Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

Marion, Indiana, Chronicle- Tribune Nov. 22, 1959 23: Sunshine Turns Into 'Gold' For Persons Seeking 'Warm' Vacation In Winter Pounce de Leon. Spanish explorer, came to Florida's shores in 1513 seeking gold and the legendary Fountain of Youth, but! it took centuries to realize that Florida's real gold was its sun-! shine. Then Vitami's great potential as an all-year resort was envisioned. a gigantic redevelopment program brought.

a boom town appearance to the sparsely populated, tively unknown area. Today. miles of gleaming white hotels line the beaches, each more lavish than the other. Exoti: plants and flowers, palm treeI nad boulevards, and a perpetual vacation atmosphere are the trade marks of Miami and its sister city, Miami Beach. Leaving on today's Chicago Motor Club tour you take Ind.

9: County road, U. S. 31, U. S. 31E, Kentucky Turnpike, U.

31W. S. 41, U. S. 341, U.

S. 23 and U. 1 to Miami. Florida's eastern coast is dotted with a seemingly unbroken string: (of resort cities and from the Georgia border to the southfern extremity. Historic St.

Augustine, oldest, city in the United States, is rich in Spanish legend -four centuries of conquest and victory. Ponce de Leon landed near the site on April 3, 1513, and claimed the land for Spain. The first permanent settlement in the New World was established here in 1565. St. Augustine has many points of attraction, and one of the most interesting is the Castillo de San Marcos, a Spanish fort overlooking Matanzas Bay.

Construction of the fort began in 1672 after TO ILLINOIS NO. ANA Nashville TENN. Chattanooga Atlanta Syia cougar 3 Barnesvilie 2343 GA. Eastman ALA. 55 Douson 233 Albany Waycross OKEFENOKEE Trip to SWAMP Jacksonville PARK Perry Augustine Gulf A of FLA.

Petersburg Fort Pierce Florida Mexico Sarasota? ROUTE 04 Miami Beach Miami Jonesboro PTA Group To See Film Monday Night JONESBORO J. C. Knight Parent-Teacher Association will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday. Members of Boy Scout Troop 139 Feature of.

present the meeting program. will be will a a film shown by Mrs. Gladys Davis, executive secretary of the Grant County Tuberculosis Asso-! ciation. Mrs. Everett Sanborn, president, will conduct the meeting and devotions will be led by the Rev.

George Manley, Methodist pastor. Hosts To November Opportunity Meeting JONESBORO Mrs. John Lucas entertained the meeting of the Opportunity Home Demonstration club at her on W. 6th Street. Mrs.

Ned Hardy introduced Mrs. Gladys Davis, of Marion who showed slides. Members voted to purchase a TB bond. Mrs. Gerald Thomas gave the lesson on flower arrangements and winter bouquets and had several containers on display.

Newly. elected officers are Mrs. Ned Hardy, president; Mrs. Elvin Miller, president; Mrs. John Lucas, secretary-treasurer: Mrs.

Frank Brumley and Mrs. Harry Williams, reporters and Mrs. Guy Holladay, pianist and song leader. Plans were made for the, annual Christmas dinner party held at the Winslow farm 'home west of Fairmount Dec. 16, at 1 p.m.

Committee is composed of Mrs. Elvin. Miller. Mrs. Guy Hol-1 laday, Mrs.

Gerald Thomas. Mrs. E. W. Ryan.

and Mrs. Frank Brumley. Child Study Club Planning Yule Party JONESBORO Mrs. Thomas entertained Child Study club night at her home on W. 6th.

Street. Mrs. Wayne Brown was the assistant hostess. Members voted to purchase a TB Bond. Plans were discussed for the annual Christmas party to be held Dec.

17 at the home of Mrsr Oda Cragun. Mrs. Betty Miller will be co-hostess. Mrs. William Harris and Mrs.

Harold Willen will have lesson and entertainment. A gift exchange will be held. Mrs. John Lucas gave the lesson topic on "Help For Troubled Children." Mrs. Ted Layman was in charge of entertainment.

