The Fairbury Blade from Fairbury, Illinois (2024)

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"4j iMt tf fe 5aLt lvi 2 i I''7 1 I r' i 2 ggl TT Tfci f' I MMISMMMMlh III I I I II III A 1 1 A JL TT fik A i fallMIMWH LARGEST CIRCULATION ANY I fl I A 1 OR SUCCESS AND PROIT I WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN A 1 I TRY A 8 LIVINGSTON COUNTY JL BLADE POPULAR WANT AD parttwo 1 4 1 Price $150 Per Year airbury Illinois riday July 7 1916 Vol No 2 5 4p HHHHHH ODD CREATURES THEM Total 6 10 Hirstein Son 3 11 Double With the Wonderful 3400 Motor PENDERGAST Office Closed Thursday! Call or phone Walton Bros Co Hildreth Braun 2 32 2 Total AIRBURY ILL Quality int to The undersigned having been ap play the Stars and that is about all WAGONS BUGGIES HARNESS 7 21 POPULAR WANT ADS 1 naiening a little while at the picnic 11 mil niiall GROWINGS MR ARMER if you are thinking of buying a arm I Mi I LB HBW I NET MHgEHOqsf III lllllllllilHIIIlllllllll JWfflMlUI 0 0 0 0 4 4 3 3 4 be: and and 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 GREAT BLUE HERRON alls7 21 WHY IT PAYS TO BUY A STUDEBAKER Robert Henning Attorney for Estate Walker rf Estep rf Ryan Baird 2b ss Lambrick ssp Hoobler 3b Jobst If Dr Walker cf Jobst lb Acklin 2b DRUG STORE airbury Illinois Craddock Rightam Brimski 3b Connley ss Jacobs 2b Merrimac If 1 1 Weber lb Salzman rf Rork cf Stars Defeat Herscher The airbury Stars celebrated the ourth by going over to Herscher and defeating that team by a score of 4 to 2 Lambrick who was doing the pitching for airbury allowed the Herscher boys only two hits although they had with star semi pro players While the Herscher players were getting only two hits the Stars whalloped the pill for seven 1 The performance of the Chalmers Six 30 will thrill every bit of auto instinct in you One ride behind the 3400 Motor will convince you 0 2 1 1 1 1 The wheelbase is 115 inches the weight of the car is 2600 tires 32x4 price roadster $1070 touring car $1090 Detroit NOTICE Estate of William Stevens de ceased AB 5 4 3 2 0 0 1 4 1 2 3 2 Mr Grrnwr and hare haulad a Mak as 0 fcaabah to tba load TIm wacoa bao been in everal manway accident but ha never SECURE JUDGMENT McDowell Company last riday secured a judgment by confes sion in the circuit court Pontiac against George Dexter et al in the sum of 16675 together with the men of the olden times the goat cart containing Master Bruce Ziller and Miss Jessie Ramsey headed by the band constituted the procession The firms represented were Merit Sons shoes Smith poultry Cook Bros carriages and a Walter A Wood binder Thomp son sewing machines' Co operative shaft with a 2200 pound lump of coal and Dr Johnson horse specific At the grove the exercises were ably carried out The duet by two men of the olden time Chas Merit and Chas Neitz was very well given President of the day Taylor opened with a few remarks prayer by A Perrine reading the declaration by Mur dock and a very able address by Rev McPheeters The afternoon exer cises consisted of races and other sports on main' street Births To Mr and Mrs Dim mick Sunday a girl PRINTS BIRDS OCOURSE Y0U1L READDUR PRINTEDWORDS WHICH TELL BARGAINS JUST AS RARE the course of the day During the date afternoon however the weather moderated somewhat and a light shower occurred about 6 Later in the night a heavy electrical and rain storm occurred cooling the at mosphere materially WANTED Girls to work in stitching room Pontiac Shoe Mfg Company Pontiac Illinois good wages and steady Pontiac Shoe Mfg Co i "urndt pointed Executor of the Estateof Wil liam Stevens late of airbury in the County of Livingston and State of Illinois deceased hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of Livingston County at the twirling a great game Graymont made all of their scores in the fourth inning The battery for Graymont were robish and Craddock and for Benson lesner Heiken and Woltzen blocks Mrs Harriet Beecher Stowe the authoress of died at her home at Hartford Conn Wednesday July 1 Kirk Potter took fourth prize at the Lexington bicycle road race July ourth The price of oats is loyr and is ap parently going to remain so Dealers are offering 12 cents a bushel which in many cases wil not pay the rent on the land to say nothing of the seed James took a string of horses to the Pontiac races July 4 and cap tured everything