The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)

THE SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER: FRIDAY, AUGUST 28. 1942 Far Want Ads SUtter 2424 CCCC For Want Ach in Oakland TEmplcbir 2424 20 S3 ELP WANTED WOMEN 83JHELP WANTED WOMEJI OPERATORS COMPTOMETER' 7SSituations Wanted IbyJMen EXECUTIVE S5 years broad business experience, im lulling office management, accounting, personnel, selling and su-periniendartce. seeks no it ion of responsibility, pox Kx. i S3 HELP WANTED WOMEN HOW TO FIND JOBS Read tht ads In this claasiflca- tlon daily. Call on prospective employers in person.

Run mall Situations Wanted Ad in The ExHininer. Now you can do all three at the same time by using an Examiner Want Ad Service Bureau telephone number in your ad. Each day courteous, efficient secretary an swers the phone from 0 a. m. to 6 p.

m. and keeps a record of calls. You may phone her as often as you wisb during the day for pour replies. Situations Wanted Ads cost little as $1.34 for an entire week THERE IS NO EXTRA CHARGE for this telephone service, Just phone SUtter 2424, ask fori the Want Ad Department. Or come in The Examiner Office st Third and Market Streets today.

CTEmple Par 2424. Eapt Bay.) WOMEN EMPLOYMENT as service station saleswomen. Op portunity for valuable training and experience. Apply morninks. Standard Stations, inc.

PJ)OM 150 2H5 RCSHT PT WOM EX to work In local butter room. Steady employment. Expert ence preferred but not necessary rite Box 70H, Examiner. WOMEN to learn be a culture exchange for services. Mr.

Thomas California School. 108 Market. WOMEN or men roll edge machint operators; exier. 410 Piviadero YOCXU lady for delivery and foun tain In drug store. 1400 Kutt 84 Household Help Wanted ASST.

gen. hawk priv. bd assist care 1 child $40. 6E, 3222 CARE school age child, light house work, for working couple. Evenings off.

ISth Av. OV. H2H5. aft. 5 CLEANLVti in 4 HOc per hr, Weds, and Box 50:10.

Exam COOK C.ood Chinese and housekeeper for country home on ranch two hours from San Francisco. All mod ern conveniences. Small family here only part of time. No other help State wages, exeperience and refer ences. Address Gail Sheridan, El Solyo Ranch.

Vernalia, San Joaquin County. Calif. COOK DOWNSTAIRS or a i I good wages. 1 ee or out. WE.

1700. In COOK and gen'l. under 35 white; 2 in familyr board and room, 00 mo. WE. 0187.

CtMJK. downstairs work; small fam ly in peninsula; priv, room and bath: mo. EX. 7002. local 20 Cook.

downatairs and second maid. Call aft. 5 p. m. WA.

Ml 14 COOKING, housework. 1 adult; $45 sleep home. Box 7o0.i, Ex. COOK, general housework; and salary. WA.

HOOo. COOKING, housework; 3 adults; $75, Ref. reit. Laguna. COOK, good, clean, no warning; bsth; white; refs.

WA. 1207. COOK, for guest house; $H0 room ann ooarn. H.J4:; GIRL or woman to take full charge of 3 children, light no washing yqo Start. t'N.

70H GIRL or woman, refined, take ful chtf. 2 yr. old boy: light hawk. Ref 40 start. SK.

3308 GIRL to care for IX mo. baby, light duties, no cooking, week employed couple. Slv. 6781, aft. ft GIRL, school or liRht hawk.

care 2 small children: stay nishts small sal. MO. 017H. Giuti, reliable, assist hawk, rms. no took.

Must like children. Rm brd. Ref. req. OR.

1414. Rm. 405 GIRL, bus. or school, assial. hwwk.

Sleep In, $20. EL. 327 G1KL, for light housework. 2 adults 10-3. OV.

B258. GIRL, hou.sework. a. p. weekdays.

BA. 2340 after 7 p. GIRL Huh, or school. board, small sal. Stay in nights.

SK, o008 GIRL for light housework, Good wases. EX. 5747. HSKP. COOK Excel, pay.

Heautiful private mom and bath. In Berkeley. LA. 50088 HOUSEKEEPER, $70 etnnl. adults, girl 13: S.

refs 406 15th AV. bet. 9-11 a. m. cooking.

2 adults, help with child, live in oil. 7023. or out, 560. empl. couple, care of children; tight cooKing; $00.

Most Sat. -Sun. free. GA. 1224, Loc.

28 light, cooking, no washing; care of 1 child; $40; Sun off. SE. 3879 or MO. 0446. HOUSEKEEPER.

middleaged. lull charge: care 2 children. Private room, board and salary. EV. 6826 HOUSEWORK, general, no cooking.

good home Room, board, wages 4235 24th St. Mon. thru Fri, Sleep out. RA. 1 93.

care 2 child. NO COOKING Live in Snn Mateo. 41907. light, assist, 1 child; ri sal. 128 Stanyan.

BA. 0321. 9 to 5. ba. mm: 4 day week $30 month.

HOL'SE WORK, plain cooking. 3 in fam. Gd. sal. Refs.

WA. 4241 HOI'S EKEEPTR wanted for adults: no 'aundry. SE. 102 HSWK. in small full or pt.

time: abut, baby: live out. BA.0K21 sal. assist sm Los Altos. I. 4-3430 to noon HOl'SEWORK.

asst. cooking; adults, sleep out. OR. 82o7. Housekeeper, sleep in, sleep out, $10 week.

$8 week HE. 0220. HSKPR. cook, understands care baby. Pri.

rm. Good sal. EV. HSWK. Cooking, 3 adults; no laun, Priv.

bath. $00. E. H023. LADY, unencumbered.

35-50 for gen. hswk. on ranch; 175 ml. south of city. Ref.

req. No one not desiring to leave city need apply. Good wages. home. 2 adults.

Box Of 10. Examiner. LADY $5 per day, 3 day per week, live at home, 2 adults, pleasant atmosphere. general housework, soma washing, ironing; must be good cook. Box 8084.

Examiner. LAUNDRESS, experienced, Monday and Tuesday work. SK. 8484. MAID IN GUEST HOUSE.

CALL HE. 7430. MOTHER'S helper, high hool girl; $15 mo experienced With children. BA. 8260.

