Washington SNOTEL Snowpack Update Report (2024)

Washington SNOTEL Snowpack Update Report
Based on Mountain Data from NRCS SNOTEL Sites
**Provisional data, subject to revision**
Data based on the first reading of the day (typically 00:00) for Thursday, June 06, 2024
Site Name
Snow Water Equivalent Percent of
Sherwin 3200 0.0 0.0 9.6(29) Mar 06(29) * 0*
Ragged Mountain 4210 0.0 0.0(14) 22.8(14) Apr 01(14) * 0*
Humboldt Gulch 4250 0.0 0.0 11.7(29) Mar 16(29) * 0*
Mica Creek 4510 0.0 0.0 23.0(29) Mar 29(29) * 0*
Quartz Peak 4700 0.0 0.0 21.5 Mar 25 * 0*
Lookout 5190 0.0 0.0 26.7 Apr 09 * 0*
Mosquito Ridge 5260 0.1 1.4 34.2(29) Apr 15(29) 7* 0*
Sunset 5540 0.0 0.0 23.0 Apr 15 * 0*
Lost Lake 6110 24.1 26.2 55.2 Apr 23 92 44
Basin Index (%) 88*
Quartz Peak 4700 0.0 0.0 21.5 Mar 25 * 0*
Bunchgrass Mdw 5000 2.2 3.4 29.3 Apr 17 65 8
Hidden Lake 5040 2.0 0.0(20) 36.1(20) Apr 15(20) * 6*
Mosquito Ridge 5260 0.1 1.4 34.2(29) Apr 15(29) 7* 0*
Schweitzer Basin 6090 17.4 21.8 51.0 Apr 21 80 34
Basin Index (%) 82*
Swamp Creek 3930 0.0 0.0(21) 19.0(21) Mar 20(21) * 0*
Gold Mountain 4390 0.0 N/A N/A N/A * *
Salmon Meadows 4460 0.0 0.0 10.5 Mar 27 * 0*
Muckamuck 4470 0.0 N/A N/A N/A * *
Sentinel Butte 4680 0.0 0.0(17) 10.7(17) Apr 04(17) * 0*
Rainy Pass 4890 0.7 13.2 39.6 Apr 18 5 2
Moses Mtn 5010 0.0 0.0(29) 16.7(29) Apr 09(29) * 0*
Gold Axe Camp 5360 0.0 0.0(10) 11.8(10) Apr 05(10) * 0*
Harts Pass 6490 16.0 18.6 47.9 Apr 27 86 33
Basin Index (%) 53*
Trinity 2930 0.0 0.0(10) 33.6(10) Mar 19(10) * 0*
Fish Lake 3430 0.0 0.0 30.4 Mar 28 * 0*
Pope Ridge 3590 0.0 0.0 17.3 Mar 17 * 0*
Stevens Pass 3950 0.0 0.6 38.0 Mar 30 0* 0*
Blewett Pass 4240 0.0 0.0 15.0 Mar 12 * 0*
Upper Wheeler 4330 0.0 0.0 12.9 Mar 30 * 0*
Park Creek Ridge 4600 0.0 0.0 49.2 Apr 10 * 0*
Rainy Pass 4890 0.7 13.2 39.6 Apr 18 5 2
Grouse Camp 5390 0.0 0.0 20.2 Mar 28 * 0*
Trough 5480 0.0 0.0 11.6 Mar 30 * 0*
Lyman Lake 5980 18.7 41.2 66.0 Apr 29 45 28
Basin Index (%) 35*
Fish Lake 3430 0.0 0.0 30.4 Mar 28 * 0*
Stampede Pass 3850 0.0 4.8 38.2 Apr 11 0 0
Olallie Meadows 4030 14.3 16.2 55.9 Apr 17 88 26
Blewett Pass 4240 0.0 0.0 15.0 Mar 12 * 0*
Sasse Ridge 4340 0.0 0.0 32.0 Apr 07 * 0*
Grouse Camp 5390 0.0 0.0 20.2 Mar 28 * 0*
Trough 5480 0.0 0.0 11.6 Mar 30 * 0*
Basin Index (%) 68*
White Pass E.S. 4440 0.0 0.0(29) 22.6 Apr 05 * 0*
Bumping Ridge 4610 0.0 0.0 28.6 Apr 07 * 0*
Sawmill Ridge 4640 0.0 0.0(14) 40.3(14) Apr 11(14) * 0*
Cayuse Pass 5240 12.6 26.7(14) 65.3(14) Apr 19(14) 47 19
Morse Lake 5410 20.9 29.3 57.8 Apr 21 71 36
Corral Pass 5800 7.4 23.0(29) 38.2(29) Apr 25(29) 32 19
Pigtail Peak 5800 25.5 32.6 59.2 Apr 29 78 43
Green Lake 5920 0.0 0.0 25.2 Apr 15 * 0*
Basin Index (%) 59
Satus Pass 3960 0.0 N/A N/A N/A * *
Lost Horse 5120 0.0 0.0 19.0 Mar 28 * 0*
