The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

House for Rent (West) LAKEWOOD, 2 bdrm. dn. newer carpet, natural woodwork. blinds in liv. and dining rms.

Garage. No pets. $450 dep. 221-9824 after 4pm. LAKEWOOD, 2 bdrm.

up, Cook Ave. no pets, $420, 235-0174. LAKEWOOD 2 bdrm dn garage appls. no pet $470. 777-8587 eves LAKEWOOD.

2 bdrm dn, appls, carpet. 521-5265. LAKEWOOD 2 bdrm. down, carpet, garage, no pets, $450 dep. 237-8913 LAKEWOOD; 2 borm.

up, newly decorated, rage, no pets. $400. 835-1542 LAKEWOOD. 2 bdrm. up, den, new bath.

garage. no pets. $440. LAKEWOOD 2 bdrm. peting, $375.

979-1604 LAKEWOOD 2 borm up, garage, nice, $475 585-0559 LAKEWOOD Brm. Up, New Kitchen Bath, Carpet $600 Ask for Bob 631-6446 LAKEWOOD 3 bedrm. single, garage, $720 mo. 221-5632 LAKEWOOD 3 bdrm duplex, no pets, garage, $540 dep. 871-4788 LAKEWOOD 5 dn, no appls, no pets, $425 sec.

221-1852 LAKEWOOD 5 lg rms dn, carpet, garage $450 dep 228-7758 LAKEWOOD 5 rms up, incl all $500 dep. 228-6230 LAKEWOOD 5 rms. up, carpet, garage, no pets. $400 mo. dep.

228-8860 after 4pm L'AKEWOOD 5 rooms Up. Re. modeled. garage. $450.

734-2438. LAKEWOOD-5rms dn, corpet, garage. no $430. Deposit. 221-6280 LAKEWOOD 5 up, garage, $450, modern brick.

no pets, 226-5573 LAKEWOOD 5-up, new carpet, garage $525., 267-4379. LAKEWOOD, 5 up, oppl. Garage, dishwasher. Nice. No pets.

$450. 529-0372, after 6pm. L'AKEWOOD 5-UP, MODERN appis. No Pets. $440.

398-6580 rage, no pets, $475 I dep 228-4054 LAKEWOOD up, appl, LAKEWOOD: A-1 2 bedrm. up, new remodeled, new tan carpet, 1-800-274-2505 LAKEWOOD A-1 Ige. 2 bdrm. up, garage, appl. $460.

228-4645. LAKEWOOD- Clifton. FREE HEAT: 5 rms. dn. Appl's.

Garoge. $495 dep. Agent. 237-9729. LAKEWOOD-Clifton, excellent area cond.

Parking 226-2221 5 rms. sun rm. dn. $425. 656-4565.

rm. up, appls, rta, garage $430. 521-3032 2 bdrm. new bath, appl's, garage, no pets, $450. 944-6024.

LAKEWOOD. Lge. new 2 bdrm. air, porch, garage, quiet, nice area. $450.

228-4766. LAKEWOOD modern 6 rms up, newly decorated, near park, no pets. $465 228-3273. LAKEWOOD-modern 2bdrm dn, appls, garoge, $460. 529-1757 LAKEWOOD must see.

Down, 2 bdrm. sunrm. Appls. Carpet, garage, no pets. $495.

526-4348 LAKEWOOD: Quail, 2 new carpeting, appl. No pets. $400 521-0380 LAKEWOOD-quality up, carpet appl, no pets $500 dep. 221-1209 LAKEWOOD SINGLE. 3 garage.

$850. 333-6188. Lge. 3 bdrm, up, kitchen garage. No pets.

$580, 226-1188. LAKEWOOD-Warren 2085-5 up $425 dep- Sat. Sun.3-5. 524-7442 LAKEWOOD; Winton, nice dn. appls, no pets $425.

228-4117 MEDINA 4 2 bath, air, free gas. $1400 mo. 1-666-0403. MIDDLEBURG Hts. 3 2 bath Ranch, fireplace, air, gorage.

$795. 572-5833, 462-2906. 130 single 2 barm. clean, $425. 251-7947.

N. OLMSTED immaculate exec home-quiet st. No pets 779-6222 N. OLMSTED, Lovely Spacious bdrm, appls, family Super location. $700.

779-5525 NO. Royalton 4 bdrm. single, 2 baths, 2 car garage, no pets. Ref's. $975 Dep.

237-5502. NORTH RIDGEVILLE, bdrm. split, baths, fireplace, Genie, gas, no pets. super area! $850. 871-6632 OHIO City 1 renovated Victorian, appls.

$375. 961-4561 OHIO CITY 1 barm. dep, util. included. 281-9219 OHIO City, 1 bdrm.

Newly renovated, appl. $375 dep. 961-1501 331-7427 ROCKY River, carpet. $475. No pets.

331-7954, 333-2913 120, nice 4 rms, bath. $295 dep. 961-9009 eves SEVEN Hills exec brick ranch a air, no pets, $995 baths, mo. fam. 524-0580 SHEFFIELD Lake 4 bdrm, baths.

$550. No pets. 1-933-4319. STRONGSVILLE 3 bdrm. bath ranch.

$1100. 238-2126 STRONGSVILLE-3 barm. ranch appis, by RTA. $795. 238-3252.

STRONGSVILLE-3 bdrm. single. Air. No pets. $775.

826-4455. STRONGSVILLE Cluster Home Meadowood 2 bdrm. Lease, $800 dep. No pets. 524-3377 TITUS-near Metro Hospital, bdrms.

up $250 dep. 886-5144 TREMONT: 2 3 bedrm. No pets. Dep. 331-3702 TREMONT, 2 bdrms, 226-9503.

very clean, $275. 333-4075; TREMONT, 3 bdrms. dn. newly remodeled. $350 dep.

362-6893 OHIO CitY 1 or 2 bdrms, appls. Remodeled. 473-7112 CITY- 2 very all appt, mo. free rent. $495.

843-3070. OHIO CITY 5 rms. Sr. discount. No pets.

781-1089 or 861-3721 OHIO City area-lovely 2 bdrms. up, new carpet, oppis. No pets. dep. 225-7463 OHIO area, 5, 6 7rms.

New Very clean. Sect. 8 ok. Dep. 251-0110 OLD Brooklyn-Pearl large 4 barm.

col. no $475 util. 888-3099, 631-1732. OLD Brooklyn: 4216 Bucyrus. bdrm.

single $625 dep. 333-4075 OLD Brooklyn, 5 rms. up, carpeted, newly painted, very clean. Large attic front porch, garage. No pets.

Available immediately. $375. mo. dep. 351-3902 after 5pm.

OLD Brooklyn, 2 bdrm. up, includes utilities appliances. $425. mo. dep.

243-8219 OLD BROOKLYN, 2 barm. down, $375 dep. 351-8865. OLD Brooklyn, 2 bdrms up, deposit. 328-9351.

OLD Brooklyn 2 bdrms. up, lg. kitchen, appis. 2 porches, carpet, garage, Sr. citizens counts.

$425 dep. 226-4884. OLD Brooklyn-6 rms up, carpet modern, clean. $380. 398-2941 OLD Brooklyn Montclair off State dble, up dep.

225-8266. OLD Brooklyn. 5 rms. Up. No pets.

341-4101 after 6pm. OLD Brooklyn, up, 2 no pets, $375 dep, 459-0534 OLD BROOKLYN 1 util. Bdrm. up, new carpet, heat no pets, $300 659-6627. no OLD pets, BROOKLYN heat.

1 $340 bdrm. Up. dep. 524-2787 oft. 5.

OLD BROOKLYN, 2 bdrms. down, garage. No pets. $415 dep. 651-4403, leave messoge.

OLD Brooklyn-Lg. 3 bdrm. Col. Excellent neighborhood. For.

and mal dining with leaded gloss chandelier. Appls. yard and garage. Ideal for $600 young dep. families.

Pet ok. and utils. 1-887-5457. OLD central air, BROOKLYN $750 3 dep. bdrm 749-4217 home $385.

OLD dep. Brooklyn no 5 pets. rms up 237-5847. garage OLMSTED, 3 bdrm, WBFP, fam. PARMA-2 rm.

No pets $995. 237-1782 bdrm. up, very clean. No pets. No smoking.

Close to 480. Dep. 237-2407. PARMA, 2 bdrm down, clean, garage. No pets.

$550 it. Call 1-483-4004. PARMA, 2 dn, garage, $550. No pets. 884-1976.

PARMA Coloniol, 3 borm, bath. No pets. $650. 572-0095. PARMA HTS.

3 bdrms. dn. Air. Garage. Mint.

No pets. $595. 4-1-92. Agent. 888-4000.

PARMA Hts. bdrm. Exec. Ranch, $900. 886-3636.

PARMA Hts Duplex, bsmt, garage. No pets. $600. 888-6298 PARMA lge. barms.

Up, pets. 1-480. $375 dep. 749-7270. PARMA: lge 2-bdrm ranch plus garage.

$700 deposit. 842-5007 PEAR up, nice, clean, newly painted, Must see! $275. dep. 651-9480 10 4 both, $225 dep ref's. 225-3953.

ROCKY River. 2 bdrm, garage. $400 dep. No pets. 884-5356.

ROCKY River 2 bdrms up, $485 no pets. 333-8898. ROCKY River 2 bdrm. single. $575.

Also, doubles. 734-3541 ROCKY RIVER SINGLES 2 BDRM BORM No Stove, appls. $400 $500 4 util. util. Call Mon-Sat 9-5, 333-4545 ROCKY River lovely 2 bdrm.

garage. Pets ok. 0470 House for Rent (West) TREMONT area 2-bdrm, new carpeting, $250. dep, 235-3216. VALLEY Rd.

Clean 5 rms. garage. No pets. $340 884-1983 W. 100, Spacious 2 bdrm.

up, appls, gorage. $300. mo. dep. Possible 221-4750 W.