MOTHER'S helper, 16011. good home and pay. SE. MOTHER'S helper, eld. lady to care for I rhild.

2-7: $20 mo. MI. WOMAN, elderly, to keep house for working enple. 2 young girls: hoard, salary. WE.

2541 after 5 weekdays WOMAN, while, upstairs work anil assist with 2 children school no cooking; room, board, $65. References. WEst 5177. WOMAN, gen. fam.

of 4, inci. 2 high school boys: Must like pets. Ph. LOmbard evenings WOMAN, older It. cook.

board. $30 mo. WE. 1588 7-8 p. Son.

ft WOMAN-Care 2 children. $30 mo. 131 Sadowa St. WOMAN, elderly, for light hswk. with old lady.

Box 4624. Examiner. WOMAN, middle-agea. care for child Sunset District. SE.

5269. after 0. Colored woman to care 1 yr. baby. 5 day wk.

-( p.m. $40 mo. SU.9273 87 Employment Preparation For Women Plenty worg cnr. Trade cnooi. 1191 MARKET third floor.

POWER Machine Operator Needed. Enroll now. Short course. Low cost. HAZ MORE School.

1179 MARKET SS EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MEN CERTIFIED AGENCY 4 KE4RVV. no 0il0 Physician, ctry, license not necessary T. c. whls. foods.

Cost tnfg Asst. editor, prod. $150-1. marine insur S2O0 131 F. C.

bookkeepers $1 75-2QO EDUCATIONAL PACIFIC AUDIT PBX smi. hhnnnlK Include Tyixitig. COMPTOMETER 13 weeks With Typing end Billing PACIFIC AUDIT flWt. 57 PttST ST. OA.

DENTAL N'L'RSE. Become one in Dental Kurtei Train ins School, Pacific Bldg Market at 4th. GA. 7588. GRAMMAR, spell, vocabulary, Miss White.

1918 Herre. FI. 5.171. MUSICAL I NSTRUCTIO I'OPl "EAR piano. Christensen School ISO Powell.

8.K.. 1625 Oak. G0 TRADESCH00LS BECOME A WELDER 60 Hour Course for $75 Toil are given a 13 bour practice period to determine adaptability, write or telephone, nir vicwT rf RSF9 HEALD ENGINEERING COLLEGE! (Established 78 Tears.) VAX NESS AT POST. OR.

fiSOO ANCHOR OF TRADES. Oldest Welding School" 963 Harrison. EX. 6780, LEARN WELDING Day or night. ISORTH POIXT TRADE PCUlHiu 915 North Point F.

OR. 2920 WELDING. SHIPYARD, Commercial, Kaval. MORTON Welding srnool, 1641 MISSION ST. UX.

7012. BURNERS, SHIPFITTERS. Learn now. Calif. Trade School, 11 PI Market third floor.

POWER Machine Operators deeded. Enroll now. Short Course. Low cost. HAZ MORB SCTtOOU 1179 Market BARBER COURSES for men and women: earn full tuition, lnl 4 ft.

MODERN BARBER COLLEGE Pay while learning-. 6f fith St. 62 DANCING ACADEMIES DON MARQUIS OP STAGE AND SCREEN Dance with a unique Style. The Authentic Rumba, Samba. Tanuo Conca, Learn real Jitterbug and Swina.

Private and Social Oass. 30 GEARY. EX. tin'27. BALLET, tan.

Spanish, physical cul ture: advance; beKin. Catherine Marsicn. 215(1 Calif. FI. MODEL DANCING- ACADEMY 12 one-hour lessons $2.

lflfU MARKET ST. HE. B441. DANCING MADE EASY! Learn now ballroom, tap. Private and class.

H'DWIG'S. 512 Geary. TC. Oakland EASY. Quick Ballroom Results! Lynn's.

319 14th Oak. TW.3628. 65 Carpet Cleaning, Laying $1.25 SPECIAL 9x12 domestic Rugs cleaned, demotnen. i.uar. ree aei, Mortensen Rug Works.

t'N. 1 775, $1.50 Domestic 9x12 scientifically cleaned, riemoth. IXStTRED. Guar. Dependable Rug Cleaning.

PR. 7227 66 HARDWOOD FLOORS Duncan Hardwood Floor Co. New floors laid: floors sanded, refmished. cleaned, wax, polished: SI room and up. SKabricht MARIXA HARDWOOD FLOOR CO.

floors, repairing, renmshlng, bleaching, stains. Ph. WA. 4240. HDWD.

floors, bleach, clean, shellac wax. 3-1 rm. unity. JtiitT 67 ROOFING RE-ROOF now while material 20 disc, this mo. only; repairs up.

tms. Abbot Roof FI. 4.1B6. A-l roof repairing, all kinds, reas. I do the work.

DEIaware SAFEWAY ROOFING CO. Do own work: ins. MA. 4612 68 GardemngtJPIants Trees GOLDFISH Breeders. 75'- 5-1.

JSmaH 10c; iantailR 20c, 2i.lo at Masonic: dly. it-8. Sun 10-2 SLEDS in bulk. Schnorls Seed Store. 1433 Broadway, Burlmgame.

STEPPING STONES 10c. Tijuana Pottery Shop. 501 Bayshnre Blvd. ItALLAWELL GARDEN i lth Ave. at float Blvd.


49c. 3 for SI .29. Palace Hardware. 581 Mkt. 69 DAY AND CONTRACT, AND HOME SERVICES CARPENTER, all kinds of repairing.

new and old; also stair work. Quica and rexs Phono I'Xd. 7041. PAIXTIXG. PAPERING.

LIC. IXS. workmanship, material fully equipped. VA. 5295; eve.


ATwater llOH. PAINTING. DECORATING, BLILD- IXG MAIXTEXAXCE. LEWIS, 4425. PLASTER, stucco, cement, alter; own work; reas.

Mission 5018 SAVE money Carpenter.roof. tile, paint, cement. FI. WORK wanted for 14 inch lathe. Mission 5320.

EXTERIOR painting insured; free estimates, call DE. 9783. A. 2018. PAIXT.

STIPPLE, PAPER Special summer rates. FI. 6301. PAINTING, papering, A-l; guarantee satisfaction; reas. SKy.