jn sight taking three firsts Jay Tyler spent the week in Chi cago selecting the furniture and fix tures for his barber shop which he will have in the comer basem*nt of the Walton building as soon as that struc ture is completed The national educational association has been in session at Buffalo this week Among those in attend ance were Prof ichardson superin tendent of the airbury schools with Misses Cora Evai Ora Phillips and Mary Bennett 1 Thirty Years Ago (The Blade riday July 9 1886) Nathan Jackson and Matilda Harris colored of airbury were married last week Miss Rosina Harrison and a yonug man named Thorp were married at the parsonage Sunday evening James Taylor returned this week from Racine Wis where he has been attending schooj Charley Sims of grocery left Wednesday for a recreation of a few weeks in Kansas City Miss Mag gie Kring accompanied him and will' visit at Kansas City and Council Grove Charley Joy took first prize in the bicycle race Saturday and Harry Ams bary second Saturday was one of the largest and liveliest days that airbury has had for some time and one of the larg est crowds were present that was ever here at ourth of July celebration The program as previously printed was carried out infull The two wa gons with the little girls and young ladies the equestrain company and a few wagons in the trades procession TAKES CHARGE CAMPAIGN Hon John Ames took charge of the management of the campaign of Col rank Smith of Dwight for the Republican nomination for Governor last Thursday morning He is to give all his time to the job until primary day September 13th and will be at the headquarters in the LaSalle Hotel daily are going to make a good fight and a winning Mr Amessaid when he came in thought I was out of politics and I am back into the work again only because I believe Col Smith ought be nominated and be cause am willing to do my share to ward getting for Illinois the kind of Governor we need at this time have known Col Smith intimate ly practically all his life I know his ability! know his sincreity and I know the people can trust him He has taken the lead in this campaign in every proposal for the good of the state and he will hold that lead throughout Smith is a clean man and we will make a clean campaign in'his be half We will indulge in no mean per sonalities but we are going to tell the truth about political histories and affiliations because we believe the people have a right to know the truth Smith has from the outset' gone to the voters for support and we are going to keep on going to the peo ple He the creature of any com bination or faction and he will be res ponsible only to the voters when he wins He parcelled out the jobs i controlled by the governor in advance We are out for a new deal and square deal in Illinois politics in be half of the public and not for the benefit of job Mr home is at Streator La Salle County He was in the United States service under Presidents Mc Kinley Roosevelt and Taft first as United States Marshal for the Chica go District and then as the successor of William Penn Nixon editor of the i old Inter Ocean as collector of the port at Chicago He has one of the widest acquaintances in the state of any man in Illinois politics Ryan for Chatsworth Walker Sampson LOOKING BACKWARD Ten Years Ago (The Blade riday July 15 1906) Mr and Mrs Thomas Sheahan of Bloomington announce engage ment of their daughter Katherine to Mr Roe McDowell Bartlett of air bury Joe Zehr and Alex Milne narrowly escaped being seriously injured or kill 1 ed Wednesday afternoon when the for mers team became frightened and ran away Miss Mary Mammen and Mr A Dernier were married in Peoria Sun day by Rev Dicker To Mr and Mrs John Drew Saturday July 7 a girl Miss Julia Hilton died at her home in airbury July 5th aged 38 years 3 months and 19 days The Athletic Club base ball team composed of Healea Car rithers Merit lb Sterling 2b Goudy ss Eddy 3b Keller ff Healea cf Eppstein If went to orrest Tuesday and defeated a team at that place 18 to 13 Bartlett Somers Kerr Loughran Pierce Tolbert and Gaudineer left the first of the week for a ten days comping expedition on the Iroquois river They will Dietiker Brydia Jr Thompson and Patterson from this city over Sunday Misses Isaura and Besse Rocke of Kewanee who have been visiting friends here will return home Satur