Mrs. Shoemaker and Airs. Richard Huston won PONTIAC 'Sales Service Parts MOTOR SALES Your PONTIAC Dealer. 312 West And St. A a QUALITY DEALER AWARD.

Dalton Howard, regional area includes 187 dealers in a center, holds the Quality Dealer Award four -state area, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky presented to. Howard Auto Sales and Ser- and West Virginia. It is presented in recogvice by the Chrysler Motors Corp. It was nition for outstanding sales, service and the third consecutive year, in which the parts sales. Others in the picture, left to Marion automobile agency has been pre- right, are Don Powell and Sam Donaldson, sented the award.

It is one of only three in sales; Howard, and Joe Dovin and Joe the Cincinnati regional district receiving Howard, service managers. (Chroniclethe award in three consecutive years. The Tribune Photo) Times Have Changed! Women Are Firmly In The Driver's Seat As Dictators Of Styling For Automobiles DETROIT Women are in the driver's seat as never before and are exerting an ever increasing influence upon automobile "It wasn't feminine too many years that the influence cars was- largely confined to a stern voice from the back, seat commanding Dad to turn to the right or the left: or slow says William L. Mitchell, G.M vice president in charge of styling. "Today, the woman has moved to the front seat of the car, drives it half the time in many cases has her own car: We esti-1 mate that women today cast the final vote in three out.

of every four car purchases." GM, which was the first in the industry to employ. women- designers on its styling staff, listens carefully to these college trained "Damsels of Design" who work with men designers in shaping cars of tomorrow. Mitchell credits his women designers for helping create the soft, tasteful interiors of GM's 1960 cars. They' have been the strongest advocates of the sixway power seat, better placement of dashboard control knobs. more readable instrument dials and easier to clean interiors, he says.

"One of our women designers There Are Ways To Beat Winter Starting Problems The approach of winter or means that many motorists again, will be faced 'with car starting problems. The Chicago Motor Club points out, however, that many of these starting problems can be eliminated if motorists take the time to thoroughly condition their cars for the rigors of cold weather driving. The club also offers the following suggestions: -Don't grind your starter. Most motorists are unaware that continuous use of the starter for periods exceeding 30 to 45 seconds is detrimental to the battery. The best starting procedure.

is to make repeated attempts, lowing for 30 to 60 second rest periods for battery between tries. After the car does start, warm up the motor by letting it idle for several minutes. Never race a. cold motor. -Avoid constant pumping of the accelerator when the starter is engaged.

This only results in flooding the engine, causing ficult starting and heavy battery strain. If the engine is flooded. always wait several minutes before attempting to start your car again. -To keep your gas line from freezing, add 8 ounces of grain alcohol or approved commercial; equivalent to' every other full tank of gasoline. Get Our Expert Buick BRAKE ADJUSTMENT FOR SAFE, SURE STOPS EVERYTIME Why.

take chances with faulty brakes? Let our skilled craftsmen perform the following services on your car: Remove wheel, inspect brake lining: Carefully equalize brakes of all wheels; Fill master CXlinder with correct fluid: Give your car a thorough brake test. and $240 If Materials Necessary Extra JAMES MATTHEWS, INC. Your BUICK Dealer For Over 23 Years North On By-Pass Phone NO 2-6679 -When standing in traffic, put tant, auto makers: have turned the car in neutral and step on the driving from a. chore to a de accelerator to keep your lightful. experience suited to a from discharging.

This is parti- woman's taste. Women's enthucularly important during win- siasm had much to do with the ter months because much of growth of the automatic transa motorist's driving is done with mission (now being installed on lights, windshield wipers, defrost-85 per cent of 'new cars), power er, radio, and heater functioning steering, power brakes, etc. simultaneously all combining! What's ahead in further drivto put a severe strain on the carting improvements which will battery. please both men and women? is working in our advanced search studio. helping create body designs for cars of tomorrow, Mitchell declares.