3723. PAINTING, papering. $3.50 rm. up. Free work guar.

WA. 6371. PAINTER, decorator, paper. M. W.

Tl 9975. Box 6254. Kx. Rodgers. PAINTING.

PAPERING. TINT. Own work; reas. HE. 5757.

BAsem*nT, yards, general cleanup, hauling: very reasonable. UN. 6024. PAINTING, tint, paper by expert. 25 yrs.

in reas. fcv, tt24. CARPENTER, new or old; free esti mate; work reas. MA. 7413.

PATCH plastering, stucco, cement. No job too small. EXb. 2859. 74 Part Time Situations Wanted by Women TYPING accurately and neatly done at nome.

Mrs. T. Munn. 14 Mscnndray St. OR.

085. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper; evenings and Saturdays. OR. 6509. TYI1NG, excellent work; HE.

2804. fast; reasonable. 75 Situations Wanted by Women EMPLOYERS ATTENTION! An ex perienred advertising writer will Help ioo write your "Help Wanted ds. Call Miss Wends, Sitter -li. io cnarse tor this service.

ACCOUNTANT Full charge or assistant bookkeeper. payroll. timekeeping, pro-rating. continuous inventory, financial re ports; college graduate: wants good position with future: free to go anywhere. Minimum- S175.

Box 6708. Examiner. ALTERATIONS. new di curt. exp.

dresses. 40c hr. Bx. 71 coats: 79.Ex. APT.

HOUSE OWNERS Can offer capable, honest management of your bldg. Have produced reeulu for 10 years in F. Refs. given. Box 7oy.

Examiner. APT. for to ansiat. ii unfurn. r-f.

FI. exch. 4.iao. BILLER Fan Fold, asst. bkkpr.

Clerical; 5 days. Box Ex BILLER, A-l. Call LN. S1T0, RM. 608.

after 7 y. m. cashier, capable. Fuil charts amall office, middle aged. SC.

005M, Lor, 8. cashier, It. office exp. 54ns. sm.

local 45. bib woman will exchange eve serv ices for brd. Please write offer, Box Examiner. CARE of child few hours oay evgg. hour; refg.

MA. CARE children or work sitting down. 50c crippled. HE. CASHIER OR HOSTESS in rest, or tea room.

CR. CLERICAL work eves, after 6. Also ryping done at home. WE, P753. CO.MFANJON.

driver, for lHdt P. m. Reliable. RA. 1-4 COOK, rec'taurant, exp.

all around Exam No night work. Box fiT'J! DRIVER, ompetent. dej-irea employ- ment. RefH. DE.

5'io9. Dressmaking and eewing. my home or yourg: f4 day. T'N. 14S COOK SERVE Metis, rarties and d'nnrs, 6V car fa-e.

PR. pfiftrt. R. 310 75 Situations Wanted by Women ELLIOTT FISHBH. expert SI-.

5438. Loral 81. EVENING work capable woman of wide experience. Box 3332. Exam.



il chetker or cashier fur main dininjr room. Loral refs. KI 3973. GIRL, second year hiKn. wants hawk, in country, good home and spending money.

Box A 9626. Examiner. Oakland. HOTEL HOUSEKEEPER rel cap. full rharge; city refs.

la emp. Pox 7001. Ex. HOLSEKEEPER, competent, experienced, wisho. position, preferably on ranch; host refs.

Hex r.x HSKPR. for 1 adult or children WK. 5057. Lagtma. LADY excellent driver, wishes to be companion, or house mother for sorority, etc.

Fine reft. San Rafael Mrs. Kilts. MAID Night Hub or public place younff. colored.

St' 54MH, Loc. 41 MIIH)liE ase Jady wihes manage auto court, capable taking fl charge; some salary; bent of refer ences. Rox HT20. Kxarniner. Xl'RSE.

pleasant, efficient drs. and hospit. day. Phone Larkspur 300. Ask for Markey.

Nt'RSE. prac nitht work pfd. $4. 12 hours. V.V ON04.

0-5 p. graduate, 12 nursing; any case. yrs. hospital FI. 0385.

OPERATOR, P. B. General office lonsr experience work cashiering" PAYROLL, PERSONNEL MGH, cost A'corTixrr LABORATORY SECRETARY If you are looking for a younir lady who experienced and willing to work hard, write to Box bWrJ. Ex. B.X., COMPT.

OPR. Typing, gen. office work. DE. 6665 fl'BX operator: can handle busy board; will also consider hotel or apt house clerk.

OR. 7866. apt. Sf. SECRETARY, ase 30; l.i years ex perience engineering, insurance, Capable handling responsibility.

P.nx n727. Examiner. SECRETARY 1(1 years office exp. Pox 338:, Ex A-l. good appear.

Can. full charge. Agte 4:1. PR. eves.

SEC, lepal: accurate, gd. ref. Brief. ma. day.

$120 mo. BAy. BH21. SECRETARY' I'niv. 3 rs.

agp 25. Perkpiry Portuguese, English Translator of Spanish and French; experience export, steel, steamship. AT. 4753, mornings. STEXOTYPIST.

Al. also Gregg; legal gen. office. St 54.18, loc. M.

wide dependable, ex cel, ability. day. SK. 8o44. TYPING, receptionist, PBX.

Good at figures. Gen I. office. Part or lull time. OR.

4711. Ext. 322. WAITRESS. 4 to 8: title.

Call after P. si tter Km. in. WOMAN, white (husband will work full or part time for furn. apt.

or apt. and salary. 5438, Loral 43. WOMAN" would like to learn chocolate dipping. Box 6842, Ex.

OMAN wants factory work or hotel tvnrk. MA. YOl-NG woman, gen. office with pleasing personality accustomed to public, desires permanent position half day in business office or receptionist in doctor' office St. 48ii7 or SC.

1(J YRS. purchasing, priorities. Gov't coirm'l construction, engineering, nee, gee office, billing, reporLs, capable, 4577, Examiner. FRENCH lady care lady's wardrobe. Kx.

sewer or will ans, phone few hours morning. Box 7087, Exam. CAPABLE girl, care children, after ft, WK, Bl JtRULGHS machine operator; office work. OR. 4880.

Box 6714. Ex, 77 Household Work Wanted CARE children In your home char. refined lady. FI. 1285.

