54, Dexter.

J. T. Tarbert, Dist. No. 11, Ninnescah.

J. N. Crawford, Dist. No. 3, Littleton.

Miss Alice Pyburn, Dist. No. 60, Rock. [THEYHAD "ALICE"]

E. F. Gard, Dist. No. 24, Rock.

J. C. Page, Dist. No. 25, Darien.

Granville Huff, Dist. No. 83, Cedarvale.

Martha Thompson, Dist. No. 70, Cedarvale.

B. F. Maricle, Dist. No. 32, Ark. City.

Miss Lussetta Pyburn, Dist. No. 6, Ark. City.

Miss Kate Hawkins, Dist. No. 33, Ark. City.

N. N. Winton, Dist. No. 65, Ark. City.

Miss Sarah Bovee, Dist. No. 22, Floral.

Miss Amy Robertson, Dist. No. 105, Floral.

W. E. Ketchum, Dist. No. 85, Maple City.

M. L. Smith, Dist. No. 18, Lazette.

Teachers, if your names are not in the abovelist, notify the county superintendent of the fact, giving him number ofdistrict in which you teach, and the list will be corrected.

[This is about the fourth time that paperhas listed teachers. Evidently they left oodles out of first list and wereconstantly heckled about it! I made some changes that I noticed to the rightof names.]

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

School District Reports.


[District.] [Enrollment/Average Attendance.]

District 26. 29/24

District 89. 17/16


[District.] [Enrollment/Average Attendance.]

District 1. 249/185

District 21. 29/21

District 26. 42/29

District 39. 31/29

District 42. 18/13

District 48. 20/14

District 52. 22/16

District 66. 37/19

District 86. 30/20

District 107. 17/12

Winfield Courier, December13, 1877.

Decisions by the State Superintendent..

1. Temporary absence of a school officer fromthe district does not work a forfeiture of his office unless on accountof that absence he shall be unable to discharge his official duties. Ifon account of his absence, the district shall be unable to discharge hisofficial duties. If on account of his absence, the district should be putto great inconvenience, and its business be neglected, the county superintendentshould consider the office vacant, and on a position of a majority of thelegal voters (both male and female) of the district as provided in Art.2, Sec. 11, page 12, of school laws, appoint some suitable person to theplace.

2. Contracts of every kind, made between theboard of directors of a school district and one of their number, being contraryto public policy, are illegal, and if not void, at least voidable. Suchcontracts should never be made. If either member of the board desires toteach the common school of the district, furnish fuel, furnish materialsfor the construction of the schoolhouse, or do any kind of work for thedistrict for which he is to receive compensation, he should resign his office,and after the appointment of his successor, make his contract with the newboard.

3. If a person agrees to teach a district schoolfor a certain sum per month and hire an assistant to take charge of a partof the classes, must that assistant hold a teacher's certificate? The lawdoes not authorize a district board to make a contract with one teacherfor the services of another. All such contracts are illegal and void.

4. The law requires the State board of educationto hold a meeting at Topeka on the fourth Monday of August for the examinationof candidates for state certificates. They may hold examinations "atsuch other times and places as may by them be deemed necessary."

5. A teacher's certificate to be valid mustbe issued in strict compliance with law. County examiners are not authorizedto issue certificates on private examinations.

6. The officers of a school district constitutethe board of directors in such a sense as to be able to transact the schoolbusiness of the district only when in session as a district board.

7. A school warrant signed by the individualmembers of a district board at different times and places is not valid,unless its issue was previously ordered by the board in session. Such awarrant may be made valid after having been issued by future action of theboard.


Winfield Courier, December20, 1877. Front Page.


Business in State and Federal Courts promptlyattended to.

Collections made and Legal Interestcarefully computed.

Office: Room No. 4, Maris' stone building, cornerMain Street and 9th Avenue, Winfield, Kansas.

.....Interesting side note! In Dec. 20, 1877,issue.

Louisiana State Lottery.

The half-million drawing of the Louisiana statelottery took place at the Academy of Music, New Orleans, last Monday, inthe presence of a large audience, under the supervision of Generals Beauregardand Early. The following numbers drew the principal prizes: 79,620 drew$100,000; 17,318 drew $50,000; 62,850 drew $20,000; 20,608 drew $10,000;63,155 drew $10,050; and numbers 55,648, 23,717, 16,276, and 4,657 drew$50.00.



Winfield Courier, December20, 1877. Front Page.

St. Louis was recently so sure of a war withMexico that an office was opened in that village to enlist troops for thewar.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

The horse-shoe fall at Niagara is a horse-shoeno longer. An immense portion of rock recently fell in the depth of thebend, and leaves the shape nearly that of a right angle.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

The prospect of passing the silver bill hasbeen advancing of late, and so has the price of gold. Last quotation: $1.63-1/8.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

In the Utah legislature there are only two membersthat have but one wife. All the other thirty-nine are doubly blessed inthis respect, and some of them are considerably more than twice blessed.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

The amount of fractional currency now in actualuse is believed to be not more than $3,000,000. The amount lost is calculatedby the redemption to be not less than $15,000,000, instead of $8,000,000,as estimated originally by Treasury officials.


Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.


It has been said that the sentiments expressedby President Hayes in his annual message, in relation to resumption andremonetization, will meet with neither sympathy nor support in the West.It is assumed by some of the leading journals, both republican and democratic,that the people of Kansas almost unanimously desire that no steps shallbe taken toward the resumption of specie payments; that the resumption actshall be unconditionally repealed, and that silver coin shall be made alegal tender for all debts, both public and private. It cannot be deniedthat such are the sentiments of many of the people of this state and ofthe West, that some newspapers advocate such views; that our members ofcongress, believing that a majority of their constituents hold such opinions,support the bills before the house to repeal the resumption act and to remonetizesilver, because of that belief. But it may be seriously questioned whetherit is a fact that they are really representing the views of a majority oftheir constituents, or even of a respectable minority.

Within the past few weeks we have taken muchpains to ascertain from such persons as we have met, their views on thesequestions, and have almost invariably been answered to the effect, thatthey are in favor of specie resumption, but are not in favor of retiringgreenbacks from circulation; that they would have them redeemed on demand,then reissued, and kept in circulation; that they want only that part ofthe resumption act repealed which provides for retiring and destroying thegreenbacks; that all debts should be paid in such money as was promisedwhen the debt was contracted, if gold coin was promised, just such coinas was then meant or its equivalent in commercial value should be paid;if nothing but legal tender was promised, anything which was then legaltender or its equivalent should pay the debt; that it would not be honestto require a creditor to take less value than the coin promised or to compela debtor to pay more value than the cheapest coin that would have answeredthe contract when the promise was made; that they are in favor of remonetizationso far that the same coin which was a legal tender for the payment of adebt when it was contracted shall always be a legal tender to pay that debt;that if both silver and gold coin are to be legal tender there should besuch an equalization that the commercial value of the silver dollar shallbe equal to that of the gold dollar.

Some of these men believed that the resumptionact requires the destruction of all the greenback currency, and for thatreason did not like it and called themselves greenbackers, but held to theviews above expressed, as did nearly all we interviewed.