102 (1323) 3rd. bdrm. appl's, $275 Coll 251-7686. W. 5 rms.

up. Remo- $335. 6 rms. dn. $375.

dep's. deled. No pets. 439-4187 W. 110-3312, 2 bdrm.

up, near RTA, clean. $385 dep. 941-0059. W. 116-WESTERN: UP 5 NO PETS $390 DEP.

351-8948 W. 117-3758: 2 bdrms. up, carpet, clean, garage, no pets. Near bus. $335 dep.

941-4542. W. 117: 5 RMS. UP. NO PETS, $400 DEP.

351-8948 W. 117-Lorain 2 bdrm up, dry, garage, nice! $350. 671-8980 11-Auburn, 4 rms, bath, painted, $225 dep, ref. 225-3953. 130th.

Small 2 bdrm. single. $375 dep. No pets. 237-6375 W.

135 St. Single 1-bedrm. No pets. $350. deposit.

476-9463 W. 140, 5 rms. up, carpeted, no pets. $350 deposit. 238-0128.

W. 2 bdrm dn. garage-no pet $495 dep 941-7392 W. 5 rms. $305 dep.

631-4625. W.41, 2 bdrms. up, $200. dep. Call after 6pm, 328-9665 W.

41 2 small bdrms. $265 mo. dep. 961-6940. 44 REMODELED, 4 bdrms Sec.

8 ok. $385. 843-3070 44 rms up, carpet, no pets, garage, $300 dep, 631-2103 Cozy 1 bdrm. etfcy. No pets.

$270 dep. 631-0090. W. 2bdrm, rm. $275.

Ref's. Dep. 441-3540 W.53, 2023, 5. rooms Up, $225 plus deposit. 651-0980.

54-BRIDGE 1 bdrm parking, $250 dep. 651-2834. W.58, 5 rms bath UP, sec. lease, ref's. Call 1631-5930 4pm 5pm wkdays only W.61, 2 bdrms.

up. Parking. $290 dep. 631-6515 or 356-9224. W.

61-Denison. 2 bdrm. up, no pets. $275 lease. 884-3521 W.

65, 3 barms. garage, near bus line, $300 mo. 225-4255. W. 67th Detroit: 2 borms up.

No pets. $250 dep. 526-4417. W.69TH, 4 ROOMS UP, BATH. NO PETS.

651-5554. W. 73-BIRNSMADE 2 bdrms. carpet, 1 garage, bsmt. No pets.

$350 dep. 321-0289 W. 73-Wentworth, 1 barm. Up, clean. Ref's.

$250 dep. 961-3927 W. 85-1356: 5 2. $275 dep. 651-3970; 235-4143 W.

86, 2 bdrm. up, newly ed. $250. mo. 961-5974 W.

87-Lake. 2 bdrm. up, carpet. $300. 892-8325: 979-0422.

W. 95- 2 heat paid, nice, $330 dep. No pets. 1-327-6326 W. 95, 2 bdrms UP, $375 281-4282.

3 Ige. bdrms, baths, bsmt. $400 dep. 886-5144 W. 1 bdrm.

quiet. parking, $240 Dep. 671-7468. W. 98-Madison.

Modern. In. quire, 9800 Madison until 7 pm. W. 98 3 bedrm.

up, pet, cats OK, $300 dep. 961-5111 WARREN UP 2 bdrm, carpeted, appl. no pets 941-3684 W. Blvd. 5 up, garage.

no pets, porch, RTA, $350 dep. 961-4543 W. Blvd. area 2 garage, no pets. $400.

235-3136 WEST 5 rms. modern, carpet, $390. 734-5565. WEST PARK 2 bdrms. dn.

Appl's. Newly remodeled. $440. 572-4089. WEST Park, 2 bdrm.

up, appl's. $395. dep. 671-3047 WESTPARK 2 bdrms up, garage, no pets. 476-8627.

WESTPARK Areo 2 bdrm. $475 appl. incl. 572-8347 WESTPARK Area: 5 bedrm. up, newly decorated, no $375 dep.

252-9920 WEST PARK- Midvole, 4 bdrm. single, double garage, 234-0967. WESTPARK-Riveredge near 6 lovely dn suite. appls. carpeting, garage.

no pets, non-smokers $525 331-8110 159 Large bdrm. up, all appls, carpet, clean, garage. $475 dep. util. non-smoker, no pets.

941-5919. 0471 Condominiums for Rent (West) AVON LAKE: 1-bedrm. condo, air, free heat, water and appls. Pool, garage, cable available. No pets.

$395. 888-3164. BRADVIEW Hts. 2 bdrm-2 baths, huge, roge $725. 642-5774 after 12 noon.

BRECKSVILLE 2bdrm, air, bath, fireplace, pool, garage. $600. No pets. 696-1113 Brecksville-2700 sq.ft. Exec: Townhouse.

Ref. $1350. 659-4665 BROADVIEW HTS. 2 bdrm. den, fireplace, BARGAIN $590.

582-9792. BROOKPARK-2bdrm, bath all appls. $590. 779-7860, after 5 BRUNSWICK Hills townhouse-2 bdrm, att garage-fin. bsmnt-air.

gas heat. No pets $525 238-1179 1 bdrm, appls, no pets $350. 835-9580 GOLD Coast-furn. 1 bdrm overlooks lake city $660. 521-4135 LAKE AVE 2bdrm all utils, amenities, completely $1000.

furn 642-9117 many LAKE Ave 2 bath, garage, decorated, all amenities. heat incl, no pets. $600. 779-4582 LAKEWOOD-Gold Coast, completely fumished studio, on Short term avail. $475.

221-2017 LAKEWOOD-Gold Coast efficiency, unfurnished $375., $575. New carpeting, pool, sauna, 24 hr. security. All util. incl.

Call 333-5594. LAKEWOOD-Goldcoast bdrm appl, utils, garage $525. 979-9011 N. OLMSTED 2 bdrm, gas incl. $450 dep.

779-8018. OLMSTED-Kings Path Condo 2 bdrm, $450 dep 225-7624. N. ROYALTON, Sunrise Cove, 2 bdrm. 2 bath Exec.

condo on lake. No pets. $590. 327-0517 PARMA Townhouse. 2 bdrms.

baths. Fam. rm. deck, patio. car garage All appls.

incl. microwave. $725. 459-2656 eves. WESTLAKE, 1 bdrm, all appls, garage.

No pets. $430. 729-2535. Spa. cious 2 den, 2 baths.

Separate dining rm. Air. Enclosed garage space. Good stor. age.

$620 mo. Lease. 835-5765. 0472 Rent Suburban Property BRECKSVILLE: 3-bedrm. split level ranch $850-lease.

524-5444 0480 Wanted to Rent Houses MIDDLEAGE couple with 3 small well mannered dogs needs house or apt. 582-2478. NEED unique Lakewood single. full baths, by 226-3720. WANT to rent 3 or 4 bdrm.

home, modern, cor garage. Shaker, Warrensville, Maple ee- Harvard area. M. Powell 991-0368. 0500 Rent Furn.

Houses (West) BRECKSVILLE, 1 bdrm. effc'y all util. $515. no pets. 838-5771 Rd.

3 norms. up, knotty pine liv. $350, heat incl. 228-1887. W.

92-Madison, 1 gorage, no pets $170 dep 651-9724 0520 Share Apartments- Houses male, 41, non smoke-drink, seeks same, bdrm. luxury apt. $325. 899-7955 LAKEWOOD Female seeks to share house females. Nonsmoker.

Expenses reasonable. 226-6403 after 6pm. ROOMMATE to share expenses Rd $215. W. 131ST: Share Lge.

home, incl. utils. 941-8686 YOUNG professional to share bdrm. apt. $227 mo.

Call after 5: 0540 Homes for Aged Convalescent, Nursing ELDERLY. 24 hr. care. Private rms. Licensed ELDERLY Care.

privote home, ambulatory, licensed. 871-7084 0550 Rent Vacation Places Resorts, Houses, Cottages Florida 13 POMPANO Beach-on water, new decor, April on. 341-4688 TARPON SPRINGS mobile home, good adult park. 381-2624 BONITA beach condo, 2 both, 9th floor, corner unit, ge. screened balcony, avail.

Mar -Apr, 1 mo. min. 1.967-7500. COCONUT CREEK Magnificent barm. 2 bath villa on water, furn.

Owner financling. 831-4204 0550 Rent Vacation Places Resorts, Houses, Cottages Florida 13 ORLANDO condo-6 min. to Disney. 3 bdrm. Sleeps 8.

835-5260 ORLANDO: Luxury 2 2 bath, pool, $500 wk. 526-0599. SARASOTA Gorgeous 3bdrm, home, enclosed pool. Avail after 5-2. 951-1826 ENGLEWOOD beautiful 3 bdrm bath home, enclosed pool, Avail after 5-2.

951-1826 FT.MYERS Beach on gulf, 2 bdrm. 2 bath, condo, avail. Mar. Dec. 289-2165; 289-3366.

TARPON Springs villa 2 2 bath, near Gulf of Mexico, for season or year. 1-800-780-2995. Golf, villa, 2 both, private pool, tennis. 4-11 to 671-6662 MARCO, sleeps 4, from 2 bdrm on beach. 212-472-1414 CLEARWATER Condo, Gulf view, furn.

2 1-667-2209 DESTIN area private home, Gulf view. Wkly 546-0036. ST. PETE CONDO DI Sol bdrm, 2 bath ISLA DEL SOL waterfront condo 2 bdrm. 2 bath, 564-5152 NEW Smyrna Beach, 2 March on.

237-7914 FT. MYERS Beach equipped beachfront. in April, May etc. 696-3914 Vanderbilt Beach, 3 bdrm. 2 bath.

Walk to beach. April 15-thru May. 216-372-6348 ST. Petersburg 2 barm. 2 bath, condo, -May, heated pool, dock.