"I see a mendous future for young: women in auto design and urge girl with artistic talent to consider it. First step is to attend good design school." What's responsible for the dramatic rise in deminine influence upon automobiles? Three main things, Mitchell says: First, a general feminine surge in activity in politics, culture and business. There 22 million women employed the United States one third the national labor force and million more women employed than at the peak of World War Second. the mass national move to the suburbs has made it perative for women to drive. Over 40 per cent of the nation's drivers licenses are held by women.

Third, and perhaps most impor- Mitchell disowns crystal ball gaz-1 ing because "changes happen so caickly in our industry" but points to the improvements on GM's Firebird III car of the future as possible hints of tomorrow's car. Firebird III has a single stick system which eliminates accelerator, steering wheel and pedal and gives unbelievable ease of driving. It has electronically controlled heating and cooling which would allow a driver to go from the North Pole to the equator and enjoy a single comfortable temperature. Mitchell gets lots of letters from women suggesting car improvements and would like to receive more. He can be reached at Genferal Motors, Detroit, Michigan.

3 Get our estimate first on YOUR BUMP WORK QUICKLY, CAREFULLY DONE BY EXPERTS 1 A car with a dinged fender, You'll be pleased as punch or dished -in deck can look with our reasonable prices years older than it really is; you'll be delighted with our And there's no need to let your high quality work. See us soon car wear these "battle for that "like-new" look. 1. FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED EASY CREDIT TERMS INSURANCE CLAIMS ENAMEL PAINT ngines, BAKED NO DOWN PAYMENT PLAN No Cash Needed A IS WELL WORTH KEPT MORE CAR Low Monthly Payments WHEN YOU TRADE your friendly FORD DEALER Hawkins FORD SALES See Les Detrick, Body Shop, Mgr. "Service Is Our Policy" 3rd Nebraska Phone NO 2-2561 43.

1 AHI Down Automobile Lane English. raiders stepped up activity in the area. Moving southward toward Miami, the tour comes to Daytona Beach, another popular Atlantic. coast resort. Thei resort is famous for beach driv.

ing and'. auto races on the hard-! packed sand. The beach is 23 miles long and 500 feet wide at! low tide. Palm Beach and West Palm Beach are fashionable, winter resorts that retain a quiet charm and peacefulness while offering many resort activities. Roads and boulevards in West Palm Beach are lined with royal and coconut palms.

Magnificent homes of wealthy and famous persons are at West Palm Beach. Fort Lauderdale, another seaside. resort on Florida's eastern coast, has 270 miles of inland waterways. One-tenth of the city area is water surface, and the city is honeycombed with rivers, bays, inlets, and canals. Its claim that it: has the nation's largest municipal yacht basin is justified.

Row upon row of brightly colored cabanas- lining the beach are a well-known Fort Lauderdale scene. 5. Miami's population has doubled in the past few decades and now the city is the largest in the state. Miami's, rapid resort growth center as is a an amazing story of almost Cinderella-like 'developement. In 1910 the population was less than 5,500 but by 1930 the city had increased 20-fold! A multi-million dollar investment by far-sighted industrialists raised Miami and Miami Beach from the swamps and made them gleaming recreation palaces.

Miami Beach. contains one-quarter of Florida's hotel rooms, and can accommodate three times its 'normal population. In addition to their abundant sunshine, miles of beaches, lavish hotels, and tropical environment, Miami and Miami Beach boast extensive recreational facilites and renowned night life, entertainment. The nation's leading stars appear at the many hotel clubs, cabarets, and cafes. Fishing of all kinds is available in the area, including the deepsea variety.

Tourists have caught such big game fish as marlin, wahoo, sailfish, tuna, bonito, and others. 'The winter fishing tournament begins about the middle of January and runs to the middle of April. Jai alai. a popular spectator sport in Miami, is played in the Riscayne Fronton each night from, Dec. 25 to early April.