We found some very few who held that an actof congress could make one metal worth as much as another, pound for pound;that whatever congress should name a dollar would be worth as much as anyother dollar; and we found two persons who held that it did not make anydifference whether the debtor agreed to pay in gold coin or not, the governmenthad a right to make anything a legal tender and compel creditors to takethat or nothing.

We imagine that more than three-fourths of thejournals of the state, and a like proportion of the people, hold the viewsthat most of those we have conversed with have expressed. We believe thata majority throughout the West hold the same opinions.

Now, we undertake to say that these are preciselythe views presented in the message to which the president desires to givethe force and form of law, and we challenge anyone to read the message carefullyand point out the sentence inconsistent with them.

The people are undoubtedly with the president,notwithstanding the howling of demagogues about greenbacks and bond-holdersand the "dollar of the daddies." The people are honest and wantan honest government, an honest currency. Our members have placed too lowan estimate upon the masses, and have gone astray. Let them return and supportthe president in his financial views and thus please their constituents.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.


We give herewith the bill recently introducedinto the house of representatives by Congressman Ryan. It is of importanceto the people of Cowley County and other counties in Kansas which lie withinthe limits of the Osage lands. We hope it will pass both branches of congressand become a law.

Under its provisions settlers who are upon thelands at the time the bill becomes a law have three and one half years topay for the same. This of course extends the time of those who are now settlersbut have not yet paid for their land; but it very wisely compels one paymentwithin six months after which the land is taxable. If the first or any subsequentpayment is not made when due, than any person is at liberty to purchasethe land, it being sold to the highest bidder for not less than $1.25 peracre. Under section 4, the settlers who have already paid for their landare given the privilege for twelve months of purchasing unoccupied landcontiguous to them. This advantage is two-fold: it is a reward for promptcompliance with the law in the past and enables those settlers desiringstock ranches to secure range at a low figure. We do not understand, however,that this section withdraws the land so located from sale to persons whomay wish to settle upon and improve the same. Under this same section alllands east of the 6th principal meridian (which is twelve miles west ofthe east line of Sumner County) fall under the provisions of the bill. Thiswill probably result in adding to the tax-rolls of the counties of Sedgwick,Sumner, Butler, Cowley, Greenwood, Elk, Chautauqua, Montgomery, and Wilsonseveral hundred thousand acres of land within two years after its passage.All or nearly all the land that is desirable for cultivation in this vastarea has been settled upon, and only the poorer grade of land remains unoccupied.

This law is a step in the right direction andcould only be improved upon by throwing this whole unoccupied territoryopen to homestead entry. In the face of the treaty under which the Osagesquit possession of their reserve, it is impossible, we suppose, to openthe lands to homestead entry.

The following is the bill in question.


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate andHouse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,That all persons who have entered upon and actually occupy lands withinthe limits of the Osage Indian trust and diminished reserve in the Stateof Kansas may pay one-fourth of the price of the same in six months afterthis act takes effect, and the remainder in three equal annual payments;but such person shall be required to comply with all laws not in conflictherewith, heretofore in force, in relation to the settlement and purchaseof said lands; Provided, That nothing herein shall be construed toprevent any such person from making payment at any earlier date of the wholeor any portion of the purchase money.

SECTION 2. If any such person shall fail topay any of such installments, when the same shall be due and payable, hisor her claim shall be thereby forfeited; and the lands upon which such defaultshall be made shall, under the direction of the secretary of the interior,be sold for cash to the highest bidder, at not less than one dollar andtwenty-five cents per acre, in quantities not exceeding one hundred andsixty acres to any one individual.

SECTION 3. That nothing in this act or any otherlaw of the United States shall be so construed as to prevent said landsfrom being taxed under the laws of the State of Kansas, as other lands areor may be taxed in said State, from and after the time the first paymentis made on said lands according to the provisions of this act.

SECTION 4. That the secretary of the Interioris hereby directed to offer for sale, for twelve months after the passageof this act, all lands unsold and not actually occupied when this act takeseffect, within the limits of the said Osage Indian trust and diminishedreserve lands in the State of Kansas, and lying east of the sixth principalmeridian, in quantities not exceeding six hundred and forty acres to anyone individual, at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, cash, to personsresiding upon and having a fee simple title to lands contiguous thereto;and all of said unoccupied lands remaining unsold at the expiration of saidtwelve months shall be sold, under the direction of the secretary of theInterior, for cash, to the highest bidder, at not less than one dollar andtwenty-five cents per acre, in quantities not exceeding six hundred andforty acres to any one person.

SECTION 5. That the secretary of the Interiorshall make all rules and regulations necessary to carry into effect theprovisions of this act.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

Our Neighbor Mexico.

City of Mexico, December 5. The small band ofLerdoists, who had raised revolutionary banners in the state of Tamaulipas,has been crushed.

American citizens, residents of Tamaulipas,have registered for the purpose of preventing foreigner adventurers fromplaying the double game of reclamations.

Mexican troops continue to march to the RioGrande. More than 1,000 cavalry are between San Luis, Potosi, and Saltillo.Others are following in the same direction. Several battalions of infantryare on the road to the same point, and 1,000 infantry and some artillerywill be sent by sea from Vera Cruz to Matamoras. The troops are said tobe well officered, and armed with improved guns.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

Mr. Lo.

Chicago, December 15. Several Cheyenne Indianchiefs had a satisfactory consultation with General Sheridan today, in whichthey expressed a desire to remain with General Miles and assist him in caseof Indian outbreaks in the spring. They were, however, informed that theymust move to their reservation in the Indian territory early in April.


Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

Kansas has sixty cheese factories.

Nez Perces.

Chief Joseph gets complimentary tickets to theshows of Leavenworth.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

The Nez Perces at Fort Leavenworth one Sundayhad three thousand visitors.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

The Parsons Eclipse opposes again voting bondsto the narrow gauge railroad.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

Capt. Stubblefield, formerly of Cowley County,has retired from the hotel business at Sedan.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

Two carloads of U. S. troops passed down theM., K. & T. last week. The troops were destined for the Rio Grande.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

In the case of George Stewart vs. Rufus B. Waite,error from Cowley County, the supreme court reversed the decision of thecourt below.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

A Mr. Randall, living near Leon, in digginga well, struck a stream of water at a depth of twenty feet, in which fishwere found from four to eight inches long.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

Fighting on the Mexican Border.

Galveston, December 15. A News special reportsthat the El Paso troubles have broken out anew, and fighting between thestate troops and Mexicans has been going on for two days.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877. Supplement.

A Lecture Delivered Before the KansasState Historical
Society by S. S. Prouty.


Charles Sumner had been assaulted by the ruffianBrooks in the Senate chamber of the United States, for his terrible arraignmentof the Democratic party in the conduct in the "Crime against Kansas;"Lawrence had been sacked and partially destroyed by a pro-slavery mob; theoppressed freemen of Kansas were appealing to their brethren of the northfor aid; Buford's band of southern desperadoes had entered Kansas with agreat deal of parade and fustain; [? word that was used ?]; the north andthe south were getting arrayed against each other bitterly in the strugglefor the possession of Kansas, and the prophetic eye then foresaw in thecontest on these plains premonitions of the great strife involving the wholenation, which shortly followed.