526-4414. FT. MYERS BEACH condo on gulf-pool-tennis. (216) 749-7626 SMACK on Beach- Treasure Island, 4-26 on. 843-2610 Hawaii 15 MAUI, 1-2 bdrm.

condo, oceanview, all amenities. 1-856-2802. CONDO. 1-2 bdrm. on private beach, 1-6 wks.

871-7367 after 6 Jamaica 20 Seaside air, pool, staff of 3. 942-2388 Mexico 21 CANCUN Ocean front, 3 4 bath, pool, maid. 226-4874 North Carolina 39 CAROLINA Beach condo on ocean-sleeps 5. 232-8469 Ohio 41 MARBLEHEAD Families or fishermen. New cabins by the water.

Sleep 6, air, linens, cable, access islands and amusem*nt park. 1-419-798-5655 CATAWBA RESORT CONDO Furnished, pool, dock, sleeps 6, call for rates. 216-933-7874. KELLYS Island: 4 bedrm. $550 week.

(216) 225-1734; 225-5048 PORT Clinton luxury condo, sleeps 8. Pool, beach, Jacuzzi, sandy beach, fully furnished. weekly $649. CATAWBA luxury lakefront condo, 2 bedrm, bath, pool, beach, air. 656-3209 KELLYS Isl lakefront nice sunsets.

3 bdrm. 892-3943, 835-2069. CATAWBA-LeMarin: Luxury, up-scale, 2 bdrm condo. Fully furn. indoor pool, hot tub: tennis protected yachting harbor (dock optional).

Long term or mo. rental. 216-363-6000. LAKEFRONT Home. Cedar Point, June-Sept.

6 person, no smoking. 419-874-6727 PUT--IN -BAY Cottage Now taking reservations. 216-967-3395 COTTAGE (216) 476-1555 or (216) 237-4419 South Carolina 48 HILTON Head-2 bdrm. condo. Beach, pool, tennis.

835-0675. MYRTLE Condo on ocean, Try out pools, tennis, 886-4178 HILTON Head 2 bdrm. 2 bath, all amenities, 885-5555. HILTON Head- Palmetto Dunes. 2 2 bath, $500.

871-5212. MYRTLE Ocean front, 2 2 baths, Spring rates 845-5313 N. Myrtle Beach, ocean view. Easter (216) 734-5141 HILTON Head Shipyard. Sleeps 6.

Beach, jacuzzi, pool. 779-6577 N. MYRTLE oceanfront condo, 2 bath, jacuzzi. 481-5038. MYRTLE Beach.on ocean 2 bdrm, 2 pools 574-9128, 464-6168 HILTON Head oceanview, pool, beach, golf $475 225-9248 N.

Myrtle oceanfront condo, bdrm. 2 bath, 933-7869. HILTON HEAD 2 barm. condobeach, tennis $375. 1-352-3846 HILTON Head, sleeps 6: $450 wk.

226-6479, 6-9pm. MYRTLE 2 BEACH bath, Resort sleeps Condo pool. 235-0453 SURFSIDE BEACH twnhse on ocean. Best on Beach. 779-5426 HILTON HEAD-1 bdrm.

Villa, sleeps 4 562-4941 HILTON HEAD, 2 bdrm, 2 bath beach. 651-1070, (216) 934-6085. N. MYRTLE Beach oceantront, pool, 2 bdrm, iacuzzi. 237-3029.

N. MYRTLE beach 2bdrm condo Shore pools, beach, jacuzzi, sleeps 6, 1-352-9448, 1-357-6592 N. Myrtle Condo on ocean. pool. 892-6965 0720 Rent Garages, Storage GARAGE bays and lifts, $400 mo.

216-985-1848. 0800 Business Opportunities A Franchise JANI-KING Int'l Co. since 1969, commer. cial cleaning co. Over 220C franchises.

Start with $120,000 in guaranteed contracts. We offer financing, training, equipment supplies. Call 546-0000 for brochure. Why not own the best? ALL BRICK BLDG. store front porking, great for Lots of factories, excellent bus.

area, next to shopping plaza $125,000. Call 351-8907 AUTO repair, garage for rent, Broadway-Union area. 341-4688 BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Maior, public pay phone net: work is establishing routes ir your area. Own your own pay phone route. HIGHEST pay out in the industry.

No selling, nc inventory. $17,000 minimum in: vestment. Unique company fin anced expansion allows for 0 figure income. Full company services. LIMITED OFFER! Call now 1-800-767-5598 Sun.

thru Fri. CST CANDY PROFITS Restock candy part-time anc earn top cash. Affordable in: vestment. Fun, fast, no exp. required.

1-800-544-5795 CASH in on the business. No risk. 1-800-848-5636, ext 1153. DISTRIBUTORSHIP In 2 urs. you could retire ir business with no selling, restock the most successful dis play since sliced bread.

Min. investment under $5,000. Tol 1-800-824-1099, 24 hrs. GROCERY STORE for LEASE. established.

631-1002 after 4pm JANITORIAL FRANCHISE FROM $1700 DOWN Start your own office cleaning business with Cleveland's lar gest most successful ianiforial franchisor. We provide training, equipment, financing guarantee accounts. Port Time COVERALL 524-256C JOB SECURITY Speed Queen coin-op laun: cleaner. Min. cash investment $30,000 req'd.

1-800-235-3659. Mr. Koch. MATTRESS KING. turn-key operation.

663-3339. MILLIONS OF DOLLARS Are made In the coffee indusEveryone drinks coffee! $11,000. gets you started. high figure return. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! Call 24 hrs.

1-800-472-9049 ext NATIONAL transmission business for sale, well established 15 yrs. S.E. area. Only serlous inquiries need apply. 291-0219 OWNER anxious to sell landscaping business.

Includes equipment, vehicle ers. Sacrifice tor $17,000 negotiable. 225-2668 ask for Kurt. OWN YOUR OWN SNACK food route. Big profit $10k, $1,500 down.

Must qualify. 800-933-4677 PARTNER to buy and sell distressed real estate property. 356-1377. PIZZA Restaurant, Cleve west. side, 671-3900 ask for Mike Restaurant: OHIO'S OLDEST FAMOUS FRONT PROPERTY.

VERY EXPENSIVE. 831-7010 SMALL plastic injection mold shop wanted. 572-9145, message. VENDING machine business. 10 snack machines on location, Steady income.

Owner musi sell $7500 or offer. 225-2668. VENDING machines, not placed, fruit juice, Valued over $10,000. Will sell for $5,000. Must sell 292-8431 Residential Home Values 0950 Seven Hills, Brecksville, Independence, Broadview Hts.

BRECKSVILLE BY OWNER, bath Colonial, acres, $158,900. 838-5920 INDEPENDENCE: 3 bdrm colonial, new garage large dog run. Picture perfect! $119,900. 838-5771, 526-4771. 0650 Commercial Property LEASE, SALE, WANTED A Retail-Westlake, Rocky River 356-2123 BRECKSVILLE-Center, refail, 1000 SF, 582-0085 LOFT SPACE Downtown, Large.

Well Heated And Lighted Spaces. 3rd Floor Freight Elevator. $150 And $300 Month Utilities. 431-4080 MEECH 93rd St. Commercial Bldg 15840 sq ft $60.000 Office and warehouse 3,404 sq ft Call Miss Gibson (216) 561-9587 N.

Olmsted lease 1,000 sq.ft. Near 1-480 779-0400 For lease. Ground level, good parking, Ridge Pearl area. Near 1-480 interchange, 2925 sq. ft.

Call: 331-2540 RETAIL or office space avail. able, approx. 1,000 sq.ft. on State Rd. Parma, 838-0525 STORE, 185th 1100 sq.f1.

289-2346 USED Car lot office for sale. 17081 Broadway. auto mile, Maple Hts. OH. $280,000.

Creative financing. 662-5968 days, 831-9591 eves 0670 Office Space LEASE, SALE, WANTED ALPHA PARK Lease sq.ft. Wildlife lake view. f-271 Near 1-90. 449-6990 BRUNSWICK Prime Office Space.

2650 sq. ft. including private offices. Lease hold improvements. Call Connie Rockey, 225-1077.

SMYTHE CRAMER CO. CEDAR CENTER 2nd floor with elevator, modern 3,500 sq. ft. for lease. Air.

Rent very reasonable. 765-0723. CHAGRIN BLVD 200 to East of Eaton Mall Reasonable. Call 292-0402 CHESTERLAND Prime 175-1800 sq. ft.

decorated office space. Reasonable. 7 min. from 1-271. 441-5746 CLEVE HIS: $140 incl.

382-8840 DENTIST Office. S. Euclid, 707 sq. ft. Move-in cond.

381-3100 EUCLID: A1 1-271 90. 2000 sq. ft. for lease, as is, $5.00 sq. ft.

Divisible convertible. Will built to suit. Call 642-8285 EUCLID AVE E. 2601h Prime Office Space. 261-0642 GENERAL OFFICES 440 1100 sq.

ft. offices located on Brookpark Rd. Utilities cluded, 267-3322. INDEPENDENCE AREA Office Space Avoilable, Shared secretarial concept (answering service, processing, copier, tax). Ideal for entrepreneurs manufac turers' reps.

Util. daily cleaning included. Call 398-9780 MAYFIELD-Green 2-OFFICES DOUBLE $250; 291-3250 MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS 7017 PEARL RD. 2nd floor space new building 1900 sq. ft.

Free Rent! 243-8420 N. Olmsted 12'x18. Utils. pd. New carpeting.

Air conditioning. Ample parking. 777-4300 Monday Friday 9.5. N.OLMSTED. 7 story office bldg.

300' up 475-9255 PEARL HTS. Suites from 500-1000 sq. ft. Affordable Rent-CALL 243-8420. PRIME space.

1-480 and Tiede. man. Lease. 741-7524. SOM Center Rd.

Across from Eastgate. 270. s.f. Util. incl.