day ri'i I i The infant son of Mr and Mrs Bach died Saturday evening July 7th after a short illness Phil Wade left Monday for South McAllister I If the weather is favorable next week the farmers will be cutting oats to beat the band Miss Mabel Waggoner returned Wednesday from Chicago where she attended the Bates owler wedding andvieited with her friend Miss lor ence Ephlin 0 Twenty Years Ago (The Blade Saturday July 11 1896) William Bryan of Nebraska was nominated at the Chicago convention as the Democratic candidate for presi dent on the fifth ballot His running mate is Arthur Sewall of Maiqe Bryan won the nomination on his great speech before the assembled conven tion He is 36 years old The cratic platform is mostly free silver Joe Reckard the genial station agent has decorated the vacant space eist of the depot with some ornamental Chatsworth Here Sunday Chatsworth will be here Sunday A Claudom Executor OR Two good notes against two first class responsible farmers one note for 100000 and one for150000 6 interest all inquiries strictly confidential IHade of Total 37 Three base hits Jobst 2 Ryan Two base hits Hoobler Connley Base on balls Rightam 2 Lam brick 2 Struck out by Acklin 3 Lambrick 4 Rightam 7 SKEtDtR! UP PURE BRED EOWLS Who object to the common every day poultry powder that stimulates the egg organ use Wolf Liquid Poultry Tonic regulates the blood bowels and digestive organa I the fowls It keeps the bird in robust health reduces red combs and wattles brilliant feathers nd fertile eggs OR Three desirable residence properties well located priced right Lewis Henderson ctf sodded and on one tide lacing ine rail road is the word formed of pebbles painted white on one mound and on the other The following merchants have agreed to continue closing their places of business at 8 Beth ard Perlee Ira Lambert Bros Vickery Chas Purdum Harrington Bros Payne Amsler airbury Shoe Store Walton Bros Westervelt Co John Dietiker Wag goner and Chambers Last Wednesday evening about fifty bicyclers of this place turned out in parade and rode through the streets in gallant array Each bicycle was pro vided with a Japanese Intern and the sight wsa certainly a pretty one: The line was headed by Charles Crum baugh One of the features of the WaMi which hat been in constant Mafar 3S yean The wagon wan boht from Lmter by red Gruner and was used for hauling Over 2 JOO Julv ourth to said Estate are requested to make Morris Reds We believe we can serve you a little bit better than any one else in our line If it is anything commonly known and used in the building line we have it in stock If it is anything that has to be ordered we will serve you quickest Our motto WhatYouWant When You Want It TEAMING I am prepared to do all kinds of teaming in a neat and sat isfactory manner Prompt Service Kohler phone 337 ctf A Roadster of Exquisite Design Chalmers Six 30 0 1 1 3 0 1 0 2 2 0 that is necessary to say Everyone knows the quality of ball these two teams have been putting up and with the keen rivalry that exists between these two teams the game will be an excitine one The batteries will Court House in Pontiac at the Sep or airbury Lambrick Acklin tember Term on the first Monday in September next at which time all persons having claims against said Es tate are notified and requested to at tend for the purpose of having the same adjusted All persons indebted Does the print blur at times when you read and do thirigs ap pear double or uneven for a mom ent? Your eyes lack reserve force Our glasses will correct this Let Us Examine Your Eyes PHI CHI PSI LOSE The people who went out to the high school grounds Tuesday morning saw eight and a half innings of as good base ball as one would care to see The other half inning was about as weird an exhibition as could possi bly be played being filled with both physical and mental errors The op posing teams were the Phi Chi Psi and a team picked from the other base ball talent of airbury The game started with the getting one run in their half of the first and 1 the pickups evened the score up in their half of the second when Patterson misjudged a fly from bat The pickups got an other one in each of the third and fourth ninings At the beginning of the seventh the score stood three to one in favor of the pickups In the seventh the Phi Chi Psi team went to pieces Patterson