Such was the state of affairs early in June,1856, when James H. Lane addressed a monster mass meeting in the courthousesquare at Chicago. He was fresh from the scenes of dispute in the belligerentterritory. He made a characteristic speech; teeming with invective, extravagance,impetuosity, denunciation, and eloquence. The grass on the prairie is swayedno more easily by the winds than was this vast assemblage by the utterancesof this speaker. They saw the contending factions in the territory throughhis glasses. He infused them with his warlike spirit and enthusiastic ardorfor the practical champions of freedom. Their response to his appeals forsuccor for the struggling freemen was immediate and decisive. An excitedlistener seized the speaker's hat and passed it around for contributions.Seventy- five thousand dollars were collected or subscribed on the spot,the chairman of the meeting leading off in a contribution of five hundreddollars. Cheers for free Kansas rent the air and the meeting adjourned bysinging the "Star Spangled Banner," under the leadership of FrankLombard. The next day the subscription paper was circulated until seventy-fivethousand dollars more were raised. About this time some of the more conservativeof the excitable populace began to inquire into the proposed dispositionof the funds. In procuring the subscriptions no explanations had been made."The money is for free Kansas," was all that was said.

A meeting of the donors was held, who resolvedto establish


in Kansas. It was arranged to send an advanceparty of picked young men to select a location and prepare the way for families.They were to establish a city in Kansas, to be called Chicago. No difficultywas had in raising a company of seventy-five young men. Ten times the numbervolunteered to go. The only trouble was in gleaning from the volunteers.

When the desired number had been selected, thecompany met and perfected a civic organization. A man by the name of Andrewswas elected President; S. P. Hand, Secretary; and A. A. Griffin, Treasurer.The names of the company were published in the newspapers of Chicago, andthe intentions of, and great expectations from, the advance Chicago-Kansascolony were loudly proclaimed by orators and editors. It was announced thatthe company would proceed to Kansas by a steamer on the Missouri River;that they would be amply prepared to defend themselves, and knowing theirrights, dared to maintain them.

About the middle of June they left the GardenCity via the Illinois Central railroad. They were furnished with a year'ssupply of provisions, an ample quantity of camp and garrison equipage, enoughagricultural implements to start them well in farming pursuits, and a reasonableamount of money for incidental expenses. At Bloomington they tarried twodays to effect a military organization and study the manual of arms. AtAlton they embarked on the "Star of the West," one of the steamersin a regular line of Missouri River packets, which had been especially engagedto come to Alton to receive this company.

The company numbered sixty-eight when they tookthe steamer, a few having fallen by the wayside. In one of the state-roomswere deposited a number of Hall's breach-loading carbines, which were tobe given to the company when they reached the "promised land."These arms had previously been condemned and sold by the United States government.They were not to exceed a half dozen side arms in the company and probablythere were not ten men who had ever discharged a firearm, and none had beenaccustomed to the fearful sight of a bowie knife dangling by the side ofa person. Aside from this company, the steamer contained its usual numberof mixed passengers.

All went serenely until the steamer reachedLexington, about 9 p.m., Sunday. No danger or trouble had been apprehendedon the passage. The unsophisticated vindicators of free speech, free soil,and free men were as innocent and unsuspecting when the steamer was mooredto the levee at Lexington as the lamb when led to the slaughter. Scarcelyhad the steamer's plank touched the shore before an immoderate rush of peoplewas made to board the steamer. And such a people! They wore slouched hats,ejacul*ted expletives, brandished


and expressed too warm a desire to see the Chicagoabolitionists. Before the situation was fully realized by our adventurers,the cabin of the steamer was crowded with these unwelcome visitors. An intimidatingsight was also presented when the glare from the steamer's torches enabledthe overawed freemen to distinguish objects on the shore. Drawn up in battlearray on the levee were several companies of infantry, all armed with musketsthat had previously been stolen from the government arsenal at Liberty.Our freemen had no difficulty in realizing that "business" wasmeant by the invaders and their co-operators on shore. A burly, solidlybuilt man, with a slouched hat and linen clothes of spotless white, anda brace of revolvers dangling from a belt, appeared to be the leader ofthe motley and threatening intruders. This was Colonel Joe Shelby, subsequentlythe leader of the division in General Price's army that was so thoroughlywhipped by the Kansas boys on the memorial Sunday during the Price raid.He moved about the cabin with a swagger, and demanded an interview withthe officers of the Chicago company. The president and secretary met him.Said Colonel Shelby, in substance:


We have come here to disarm you, and we aregoing to do it. Don't make any explanations," said he, as the presidentattempted to speak. "We know all about you. We have the name of everymember of your company, know how many guns you have, the number of the state-room they are placed in, and we know your intentions. Give up your armspeaceably, and you can proceed to Kansas unmolested. We only want to extractthe fangs from the abolition snake before it enters Kansas."

The arms were surrendered. Many of the mostrespectable citizens of Lexington were present and acquiesced in the outrage.Said one genteel appearing man, in reply to a protest by a member of thecompany against such a gross insult by an entire community to a party ofemigrants on a national highway: "Suppose that Kansas was north ofMaine, and that you could only reach it by a river through that State; doyou think that the Yankees would allow Southerners to go up that river tothe territory; especially if those Southerners were to plant communitiesthat would rob the Yankees of their property? We are acting only in selfdefense. If you make an abolition State of Kansas, slavery in Missouri willgo to Halifax."

No indignities were offered to the company otherthan robbery of their arms.




Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

Work is progressing on the M. E. Church steeple.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

Dr. Mansfield is building an addition to thesouth side of his drug store.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

The Davis Family Troupe will give a concertin Winfield on Christmas evening.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

Harter & Hill have a new phaeton, with springback and seat, which cost $250.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

Twelve new buildings have been erected on Ninthavenue within the past thirty days.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

The Walker Bros. deliver goods purchased ofthem to all parts of the city free of charge.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

Will Lipscomb is doing a splendid job of grainingin the rooms of Maris' new stone building.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

McInturff is about to move his photograph galleryto the new building recently built by Mr. Bullene.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

The Winfield post office mailed five hundredletters Monday morning. How is that for a fourth-class office?

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

The bridge iron has arrived and the contractoris at work putting up the superstructure of the south bridge.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

The Winfield schools will give an entertainmentat the Methodist Church on Thursday evening. Admission free.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

T. J. Johnston and Albert Maris have gone East.It is supposed that they will return with each a better half.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

Miss Hattie Hunt is about to open a dressmakingestablishment in the room lately occupied by the Foults Bros.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

The streets have been livelier for the pastweek than ever before. Merchants report business increasing every day.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

The editor just returned from an absence ofthree weeks and hardly knew the place because of so many new buildings.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

Mr. Fred Cropp is building a neat residencein the south part of town. What does this mean, Fred? Building it to rent(?).

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

The weather has been reasonably warm for thepast week. The stores and offices have been sufficiently warm with opendoors and no fires.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

Mr. and Mrs. James H. Vance visited Wichitalast week. Jim reports everything "dead" and dull in that oncelively and thriving little town.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

Hotel arrivals (transient) in this city, forthe week ending Wednesday noon, December 12th, 1877, number as follows:Central, 65; Anderson, 39.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

Curns & Manser are enlarging their officeand putting in a handsome counter. The general cry among our businessmenseems to be "more room."