Indian Rock 5360 0.0 0.0(12) 30.7(11) Mar 30(11) * 0*
Green Lake 5920 0.0 0.0 25.2 Apr 15 * 0*
Basin Index (%) *
Satus Pass 3960 0.0 N/A N/A N/A * *
Potato Hill 4510 3.9 0.0 32.0 Apr 03 * 12*
Lost Horse 5120 0.0 0.0 19.0 Mar 28 * 0*
Indian Rock 5360 0.0 0.0(12) 30.7(11) Mar 30(11) * 0*
Green Lake 5920 0.0 0.0 25.2 Apr 15 * 0*
Basin Index (%) *
Sourdough Gulch 4000 0.0 0.0(20) 2.0(20) Jan 22(20) * 0*
Bowman Springs 4530 -M 0.0 7.4 Mar 04 * *
County Line 4830 0.1 0.0 5.0 Feb 27 * 2*
High Ridge 4920 -M 0.0 25.7 Mar 28 * *
Beaver Reservoir 5150 0.0 0.0 11.4 Mar 26 * 0*
Schneider Meadows 5400 0.1 0.0 27.4 Mar 30 * 0*
Touchet 5530 0.0 0.0 30.7 Apr 10 * 0*
Milk Shakes 5580 9.4 5.9(13) 45.4(13) Apr 19(13) 159 21
Wolf Creek 5630 -M 0.0 16.6 Apr 03 * *
Spruce Springs 5700 0.0 0.0(20) 14.7(19) Mar 30(19) * 0*
Taylor Green 5740 -M 0.0 21.2 Apr 01 * *
Moss Springs 5760 0.0 0.0 26.4 Apr 09 * 0*
Aneroid Lake #2 7400 11.2 13.6 26.0 Apr 30 82 43
Mt. Howard 7910 0.6 2.6 20.6 Apr 25 23 3
Basin Index (%) 97*
Pepper Creek 2140 0.0 0.0(13) 9.7(13) Mar 03(13) * 0*
Calamity 2500 0.0 0.0(12) 5.9(12) Mar 08(12) * 0*
Spencer Meadow 3400 0.0 0.0 32.3 Mar 28 * 0*
June Lake 3440 5.8 0.0 45.4 Apr 03 * 13*
Spirit Lake 3520 0.0 0.0 11.3 Mar 04 * 0*
Skate Creek 3770 0.0 N/A N/A N/A * *
Lone Pine 3930 16.3 9.2 41.9 Apr 15 177 39
Sheep Canyon 3990 19.9 0.2 40.0 Apr 07 9950* 50*
Surprise Lakes 4290 15.5 10.0 49.0 Apr 10 155 32
Pinto Rock 4440 0.3 N/A N/A N/A * *
Swift Creek 4440 54.5 35.4(18) 72.5(18) Apr 22(18) 154 75
White Pass E.S. 4440 0.0 0.0(29) 22.6 Apr 05 * 0*
Potato Hill 4510 3.9 0.0 32.0 Apr 03 * 12*
Paradise 5130 48.9 57.2 81.6 May 04 85 60
Cayuse Pass 5240 12.6 26.7(14) 65.3(14) Apr 19(14) 47 19
Morse Lake 5410 20.9 29.3 57.8 Apr 21 71 36
Pigtail Peak 5800 25.5 32.6 59.2 Apr 29 78 43
Basin Index (%) 112*
Huckleberry Creek 2250 0.0 0.0(23) 3.9(23) Feb 09(23) * 0*
Mowich 3160 0.0 0.0(22) 3.8(22) Feb 25(22) * 0*
Cougar Mountain 3200 0.0 0.0 17.7 Mar 22 * 0*
Meadows Pass 3230 0.0 0.0(27) 30.3(27) Mar 28(27) * 0*
Skate Creek 3770 0.0 N/A N/A N/A * *
Rex River 3810 0.0 0.0(24) 40.4(24) Apr 07(24) * 0*
Stampede Pass 3850 0.0 4.8 38.2 Apr 11 0 0
Lynn Lake 3900 0.0 0.0(13) 29.3(13) Apr 16(13) * 0*
Burnt Mountain 4170 0.0 0.0(21) 20.0(21) Apr 06(21) * 0*
Sawmill Ridge 4640 0.0 0.0(14) 40.3(14) Apr 11(14) * 0*
Paradise 5130 48.9 57.2 81.6 May 04 85 60
Cayuse Pass 5240 12.6 26.7(14) 65.3(14) Apr 19(14) 47 19
Morse Lake 5410 20.9 29.3 57.8 Apr 21 71 36
Corral Pass 5800 7.4 23.0(29) 38.2(29) Apr 25(29) 32 19
Basin Index (%) 64*
Mount Gardner 2920 0.0 0.0(27) 17.1(27) Mar 16(27) * 0*
Tinkham Creek 2990 0.0 0.0(27) 28.4(27) Mar 28(27) * 0*
Cougar Mountain 3200 0.0 0.0 17.7 Mar 22 * 0*
Meadows Pass 3230 0.0 0.0(27) 30.3(27) Mar 28(27) * 0*