dropped a fly Mc Dowell overthrew first and the run ner came hotne on it Keck had a balk called on him which cost another run Karl Keck mussed up several ground ers at third and everyone on the team who had a chance to handle the ball did just the wrong thing with it A few hits Were also sandwiched in between the boners and when the inning was finally finished the pickups had "scored six times The Phi Chi Psi team batted home a few runs in the eighth and ninth innings the final score being 9 to 6 in favor of the The new buffalo nickel will buy just as much at this store as the old style and that means more than at otherplaces Give the boys your and let them spend them here for harmless fireworks A complete line of such from 1c to 10c Also flags and bunting for decorating purposes forget the place i mille at 7c a the citv limits either morning or Citizens of airbury experienced an 1 other day Sunday the thermome We forgot to mention last week that ter running up to 96 degrees during Mr8 Wm a Baylor had been operated upon the Saturday previous at a hos pital in Peoria She is doing finely and will completely recover if no complica tions set in Mr Baylor visited his wfie over Sunday Chatsworth Plaindealer Hauls his grain to market in 85 year old Studebaker exceptional Studebaker Smiths Defeated saw the baseball game at Morris when the defeated the rank immediate payment to the undersigned 1 of Dwight in a twelve inningDated this 1st day of July A D'game by a score of 9 to 7 Batteries 1916 for Morris were Enger and Enger for Dwight Jensen uonroy ano iiiun son quality appearance is a most deceptive thing To" make sure you will lifetime ofervice buy a Studebaker At once one two men used to all kinds of work on stock farm wages 3500 per mpnth and husking corn 5c per bushel also win ter work Apply at this office or Clark Redwood Minn LUMBER WRB ENCE HARD COAL BACH PHONE 123 EAST EAD AR BURY LL I Dave Beggs arid Attorney John Mcadden of airbury and William Bentley of Pontiac were in attend STARS DEEAT GRAYMONT The airbury Stars and the Gray mont Grays played a most interesting game of ball at field Sunday aft ernoon airbury winning 6 to 3 Ack lin who started on the slab for the home: team was not able to go the route and was replaced by Lambrick after Graymont had scored all of her runs The game was full of good clean hitting and sparkling playing on both sides Graymont was in the lead when Lambrick took up the job of pitching but the Stars commenced to hit the ball at opportune times and stored the game safely away in the last few innings ollowing is line up: airbury AB 1 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 2 coffee LIUS Uliivii veil tiuiurvil nvi UVLU) oaugll VI1U Liiv tcatuica vi tha Lizzie Jacob Christina Anna parade was Ed Von umbrella William Henry Charles Louis and which had several lanterns suspended Conrad All the children with the ex 1 rom it The line extended over two ception of John who met an accidental death several years ago together with the widow survive the husband and father i Mr Homickle was a good citizen a faithful friend a most excellent hus band and father and he wlil be greatly missed by the family and neighbors The funeral was held from his home in Germanville at one last ri day afternoon SAM DAY INJURED Sam Day who has been painting the telephone office building' at orrest received painful injuries last riday afternoon when the ladder hooks slip tier letting him fall to the ground from quite a height He received bad bruises about the chest and the body and a gash on the back of his head which took several stitches 'to close He had to be taken home on the stretcher Mr Day is an uncle to Roy Day who was injured last Thursday evening IN CHURCH CIRCLES Presbyterian A Cup of Cold Union Service at the Opera House Sunday school meets at 9:45 a I The memorial tablet to Mr and Mrs co*ckram will be unveiled at the morning service Mid week service Wednesday even ing 7:30 Subject Sin of Omis Isa 1:3 The Young ederationgives Ann riday even ing at the church Methodist 9:30 Sunday school session 10:45 Sermon and Quarterly Com munion 7:30 Union Service Jruthe Opera House Christian 9:45 Bible school 10:45 Communion and preaching: with His Diciples in a Quiet Ret Evtmng union service at the Opera House Wat ton this year we wish to Call your attention to The STUDE