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

Ed. Holloway will soon appear at the old standbehind the counters of Mr. S. Suss, where he will dispense clothing anddry goods to his many friends.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

There was quite an excitement raised Saturdayby the report that several horse-thieves were camped near town. The sheriffand his posse were out in full force, but failed to find them.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

It is reported that several persons of the footpad variety stopped the stage between Wellington and Caldwell, last Thursday,robbing the passengers and cutting open the mail.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

McCommon & Harter have just received a completestock of paints, oils, and varnishes; also school books and new goods forthe holidays. They will be found at the corner drug store, opposite thepost office.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

Mr. Payson has a gold leaf sign painted uponone of the windows of room No. 4, in Maris' new stone building. It is asplendid looking sign and shows off well. Prof. Jones always gives goodsatisfaction.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

A preliminary meeting for the organization ofa singing class, under the direction of Prof. Farringer, was held at thePresbyterian Church on Tuesday evening, and it was decided to hold the firstmeeting on Friday evening, the 28th inst.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

We made mention last week of a certain housein Winfield as being occupied by hogs, horses, cows, and people. Since thattime we are informed by the lady of the house that the statement was correctwith one exception, the cows being chickens.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

B. F. Baldwin has a table in the middle of thefloor of his drug store on which is a grand display of holiday goods consistinglargely of porcelain ware which he says must be sold before Christmas. Nowis an opportunity to buy at the lowest cost prices.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

Last Monday we met a gentleman named Allen,who has land and other interests at and near Salt City. He was direct fromColorado Springs, Colorado, and informed us that Mr. J. P. McMillen is gainingin health and quite prosperous in his business, hotel keeping.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

Jay Page, a gentleman lately from Eldorado andTopeka, has purchased the lot between Wallis & Wallis' grocery houseand Boyer's clothing store on Main street in this city, and will immediatelygo to work putting up a two-story brick business house thereon.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

Today we present our readers with another supplementmaking with the regular sheet forty-eight columns of which thirty columnsare reading matter mostly set solid in small type amounting to from threeto four times the reading matter usually found in county papers.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

We are under obligations to Mr. F. F. Lebow,the "red-hot candy" man, for a fine lot of his fresh made candies.Mr. Lebow's large stock of candy is of his own manufacture and is alwaysfresh and the best in the market. He also keeps a good stock of nuts, apples,cider, and other confectioneries.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

Several robberies were committed between ElPaso and Wichita last Friday and Saturday evenings after dark by two menon horseback. The victims were farmers on the way from market. One was relievedof $120, others of smaller amounts. Great excitement exists and partiesare out hunting for the robbers.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

The celebrated Davis Family Troupe is coming!Many of our citizens have, in the past, attended concerts given by thisfamily, all of whom speak very favorably of their entertainmentsas beingthe best of their nature they have ever visited. The troup will be in Winfieldon Tuesday, Dec. 25th, and give an entertainment in the evening. Their lady'ssilver coronet band is the best traveling. The street parade at 2 o'clockin the afternoon will be grand.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

We have received a very elaborate card of magnificentproportions inviting us to attend at New Orleans, the distribution of theLouisiana State Lottery on the 11th inst., when half a million dollars wasto be distributed to ticket holders under the supervision of generals P.T. Beauregard and Jubal Early. We did not go. In fact, we were absent atTopeka and did not learn of the honor conferred upon us until it was toolate, but we expect our Confederate friends, Early and Beauregard, havegot up a game that for beating the North is worth two rebellions and anyman who is fool enough to invest should next go South and attempt to votea republican ticket.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

N. J. Larkin, Esq., of Richland Township, calledon us Tuesday. He says his neighborhood is filling up rapidly with a goodclass of citizens. Houses are all full, some have three families each, andbuilding is progressing rapidly. Farmers are putting out large numbers offruit trees. There is a considerable agitation of the herd law question.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

W. W. Andrews Esq., started about ten days agofor the Black Hills. On the way up to Wichita his large trunk valise containinghis spare clothing was lost out of the boot of the stage. While he was atsupper a crazy woman got off with his $40 overcoat. Hearing that snow wasthree feet deep at the Black Hills, he concluded to return and re-equip.Monday he succeeded in recovering his trunk, but that overcoat, where, oh,where?

"Ask of the winds that far around."

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

Mr. Peter Walton is a sensible and substantialfarmer of the Grouse valley. He came over to the Winfield mill the otherday dressed suitably for handling flour bags. One of the mill boys askedhim if he was Wirt's brother, and was answered in the affirmative. "Well,"said the mill boy, "you don't put on as much style as Wirt does.""No," said Peter. "I used to be just such a d fool as heis, had a three hundred dollar horse and wore brass toed boots, but I havegot over that."

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

They pray loudly in the south end of town. Afew evenings ago while two parties were repairing to their homes at aboutthe hour of 9 their attention was arrested by the screams of a woman. They,supposing that some drunken fiend was beating his wife, hied to the sceneat a lightning rate, tearing down clothes lines, jumping over fences, andfalling over wood piles that came in their course. They rushed franticallyup to the door nearly out of breath and were about to enter when the occupantsof the house began to sing at the top of their voices, "Come to Jesus,"etc. They didn't feel cheap, oh no.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

M. E. SUNDAY SCHOOL. The M. E. Sunday schoolexpect their "ship to come in" Christmas Eve. She will anchorat northeast corner of the M. E. Church. It is said that she will be wellladen with beautiful and costly gifts for the children. The seats in frontof the landing place will all be free and will no doubt be well filled withhappy children expecting an interest in the cargo. The ship will be mannedby W. O. Johnson, Joseph Porter, Charles Dever, Frank Robinson, Alvah Graham,Willie Lappin, and Geo. Black, sailors. All expecting friends or gifts onthe ship are expected to be at the landing.


Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

One of the most beautiful and ingenious piecesof workmanship we ever saw, is a checkerboard at B. F. Baldwin's store,made by Mr. Geo. Bull. It is a highly finished article made of walnut, pine,red cedar, and mulberry wood in upwards of three thousand distinct piecesinlaid mosaic. No description can do it justice. Admirers of beauty andingenuity may have a treat by calling to see it.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.


There will be a festival given by the Ladiesof New Salem at the New Salem schoolhouse, on the 27th of December, forthe benefit of the Presbyterian and Methodist ministers. Supper, 25 cents,children under 12 years of age, 15 cents. All are invited to come.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

Items from the Lazette Bugle.

Dr. Snyder has just completed a nice residenceof imposing size.

Our postmaster is better of his hearing sincehe had his ears burned.

Remember, there will be a Christmas tree atthe Armstrong schoolhouse, Dec. 24th.

The looks of our town is greatly improved bythe addition of Mc. D. Stapleton's new residence.

Our school is in splendid condition, with anaverage of seventy-five scholars.

Dr. Munson contemplates bringing a stock ofdrugs to this place.

One more dry goods and grocery store would finda good trade here.

Mrs. Miller sold her farm of eighty acres for$640.

Joe Snyder has purchased the H. A. Jackson farmof 160 acres.

The conspicuous young gentleman at the partyup the creek the other evening, who sat down on the chair in which a ladyleft some taffy to cool, will save himself further trouble by returningthe saucer.

W. H. Crow, of Indiana, will ship 2,000 headof sheep in the spring to his farm in Windsor Township.

Winfield Courier, December20, 1877.