SOM REALTY 831-8089 UNIVERSITY CIRCLE 800 sq. ft. $400. 321-5817, 321-7637. WESTVIEW TOWERS Center Ridge.

W. 210. sq. ft. 781-5230.

I 0680 Investment Property APARTMENTS, COMMERCIAL OFFICE BUILDINGS, SITES AKRON Rehabbed 3 0700 Industrial Property LEASE, SALE, WANTED A 1 story 250.000' N. near Wrecking Yards (2) East Inner many other industrial. C.C. PEARSON 696-4950 A multi use unit, 1-480 271. Sale or Lease.

Move in. GATEWAY REALTY 663-5353 A 7200 sq. prime location, west, lease, for light mfg. or warehouse. 281-4646; 779-5454 ACCESS to WANTED 10.000-12,000 SF of warehouse office space.

Prefer to sublease from company with surplus. Need Dock access drive-thru. Call 328-1100 ALPHA PARK Lease sq. ft. Docks.

1-271 Near 1-90. 449-6990 or 12.000 sq. ft. Good office space. Mfg.

or warehouse. Krick Rd. Industri. al Park. Call BROOKPARK RD.

400 814 sq. ft. warehouse. Great location. Loading dock.

267-3322. 152 1-90, lease 3200 sq.ft. Avail 851-8400 EAST 40-1588 Whse-mfg-office, dock, porking. HAMILTON MARQUETTE office, parking. 881-8227 EASTLAKE for lease 3500 or 7000 sq ft warehouse or light mfg.

35595 Curtis Blvd. 951-2555 82. 14.000 sq.ft., dock drive- in, office to suit, ample parking. 526-1684. PARMA-9125 Brook Park Rd.

1342 SF 838-4200 0850 Money to Loan MONEY NEEDED? Residential-Commercial Loans Bad Credit-Bankruptcy-0K Stop Foreclosures Call 831-3202 AA1 NO- UP FRONT FEE Any Purpose, Cash For Real Estate, STOP FORECLOSURE NOW! Call 656-4125, 1-650-6935 (216) 328-2333 $CASH Direct lender. All credit OK. No credit reports ordered. No surprises. Call Lender 803-293-1641 CASH TO HOME OWNERS Tired Of Being Turned Down? I Specialize In Difficult Loans Self Income Check Call 946-4075 ASK FOR BRIAN LOAN All types, all amounts Credit OK.

Get results. 419-782-7348, 24 hours. MONEYS available. $10.000 to $1 million and up! Foreclosures-24 hours. 1-800-686-8496 TAX REFUND LOANS Cosh in 3 to 5 days.

663-4900 0860 Money Wanted need to borrow $4000. will pay interest. Call 582-0678. INTEREST Estoblished 12-yr. company seeking short term financing for products sold.

Details. 456-5054. wanted for major musical production to be held at Playhouse Square. Call 991-2776 or 883-0316 INVESTOR WANTED to have 1st mortgage on my commercial property for $279K. (1986 appraisal).

Will pay for 180 months. High interest, low risk. Owner hos perfect credit (personally corporately). (216) 273-5808, 9om-5pm weekdays Loan Yes! HOMEOWNERS ONLY CASH TO PAY BILLS NO INCOME REQUIREMENTS NO CREDIT REQUIREMENTS Birmingham Bancorp FEDERALLY APPROVED LENDER 1210 Boats, Marine Supplies A $1499 Ray Jefferson 2050L $329 Lowrance X60 $389 LMS150 $529 Mando Akron 1-644-6774 7 days BASS BOAT '91 Ranger Johnson 150 loaded, 1-869-9007. BAYLINER '83-'84 Capri Cuddy, trailer, fish finder.

Perfect! $5000. 228-7530. BAYLINER '87 2550, sleeps 6, 260 h.p., head, galley, electroniCS, $22K. 614-745-2938 BAYLINER SPORT BOATS AVALON 1-800-882-7728 BAYLINER TROPHY HD, 10' wide, sleeps 6. stove, refrig.

stand-up shower head, bait wells, tackle box 1-275-6100 BERTRAM '73, 25' Classic Twin 10, trailer, excellent cond. $15,500. 1-239-2312 BOAT Firestone MOTORS: '56 Shp 55. Firestone $50. '69 Sears $150.

All good condition run. 662-9247. BOAT. distance. TRANSPORT 1-967-6930.

local or CARVER SIMA MARINE 663-7900 CELEBRITY 88, 27' cruiser T-Merc loaded, very nice 1-969-1239 CHECKMATE black HP outboard. $4500. Call 1-264-2318. CHRIS Craft '87 32' Stinger, low, low hrs. 960-0608 CHRIS CRAFT '81 Scorpion 21' 350HP V8, $8,000.

944-8844 days, 338-8528 after 6. CHRIS CRAFT '69 Commander 31', low Bristol. 1-794-1844 CHRIS CRAFT 28' Cavalier, twin 185's, loaded, completely restored. $8950. 1-792-5580.

CHRIS CRAFT '85 38 ft. Sportfishermon, every option, immaculate. A must see boat! $185.000. Will Sacrifice! 216-494-8879. DOCKAGE The Dock of the Bay Marina.

In downtown Sandusky is Lake Erie's finest. Visit our calm, secure facility at 111 East Shoreline Drive or call 419-627-1177 to reserve your slip DOCKAGE Downtown dusky: Battery Park, Ohio's finest. Marina, restaurant, pool. Open all year. 419-625-6142 Key Harbor -full service marina.

W. River Rd, Vermilion. 216-967-6993 Mon- Sat 9-5 DOCKAGE Newport Harbor. Bratenahl, 40 ft. west side, Lease.

268-3022. DOCKAGE Rocky River The Bridge Docks 333-7100 Harbor Floaters to 36 deep water. $750 to $1000. N-E-Port Marina, RI. 53, Pt.

Clinton. 419-797-4370. 28x10, by CYC. $30.000. 946-7280 DOCK- Marina, DOCKS- ROCKY RIVER 333-8568 DOWNRIGGERS 4 Penn, Loran fish finder, commercial grade misc.

1-275-6100 FORMULA '77 26', twin 165 h.p., $12,500. 944-6359 Glaspar '63 15' 35 hp Evinrude All A-1. $750. 842-2021 GLASSMASTER '87 off cabin cruiser, 260 Merc hrs. Depth finder, 2 way radio, compass.

Also head, sink, refrig, stove. $18.500 or take over small mo payments 216-630-9503 GRADY '88 242G T-150 ha, options, warranty. E-7 loader, Offers. 1-847-8587 LUHRS '85 34', fully equipped. Excellent.

Ready to 90 fishing $72.500. 1-800-743-4693 LYMAN '54 15', 25 h.p., trailer. $600. 475-1654 after 6 p.m. MARINETTE '71 28', single 225hp, $7000 1-255-3554 message MARINETTE '71 32' EXPRESS Twin 300, generator, oir, lorgn, ADF, Halon, all safety equip ment, new interior, much more.

$21,000. 216-682-5276i RINKER '85, 21' Cuddy, 185 hp. Excellent Cond! Many extras! $8,900. 237-2867 after 6pm. RINKER '88 24' cuddy, 230hp, trailer, $16,000.

1-545-0171 SEARAY. '82 Vanguarc Express. 31', loaded, excellent $40,000, SEARAY '86. 21. Cuddy, 260 Merc, Al, $10,900.

1-327-0043 SEARAY '87 27', Sundance. twin 350 cu several tronics, $45,000. 1-323-8709. SEARAY'87, 30' Sundancer, git windlaff $51,900. 946-8927 SEARAY '89, 34' EC, 90 hrs.

loaded, camper. 614-764-6940 SPORTCRAFT '89 27': Loaded. Extended warrenty. Boathouse kept. 419-627-8011.

STARCRAFT '84, islander 221, 120 10, A-1 cond. $6950. 475-2273 THOMPSON '82, 24 ft, 185 HP, Loran, fish finder radio, tandem trailer, $10,000 firm. 1-419-332-4502. TRACKER 16 Pro Deep 2C hp 9.9 hp.

Loaded. Will sell separate or together. 1-527-4937 TRAILER for 17 it. boat, $425. 80 HP Evinrude, $425.

476-2072. TROJAN '78 F-36 Sportfish, T-4545, mostly new, Teak op. New FB enclosure and aft Bimini. Air, Dinghy incl. Many.

extras. $65,000. Days 642-5550; eves. 899-7121. VIKING '81, 22' cuddy cabin, excellent cond.

$9800 1-726-2348 WELLCRAFT '84 210 Elite XL. 228 Cuddy cabin, '91 tandem trailer. Excellent buy. $8500. 639-1971, 953-1332 WELLCRAFT '88, 18' Center Console, 125 h.p., extra clean ready for fishing: Loaded! $13,900.

834-1252 eve. WELLCRAFT '82 Suncruiser 23' offer. 235-4774. WEST SHORE FISHING DOCKS, Rocky River, 333-8568 1212 Sailboats CAL 25 MK2, beautiful cond. '78, 15 h.p.

OMC saildrive, 3 genoas, 2 mains, spinnoker, steel crodle. Must sell now! Dave: 1-419-798-4125 ENDEAVOR 37' SLOOP 1978 cruise equipped. $45,000. 614-392-5451 ERICSON '89 28', diesel, wheel, 4 sails, steel cradle. $45.000.

Or trade for T-10 or J-24 trailer. 1-967-7975 after 5pm. JEANNEAU '86 Sunshine 38 loaded, '92 dock slip incl. Must sell. 513-398-9198 after 6pm.

MISTRAL Taloa 10' 8" transitional sailboard. $350. O'Neil EXTREME, drysuit, medium. Like new. $350.

964-2030 PACESHIP 23 ft. '77, many extras, must sell now 777-7536. Get FAST RESULTS From a "QUICK ACTION" Plain Dealer Classified Ad4 Phone 344-5555 1270 Machinery, Tools, Motors Material Handling Equipment ABA Machinery- Used sheet metal equip. and used Rigid tools. 7725 Broadway.