CARE CHILDREN EVENINGS, 50c nut it. uti. KVt.ii. CARE baby plain cook serve, parties. clean, by day.

OR, B509. OOKING, general by stu dent, Rm salary, by week. EX. 7092, loc. 12.

COOKING and serv. home parties. SKy. 5913. lifnrh, dinners, etr.

GIRL, colored, wishes day work. WE. 5430. HOUSEWORK, plain cooking: bu couple. (Have daughter 6 yrJ board.

$15 week. WE. 0718. light, in steady day prefer a. m.

SI 00o8. lor. bus. couple, clean conk dinner: $10 wk. BA.

1532 after cleaning by day: experienced capable; colored, UNderhill 2954 HOUSEWORK, general. 50c car lare. KLondlKe 2094.1. oOc hrM 60c Sunday and holidays; care or cnnoren eve. A.

78 Situations Wanted by Men EMriXlYERS ATTEXTIOX! An Vx perienred advertising writer wil help you write your "Help Wanted" d. Call Mis. Woods, Mtter 2MI2L Na rharge for this service. i Executive, manufacturing experience, procedure, cost. taxes, finance, personnel and safety management, age 42, Draft 3-B: desires voluntary change.

Box A-9191, Examiner, Oakland. Accountant, Office Manager Extensive exper. with Army and ost plus a fixed fee. Con-, tracts. Draft exempt.

Phone Lake-hurst 3-3015. Accountant, Executive exp. procedure, audits, taxes, finance, personnel, age 46, draft exempt. Box 4037, Kx. ACCOUNTANT wishes jhis.

with a C.P.A. firm, gd. nualif. Bx.4751.Ex BARTENDER, union, rel exempt: sfeady work. MI.

draft 2318. uuciYiYcr.ri'.ti. iull cnarge. wide wants permanent position in S. lord refs.

Pnx 3388. Exam. BOY, hi wants wtk. in butcher shp. or similar aft, schl.

EL.4502 BOY. High School, reliable, flesires after school work. RA. 4(109. CAFE or cafeteria age 40.

draft exempt, 23 yrs. exp. sr. 5438. Ln.4 CARETAKER, handyman, light day: country good refs.

Box A-9202. Examiner. Oakland. CARPENTER and cabinet work. J.

Millerick. PK. 5905. 774 30th Av maintenance paint. pos.

$7 day. FI. 660 1 CATTLE RANCH FOREMAN 20 years married. State salary, location. Box 3385.

Exam. CHAUFFEUR, eingie. draft exempt; go anywhere; refs. Frank Fisher, 48U, CHAUFFBl Jt. or deliver, also wailr Chinese: ref.

sr. 6984. room 207 CLEANING, all kinds, expert, windows, walls, floors. A-l job on bath-rooms and kitchens. Call PR.

6799 CLEANING KlTi-HEXS, WOODWK HDWD. FLOORS. AXPERSOX EXPERT. FILLMORE 4394. CLERK, elderly, type: cigar newsstand exper.

GR. COLLECTOR AVAILABLE Exper'd, Reputation and integrity guaranteed. Hon, la hie. Box 6725. Ex.

COOK, Chinese. A I. in priv. family with 2nd help: city only; best references. WE.

3618. COOK, fam. Chinese, long exp. Gd. care 1 S1O0 up.

Ref. Box 6752 Ex. ijkaj- ibMAN for mechanical drawing worn (naval, aeronautical) with many years exp. Box 6716 Exam. DRAFTSMAN, gd.

letterer, fast: exempt. stott.MI. 3121. wivflf civil engineer, over ten years' experience. Box 3930, Ex.

DRIVER, with own Hi ton platform truck, wants job. SK. 8371. tu.tAlOK operator, night watchman, caretaker, or what have you1 By elderly man of limited strength on own respon. Bx.

A -9200 On expr. eldei-jv gent wan's perm, place. Box 464" Fx capants Heavy responsi-btlity. Box A-9197, Oakl.nd, 62 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WOMEN "SCOFIELD AGENCY 593 MARKET DO. 2850 Stenographic Departments Many excellent openings for secretaries, stenographers, typists, steno.

-clerks, etc. Salaries range up to Clerical Department OPENINGS FOR Accountants Bookkeepers Machine Bookkeepers Order clerk $110-5125 Stock clerk, typist 110-120 Auto sales contract Temp. Insurance Department jns. 125-150 Steno rerept 90 File supervisor 1'ae girls Kill 90 Messenger: KEMP AGENCY 1.81 MARKET ST. Trafic clerk.

5 dHy Open Bookkeeper. 1'nderwood Nundstrand 5 day 40 Cmnpt. 5 day bkpr. Ariirtt. miiHolilh otr $1-10 persoitnej.

fut, Slenos. t8) dist, .1125 tin lumber Timekeeper, exp, export Typist, eng. sm. office K. F.

hi Her Stat, t.vp., fi day S90-S1 Open $120 J.egtnning typists Dicta, steno Stock record clerk 120 Girl, mech. drawing $1110 Al office girl. 35 hr. wk. Delivery, motorcycle 85 Typist, learn photography 85 Kile clerks, uml.

30 Toung girl, clerical 80 Jile girl, no gil. fut $80 DEPARTMENT Intermediate and music. .750 1'pper grades $1700 Rural, many $1,400 to $1,700 Kindergarten $1,500 APEX AGENCY. GA. 8750.

Eeulah Taylor. 58 SUTTER. ROOM 735. Auditor, country $200 Asst. ledger, engineering exp $150 Accia.

rec. clerk, payroll Asst. clerical Hecly, to executive meet public, peninsula. $130 legal $130 asst. 1 gr.

ofc. clerical, Kdiphone $125 Kdiphnne operator $1 25 Rem. Rand, accia. rec $125 blller 121 $110 $I25 Statistical typist, steno $115 typist $115 typist, 5 day dictaphone $100 Typists, many. oo Office clerks, many, oo Messenger girls Mai) clerk, exp $140 CERTIFIED AGENCY 46 KEARXY ST, Biller Typist Typist Credit N.

,180 Blller interviewer H. No. 3000. Accty dept. clerk, Bookkeeper, light steno.