West Bolton Items.
December 17, 1877.

EDITOR COURIER: We ask space in your columnsfor a few items.

As spiritual matters should first claim ourattention, we will state that a protracted meeting has for the last tendays been in progress at Salt City. It was initiated and has been conductedmost of the time by the Rev. J. J. Broadbent. Judge Gans, of your city,preached to a full and attentive house last Sunday. A considerable interestis manifested and the meeting will continue during the present week.

At Theaker's schoolhouse, district thirty-six,Rev. McHugh, of the United Brethren, begins a series of meetings tonight.Their quarterly meeting occurs next Saturday and Sabbath. A Sabbath schoolhas been maintained at each of these places during the season.

The little folks will have a good time on ChristmasEve. With other attractions there will be a Christmas tree laden with apresent for each child in the vicinity.

We have quite an interesting school in thisplace. The term closes about the middle of February.

Trade is good.

The Salt City ferry has a good business, runningconstantly, while other Arkansas River ferries are idle part of the time.

Farmers are improving this pleasant weatherhauling wheat to Wichita. We hope that the next great crop which now promisesso well may be transferred by rail. There are some heavy wheat growers inWest Bolton, having from 100 to 800 acres. We surely need a railroad.

Please keep us posted about the Emporia roadand all others, for we who are on the out posts shall not have to haul toWichita when the lines are extended to Winfield.

The COURIER is vastly improved, and we wishyou abundant success. RUDY.


Winfield Courier, Thursday,December 27, 1877. Front Page.



The Winfield COURIER comes to us enlarged andvastly improved, under its new management. Our old friend, Millington, knowshow to make a good paper.

Emporia Real Estate Register.

The Winfield COURIER came to us this week enlargedto an eight column paper. The COURIER is one of the most newsy and spicypapers on the State, and we are glad to see such healthy signs of prosperity.Erie Record.

Mr. Millington, senior of the Winfield COURIER,was among our distinguished visitors. He interviewed the Beacon office.We have no doubt that under his management, the COURIER will have a prosperouscareer. Wichita Beacon.

The Winfield (Cowley County) COURIER appearsin an enlarged form. The COURIER is an ably conducted and enterprising journal,reliably republican, and deserving a generous support. We are glad to knowthat it is prospering. Atchison Champion.

D. A. Millington and wife, of Winfield, spenttwo days at our fair. Mr. Millington has taken editorial charge of the COURIERof that city. He is an old and well known Kansan; having been a prominentbusinessman in Leavenworth for many years. Wichita Eagle.

The Winfield COURIER now comes to us enlargedand clothed in a new dress. Its change has wonderfully improved its appearance.It is now one among our best looking exchanges, and rather considering it"one of the family," we very naturally wish the proprietor financialsuccess. Eureka Censorial.

The Winfield COURIER has been enlarged and improvedmaterially. The people of Winfield should not only feel proud of such ajournal, but give it a most hearty support, as an investment will pay thembetter as a people. Our friend Millington is proving every inch the editor,and we sincerely congratulate him. Wichita Eagle.

The COURIER within the past few weeks, and especiallysince Millington and Lemmon assumed control of it, has improved wonderfully.Besides adding one column on each page, the reading matter is set in smallertype, thereby giving nearly double the amount of reading matter it did before.We have several copies at our office that can be seen by anyone that desiresto see a model home paper. Arkansas City Traveler.

The Winfield COURIER has been robed in new appareland enlarged to eight columns. It looks neat and wears an air of healthand solidity. The COURIER represents one of the best towns in the stateand a county (Cowley) second to none. The businessmen of Winfield give theCOURIER a generous support, and in so doing not only help the paper butthe community. A person living abroad has indubitable evidence of the prosperityand business importance of Winfield by the amount of advertising containedin the COURIER.

Wilson County Citizen.

The Winfield COURIER comes to us this week enlargedto an eight column paper, and greatly improved in its general appearance,make-up, and in point of readable matter. Its new proprietors, Messrs. Millingtonand Lemmon, prove themselves, by their paper, to be competent to publishone of the best papers in the state. We are glad to see this change in theCOURIER, and hope its proprietors may receive the support to justify themto gradually improve the paper in future. The COURIER has been the leadingpaper of Cowley County for several years, and is liable to continue as such.Courant and Ledger, Howard City.

The above are a few of the many complimentarynotices we have received from the press, and we thank you all, gentlemen,for your kind words of encouragement. Most of these notices were writtenabout the first of November, soon after our paper was enlarged. The improvementswe had made up to that time were scarcely greater than those we have effectedsince. Our ambition is not yet full realized, but with the liberal helpof the people of this county, we expect to make a paper of which the citizensof the best county in the state shall be proud.


Winfield Courier, December27, 1877. Front Page.

El Paso Troubles.

Gen. Escobedo says the difficulty is not betweenMexicans and Americans but between Americans.

The war department is informed that the troublegrew out of the right to certain salt mines and has assumed serious aspects.

The United States and State militia companieshave been surrounded, and unless soon relieved," will fare badly. Thedispatch from Governor Hubbard, asking assistance from the president, wasreferred to the secretary of war, and by him to Gen. Sherman, who telegraphedGen. Sheridan to send all the troops he can. The latter replied this morningthat he had ordered all the available troops to the scene of the difficulty.It is thought the troops from Ft. Stanton have already reached El Paso,and will probably be able to relieve the military surrounded by the mob.Troops from Fort Bayard will no doubt reach the San Elizaro tomorrow, andwith those from Fort Stanton will be sufficient to keep the peace. The affairis purely local, and no serious complications are anticipated.

Chicago, Illinois, Dec. 17. Official informationreceived at military headquarters this evening shows that the mob at SanElizaro consists of about three hundred citizens of El Paso County, Texas.That no Mexicans have crossed the river to take part in the trouble, andthat the Mexican authorities have given orders that none of their citizensshould cross. About three hundred troops have been ordered from posts inNew Mexico to the scene of the disturbances, to aid the civil officers ofEl Paso County. This withdrawal of troops leaves the Indian frontier exposed.

A special to the News from Austin says a dispatchwas received by the governor from the sheriff of El Paso County, statingthat the troops surrendered to the Mexicans at 3 p.m. yesterday. Their ammunitionwas exhausted and they were unable to hold out longer. After the surrender,Harvard, Atkinson, and McBride were shot by the Mexicans.

The commands of Col. Young and Lieut. Bullisarrived on the 18th.


Winfield Courier, December27, 1877. Front Page.

GRAND PRAIRIE, School Dist. No. 95,
Cowley Co., Kan., Dec. 13, 1877.

MR. EDITOR: As you seem so anxious to get allthe news in the county, I am going to tell you a few things from this partof the vineyard. First, we have just completed our schoolhouse. It is 20x 26 feet, well built and furnished throughout. It was built by T. A. Wilkinsonand cost the District $500 in bonds, payable in one, two, three, four, andfive years, with interest.