341-6103. AB Dick 360, 1250 AM multi lift, paper cutter, camera, stitcher, paper drill, Heidelberg 10x15 windmill, hand set type, Ludlow Fonts, light table, plate maker, electric pallet truck with charger, printers drawers, plate developing sink, 3M plate processer, Safe lights, photo typositer model Ford Van truck, misc. 651-8898. A MACHINIST or toolmokers tools box wanted. 581-8173 CARPET Cleaning machines $350 up (52 Steamex); 4 Kent 3200 floor machines $200 ea.

Advance 2000 $300; 861-6868 FORKLIFTS, pallet jocks, ranty, good selection. 398-1717 1, ton, $250. 741-3197 HOISTS- Yale Towne, electric, HYDRAULIC hoist, truck bed mounted, $300. 662-9697 LIFT TRUCK LIQUIDATION lb. LP elect, pallet boards 351-5222 LIQUIDATION SALE Complete mfg.

facility ie, Q.C. equipment, vices, chucks, toolroom equipment, tool grinders, tow motors. etc. 216-323-5366. 208 Woodford Elyria.

MILWAUKEE TOOLS CLOSEOUT Off On Wide Selection South End Hardware 341-6100 NC vertical mill $2400; misc. drill presses; misc. equipment. 341-1900. OPTICAL Video Inspection Equipment On Display 481-1414 ROTOR drum lathe $1800.

Palette Jack $250. 885-0238 Angle, channel, tubes, sheet, piafe, and alloy bars. CHEAP. No minimums 467-7010 SUPER SALE. Liquidating, shelving, shop carts, rolling step ladders more 979-1200 $1100.

TABLE Saw 3 h.p., 1 ph, 486-2408 TIRE MACHINE balancer, Coats, $400. 531-6937 after 5 TOWMOTOR 15,000 lb. solid tires, proprane forklift 439-5266 VALVE grinder, boring bar, Parker tube bender, Hossfield bender, Nolan metalmaster, sand-bead bloster. 225-8026. 10" Norton cylindrical grinder, 15hp, A1 '51 531-0053 11240 Dogs, Pets, Supplies ADD-A-PET CAT-DOG-KITTEN Donation.

582-4397 8am-6pm ADOPT A POOCH. All types. Adorable. $25. 845-PAWS.

A Great family pet! Mixed St. male, neutered, 8 mo. $45. 749-4132. AIRDALES AKC born 2 males-2 2 females $200.

739-4101 AIREDALES AKC, (5) 8 Ch. lines. $250 ea. 835-9237. 1220 Clothing, Furs, Repairs FOX Silver full length, never worn.

$2000. 228-6749. WEDDING Dress slip, size 10, worn only 5 hrs. Cost $1400. $250 or offer.

888-2697. WEDDING gown, pearls, lace. sequins, size 20. SAGO 961.1902 1280 Construction Equipment CASE '76 680H Extend-A-Hole bachhoe. $18.500.

960-0608 ENGINEERING Tandom Dual Trailers, 9-20 ton in from $5300. Tractor Maintenonce Specialists 942-3673 Tractor Maintenance Specialists. Offers complete in-shop field service. Factory trained tech. OEM parts at competitive prices.

Give us an oppt'y to earn your business. Eastlake. 942-FORD STUMP cutter '89 Vermeer 630B, 350 excellent $6500. 243-3532. 35 Ton Talbert Carryall detachable, pony motor, good rubber, new brakes $12,500, 943-1510.

1290 Pianos, Musical Instruments A BABY Grand Piano, block. beautiful, $1275; Spinet $350; Bench $30. 779-0410. A Chickering Grand Piano Rools $1.575. B.

KAP 541-6078. A Console Piano Bench $575. B. KAP 541-6078 A New Plover Piano Rolls $1,500. B.

KAP 541-6078. A New Studio Piano Bench $1,645. B. KAP 541-6078 3 ANY PIANO WANTED 661-7238 A Reworked Upright Piano Excellent! B. KAP 541-6078 A Spinet Piano New Key Tops $395.

B. KAP 541-6078. GUITAR Ibanez $300. 631-1003 MECHANICS Special-used Player, piano $995. Don Richards 886-5100 PIANO.

382-9720 or 321-4068 PIANO- inexpensive bench $30. Good cond 779-0410 PIANO, Kimball Console, newly refinished. hammers felts. Must sell! $1,400. 951-9142 PIANO- Korg, digital.

DP2000. $2000. 932-5754 PIANOS BOUGHT Call 541-6080 PIANO SHOPPING? WHY BUY USED New consoles not $3860, ONLY $1690. While supply last. "We will not be GRAVES PIANO ORGAN 29150 Lorain Rd.

779-5266 PLAYER piano The Sting, atmost new, $2500. 1-494-9222. RARE Nickeloden Piano. Coin operated, nine instruments. $6.500.

B. KAP 541-6078. WANTED. Older Violin, Viola, Celio any price. 464-0183 WE BUY PIANOS HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID.

779-5485 YAMAHA and Simmons drums, 16 pieces, $1500. 1-836-4226. 1300 Sale Home Furnishings and Appliances Al Cond. $90 ea. stove $100.

refrig $140. 281-6553 ALL MAJOR APPLS-used. 3mo lyr warranty, Appliance Village, 11620 Madison, 226-2470 APPLIANCES-Kenmore refrig. 20cu. ft.

$210. Electric Stove $125. Call 845-4522. APPLIANCES. furn, antiques, misc.

All must go. 881-5588 APPLS; Marty's Reconditioned Appliances, like new, major name brands guaranteed. 4153 Rocky River Dr. 216-251-3888 BDRM. set, queen size shelves mirror, dresser, glass drawers.

221-0158. BEDRM Set, 4 pc excellent cond. $450. 888-5812. BEDRM.

set, full, French Provincial, White, 5pc. 237-6642. CARPET, CARPET, CARPET 3M stain resistant Dupont Stainmaster-Blocker-Release Sculptured plush from $8.99 Rolls millends from Save up Shop service. Immediate installation. 351-1050 Gildor Carpet.

CARPETING 886-6668. CARPET LAYER has 89 yds. brown carpet and 73 green. WILL SELL A AND INSTALL ALL OR PART. 382-3029.

CARPET never used, 3 rooms, Brown plush, $375. 531-8694. CHANDELIER: 5. lomp, ontique brass. English Tudor.

$175. 248-7187 or 562-4722. system, 6 mos. CLEARWATER water, softener queen 2 headboards $100 ea. Large Whirlpool 21 cu.ft.

freezer, almond. $350. 1-724-2314. $75; $100; 2 freezers; misc. 236-3388 COUCH -excellent cond.

$150. Wing pr. 45" long drapes to match. $100. 2 easy chairs, $50ea.

WwIl liberty ship hatch cover coffee table, Oct. 1943. $125. 247-3256 COUCH, Rust orange. 9 Good $50.

252-5118 COUCH strong, needs recovered, 237-2402 CURIO CABINET- -mint cond $150, Queen Anne round end table-mint cond $50, 671-0918 DIN.RM. SET Early Americon, Ethan Allen, cherry, china cabinets A-1, $1200. Before 5pm. 749-3708. After 5pm, 349-0536.

Large capocity. $100. 663-2590. ELECTRIC range $200; refrig. $100; washer dryer couch 2 chairs $250: kitchen table chairs $75.

252-0853 till 4 582-9557 after 6pm FREEZER, Gibson commerical upright, 1 yr old, asking $500. 341-3000 8am-5, ask for Bob P. upright, $250. 831-2285. FREEZER, Kenmore, like new.

JANIES Furniture, new and used mattresses. Used oppls. washers, dryers, stoves. Free delivery. Welfare vouchers welcome.

631-3181 KITCHEN set yrs. old, natural wood 3x5 table inlay, 6 sidearm chairs sidecart. $650. 235-8722 LOVESOFA. $150.

Please call 961-0915 MAGAZINE Wood Stove, never used. $250. 238-5194 MANGLE, Simplex Iron Mgchine, good cond. $60. 681-6331.

MICROWAVE G.E. maker 30" built-in $150 779-9452 OVEN Jenn-Air, 24" built-in, year old. $275. 779-9452 REFRIG. $100.

GAS STOVE $70. Good Cond. 651-5243. REFRIG. $60.

$100. Stove $60. Washer Call 651-7504. REFRIG $100. Stove $65 Both good cond.

631-2975 REMODELING-5 rms. of furniture, dining, dinette, fam.rm., bdrm. sets. All complete. Reasonable.

238-5621. SELLING OUT- TERRIFIC DISCOUNTS, highgrade furniture Furniture and appliances Euclid Universal 431-0914 or 431-0932. SOFA brown leather, 77 in. long, new, $600. 476-2087.

SPANISH Table, antique, very ornate. $2000. (2) Island hand carved figures. $500. 946-0239 STOVE-A1, 6 mos.

old $190. Refrig-double dr. $175. 231-7619 STOVE: Kenmore, gas, copper. $50.

Waterbed, queen, dark wood, 2 yrs. 883-0582 T.V. color, 25" Zenith $100, also 19" portable $100. 741-3873. Delivery.

WASHER $100; ACTION Dryer 281-6128 $100 WASHER $75, DRYER $75. 281-7366 WASHER $75. DRYER $75. Jim's Appls. Delivery.

749-7746. WASHER and dryer sets, 2, $185 each, 651-8316. WASHER REFRIG. DRYER $125. $175.

741-1578. STOVE WASHER GE- large cop. $250; GE frostfree almond. $350; Kenmore electric self cleaning stove, almond. $225; AIl A-1.

851-8320 after 1pm. WASHERS Dryers, $75 each, good condition, 961-0910. WATERBED king, good cond $150. 1-327-8097 WATER BED, Oakwood Interi. ors, dresser nite stand, cost $2600, sell $1200.