Greyhound dog races start at three tracks about the first of Decem-1 ber and last until June. Hialeah Park, an unusual and horse racing track, opens Jan. 16. The season closes March 2. The setting of the park is one of tropical plants, palm trees, and formal gardens, lawns, a drives.

Tropical birds, a large flock of pink flamingoes, inhabit a lake in the park. The 26th annual Orange Bowl football game will be played Jan. 1, and many special events having to do with Orange Bowl festivities will take place in late December. The Miami seaquarium affords visitors an exciting view of large sea creatures and hourly performances of trained porpoises and sea lions. One of the features of the Seaquarium is the feeding time show.

Divers the tank to feed sharks, rays. turtles, and other varieties. Everglades National Park some 1,529,361 acres on the southern tip of Florida, pre. serves the largest remaining subtropical wilderness in this country. There are many rare birds and tropical flora located in.

this watery region. Leaving Miami and returning home vou take U. S. 41. U.

S. 19, U. S. 221, Ga. 33, Ga.

133, U. 19, 0. S. 82, Ga. 55, U.

S. 280, U. S. 231, U. 431.

U. S. 31A, U. S. 41A, U.

S. 31W, Kentucky County road and Ind. 9. Turnpike, U. S.

31E. U.S. S. 31, CAR TALK GET I'M YOUR SO WHEELS 'DIZZY' ALIGNED! 9 Out-of-line wheels cause steering problems and needless waste of rubber! Our wheel alignment and balancing equipment is the latest our line up man is an expert. WHEEL 3 Scientific ALIGNMENT HOWARD AUTO SALES Dealer For mouth-Desoto-Renault 8th Adams St.

Phone NO 4-1321 By JOHN BUNKER Good morning everyone. Now that we've had our first taste of winter weather let's pass the rest of the course and order up a large helping of Spring. Central Chevrolet, Inc. were hosts Thursday evening at a parts and service party for the garage and service station people of this area. Movles, entertainment and eats were on the house.

Sam Rumple, mechanic at Central Chevrolet, was in Cincinnad two days this week attending the General Motors Training Center. Vic Huston, of H. Motor isn't speaking to us this week. and Marion Baumgardner could pass as a pretty, good hunter, all because we worked a switch on their hunting story last week. Sorry Vic! We understand that Marion would have liked to borrow a couple of those rabbits.

BUY YOUR FARM NEEDS NOW ri Annual Farm Savings Sale now in progress on Havoline and Texaco Motor. and Greases. OREN R. MORROW, Ph. NO 4-7688 I TEXACO INC.

CON Consignee Marion, Indiana A Copeland Motor Sales are now in their new location at 1007 South Washington. they are still retaining their old location also. Bud Copeland is keeping 1 the sidewalk hot between the two places. Ilene Sheridan, bookkeeper at Copeland's just-. got- her- office moved to the new place in time to take off Thursday and Friday for Cincinnati to.

attend an, accounting school session. Kenny Pence, Service re Manager, was in Indianapolis, Thursday evening for an American Motors, tre- meeting. Starting Monday, -Elda Bur. any nau, mechanic and alignment man will join Copeland's. a Arthur Coleman, salesman at Copeland Motor Sales had guests from Florida a couple of days this week, his son, Dr.

Harold Coleman and family were on their way to up- California. art, are At Barker Sales, Max Wiesin mantel attended a Chrysler servof ice meeting in Indianapolis 2.7 Thursday and Friday. Salesman II. Bob Huneck, the big game hunter, (caught mouse. at his house) swears he's going back to golf just as soon the; temperature hits 50 degrees, l' Pat Blaugher.

salesman at Barker Sales will be visiting tives in Bloomington, this weekend. Sam Donaldson, salesman at Howard Auto Sales, claims that his. golf clubs are waxed and stashed away until spring--spring could come as early as Thanksgiving, for Sam if Don Powell: should happen to prod him a litde. The Hawkins Ford Sales boys don't need a backyard for a barbecue, they, staged one at the shop. Thursday eve ning, compliments of Kendall Oil.