At a meeting of the citizens of the districtfor the purpose of accepting the house, it was decided to call it GrandPrairie schoolhouse, and to dedicate it with a grand supper, which was donelast Friday evening, the 30th ult. Oh, ye gods! what a supper there was."Big turkey, little turkey, and all, and the charge on that table beatRussians, Bashi Bazouks, or anybody else. I shall not attempt to describeit. It was a wild scene." Everybody was there. The ridge was out inforce and the wharf rats from the little washouts on Timber and Grouse Creeksseemed ready to fulfill the scriptural quotation of "behold and wonderand perish," but they didn't do it. They are used to eating when theycan get it.

The district was well represented by Messrs.Burden, Barr, Hollowell, Savage, and others. Among those from abroad wereDr. Snyder, of Lazette, who made some very appropriate remarks. Add Smithtried to fatten his family but failed. The most prominent feature was FosterTucker with the hock joint of a turkey standing up from his coat pocket.

Yours, BUCK I.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877. Front Page.

Richland Township Heard From.
PRAIRIE GROVE, Dec. 22, 1877.

MR. COURIER: Jot this down. Health is generallygood, some whooping cough; weather fine and spring-like; the sweet songof the frog has been heard all the week; wheat is as green as May and growingfinely; corn not all gathered; schools successful, at least no complaint.

Miss Stansbury is teaching a good school at108. Miss Mary Pontious teaches the Floral "young idea how to shoot."

Floral Grange still lives and has elected officersfor 1878, as follows: James O. Vanorsdol, M.; S. B. Stone, O. T., Dicken,Stewart; H. Robin, A. S.; J. Howard, Ch.; F. Thirsk, Sec.; S. W. Phoenix,T. R.; J. J. Jarvis, Gate Keeper; P. T. Stevenson, L.; Miss Fanny Pontious,Ceres; Miss Laura Jones, Pomonia; Miss Martha Wilson, Flora; Miss MarthaPontious, S. A. S.

Grange meets second and fourth Friday eveningsof each month. Literary meets every Thursday eve. A Good Templar's lodgeis being organized at Floral.

A Christmas tree will bloom at Floral underthe care of Misses Pontius and Mollie Hart.

Supper Friday eve.; admittance ten cents; proceedsfor the tree. A. F.


Winfield Courier, December27, 1877. Front Page.

Troops from Forts Laramie and Lincoln are enroute for the Black Hills.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

Gen. Haerato, former governor of Sonora, isreported to be in Mexico with 2,000 American filibusters.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

The Indians killed the mail driver from NewMexico in the San Simor valley. Troops are in pursuit.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

A bottle of petroleum was brought into Deadwood,Dakota Territory, from an oil well that was discovered a few days ago, eightmiles from Kinney stockade, and one hundred miles south of Deadwood. Thepetroleum is pronounced by experts to be superior to that of West Virginia.


Winfield Courier, December27, 1877. Front Page.

The army paymasters recently paid out $1,500,000at Fort Leavenworth.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

The earnings of the A., T. & S. F. railroadfor November was $335,600. Same month last year, $225,700. Increase forty-eightpercent.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

The little Indians of the Nez Perces tribe spendthe greater portion of their time in spinning tops. They can discount cityboys. They start a top and keep it going by lashing it with a whip untilthey are tired and the last one who strikes it wins the game.

Leavenworth Times.


Winfield Courier, December27, 1877. Front Page.

Col. Manning, of Winfield, and another gentlemanfrom Parsons, passed through town on Sunday, looking after a "southwest"passage for a railroad. Sedan Journal.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

Sedan Journal: TheCedarvale Blade will move to this place about January first, so welearn.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

Rumor says that the test drill put down besidethe hole at Eldorado in which the three- foot vein of coal was said to havebeen found, struck no coal. Just as we expected and asserted. Eagle.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

The coal shaft has been sunk to about threehundred and fifty-five or sixty feet. At this depth they have struck a slateformation, which is commonly found immediately over the coal formation.We wait, still hoping Mr. McCampbell will be successful. Eagle.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

The stock dealers formed an association at Caldwell,Saturday, the 24th ult. Enos Blair was elected President; F. A. Hunt, Vice-President;J. R. Musgrove, Secretary; and Sim Donaldson, Treasurer. An executive committee,consisting of Messrs. J. W. Hamilton, Charles Hatfield, and B. W. Hall wasappointed. Wellington Press.


Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.


This number of the COURIER closes the fifthvolume, and we flatter ourselves that it is the best number of the whole.. . .

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.


We have just had an interview with a gentlemanwho is perfectly familiar with the situation of things in El Paso County,Texas. His statements, which we give below, are supposed to offer reliablemen more or less acquainted with the facts, and by historic records.

He says that by the treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo,that Mexican province was divided between Mexico and the state of Texas,making the Rio Grande the division line. By that division what is now ElPaso country with a considerable Mexican population, was detached from Mexico,and became a part of the United States with the same rights of occupationand proprietorship to the lands which they had enjoyed under Mexican laws.They were protected in their rights by our government, and were satisfied,quiet, and happy under the new order of things. While their relatives andneighbors across the river under the Mexican rule were oppressed and plundered,they received nothing but benefits from the United States government, andbecame decidedly union men during our civil war, ever ready to assist theUnion cause. The Texas rebels more than once overran their territory plunderingand murdering.

In that county are some salt lakes which theinhabitants had utilized for their supply of salt, and to which they hada full right under the Spanish and Mexican grants. Since the war a lot ofTexas roughs and scoundrels armed with bowie knives, pistols, and otherfirearms, have entered the county, seized all the county officers by virtueof commissions from the governor of Texas, taken possession of the mostvaluable lands and franchises, and have plundered and oppressed in everyway the peaceable and defenseless Mexican population.

Among the lands they have seized are the saltfranchises, which they claim and hold by some kind of fraudulent patent,and they have been taxing the people enormous sums for the privilege ofusing the salt. These outrages have finally culminated in resistance. Thepeople have arisen en masse and have besieged and captured a body of thescoundrels and have killed three or four of the leading and most dangerousmurderers and robbers of the outfit.

The Texas troops spoken of are merely assistantcutthroats, sent by a rebel Texas governor to help punish the Mexican Americancitizens for their loyalty. Representative Mills is a noted Texas politicianwho has been foremost in raising mobs to kill Texas republicans and Unionmen.

There is no interference from the Mexican sideof the line. The Mexican authorities have been very careful to prevent allintercourse and there has been no crossing the river from Mexican territory.The Mexicans lay no claim to any part of the territory claimed for El PasoCounty, Texas. The attempt to connect Mexico with the disturbance is buta part of the plan of these Texas cutthroats to provoke a war, that theymay have a new field for plunder. Of course, they call the citizens of ElPaso County a mob and will use every excuse to create a prejudice againstthem.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

Mrs. Chisholm, in describing the murderers ofher husband, son, and daughter, says: "There were Catholics, Presbyterianelders, and most of all I noticed two Methodist class- leaders that werevery active all through the matter. One of these men was a great exhorter,and had often labored with us for the good of our souls."


Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

The editor of the Madison Times has justvisited the work on the narrow gauge railroad between Emporia and Madison,and says he found forty teams and fifty men at work on both sides of CoalCreek, and thinks, at the present rate, the grading will be completed toMadison within sixty days. He also says there are five carloads of tiesstanding on the A., T. & S. F. side track for this road, the piers readyfor the bridge over the Cottonwood, and the timbers probably on the ground.The editor is very much encouraged, but his account does not look very muchto us like completing the road to Madison on February 1st, and keeping theCowley bonds from being forfeited.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

The Western members of Congress are said tobe generally in favor of an income tax. If Congress wishes to reach thewealthy and the "bloated bond holders," the income tax is a muchmore decent and honorable way than an attempt to degrade the currency inorder to cheat them out of a part of their dues. Let us have the incometax by all means, and perhaps we can afford to have a currency that shallbe equal in every way to gold coin.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

Sitting Bull is reported to have crossed theline and camped at Bear Paw mountain with a large force of Sioux and NezPerces. It is also said that he has been joined by Lone Deer's band of seventy-fivelodges.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

Kansas has a population of fully 700,000 now.If our population increases as rapidly during the next two years, as ithas during the past two years, we shall have fully a million people in 1880.Champion.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

Charles H. Miller: U. S. Marshalin Kansas.

There is a persistent effort being made to procurethe removal of this officer and the appointment of Hon. Sidney Clarke tothe position of U. S. marshal for the district of Kansas. To effect Miller'sremoval, some charges have been preferred against him in relation to theappropriation of moneys. There seems to be a small sum which is not accountedfor by a voucher, but which he claims to have paid out for the transportationof a prisoner from Washington. We do not believe there is anything in itthat will not be fully made clear and show Mr. Miller to have been blameless.Mr. Miller has been one of the most efficient officers Uncle Sam ever had,and at the same time he has been always gentlemanly and obliging so faras his duties would permit. He has a host of friends all over Kansas whoearnestly desire that he be retained in the office he now holds.


Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.


A large number of persons are making claimsin the Indian Territory south of Montgomery County, and great excitementprevails. Uncle Sam will drive them out.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

Stock dealers at Coffeyville complain that thetaxes on cattle driven through the territory are so high as almost to preventshipment at that place.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

Prof. Kedzie delivers his lecture on the telephoneat Emporia on the 31st inst. His lecture and experiments with the telephoneare represented as exceedingly amusing, entertaining, and instructive. Winfieldshould secure a lecture.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

The agricultural college has twenty-five milesof telegraph line and the same number of instruments.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

The commissioners of the permanent school fundinvested $49,482.60 in district school bonds, during the month of November.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

Kansas is determined to pay her teachers ifshe never lays up a cent. If the district fund is insufficient to pay thepedagogue, a tuition fee is legally assessed upon the pupils.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

El Paso.

Maj. Jones commanding Texas State forces telegraphedRepresentative Mills December 20th, that 140 of the mob to whom his lieutenantsurrendered and who killed three of his men and three citizens, were Mexicancitizens from Mexico, and that he saw a regular Mexican officer drillingthe mob.

The government will deal with the matter.


Winfield Courier, December27, 1877. Editorial Page.

Sedgwick County takes the twelfth place in thelist of counties in the State for the amount of corn produced this yearfifty-seventhousand nine hundred and ninety-three acrespro- ducing a crop of two millionfive hundred and fifty-one thousand six hundred and ninety- three bushels.Eagle.

The Catholics are about to build a church atOxford.

Judge Foster, the entire bar of Topeka, Lawrence,Leavenworth, and Atchison, and all the State officers have signed a paperendorsing Chas. H. Miller, U. S. Marshal, as a faithful, efficient, andloyal officer and remonstrating against his removal. Oxford Independent.

A mining company is organized at Wellingtonwith a capital stock of $20,000, and shares at $10 each, for the purposeof prospecting for coal.

The Eldorado Press says of the boringfor coal in that vicinity, that in that community, faith in coal has shrunkwonderfully while faith in cussedness has advanced. The drill in the newhole had passed the fifteen inch vein and no coal.

The Wellington Press says: Thomas Nelsonwas found in the Indian Territory in a destitute condition, with feet badlyfrozen. He was brought to Wellington and amputation deemed necessary, buthe begged so piteously that he was allowed to retain his feet and is recoveringin care of the overseer of the poor.

Jarvis has sold out the Cedarvale Bladeto a Mr. Getchal, who will move it to Howard City and start a Democraticpaper.


Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.


Our valley is well filled with fat hogs andcattle, and several flocks of sheep have lately come in.

Parks has twelve hundred sheep at Robert Armstrong's,and Peebler and Parks have eight hundred at Peebler's.

George Denton has a herd of seventy cattle onSkull Creek.

James Lee is handling about fifty head of youngcattle.

Lon Newton has some sixty yearling calves feedingon the Hodson farm.

Ben Clover has over seventy head of cattle,and a large lot of hogs on his 600 acre farm.

S. M. Fall is feeding fifty head of Texas steers.

R. F. Burden has about one hundred head of cattle,of which he is fattening about forty for the spring market.

Dempsey Elliott left some days ago with a largedrove of fat hogs for Independence.

Barney Shriver has a lot of Texas steers feedingfor spring sale.

Polk Tull is teaching at the Armstrong schoolhouse.

A literary society is supported by the scholarsand patrons.

H. T. Albert has a large school at Lazette,and gives good satisfaction.

John F. Tucker is teaching in the Gardenhiredistrict and has a good school.

Charley Jones still sells calico and coffeeat his old stand.

Two new doctors help the Lazette people to keepwell.

Stapleton is still to be found at the cornerof Cherry and Main streets, except when at his beautiful new home.

BIRTH. Elder Dale looks very fatherly just now,and feels happy in the possession of a young daughter.

Wheat looks well all over the valley.


Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

The supreme court has reversed the decisionof the Cowley district court in the case of Brake vs. Ballou.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

Charles F. Snow, of Winfield Township, returnedfrom Kansas City last Friday, where he has been shipping hogs.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

It seems that a new post office has been establishedat Glen Grouse, in this county, wherever that is, and E. S. Field made postmaster.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

A young child of Col. Manning's fell into thecistern one day last week, but, fortunately, J. A. Rarrick arrived soonand rescued it before it was drowned.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

Among the late appointments of the governor,we notice the name of W. R. Stivers, notary public for Cowley County. Allcorrect. He is a gentleman and a scholar.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

Seventy-five teams were loaded with flour atthe Tunnel Mills last Thursday, on the contract to supply the Indians atthe Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Wichita agencies.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

A gentleman from Illinois named Chas. S. Landiswill, about February 1st, commence building a very large business houseon the corner of Ninth and Millington streets, which will be occupied withan extensive stock of furniture. Ninth street is looking up.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

The following named pupils of the high schooldepartment of our city school are especially mentioned for their scholarshipand deportment during the past term, namely, Misses Ella Freeland, MattieWest, Alice Johnson, and Sadie Davis, and Master Edward Likowski.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

Miss Emma Saint, teacher of the intermediatedepartment of our city schools, is much pleased with the progress and deportmentof her pupils the past term. She mentions Misses Edith Kennedy, Leota Gerry,and Minnie Stewart, and Masters Willie Bryan, Alva Graham, and Berkly Bartlettespecially worthy of praise.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

J. F. Berner has his bakery on Ninth avenueby the old Methodist church in operation. He has a new and substantial building,is making complete arrangements for his business, and is turning out justthe best and cleanest kind of bread, cakes, pies, and confectionery. Wehave tried his bread and know whereof we speak. See his card in this paper.