A-1. 543-5012. COMPLETE START YOUR OWN ACCOUNT GILDOR FURNITURE 351-1050 WATERBED; Waveless King size frame. Like new! $.400. 449-4958 after 6:30 p.m.

MARCH 4, 1992 THE PLAIN DEALER 0900 Cleveland West, Southwest 3 BDRM $1400 DN APR, 360 pay, Town West Rity 888-7700 Wayne A-1 WEST PARK RANCH Sharp, 2 bdrms. New siding and roof. Move in condition. Own cheaper than rent. $42.900.

DEED REALTY CO. 888-8200 ALUMINUM 3 barm bungalow, extra large garage, nice yard, VACANT! $42,900 WESTWAY REALTY 941-76001 ARCHWOOD DENISON AREA 2 bath, newer, roof, carpet, 3779 W. kitchen 34, $39,900. drive. 749-6749 fenced DBLE 3230 W.

56th $27,500 Good income 273-1001 DOUBLE new more, seporate utils. POSITIVE CASH FLOW. 398-3499 OHIO City dramatic rehob, all new, 3 barm, loft, vaulted master bdm. Own for as little as down, $513 mo. 651-8500 WESTPARK charming colonial 3 bdrm, bath.

New roof, siding, kitchen. $106.900. 252-3742. WHY RENT? Low money down. FHA-VA.

Century 21 Lucien Assoc. Ask for INGA 871-7700 0910 Lakewood, Rocky River, Fairview, Bay, Westlake, N. Olmsted BAY Village 4 bdrm. Col. 2 fireplaces, $189,900.

892-8574 Buy or Sell. Call Realty Properties. 892-2882. FIRST TIME BUYERS Lawrence RIty. Inc.

331-7200 LAKEWOOD Western Lakewood dble. $85,000. 871-4075 LAKEWOOD, 1576 Blossom Park, col. 3 bdrms. just reduced to $76,900.

777-4024 LAKEWOOD-Goldcoast lovely barm condo, garage, appls, air cond, pool $34.900. 979-9011 LAKEWOOD Legal 3 family, modern suites, all 2 cor garage. Rent month. $110.000. 383-4837 LAKEWOOD-5.

OF MADISON 2205 Mars-(Yours In Trade?) Updated-3 Bedroom Colonial Fenced Rr Yard-Garage M. SCHILL REALTY 845-1144 ROCKY River Condo on lake. bdrms. Pilgrim Realty 526-4626 real advertised harem is subject to the Federal Fair Mousing Act. which FOUAL MOUSING OPPORTUGITT discrimination religion, handicap, national origin, such limitation discrimination.

We will advertising real violation law. All persons an hereby interned advertised basis' 0930 Brook Park, Berea, Middleburg Olmsted Falls, Olmsted Township, Strongsville Berea Ranch-3 74 Aaron (Yours In Trade?) 2 Baths Fireplace M. SCHILL REALTY 734-2600 BROOK PARK by Owner. 3 bdrm. Brick.

$86.900. 234-2956. MIDDLEBURG HTS CONDO Mint 3 bdrm, 112 both. 234-5471. MIDDLEBURG HTS.

Misty Lake. 1st floor condo. 225-3069 NEW HOMES IN MIDDLEBURG HTS. FIRESIDE REALTY 842-6604 OLMSTED FALLS- BY OWNER Post Rd 235-9737 Immaculate Extras $187,900 STRONGSVILLE METRO PARKS BY OWNER 8760 BIG CREEK PARKWAY 3 barm, both ranch floor fam. rm.

2 car att'd garage, fenced yord, treed lot. Don't miss this chance. $117,500. Call 826-0325 I STRONGSVILLE Col. 4 bdrms, boths.

$139,900. Realtors O.K. 572-9906 STRONGSVILLE Settlers Village, 3 bdrm bath, On lake 572-8103 STRONGSVILLE cape cod, Open Sun. 2-5, 1 acre, 4 bdrm. 2 both, WBFP stove, must see $145.000 1-239-2336 for info.

0940 Parma; Parma Brooklyn Brooklyn N. Royalton BROOKLYN, 2. bdrm. vinyl brick ronch bsmt, fenced yard, newer water lots of extras. $72,000.

398-3499 PARMA, 1 ACRE, BY OWNER 3-4 bdrms. brick ranch, extras. Move-in cond. $114,900. 888-6457 PARMA-owner.

3 bdrm. Split, for.rm., central air, att'd gorage, park lot. $109.500. 888-0333 Twnhse-9210 N. $71s Ranch-4480 Oakridge Offers Ranch-6611 $875 Bungalow-11707 Woodview $99s Ranch-7250 Barton $1245 M.

SCHILL REALTY DISCOUNT COMMISSION Trade- In Plan Available" 734-2500 845-1144 0960 Medina, Brunswick, Balance of Medina County tions. Call 946-3660 or 428-1234. Sahara Mobile Homes. HILLCREST '81 14x60 2 bdrm redecorated 232-0964 HOLLY Park '76, patio, 2 baths, just remodeled sided shed. In Camelot village.

$19,500. 626-0526 HOUSE trailer 14x60, prime Lake Erie location on lease lot and dock. Many extras. 773-9981 MOOREFIELD, Ohio. 2 barm, 2 full lots septic extra large barn, A-1 cond.

Near 3 lakes, Harrison County, $20,000. 614-968-4837. PORTAGE, '81 14x70 2 bdrm. more! 296-2348 TALLAHASSE Flo 40' screened in patio, carport 2 barm. 2 bath $8200.

904-576-1433 garage, $89,500. 273-4215 eves. 0990 Mobile Homes and Parks AFFORDABLE LIVING COLONIAL OAKS, ELYRIA 1992 Models Homes incl. set up Ready for imm. Occ.

Starting from 2 or 3 bdrm single dble wide Used home from Children Pets Welcome Pool, playground, 24 hr. sec. Mon. 9-5, Sun. 1-5 1-800-421-5018 BEDFORD Hts.

'89 14x52, 2 bdrm, cathedral ceilings, bay window, appls. A-1, 232-0676. BEDFORD 14x70 Skyline. Mint cond. $20,900.

273-2494. Brand new sectional mobile home, 3 bedrooms. Outstanding. Sahara Rt. 20 Madison 946-3660.

COLUMBIA PARK, 7100 lumbia Olmsted for 55 years of age or older. Call 235-5300 CROSSLANDS 12x60, A-1 Cond. 2 bdrm. extra clean! awnings, shed, Must see! 641-8993. DOUBLE Ride home 28'x56', '89, 3 bdrms.

2 baths, hutch, fireplace, carpet, shed. for 55 or older, Olmsted Twp, 235-9840 Estate Liquidation 24'x44', 3 bedrms, baths, numerous op- 1010 East, Northeast, East Cleveland, Euclid, Bratenahl CLEVE. Shore Acres. 3 bdrm. Col.

$67,500. 531-4402 for appt. 260 Duplex, 3 bdrm, garage, $975 income. $91,500. 461-6911.

EUCLID 3 BORM. Alum. Col. Rec. rm.

air, garage, attic, CAMEO Rity Assoc 261-3900 EUCLID brick Col. 3 bdrm, baths, fam rm, $70,900. 261-1336 EUCLID. By Owner. 3 bdrm.

brick Tudor, eat-in kitchen, den, 11 baths, WBFP, 2 car. $83,900. 261-4273 EUCLID BY OWNER Ige. bdrm. twnhse, 112 bath, central oir.

pool, party guest rms. Close to shopping, free. way, schools. Mint. Affordable.

Jim 289-1228. after 6pm. 1000 Shaker Heights University Heights Cleveland Heights, Beachwood CLEVE. HTS: Completely corated center-hall col. 5-bdrm baths $119,000 Kohn Rity Carol 291-1500 Herbert E.

Fine Residentiol Properties Hockett Arnold Inc. 321-7374 1020 Southeast, Garfield Maple Bedford, Warrensville Heights A Harvard-Lee Brick H.K.S. REALTY INC. 561-0900 CASH OR INVESTOR E. 12151-MLK 5x5x2, 2 car.

90- rage, $21,500. Agent, 464-8503 E. bdrms. Security system. car Alum sided.

$52,300 491-9246 E.86, 4-suite house, By owner, Handyman Special. 1-2-3 barms fenced yard, $28.000. 371-3610 RENT or land contract, 2 small bdrm single 4976 Mead Av. 17K, 55th-Broadway 623-0671 Ward 12 Bung. 5 rms.

$15,500. RYBKA REALTY 641-4500 1030 Wickliffe, Willowick, Willoughby, Eastlake, Mentor, Painesville, Madison, Balance of Lake Ashtabula Counties WILLOUGHBY Hilts like new 3 bdrm, 2 bath ranch, 2 WBFP. secluded site $164,900. 585-9088 WILLOWICK, 4 bdrm. master bung, bath, central air, covered patio.

2 car garage. larger lot, $97,900. 449-7830. 1040 South Euclid, Lyndhurst, Richmond Highland Hts. Mayfield, Mayfield Heights ACACIA on the Green, 2 bdm, bath, full carpet, Reduced! $119,500 By Owner 1-666-6040 1060 Northfield, Sagamore Hills, Macedonia, Twinsburg, Aurora Hudson, Richfield, Balance of Summit and Portage Counties FOUR BEDROOMS baths, bsmt, rec.rm., garoge.

467-4288 L.R. FORRER REALTY, INC. MANTUA OPEN SUN. 1-5 4195 State Route 82- Brick 3 bath, alkitchen, most-century home. Modern formal dining, hardwood floors, wbfp, car more.

$99,500. 274-8910 1080 Sale Lots, Residential BRECKSVILLE, 5 ocres, trees, gas, $100,000. 582-0085 BRUNSWICK Approx. acre cul de sac lot. City water sewer, $30's.