5 days E19ot Fisher bookkeepers $135-141! Elliot Fisher billers. aecty Mimeograph operator Messenger girls $100 Elevator So. S. Open P.B.X. So.

S. typist File clerks File clerk, married COMMUNITY PLACEMENT 133 Kearny, 15 to AgencV 1 gTKNOK. to $105 dictaphone Temporary day. BILLERS typists Asst. bookkeepers PBX slenos $100-125 Actus, for large corp TIMEKEEPERS uenerai tenger clerks Open JUNiUK GIRLS $80-120: typists, $70-105 BEGINNER GIRLS, H.

H. GUADS. jvo exp. or training necessary, for file replace office hoys, figure clerks, hall girls, to $ll)o BUS1XESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE. 525 MARKET STREET (Agcy.) Mnnrne cal.

$120 1 grl, ofc. rti.Ntl, l) JR. slock rec. (21. $110 JR.

many Bl'RR. credit $125 several JR. COMPTRS. (5) $1)0-110 Underwriter, fire, auto, ras. Accountant, ins.

EN" BKPKR, (2) full sm. ofc. $125 JR. TYI'ISTS. OUCH.

1301 $75-110 Messenger Mail Oiks. (17) $70-85 Messenger, Clk dr. license stat. typ $125 Bradbury Placement Agency 68 Post Street Whatever you do we have a job for you. We need every class of stenographer, stock clerk, messenger, typist, file clerk; good openings with top salaries.


Employee's Placement (Agcy.) 582 MARKET. SU. 6795 Menos. C'l $1 insurance 150 heavy 150 Sr. compt.

opr. (3). lot Typists (8) hkpg. knowl 110-130 Stock clerk 110 83 HELP WANTED WOMEN EMPLOYERS ATTEXTIOX! An ex- perienred advertising writer will help you write your "Help Wanted ad. Call Mi Kt ttet "421.

fharge for thi terries IF YOII are unable to find a position nJhijMiliimn see CJassiflration 82 APPRENTICES for dental laboratory work. Mechanical ability required. Apply 438 Flood Bldg. Attendant for Station COOK PAY. 001 VAX NESS AVE ATTENDANT'S course, 1 small salary, room, board.

IQoo Pine. BEAUTY operator, all around; busy shop: top salary and commission. Connie's. 3225 Pierce. BEAUTY operator.

Good opportunity for fast worker. La France Beauty Salon. TI'. 4006 BEAUTY operator. Al hair stylist $30 guarantee.



BEAUTY operator, exper. Kut and Kurl Beauty Salon. 1567 Haight. BOOKKEEPER Full charge. Apply Bog H170, Ex BOOKKEEPER, assistant; state full particulars.

Rox HK54. Exsm. CAKE of 1 yr. child. Lieut house keeping for working couple.

$40 mo. brd. Apply at 315 Turk Apt. 11. 1-rt p.

m. CASHIERS and assist, eve. work, eves. 1 hoto Studio. 557 Pncific.

CH ERS grocry. 2 experienced wases $42.50 wk. Manor Market. eean Ave. CHOCOLATE DIPPERS steady work; top ware: pleasant working condition Apply See' Candie.

1750 Market St CLERKS for lrg. automobiie concern to hdle. auto parts: exper. unnec, but asset. Give age.


grad. $350 auto parts $250 travel $2O0 Accountant, Oakland Accountant. C. P. A.

exp. Mechanic, refrigeration Gen. Motors $200 Payroll auditor, travel. up machinery Bay area Sale.t who. grocery.

Vnder writer, fire Bookkeeper ft Traffic man Export man $1 8o surgical sundries. Ship, no exp. 1 fiO Shipping clerk $150 a rehouse man $1 55 Stenographer $ln5 Stock boys $148 General clerical Boys, many 148 Continuation school boys PACIFIC Audit System Co. Agcy. years at 67 Post street.

cost plus ctry. $300 Cost-stock records $175 Asst. light ctry. Credit retail exp $226 Priority good oppor. Mine rood payroll elk $185 Cashier, wholesale firm $1 50 Typist, rlerk.

some shipping. $1'25 Jr. clerks, 17-20- grocery trade. $200 nat'l fd. products.

Open extra good beverages $150 SCOFIELD AGENCY B93 MARKET. DO. 2850. Accountant, mine 1200 Accountants (several) Junior clerks' $125-J165 Price clerk Open Shipping clerks Numerous Other Positions Available All Types of Office Work COMMUNITY PLACEMENT 153 Kearny. 15 to We Agcv.

PUB. EXP. $250 SUPT. JANITOR FORCE 920(1 Jr. opportunity $150 OFFICE BOY.

DRIVE I20 Office boys. 17-18 10 Stock boy, 4 '4 days SOS Ship and packing men $160 Stock clerk, repairs Chg. ship rpom, 45-50 Asst. shipping 50 Bradbury Placement Agency 68 Post Street ALL TYPES OK POSITION'S OPEN! ALL TYPES OF MEN AVAILABLE FOR BETTER POSITIONS AND JOBS IN WAR AND PRIVATE INDUSTRY ARE REQUESTED TO REGISTER NOW! COME IN EARLY. imployee's Placement (Agcy.) 582 MARKET.

SU, 8785. Steel form detaller. eonst. Photographer, construction Open Machine tool designer J250 Credit whsle $250 Tool rec. blueprint $150 Typist $180 Florists wk.


CLERK-TYPIST $140 OFFICE BOYS $1 10 CLERICAL PLACE Agcy. 580 F. und. 45 $175 Draftsmen, mech. (41.

pipe (2) $275 Siock or ship. elks. (10). Boys. ofc.

drive (10) $90-175 Lumber checker $175-200 Elevator 18 55 Open WANTED IMMEDIATELY Payroll comp. auditor or manual knowledge $225 stock clerks 141 typist, Alma Fredericks 110 Sutter NATIONAL AGENCY, 1026 Market Laboiers, $0.50 d.v.: fac. boy, 64 tit deliv. man. $6 day: bus boy 89 HELP WANTED MEM EMPLOYERS ATTENTION! An perienred advertising writer will belp you writ, your "Helo Wntd" da.

Call Mis Wood. Sitter 2424. No rharge for thi oenlre. IF you are unable to find a position in tni column, mo Classification 88 ACCOUNTANT Experienced, wholesale dairy products. East Bay, Perm.