J. F. Berner, Proprietor,
Ninth Avenue, one block east of McGuire& Crippen's store.

All kinds of confectionery, bread, cakes, pies,etc., constantly on hand. We have the best ovens, the best baker, and keepthe best bread in the city. Try us.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

W. B. Trissell is selling more nursery stockthan all other dealers combined. He is well known, and customers know thatwhat he says can be relied on.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

At a stated communication of Adelphi Lodge,No. 110, A. F. & A. M., held last week (Tuesday evening), the followingofficers were elected for the ensuing year: M. G. Troup, W. M.; C. C. Black,S. W.; James McDermott, J. W.; B. F. Baldwin, Treas.; L. J. Webb, Sec.;J. S. Hunt, S. D.; J. Wade McDonald, J. D.; W. G. Graham, Chaplain; PerryHill, S. S.; J. H. Land, J. S.; S. E. Burger, Tyler.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

School Entertainment.

On Thursday evening last, one of the largestaudiences we have witnessed in this town was entertained in a most enjoyablemanner at the M. E. Church by the pupils of our city schools. The entertainmentwas under the management of Prof. George W. Robinson, assisted by MissesSaint, Wickersham, and Bryant. At an early hour every available seat inthe church was occupied by some friend of the school, eagerly waiting forthe commence- ment of the exercises. At about quarter after 7 o'clock theprogramme was commenced by a piece of music entitled "Home of Rest,"very beautifully rendered by Misses Dever, Haine, Lowry, and Newman. Wehave not time nor space to make minute mention of each part of the exercises,but will make the sweeping statement that every part was excellent and meritedgreat praise, and will let it suffice by mentioning more particularly afew which greatly impressed us. We considered the concert reading by theFifth reader class of Miss Emma Saint's department the best exercise ofthe evening, in that it showed better than anything else the progress whichthe pupils are making. It showed great labor and training on the part ofthe teacher as well as the pupils. The recitation of the "Bridal WineCup," by Miss Lizzie Kinne, was very affecting, and left a deep impressionon the minds of the listeners. The "Old Bachelor," by one of thelittle boys, tugged hard at the heart-strings of many present. The recitation,"Tom's Come Home," by Miss Haidee Tresize, was very affecting."The Three Lovers," as read by Miss Ina Daniels, was excellent,and we hope the moral contained therein may be heeded by the young men ofour flourishing town. Taken as a whole, the entertainment was a grand success.Great credit is due to our teachers for the manner in which the whole matterwas conducted.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

Henry Bronson, from Grouse, was in our citylast week.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

Charley Roseberry was shaking hands in townthe other day.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

McCommon & Harter have a new sign.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

Samuel M. Martin, of Jacksonville, Illinois,has been visiting his brother-in-law, M. L. Robinson, the past week. Mr.Martin has been county clerk of his county for fourteen years. He thinksof locating with us.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

Jennings wants to know if it's anybody's businesswhether he courts on the square or all `round the circle.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

John Cooper. of Harvey, was looking around townon Saturday.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

Postmaster Stolp, of Baltimore, was a Winfieldvisitor on Saturday.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

R. C. Story, of Cowley County, is reported atheadquarters as one of the most industrious and efficient superintendentsof public instruction in the state. He has of late been busy visiting schoolsin different parts of the county.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

J. O. Vanorsdol, the wide awake granger aboveFloral, called on us last week.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

Justus Fisher, of Liberty, favored us on Saturdaywith the light of his countenance.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

N. C. Clark, of Vernon, recently found the wayto the second story of the "old log store."

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

A. F. Brooks, of Moscow, called to see us inthe way we like.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

R. B. Pratt is one of the men who keep thingsmoving in Cowley.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

J. W. Browning, of Beaver, complimented us byhis presence last week.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

E. C. Seward leaves for a two months' visitto Ohio. He says he is not going to get married down there. We hope not,for such a good looking, enterprising gentleman is good enough for a Winfieldlady.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

W. H. Bullock, foreman of the Eagle office,Wichita, has been among the Winfield typos this week.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

S. D. Klingman and D. F. Best will probablyopen a dry goods store. They each received many invoices of goods by theMethodist Christmas ship.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

Mr. Birnbaum has the thanks of the COURIER boysfor a package of excellent cigars as a Christmas present. Mr. Birnbaum beatsthe Cubans in making good Havanas.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

Dr. Wagner, the Dexter Aesculapius, recentlyhonored our office with a call.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

Dr. W. S. Mendenhall induces his wealthy friendsto locate in the "queen city of the Walnut valley."

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

C. Swarts has closed his term of school in districtNo. 10.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

J. Rupp has finished the first term of schoolin district No. 28.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

O. L. Record is spending his holidays in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

Rev. C. J. Adams returned from the east in timefor Christmas dinner.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

B. J. Downing, of Rock, made us a very pleasantcall yesterday.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.


Notwithstanding the superabundance of rain andmud, the lecture of Noble L. Prentis at the Methodist Church last Fridayevening was well attended and was a vivid word-picture panorama of the ocean,ship, Liverpool, London, Edinburgh, and many other scenes in England, Scotland,and Ireland, interspersed with anecdotes, historic sketches, quaint wit,deep pathos, and noble sentiments. The audience, composed of persons whor*ad, think, and criticize, and who have heard most of the best lecturersof the country, seem to agree in the verdict, that as a popular lecture,this of Prentis' is one of the very best.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

Santa Claus usually travels in a sleigh drawnby tiny reindeer, but this year, owing to the late rains, he had to comein a ship. The cargo was discharged at the M. E. Church.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

The entertainment given by the Davis familyon Tuesday evening was a complete success. The large room was crowded atan early hour, and large numbers of people were compelled to retire, beingunable to get in for want of room. The performances, consisting of vocaland instrumental music, songs and dances, were first class. For two anda quarter hours the audience were delighted with the alternating phasesof grave, gay, patriotic, sentimental, and ridiculous, and were frequentlyconvulsed with laughter. The Davis family are a real Kansas institution.

Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

Bond Notice.

Notice is hereby given that the board of WinfieldTownship, in the county of Cowley, state of Kansas, will, on the 21st dayof January, 1878, at the office of the township clerk, in the city of Winfield,issue the bonds of said township to the amount of five thousand five hundred($5,500.00) dollars, in payment for the construction of two bridges acrossthe Walnut River in said township, the one at a point on the W. S. Voriscounty road, the other at a point on the C. S. Smith county road. C. C.PIERCE, Trustee.

Attest: E. S. Bedilion, Township Clerk.


Winfield Courier, December27, 1877.

[Note: Giving enrollment figure only.]

District No. 1: 286.

District No. 3: 17.

District No. 7: 23.

District No. 10: 22.

District No. 13: 25.

District No. 21: 42.

District No. 25: 41.

District No. 30: 47.

District No. 40: 32.

District No. 41: 32.

District No. 42: 23.

District No. 43: 26.

District No. 45: 34.

District No. 46: 56.

District No. 52: 30.

District No. 53: 39.

District No. 54: 35.

District No. 68: 28.

District No. 69: 22.

District No. 86: 39.

District No. 88: 27.

District No. 89: 43.

District No. 94: 35.

District No. 98: 17.

District No. 107: 22.

THE WINFIELD COURIER, From July 12, 1877, through December 27, 1877 (2024)


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