Ron 237-4923. -MUNSON Lots-Lots-Lots 729-8200 CHOICE LOTS- BROADVIEW 892-8000 Chandler Realty FULTON- Memphis Area (3) lots, zoned for 2 family housing, 447-9773 NEWBURY 2.6 acres on cul-desac, $39,000. 338-5207 after 5 N. Ridgeville buildable lot, acres, $29,500. 267-3357 mornings or leave message.

SEVEN Hills homesites $38,500. Sterling Rity 642-8595 SHAKER HTS. Lot on Chogrin 50x135, $20,000, 765-0162. 1110 Sale Farms and Acreage ACREAGE: 20 to 40 acre plots available in Noble County Ohio; for information write: P.O. Box 11, Belle Valley, Oh 43717.

ASHTABULA COUNTY 20 acres. Wooded and open home site overlooking stream and pond site. Also part pasture land. Ideal for horses. Manufactured homes OK.

Fronts paved road. $24,500. Owner financing. 1-699-5723. BERLIN LAKE ACRES By owner.

Almost 2 acres. Nice level property. Bordered by trees at rear. Walk 10 lake, boat marina and restaurant. Mobile homes OK.

$9,950. Owner financing. 1-699-5723. CARROLL COUNTY, OH. 540 acres, 300 crop acres, 143 acre corn base, 50 acres hardwoods, several lake sites, mi.

rood frontage. 4 bdrm, bath century home 4 bdrm, bath ranch home, 68 free stalls, double parlor. 24x72 silo. $975 per acre. Owner assisted financing.

216-627-4638. MONROE 40 acres, St. Rt. 800, mostly wooded, borders Wayne Nat'l Forest, good for hunting. 614-795-4633 20 ACRES, some woods.

Mostly open. Nice field. Small stream. S.E. $12,900.

Land conFew minutes, to Seneca Lake, tract. Free lists. BUCKEY REALTY 1-800-342-9357 Home 614-685-6350 1120 Out-of-Town Real Estate Florida 13 FT. Meyers 2 2 bath condo, close to beaches, shopping, and airport. Park like setting, pool tennis.

Priced below market $63,900. 1-533-5895 Tennessee 50 TN LAKE acre lake near Knoxville. 7.3 acre All wooded views! Walk to private boat slip. ONLY $19,900. Excellent terms.

CALL NORRIS SHORES TODAY! 800-488-4883. File 1160 Wanted Real Estate A-1 CASH FOR YOUR HOME Mr. Kirkland 561-1393, 321-7040. AAA CASH for your home. Wanted: Eastside Singles or Families.

Agent, 464-8503. A CASH price for W.side homes Free appraisal. Agent 252-8844 BUYING Timber Timber land. Paying cash. Call Kathy, 1-674-6080, Mon Call Kelly after 6 pm, 1-674-8941.

CASH Offer For Your House Mr McMahon, Agent 283-1628 CASH. Pay cash or take over payments for home in Forest Hills or Cleve east. 249-0954. CLEVELAND WEST QUICK CASH For Your Home Call Mark Heller FODOR REALTY CO. 631-0116 1180 Real Estate Loans Ameritrust.

Service you can bank on. 1190 Mortgages Bought, Sold ALL or part your mortgages for cash. Covenant. 1-934-6090. 1200.

Auctions GOING GOING SOLD! AUCTIONEERS! Let Cleveland know about those special treasures to be auctioned One littie ad in the Arts and Antique Directory can be a very Big voice to help promote the finer items of your auction. For more information, please call 344-4706. 1230 Snowmobiles and All-Terrain Vehicles bile trailer. Excellent ARTIC CAT Jog. (2), snowmo'86 440 '80 340.

Fan cooled, oil injected. All $2500. 419-668-3136 SUZUKI '89 LT-80, ATV, nice. rarely ridden. $1000.

671-3116 YAMAHA '90, 350 Twin Banshee Quad Racer, red, white blue. Hardy used, like new. Must sell. $1800. 398-9328 1250 Lawn, Garden, Farm Equipment CUB Cadet tractor '89.

12.5hp, hydro, 38" deck, 48" snowblade, used 100 hrs, like new, original(y $2800-asking $1899. 892-0634 IRRIGATION Pump 6 cyl. Good condition. $2800. 235-2157 KUBOTA L2550 4 W.D.

front loader attachments, alt like new. $13,000. 216-688-2700. LAWN Mower 36 in. Snapper commercial, $1600.

333-6734. 1240 Dogs, Pets, Supplies TODAY! AD ADOPTION WEEK TONIGHT! SAVE-A-PET PUPPIES KITTENS' DOGS CATS! 2 NEW PETS ARRIVING DAILY! ONES Come in TODAY and see our fabulous selection of cute cuddly pets. Don't ADOPT NOW! FREE ADOPTION Starter Kit Pre-Adopt Shots ID much more! Directions: Between W. 14th Train Ave. Easy access from I-71 1-90.

Animal Protective League Open: Mon-Fri 11 am-7pm Sat 9am-7pm Sun 10am-4pm 1729 Willey Cleveland (216) 771-4616 BRING THIS AD AKC ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL Puppies taking deposits now. 236-3271. AKC. females, 4 mo. old, $300, 877-9211 AKITA, 7 pups.

4. ch. sired, shots. Miya Jari Kennets. 317-729-5441.

ALASKAN Malamutes (6) Pet or show. 1-722-0686 looking ALL for foster great, dogs of all ages loving homes. Chihuahua, Beagles, hund, Terrier, Shepherd, Husky, Keeshond, pies, etc. $40ea. 835-2334 AMERICAN Bull dog, spay, wh bi, shots.

Donation 582-4397 AMERICAN BULL DOG PUPS ABA reg. rare breed. top pedigreed, ch. blood line. Extra large.

6 wks. old. $600. 826-1504 ATTN: Breeders, AKC, female Samoyed, never bred, must $250. 856-6880.

BASSET Pups, 2, $125 ea. Beogle pups, 5, $75 ea. 526-2221 BEAGLE, AKC. 8 wk. old male, $75.

1-354-8701. BEAGLE, great hunting dog, ur mole, tri-color $125. 944-5738 neutered, BELGIUM SHEPHERD 8 mos. shots $35 382-2188. BICHON FRISE: female $425.

New Litter Soon! 419-533-7465 AKC BICHON papers, BICHON-FRISE Frise-Ch 4- AKC background, PUPS 433-1152 A CHAMP. SIRED. 449-1718 BICHON FRISE AKC pups, 2 female. 741-6063. BICHON Frise AKC fluffy pup, non-allergenic, $425.

932-0149 BIRDS African grey 4 yrs old semi tame $350. yellow naped, amazon, hand fed chained. 5800. Both talking. 1-889-2534 BIRDS- Domestic, hand fed Parrots.

Moluccan co*ck-a-too, loves people, talks: Macaw Gold: $995, greot steel Web cages. Reasonable. 292-7995 BIRD- yrs, White tamed. Crowned friendly. Pionnus.

$250 firm. 786-8907 BOXER AKC female pup 18 wks. Brindle, ears, shots done Housebroke, $400. 1-426-4903 BOXER AKC STUD Service BRINDLE 561-7182 BOXER Pup, 4 mole brindle white $350. 419-869-7056 BOXER pups, AKC, white, (5), excellent bloodline.

$400 ea. Taking dep. 1-748-3948 BRITTNAY AKC female, $75. 749-7968 CAIRN Terrier, 3 yr. old all shots, neutered, trained.

$150. 777-9000, 10am-9pm. CAT, 2 declawed, neutered. $5. 883-0582 kittens, Berea 234-1994.

CATS (3) mos. altered shots 442-8873, 382-0975 CATS kittens, PETS $5 Shar- femole $75. 651-8376. CATS (mix bred), neutered mole, 1 spoved female, affectionate, 671-9529. CHESAPEAKE Bay Retriever pups-6, bred from Ch.

hunting trial stock. $200. 419-437-7139 CHESAPEAKE Bay Retrievers, pups. $300 10 $500. 814-452-4600, 814-476-1132.

CHIHUAHUA AKC Female Pup Shots, 3 mos. $200. 1-723-5355 CHIHUAHUA pups, 2, tong coat. AKC, $250 ea. 441-6350.

CHINESE SHAR-PEI, 7 wks, male, 1 female. $350. 1-967-9809 CHOW Chow pups AKC, red, male, 249-8402 2 female, wks. $150. eves.

or 851-3903 co*ck A POO Mix Pups-4, tiny, Adorable, shots. $115. 351-8452. POO pups (3) cuddly fluff balls, $95. co*ck-A-POO- pup, pick of litter, $150.

491-4501 Ch. line, shots, $100. 843-7567 co*ckER, mole, co*ckER pups, (4) Shots guaranteed. 419-883-3033. co*ckER Spaniel AKC pups (7), 6 weeks, male females, porti color, $200, 854-5582.

COLLIE (2) 1 yr. neutered, shots, 382-2188, 382-0975 COLLIE mix. nutered 10 mo. Shots, sweet. Donation.

582-4397 COON Hound, 2yrs, neutered, needs the country. $75. 351-6292 DACHSHUND Mini Pups Adults Breeder. 543-2522 DOBERMAN 2 AKC Pups: Outstanding european bloodlines, Mole, female, $500. 1-848-0962 DOBERMAN purebred adult male.

house, $165 944-9324 ENGLISH Bulldog, white, male, adult, affectionate, housebroke, 562-8518 ENGLISH Bull, male, AKC. Ch. line. $1000. 226-5361.

Ch. ENGLISH sire dam. Springer Parents Spaniels, OFA CERF. 1-992-8821 ENGLISH Springer pups, 2 males left, AKC, outstanding. Field Ch.

Line, $200. 1-967-0249 ENGLISH Springer Sponiel pups-3 AKC. Liver and white. Shots and wormed. Great pets.

Call 1-948-3125. FISH, Tropical, and aquariums. I buy and sell. 631-8928. FOX HOUND, nuetered.