Skookum Creek 3310 0.0 0.0(24) 41.2(24) Apr 08(24) * 0*
Alpine Meadows 3500 13.1 26.9(26) 58.7(26) Apr 19(26) 49 22
Rex River 3810 0.0 0.0(24) 40.4(24) Apr 07(24) * 0*
Stevens Pass 3950 0.0 0.6 38.0 Mar 30 0* 0*
Olallie Meadows 4030 14.3 16.2 55.9 Apr 17 88 26
Basin Index (%) 63*
Hozomeen Camp 1690 -M N/A N/A N/A * *
Elbow Lake 3040 0.0 0.0(25) 40.5(25) Apr 01(25) * 0*
Marten Ridge 3520 4.7 27.2(14) 67.2(14) Apr 16(14) 17 7
Beaver Pass 3630 2.2 10.6(19) 44.3(19) Apr 09(19) 21 5
Swamp Creek 3930 0.0 0.0(21) 19.0(21) Mar 20(21) * 0*
Wells Creek 4030 5.8 5.2(24) 35.7(23) Apr 12(23) 112 16
Thunder Basin 4320 0.0 0.4 30.4 Apr 06 0* 0*
Rainy Pass 4890 0.7 13.2 39.6 Apr 18 5 2
MF Nooksack 4970 32.9 44.5(18) 72.4(18) May 03(18) 74 45
Easy Pass 5270 -M 75.2(10) 103.2(10) Apr 27(10) * *
Brown Top 5830 18.6 47.3(11) 72.6(11) Apr 25(11) 39 26
Lyman Lake 5980 18.7 41.2 66.0 Apr 29 45 28
Harts Pass 6490 16.0 18.6 47.9 Apr 27 86 33
Basin Index (%) 48
Mount Crag 3960 0.2 0.0 32.4 Apr 09 * 1*
Dungeness 4010 0.0 0.0(21) 9.9(21) Mar 15(21) * 0*
Buckinghorse 4870 12.8 24.6(12) 62.7(12) Apr 17(12) 52 20
Waterhole 5010 0.0 12.4(21) 43.8(21) Apr 21(21) 0 0
Basin Index (%) 35

-M= Missing data.
*= Analysis may not provide a valid measure of conditions.
N/A= Not available.

Footnotes for median and average:
(##)= If less than 30 years are available, this value specifies the number of years used for the median and average calculations.
Sites with less than 10 years available do not have medians or averages.

The snow water equivalent percent of median (or average) represents the current snow water
equivalent found at selected SNOTEL sites in or near the basin compared to the median (or average) value
for those sites on this day.

The snow water equivalent percent of median (or average) peak represents the current
snow water equivalent at selected SNOTEL sites in or near the basin compared to the median (or average)
of the maximum seasonal values observed each water year for those sites.

Contact your state water supply staff for assistance.

Medians and averages are calculated for the period 1991-2020.

Provisional data, subject to revision.
* Site -- Either: (a) the current value is missing; (b) the median or average for the day is not available or is zero; or (c) for snow water equivalent, the median or average for the day is less than 10% of the maximum median or average value for the year.

* Basin - More than half of the stations for a basin with normals report missing or invalid data.

The basin index is calculated as the sum of the valid current values divided by the sum of the corresponding medians or averages and the resulting fraction multiplied by 100.

Washington SNOTEL Snowpack Update Report (2024)


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.