Opp. for ad-varcement. Box A-9356, Oak. APPRENTICE, 1H-18, fur business; oppor. learn trade: salary SI 8.

Include tel. No. when writing. Box 6724. Examiner.

APPRENTICE auto mechanic, union pay. 1643 Valencia St. ARMATURE winder and motor re pair man. also helper. West Coast Electric Works.

166 7th St Attendants SERVICE STATION Excellent opportunity for business training and advancement. McKALE'S, INC. 703 MARKET STREET. ATTENDANT, service station. Salary open, Mexaco, Beach Buchanan.

ATTENDANT, garage. opport. Good permanent pos. Ff. 8500.

Attendant, garage night work. Evans. 281 Stevenson. See Mr. AUTO MECHANICS ft GOOD MEN FOR IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT.


OVERTIME IN ADDITION MIDTOWN MOTORS 050 VAN NESS at O'Farrell. AUTO PARTS MAN (Ford) Need experienced man Immediately won god Knowledge or Ford parts, -HiiTOWN MOTORS. 950 VAN NESS at O'Farrell Automobile Metal Men WANTED SALARY OPEX. B. H.

Motors, 500 Pacific AUTO mechanics, over draft age deferred draft status. Top wages steady employment, ideal conditions. Apply or write Boyd-Bulck, 4001 r.ast jqtn oa a nd AUTO painters. Apply Joe Stern, 271" Peralta Oakland. AUTO wreekerr; use cutting torcu union scale.

655 Potrero Ave. UAKr-ti. 1st rises, all around, very good wages. Pox 8474. Ex BELLMEN.

In J. W. Smith. prtvi PR. lie club.

1233. Call BLACKSMITH, body work, handyman Apply Joe Stern. 2717 Peralta Oakland. BODY MEN 1st. class, also radiator man.

Middle aged preferred. Stead work for right men. JACK'S AUTO METAL WORKS. Reno. Nev BOILERMAKERS MACHINISTS BLACKSMITHS Experienced on railroad, under 55 years.

NORTHWESTERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. T1RURON. CALIF. BOOKKEEPER, assistant: state full particulars. Box 8846.

Exam. BOX SPRING maker: union wage Dreamland Bedding. 534 Bayshor. BOYS with bi ycle for after school ork. Age 16 or over.

Apply Mr, Connor. 470 Market BOY. drive car. also light stock and inventory work. Apply WM.

LEWIS 625 2nd St BOY with used car or garage experi ence wanted; change batteries, tire, etc. Ed's. 740 Van Ness Ave. BOYS or men. Food start.

65c per hr. Ph. HE. 4936. ROYS for odd jobs in cabinet shop.

Drive truck, etc. Ph. WE. 4832. POY.

Chinese Hi wanted. ft. exp. $30 mo. VS.

5145 BOY over 18 to learn sheet metal trade 140 th t. MA. 4955. BOY Errand wnted. $15 weekly.

Gurntee Co. 86 Sansotn Street. 89 HELP WANTED MEM Boys Over 18 Wanted to werk night learning mechanical trade. Good salary to start. Per- manent employment.

Phon. MOntrose 5380. between hours of 10 and 2 daily except Saturday. BOY Here Is Your Opportunity Good sited route Vicinity 30th I Ave. and Noriega.

Income runs! about $45 to $55 per month plus! award of $1,5 in defense bonds. Only ambitious, reliable party con sidered. Call Examiner. BL'tterl 2424. Local 280, bet, 10 m.

and p. m. BOY desiring profitable morn ing Examiner, route in Marina Dist. See Mr. Louis Miller, Branch Mgr.

2 1 83 Greenwich 4 p. m. today, or phone SUtter 2424, Local 280, bet. 10 a. m.

and I p. m. BOYS AND MEN Over 18 work after school erl full time ss pin setter for bowling I alley. Wages 9 4c line, 12c over time. 109 Golden Gate.

OFFICE, OVER 16 THROUGH HIGH SCHOOL, Annlv Passenger Traffic o. Pacific 65 R. 759. BOY Service station, over 16. Lubrication I exper.

Aft. school, Sun day. 1 390 Mission. BOY. office, wanted to run errands I and keep light set of hooks.

Willi teach you the' work. Young man I out of school pref. 1 00 an Ness. BOYS wanted. High school gradua'esl under 20 for Btoc'troom work.

Drug! supply house. Good salary. Write! Fox 3910. Examiner. BOYS, 8 YEARS OR OLDER Wanted messengers.

Apply R.C.A. Communications. 28 Geary. I BOY for shipping and errands. Steady- employment.

Good pay. Pacific! Cloak and Suit 154 Sutter. Apply 8:30 m. BOY or young man for delivery; driv-j er's license. 1400 Sutter St.

BOY as messenger, helper in labora tory. R. 908 Flood 870 Market I BOYS. 12-16 distributing cards after -school. Call kv.

iua. BOY, errand wanted with bicycle pre-1 ferred. Apply 1169 Howard St, PROOMMAKERS inlet oldest and largest broom fac tory in Northwest, can use perma nently four broommakers. High I acale, 44 hr. wk.

2529 S. E. 12lh Portland. Ore. BUS boy for club.

Apply 800 Powell I street. BUTCHER, draft exempt, to manage! meat dept. in C. A C. Market.

Wages and share of profits. Present! owner drafted. Box 8801. Exam. BUTLER, houseman, driver; private I fam.

in city; state age. salary. Box fcx. Buyer, Hardware Dept. Thoroughly experienced, keen andl lert for large downtown atore, itnei opportunity for right person.

Com-1 munications confidential. Write Box 7824, Examiner. CABMEN WANTED If You Want To Make Top Money See MR. RICE Second Floor YELLOW CAB CO. 245 Turk St.

CABINET maker and mill men! neded. Mangrum Holbrook A Elkus, 45 South Van Ness. CARPENTER, jobber, middle ged: with plumbing exp. Gd. salary.

Steady. State age, ph. Bx. 5629.Exl CAR washjr, permanent work guar. SALARY.

Nice working condition. Norwalk Service Station, fith andl Harrison Sis. CHAUFFEUR, houseboy, Filipino orl Chinese, for 1 person; ref. EX. H26b I CHAUFFEUR.