Heavy Hardin, salesman at Hawkins Ford attended Kokomo 1 Ford Meeting at Wednesday. Barney Hawkins is in Kentucky on a hunting trip. Hawkins Ford Salesmen, Chuck Head, 'Fred Steiner and Jim Cory went hunting this week--must have been at night, since the boss was out of town. Jim Cory got a rabbit and a quail, which is pretty good shooting after dark. h.

That just about takes care of the activity along Automobile Lane for this week so we'll again you to drive carefully, pecially when the traffic picks up for the Thanksgiving holiday. Complete AUTO Service and BODY REPAIR By Experienced Mechanics HUTCHISON AUTO SERVICE 916 Montpelier Pike Dial NO 4-7455 Expert -Motor Tune Up -Carburetor Repairs. -Brake Adjustments or Relining -Transmission Repairing -Motor Overhaul -Repairing or. Replacing of Clutch Use Your First National Credit PETE'S Motor Service 17th Adams, Pete Beckius, Prop. Phone NO.

4-4560 GET READY 5 TE NOW FOR COLD WEATHER DRIVING TO DRIVE With A CareFree Mind And A Trouble-Free Don't Wait, Get It Ready Motor Expert Mechanics Can Put New Life, in that motor. it run like new Save costly repairs. Scientific Wheel Alignment and Balancing. Auto Painting Wide Selection of Colors. Body Fender Repair Straighten Dents and Touch Up Paint Wash Polish Protect the finish on your car.

1:2. 4 BLUE CORAL A SPECIALTY FREE ESTIMATES CENTRAL CHEVROLET, Inc. 221 W. 2nd St. Phone NO 2-6696 ne 3 of 1 44.

contest prizes. A white elephant sale was held with Mrs. Maxi Vanderpool acting as auctioner. Church Class Plans Thanksgiving Basket JONESBORO Loyal Crusaders of Jonesboro Friends Church held its November meeting in the church social rooms with Mrs. Robert Farr and Mrs.

Guy Elkins hostesses. A cooperative supper was served. Folowing the meal the group prepared dresses for mailing to girls at Wyndotte Indian School in Oklahoma. Plans were made to prepare a Thanksgiving basket for a worthy! family. The basket is to be taken to Mrs.

Paul Sutphin who will deliver the basket to the family. Mrs. Ernest Johnson gave the lesson and read the 100th Psalm. Mrs. Watson Jay received the door prize.

PERSONALS JONESBORO John who is attending mortician at Indianapolis visited here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sutphin. Mrs. and Mrs.

Bascom Larkey and family are visiting here with his brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Larkey of Secon Ave. and Mr. and Mrs.

Lawrence Mcnu*tt. Their son, Richard, a student at Rio Grand College, Ohio, is on one of the teams that participated in the basketball tourney at Taylor University. Toastmasters Hear Three Speakers Dr. John Vogel, president, Printis Owens and Walter man were speakers at the Marion Toastmasters Club meeting Thursday in the Community Memorial Building. Topic master for the meeting, which was attended by area.

toastmaster council mem-. bers, was Floyd Sellers, Gas City. Guests were from Elwood. Muncie, Anderson and Hartford City. GOOD REASONS 4 WHY 2 You Should Buy Your BRAKE Parts Equipment at Complete Facilities Latest -Equipment Guaranteed Service Grant County's Brake Experts BALLARD BRAKE AND EQUIPMENT 1316 W.

8th Ph. NO 8-8188 I LP. 5 I Hearing On Ditch Report Set Tuesday Public hearing on the survey: or's report on Big Walnut Creek; will be conducted at 10 a.m. Tuesday on the third floor of the courthouse. The ditch is one off the largest drainage projects proposed in Grant Surveyor Jason Haynes estim-1 ates the project will cost $50,000.

The ditch in Grant County is al continuation of the Owen K. Smith ditch in Blackford County' which is more than half completed. 1 ATF 4 Soil La.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

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Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.