BAKERi the wagon that has stood the severe test and hard usage in every state in the union and by those who have used them they are said to be the lightest running strongest construct ed and will last longer than any wagon on the market today The Studebaker wagon has the advantage of 65 years of experience behind it and is sold and guaranteed by THE AIRBURY CARRIAGE CO airbury Illinois Grocery The Store of Quality Phone 200 Graymont Defeats Benson There were two games of baseball 1 i rv lt ar LvnnonK luesayw in wre uivimus See the hub and how it is fileo it is Minonk defeated shiloh by the a airbury Carriage Co of 12 tQ Jn the afternoon the mi iiri in i Graymont team defeated the Ben TIm wajon la tn con dittos aadia batne naad evary cm EStapheaeon AtWOodallL And this an rom coast to coast there are scores yes hundreds of Studebaker wagons that have been used 35 and 40 years and that are satisfactory service today NICHOLAS HORNICKLE Nicholas Homickle ope of the early settlers and well knotit farmers of the town of Germanville died at his home (Wednesday morping June 28 after a I short illness aged 72 years 10 months 1 and 13 days Nicholas Homickle was bom in the Province of Hesse Cassel Germany on August 14 1843 and was the son of iflower beds They have been neatfi TrvVtn nnrl I Me vivo finhiwlr Urtmi nlclft evtzl on ono (irla "fflpino tllA The family emigrated to the United States in 1857 when Nicholas was fouteen years of age and they first lo cated in Peoria but the next spring they came to Livingston county Mr Homickle was a thrifty and in dustrious young man and despite the fact that he did not have the use of one of his limbs became one of the best known and wealthiest farmers in this section In the fall of 1873 he was united in marriage to Miss Hannah Clime of LaSalle county and after becoming the monther of three chil dren Edward Louisa and John she passed away at her home on April 26 26 1880 In the spring of 1882 Mr Homickle was again united in marri age to Miss Mary Wurmnest and to this union ten children wer bom Mar 36 Graymont Gridley Won rom El Paso Hitting the ball to every corner of the field Gridley trimmed ELPaso at Gridley Tuesday 13 to 4 in a one sided game Until the eighth El Paso ma nor get a single umu Woodman picnic Saturday Ehresman who pitched another great anceat ttie Wo didate for game The hitting of Dunham and Mr MctadOen Scheid featured Ehresman and and they were cam Scheid Jordan and Ray 1 palgning a little while at the picnic TROWINC GROWING GROWING Both of thcse gentlemen are well quali Quart any place inside ey see at bUuuuiv Walter Bingham 8 9 the September primaries Long Point i Review ANNOUNCEMENT I respectfully present myself as a candidate for nomination for member of the State Board of Equalization of the Seventeenth Congressional Dis trict of Illinois subject to the decision of the voters at the Democratic Prim ary to be held in this District on Wed nesday September 13 Baker Ppptiac 111 9 15 To prevent moths have your gar ments cleaned by Sanitary Cleaning Works Why? Every store is built upon certain ideas of what is best in supply ing goods to customers Our Customers must feel fully satisfied with their purchases not only because of a low price when they buy them Rut after they have used them they will know they have their worth Seeing What You Want IE When You Want It Igk Xw 1 laYT'Mi ms 7' 1 iS Snf fl pickups one of which was a two bagger Woodward who pitched for the airbury pickups pitched an excellent game ex AB cept the last two innings when the Kane 3b 5 1 3 opposing batsmen got to his delivery Ryan 1 for five runs Anderson ss 14 0 0 The teams line up as follows: Baird 2b 4 0 0 Phi Chi Psi Pickups Jobst lb 4 0 1 Lambrick 4 0 1 Keck Woodward Walker cf 4 0 0 Jobst If 4 1 1 Morris Lindelof Acklin rf 4 1 0 IB Hanson Masterson Total 37 4 7 2B Herscher Claudon Hildreth AB 3B Leiserwitz 2b 4 0 1 Keck Zook Peterson lb 4 0 0 SS i Kerns ss 4 0 0 McDowell Mundell Gous 3b 4 0 0 Carrow lb 4 1 1 Patterson Haner Bergan 5 1 0 I Stephko If 3 0 0 Slaughter Stafford Peterson cf 3 3 0 Chandler rf 3 0 0 iinHUlfi (I Wha You Want When You Want It.

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The Fairbury Blade from Fairbury, Illinois (2024)


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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.