EXPERIENCED. WEST 4433. CIGAR MAKER, capable of full charge Apply before 12 to Drucquer and! Sons. 2221 Shattuck Berkeley. anfnrma.

CLERKS, EXPERIENCED We have openings for everl with I deferred draft statu to age 4.0.1 Starting alry, $135 to S150. Gen eral offlc experience desirable but! not necessary. Opportunity for I advancement. Call at S. P.

Room 235. 85 Market 8. for interview. CLERKS FILING OPENINGS FOR SEVERAL YOUNG I MEN at least 16 years of age. starting salary, $90 to $100, with! opportunity to learn office work I and to advance.

Call at s. P. Building. Room 235, 85 Market, I San Francisco, for interview. CLERK, SHIPPING Opportunity for permanent connec tion with Local manufacturer fori man capable handling snipping dept.

and warehouse. Reply, giving age. I draft status, salary expected, to Rox A9201. Examiner, Oakland. CLERK, SHIPPING, 17-19 Stable future with national com pany.

Good wage and working eon-1 dttions. Rapid advancement. HER CULES RUBBER 650 3rd Call Mr. Freygang. EX.

2575. CLERK, PARTS Ford, Steady job to exper. 1 DOHERTY BROS. 1175 POTRERO AVE. MI.

4000.1 CLERKS Stockroom and order. Drug supplies. Ftate age and ex perience, if any. Union rate. Writel Rox 3902.

Examiner. CLERK Stock, young man, meehan-1 ically inclined, nice future, office! appliance field. teady. 657 Mar ket room 204. CLERK, snipping, packer, at once.

I drug line, short hours. stedy, cen-l Irs! location, give references. Box! 3379. Examiner. CLERKS, stock and order fillers, 401 per hr.

for first 901 days, then 85c per hr. If. exp. 85cl at once. Mr.

Carpenter. DO. 5800. CLERK, delivery department: perma nent position; advancement. Apply! Berger a.


1101 FILLMORE. WE. 2663. CLERKS for lg. auto concern to han dle auto pans; exp.

unnec. but sset: give ge. exp. Box 8853. Ex CLERK.

SHIPPING. Young general factory work. Crown unit na Torn. CLERK, electrical supply house: all-l round man, mid. ge.

Box 8860. Ex. CLERK. Cigar; 3 nites and Sunday. Give refs.

in letter. Fox 6628, Ex.1 COAT maker. 1st class, one willing! to take iob as off Presser, St. COLLECTOR, part time: must navel car: age 25-45: East Bay district. Regular monthly accounts.

Boy I A91P9. r-xaminer. Paklpp'. COLLECTOR, part time, for residen-l ttal devit. Can ern approx, $601 mo.

4Q7 Flood Bldg. COLLECTOR, permanent position: eslry $45 week plus bonus; please I give age, etc. hox 7H04, Exam. COOK 1st clas fori family of two. who can also serv wge no object for right Ph.

Miss Swift, day EX. 8282, orl OK. ywwu. evening. DISHWASHER, nights.

perl dy. Phone DO. 9682. (Thi eiaMifirattn t.ntloaed oa aext p. re.) CLERK Radio amateur, y.

1. wanted for sto clerk and counter sales-work In large wholesale house. Must be familiar with radio parls. Stale exp, and refa. Ana, confidential.

Hex Examiner. CLERK, work. grocery, strong, California. willing to COMPANION for lady, light Live In. MO.

'COMPANION to elderly v-k i wa ircf live lady, lit; lit va. 4ni Comptometry, Typing Kxpenenved. knowledge of comptometer. Good salary to start. Advancement 40 hour week "Write or call offices.

Moss Stores 8H, Mission nr. Sin Si. CtHiK, Onwusi a i i'H maid, 5 days. Moii-riny thru Kriday. 11 thru dinner.

Klctric dishwasher. Slate salary expected, list n'tcrence, age. Box SNS7. EvJiminer. COOK, Al.

no Sundays, nigbis or hid-idriys. Financial dist. EX. Iffl DANCE PARTNERS ROSEROOM BALLROOM Newest, largest and most beautiful hail. All white people.

Average 20 to $50 weekly. Over II years. 431 12th Oakland, after 9 p. m. DANCE partners, over 21 yrs.

Steady work. Weekly guar. All white trade. 706 Franklin, Oakland. TE, 0645.

or S. WA. Oti! I DANCE partners, steady work: good wages. Broadway Dancing Academy. 1027 Oak.

HI. 9202 eves. 8:30 ballroom, to assist eves. LUDWIG'S Private Dance Studios. 532 GEARY ST.

I DRAPERS, finishers, tailoresses for custom made department. Apply Employment Office, 6th floor. I MAGNIX Grant Ave at Geary. FINISHERS (SHIRTS) guarantee for 44 hour. OVER TIME EXTRA.

Sanllary Laundry. 2140 Tarrell FOLDERS Girls to fold-, sheets and small pieces. $21 guaranteed for 40 hours: overtime extra. Sanitary Laundrv. 21 4(1 O'Farrell Girls Office Opening for girls with high school diploma.

Must have typing. Shorthand desirable but not required. Ages 17 to 21. APPLY Columbia Steel Co. ROOM 672, RUSS BLDG.

GIRLS OFFICE Several openings for high school graduates up to 20 years of age as peuinners In office work. Salary Knowledge of office machines desirable hut Pot necessary. an at Konm Market tor interview. GIRLS WANTED Light Office Work Experience JNot Required Permanent Positions Apply EMPLOYMENT SUPERVISOR WESTERN UNION' TEL. CO.

Room 507. 49 Geary St, G1KLS Fire insurance openings by old established Co, for policy writer, bookkeeper and mail clerk. AVrile giving exp, and salary expected. Rox 5031, Ex. GIRL, fountain and delivery store; must drive car 9-5 daily.

Experience not necessary, start $22.50. 755 Taraval SI. GIRLS or women for photo finishing; Jiignt woi'K experience necessary. Call OR. 6944, for appointment be-tween 11, a.

m. and 3 p. m. GIRL Exper. for 510, 25 since.

