Easy Gremolata Recipe (and Ideas for using Gremolata) (2024)

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This post will give you my Easy Gremolata Recipe and ideas for using this amazing fresh-herb condiment that adds so much flavor. And this recipe for the fresh-herb sauce called Gremolata uses ingredients that are available any time of year!

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Easy Gremolata Recipe (and Ideas for using Gremolata) (1)

Anyone who’s been following my blog for a while already knows that I’m a fresh herb enthusiast! If you’re a cook who’s discovered the wonderful way that cooking with fresh herbs can enhance the flavor of foods without adding fat or calories, then it won’t be hard to understand why I think everyone should try this Easy Gremolata Recipe. This is one of my favorite flavor-boosting herb mixtures to make with fresh parsley!

And when I mentioned I was making Gremolata to several friends and family members, I discovered that many people don’t know even know about this tasty fresh herb sauce! So this post is my Public Service Announcement for everyone who hasn’t discovered Gremolata yet.

And best of all, in the dead of winter when fresh herbs are expensive and hard to come by, you can always get lemons, garlic, and fresh parsley to make Gremolata and bring a touch of summer to your cooking.

What is Gremolata?

Gremolata is an easy-to-make lemon, garlic, and fresh herb sauce. And this simple but profound combination that usually includes finely minced fresh lemon peel, minced fresh garlic, and minced fresh parsley adds freshness and a little zing to any food you sprinkle it on.

What ingredients do you need?

(This is only a list of ingredients; please scroll down for complete printable recipe. Or if you use the JUMP TO RECIPE link at the top of the page, it will take you directly to the complete recipe.)

  • fresh lemon, preferably organic
  • fresh parsley
  • cloves of garlic

What kind of parsley is best for this Gremolata Recipe?

Purists would probably use Italian flat-leaf parsley for this fresh parsley condiment. But I am an equal-opportunity parsley lover, and I’d enjoy it with curly parsley just as much, so use either one you prefer.

How to make Gremolata to your own taste:

Gremolata is one of those herb mixtures like Basil Pesto where you can certainly adapt the proportions to your own taste, although Jake and I experimented with the amounts a few times on this recipe for a combination we thought was just right. If you’re extra fond of lemon, garlic, or parsley you can definitely use more of your preferred ingredient in your version.

Can you make Gremolata with other herbs?

Gremolata is also sometimes made with mint, basil, or even cilantro if you’d like to experiment with those herbs.

Easy Gremolata Recipe (and Ideas for using Gremolata) (2)

How to make this Easy Gremolata Recipe:

(This is only a summary of the steps for the recipe; please scroll down for complete printable recipe. Or if you use the JUMP TO RECIPE link at the top of the page, it will take you directly to the complete recipe.)

  1. Start with a nice fresh lemon (preferably organic) and use your sharpest vegetable peeler to shave off the skin. (Squeeze the lemon juice and freeze it for later!)
  2. Then use your sharpest chef’s knife to finely mince the lemon peel and the fresh parsley and garlic. (Wonderful knife skills of Jake are being demonstrated here.)
  3. This photo shows you the proportions of garlic, lemon, and Parsley that we thought made a good combination.
  4. Then mix together the finely minced lemon peel, garlic, and parsley to make your Gremolata.
  5. That’s all there is to it! Sprinkle 1-2 tablespoons of Gremolata over meat, fish, chicken, pasta, vegetables, or just about any food where you’d like a burst of fresh flavor.
  6. Below are some ideas for using that tasty Gremolata once you’ve made it.

Gremolata with Meat, Chicken, or Fish:

Vegetarian Uses for Gremolata:

Easy Gremolata Recipe (and Ideas for using Gremolata) (3)

Yield: Makes about 5 tablespoons

Easy Gremolata Recipe

Prep Time15 minutes

Total Time15 minutes

Gremolata is a condiment made of chopped fresh herbs that adds amazing flavor to meat, fish, chicken, and vegetables.



  • 1 fresh lemon, preferably organic
  • 1/2 bunch fresh parsley, either flat Italian parsley or regular curly parsley
  • 2 cloves garlic

Proportions We Liked Best:

  • (All proportions in this recipe are too taste, but these amounts are what Jake and I thought were just right.)
  • 1 T finely minced lemon peel
  • 1/4 cup finely minced parsley
  • 2 tsp. finely minced garlic


  1. Using a very sharp vegetable peeler, peel the lemon, taking care not to get the white part that’s right under the peel. (Squeeze the lemon andfreeze the juice.)
  2. Using your sharpest chef’s knife, finely mince the lemon peel until you have 1 tablespoon finely minced lemon peel.
  3. Wash the parsley if needed and spin dry with salad spinner, or dry with paper towels.
  4. Mince the parsley until you have 1/4 cup finely minced parsley.
  5. Smash the garlic cloves with the side of your knife to break them apart, then finely mince the garlic until you have 2 teaspoons finely minced garlic.
  6. Combine the finely minced lemon peel, parsley, and garlic in a small bowl and use to sprinkle over cooked fish, chicken, vegetables, pasta, or other foods.


Gremolata will keep in the fridge for a day, but it’s best freshly made.Recipe created by Kalyn.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving:Calories: 18Total Fat: 0gSaturated Fat: 0gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 0gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 6mgCarbohydrates: 5gFiber: 1gSugar: 1gProtein: 1g

Nutrition information is automatically calculated by the Recipe Plug-In I am using. I am not a nutritionist and cannot guarantee 100% accuracy, since many variables affect those calculations.

Did you make this recipe?

Did you make this recipe? Please leave a star rating (under the PRINT button in the recipe) or share a photo of your results on Instagram! THANKS!

Easy Gremolata Recipe (and Ideas for using Gremolata) (4)

Low-Carb Diet / Low-Glycemic Diet / South Beach Diet Suggestions:
Gremolata is a great way to flavor foods without any added fat or calories, and it would be a perfect condiment for pretty much any kind of eating plan.

Find More Recipes Like This One:
Use Sauce Recipes to find more recipes like this one. Use the Diet Type Index to find recipes suitable for a specific eating plan. You might also like to follow Kalyn’s Kitchen on Pinterest, on Facebook, on Instagram, on TikTok, or on YouTube to see all the good recipes I’m sharing there.

Historical Notes for this Recipe:
This delicious Gremolata recipe was first posted in 2013, and I have made it many times since then. The recipe was last updated with more information in 2024.

Easy Gremolata Recipe (and Ideas for using Gremolata) (5)

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Easy Gremolata Recipe (and Ideas for using Gremolata) (2024)


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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.