Sweet. Donation. 582-4397. GERMAN Shepherd mixed breed. 7 wks.

old. $25. 888-5370. GERMAN Shepherd 4 yr. male, AKC good stud service 943-2721 GERMAN Shepherd, female old.

$100. 439-1608 3 GERMAN Shepherd pups AKC. solid black females, shots, wormed, huge. $225. 475-1557 GERMAN Shepherd 5 large white pups, $300.

475-5738. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS 11 at 961-8184 GERMAN Shepherd female, neutered, 3 male yrs. Looking for farm home for both. Will pay to board 9 year. 279-0761 GERMAN Shepherd Pup AKC.

$100. Free adult female. Medina 1-722-6484. GERMAN Shepherd 3 vr. old AKC female.

intelligent loving family dog. $150. 1-466-3873. GERMAN Shorthair Pointers, (1) AKC, Ch. lines, 8 weeks old, $250.

1-923-7401 or 1-798-9229. GOLDEN Retrievers-AKC, moles. 9 wks. $225. shots wormed.

Bath 1-666-2211 GOLDEN Retriever pups. AKC. 2 litters. $250ea. 1-985-1575.

GOLDEN RETRIEVER AKC 3 pups born on Christmas Ready to go now $225. 1-722-436C GOLDEN Retriever (5) ready 10 go $300, 888-2854. GOLDEN Retriever pups, AKC, parents OFA, Sundance Goldrush tines. Dews. Written hip guarantee.

$300. 525-5253 GOLDEN Retriever, 21 mo. old male, great family pet, $75. Purebred 676-0662 GOLDEN Retriever Shepherd mix, 9 mo male, housebroken, shots, $30. 961-5345.

GOLDEN RETRIEVERS: (5) AKC. 8 wks old, $175. 1-965-5947 GOLDEN Retriever AKC Puppies (4) 428-6441 GOLDEN Mix, lyr old, good $25. 572-4519 GOLDEN Retrievers 9 pups, AKC. shots wormed, $250 ea.

722-4616 or. 722-8663. GOLDEN RETRIEVER AKC Pups, Top Old Ch. Bloodlines. Outstanding litter.

Hips, eyes. disposition guaranteed. Parents here. Stud service. 1-647-3254 GOLDEN Retriever, 7 pups, AKC, 1st shots, wormed.

$10C ea. Guaranteed. 216-739-3303 GREAT Dane AKC puppies Ch. bloodlines, shots. wormed, guaranteed, 651-0540 GREAT DANE AKC pups Harlequin Vi- lines.

(2) $250 $500. 1-837-9486 HEINZ medium size female, need good home for good dog. brown, spayed. very loving, atfectionate. $25, 238-0328 eves.

KEESHOND cuddly bears, reasonable. 1-483-3367. KITTENS (3) Siamese, ador. able! lovable! 439-4124 LAB 1 years old female, house. broken, $20.

749-7968 LAB AKC black male 9 neutered, all shots, loves kids. $250,. 621-0330, 582-5111. LAB MIX 8 beautiful puppies! $25. 463-5329 or Akron, 650-4863 LAB puppies, 8, AKC, black, yellow, chocolate.

Males and females. Parents on premises. Hips certified. Excellent family pet. $200.

1-488-6281. LAB Pups (3) AKC Yellow, 6 wks. $275. ea. 1-722-4251 LAB pups, block, 7, AKC, bred for temperment.

Out of Sandylands, super chief, hiwood ch. lines. 1st wormed. 216-458-6917 3 mo female, free, moved-can't keep. 351-1472 LHASA Apso yr.

female, $60. co*cker mix pUp $35; 491-4501. MALTESE (3) AKC, Ch. sired $300-8500. 1-453-1520 MASTIFF AKC pups (6), excellent pedigree, over ore vet checked, $600, 419-659-2955.

MASTIFF pup, AKC, 8 wk. old femole, fawn. $500. 419-896-2574, No sunday sales. MIX Breed, female, wonderful family dog, 1 year, $50.

888-8708 NEOPOLITAN MASTIFF pups-7. 321-2051 OLD Dog Mix, 3 pups, beautiful, $35. 281-8386 PEKINGESE Pups (6) AKC 961-5788 PERSIAN. 7 mo. cream male, papers, $75.

Call 765-1568. PERSIAN CFA Kittens (6) all colors, cash. 398-5412 PERSIAN kitten, white female. 4 mos. old.

$350. 1-673-1766 PERSIAN Kittens, adults $100 up, CFA, 543-9491 PERSIANS-CFA, Shots. 543-5084 Black spay, white male $200-300 PIT BULL puppies, Registered. males, 3 females, saloon. wks.

$150 ea. 419-668-3981 eves. PIT Bulls, quality at its Payments accepts. $500 325-0235 POM, AKC, 4yr female, Yorkie 2yr female $125. 886-4617 POMERANIANS yr.

AKC 2 sable white red female, $550. 651-5367. POODLE Adorable AKC Pups (4) shots, $250. 656-2823 POODLE. AKC male.

Apricot $175. 582-3399. POODLES (14), adorable pups, AKC. Tiny, Toy, Mini, all colors, shots. Bred for good dis.

position. 1-856-4039 after 5:00 p.m. or weekends. POODLES AKC 1 white female $280: Toy male $100. 723-5596 POODLES AKC 4 PUPS $150 745-4863 POODLES Standard block pups AKC ch.

bred, 2 gorgeous males 3 mos. $400. 1-949-7445 QUALITY Paint Horses incl. 3 yr. old, black white Tobiano Mare, also black AQHA Mare.

Marie 1-277-4337 Barb 1-775-0110 mix, good watch dog. $100. 661-7137 ROTTWEILER Pups 4 females, 9 wks, CH. blood $335. 1-335-0308 ROTTWEILER AKC, shots, kid tested, (6) $300.

ea. 779-2489 ROTTWEILER pUps-8, bred, mother's AKC, father's not. Big boned, tails docked, dewclawed, shots, wormed. $225 Firm. 941-1417 ROTTWEILER PUPS Lge.

males AKC, OFA Ch. bloodlines, 425-8352 ROTTWEILER PUPS, block ton, 3 females, 3 males, AKC, Show quality shots. $400 negotiable. 1-926-1038 ROTTWEILER puppies bloodline, wormed, dew claws, tails. $300 ea 441-6273 ROTTWEILERS, AKC.

Pups grown, trained dogs. 1-757-2355. SCHNAUZER AKC Mini, 7 wks. old, mole, female, Ch. bloodlines.

Quality bred, family raised. 885-2961 SCHNAUZER adorable AK Pups-5, shots 656-2823 SCHNAUZER- Mini AKC only black female left, $300. See both parents. 225-9486. SCHNAUZERS AKC (4) PUPS 921-1634 SCHNAUZERS, mini, AKC, male, 3 females, Pepper, 6wks, $200ea.

581-5010 SHAR-PEI pup, male, cream. Wormed. $300. 1-724-7938 SHAR-Pei pups, 7 males, 6 Champion pedigree. 216-224-2575.

SHELTIES 5, 1-6 yrs, old. Need good homes. 543-2522 SHELTIES, AKC pups, adults. Breeder. 543-2522 SHELTIES AKC, 8 blue moles, healthy, $250 ea.

1-667-2479. Pups 8 wks 221-3832 SHEP mix. 5 mo female, shots. Donation. 842-6184, 582-4397.

SHIBAS Pups, 2 male, 1 female. Good for show or pet. $200. 897-8534 leave message. SHIH TZU, 6mo old, shots, wormed, $200.

251-5481 SHIH-TZU Adorable AKC Pups-4, shots 656-2823 SHIH TZU mole 8 mos. shots. $150. Housebroken 419-533-7465 SIAMESE-1 flame mole.1 tortie female, 3 mo. 1-253-8746.

SIAMESE Kittens (4), Parents on premises. 961-5788 SIBERIAN Husky pUps AKC, 5, 425-4171. SIBERIAN Husky (white) AKC mo 1-926-1038 WOLF Hybrid-Ige. male. 3yrs, Good tempered.

234-8249 WOLF -Malamute Husky mix-4 males, $75. 476-1576. YORKIES, 3. AKC. Ch.

sired. 1-453-1520 YORKIES-tiny, no shedding, male $550 1-722-1731. YORKSHIRE Terrier 8 week femole, AKC, ch. sired, shots, $450. Call 1-282-6067.

YORKY: female $400 (Small). 419-533-7465 1241 Pet Grooming, Training, Boarding CUSTOM K-9 ACADEMY. Obedience protection training. Open 7 days a week. Call now for FREE evaluation.

943-2733. 1260 Horses, Stables, Trailers, Stock and Equipment ANDALUSIANS the horse of kings. Rare breed. Prices stort at $6000. 1-298-3480 AQHA vearling granddaughter of Zippo Pine Bar.

Dam is point earner. Boy $1500. 1-298-1494 ARABIAN mare 6yr bay, Green hunter pleasure $1200 248-2357 ARAB mare 12 yrs, chestnut, well bred, English, 15.1 H. loves trails, $3000. Call 582-4378.

ARAB. reg. gelding, gentle, shown Western, English. 5 yrs. $3,000.

1-549-2636 after 5. BOARDING On The Park, Indoor Arena, Full Care 238-0464 PERUVIAN PASOS great on trails, on the rood or anywhere. When you have ridden the rest, ride the best. 1-298-3480 SHAVINGS SAW DUST for bedding, 14yds. delivered 834-4580 STALLS, indoor arena, full care $115-U pick; $140-1 pick 235-2394 TB 16.2H lease.

Exp. $125 mo. 779-9306. TENNESSEE Walker-2 Mares: Amish road cart and harness: $900. 729-2038.

WANTED a horse, young or old, rideable or not. 1-858-2223 YEARLING, REG. Paint colt, flashy brown white. Tobonio. Will be large.

$1500. 576-9668..

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.