ELK. Mercury 0219 bet. 5-1 0. 910 young, active, fairly tall, wtll-rn stock, shipping room work. Ap( lortday or Tuesday afternoon, 5 Howard 2nd floor.

GIRL, for gen'l, and work in creamery, exp. not nec. Call only bet. 4 and H. 832 Clement St.

GIRL, Chinese, for day door service. Russian Hill apt. house; wear na-tlve costume. DO. 2497, GIRLS for garage.

Must be good drivers. 357 O'Earrell. GIRL, fountain exp. EATMORIi ICE CREAM. 1525 Union at Van Ness.

GIRL Fountain work in school store lunch hour. 953 Stanyan. GIRL for motorcycle delivery work rtox Bi .77, Examiner. GIRL as messenger, helper in laboi-a. tory.

R. 90S Fiood 870 Market GIRL, 18. photo developing; no exp necessary. 1301 Fillmore. GIRL Office, for law pent, position.

Box 77' firm. 1'erma 1, Exam. GIRL, to feed Platen Press. Exp enccd. Temporary work.

DO. 3840 GIRL for scrv. station; must be able to drive car. 1643 Valencia. HOSIERY MENDER.

EXPERIEN'D 255 GRANT AVE. HOUSEKEEPER 7:15 a. m. thru dinner; take full charge: ,1 children, 2 school age excellent salary to reliable person. Mt i.

JANITRESS DAY WORK T'nion wages. Apply 544 Gold. Gate LADY Have opening for organizer. commission basis, car necessary Can earn $45 50 If qualified. 418 nears! Knurling.

MAID, upstairs, laundry, care 2 school boys, age and ti. Live in. Sunday evening through Friday after dtn ner. Get. breakfast, serve dinner List reference, Pnx 88(1.

Ex. MEN tor women), neat anpearing. for protitable advertising campaign now In effect. Excellent nppor. if you qualify.

833 Market, Rm. 1106 Messengers, With Cars Young women. No experience necessary. Apply Mrs. Barnhart, 51 Oeary St.

MESSENGER GIRLS Between 3 and 22; good chance to advance. 51 Geary Mrs. Barnhart MILLINERY maker and copyist, tbor- oiTL'hty exp. GA. lTtifl.

SuHor MODELS EXPERIENCED HEIGHT 5.7 to 5.8 SIZE 12 AND 14 APPLY EARLY MORNING OR LATE AFTERNOON Maison Mendessoll 339 Powell St. Hotel St. Francis Nl'RSE. hospital experience, month, rm. bd.

1055 Pine. $40 NURSE for old people. $60. bd. Millbrae Sanit.

Ph. Mtllhras 3211 ORDER DESK P. B. X. Must be experienced and willing to accept resonilility.

Permanent position with reliable East Bay wholesale, establishment. Box A-0022. Examiner. Onkland. OPERATORS With good factory sewing machine experience.

This is not war work, hut is with old established orthopedic concern. Our people seldom quit, but work the year around. See Air. Taylor at 1065 Market Street. OPERATORS, sinale needle, pinking and Zigzag machines.

Lingerie work. Good pay, fMdy and week vacation with pay after year service. Mission St. OPERATORS Exp. on men's sport shirts.

Steady work, top salsry to those who can qualify. Gaytord Sportswear. 109 New MontRomery. fifth floor. OPERATORS, CENTRAL for wired music.

No experience needed. Only high type r-onreeful girls need snply. Rot 8PH3. Exam, OPERATOR, shirt press, union or non-union. Top wane.

St. Matthews French Laundry, 1923 So. El Camino San Mateo. OPERATOR, exp. on curtains.

Pacific Curtain 505 Mission St. OPERATOR, beaut full fT part time. Exper ienred operators, minimum salary $Ll5 a month, Some openings on both day and night shifts Call at S. P. Rm.

A Market ban irancisco lor interview. OPERATOR National Cash Register posting machine in building and loan office. Must be experienced. JState age and Mua.ii icatinns for other office work. Apply Rox 1 1 Ex OPERATORS, exp.

on cottons and ray ons; excellent conditions; steady, gd pay. Howard. Artvogue. IM Minna PHARMACIST, regis, or a clerk drug salcn Rx and ISJh Ex. PIANIST to play for dance studio.

MA. 45-i7. morninuM. PLACEMENT MOR. employment agency has opening for women between ages of 28 ,35 in charge of placement dek in women's dept.

Salary and bonus. Prefer experience Jn executive or personnel work. Insurance experience would be helpful. Stale full particulars. Box ti'ifil.

Examiner. PRESSER, MACHINE For Dry Cleaning Department. Sanitary Laundry. 214M KarreR. PRESSER Exp.

on men's neckwear. L. Sam-tcr 4 Sons, 88 Betile St. cor Mission Presser, military, fast. Good wages.

Steady work. SK. 9134. loc. 67.

PRKS.SER, nurses' uniforms; excellent pay. Etchtig. 2.tit Oea y. SALESLADY Candy, bakery girl for fond store 1120 MARKET AFT. A.

SALESWOMAN Intelligent; sales ex perience. MiiHt have car. Excellent pay. Onod future. Rox Kill.

Ex SALESGIRLS, candy experience, night work nvages over union state Box 7710. Examiner. SALESGIRL, ready to wenr specialty snop experience, wk. ttnou. SECRETARY With PUBLIC RELATION'S experl ence.

Must be proficient in typing and shorthand. High school edu cation, APPLY Columbia Steel Co. F.OOM 672 RUSS BLDG. SHOPPERS 22 to 40. for retail shopping service; no experience nec essary; salary; advancement; must bo free to travel.


EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES. BOX 6200. EXAMINER. STENOGRAPHERS, typists, wanted lull knowledge of Spanish. Steady employment.

Five day week. Vacation with pay. Wriie full particu lars to Rox 8839. Examiner. STENOGRAPHER, light dictation genl.

clerical work. Experience NOT necessary but must, be quick alert and have pleasant personal ity. Salary $100 mo. 2800 3rd SI STENOGRAPHER, LAW Capable: good Start $80 mo. Call suite 924, Pacific Bldg.

STENOGRAPHER for manufacturing o. Exper. Gd. opportunity. Sal.

$20. Ccmv. located. Box 8802. Ex.

Etliphone operator, five day week Monday through Friday. Good salary. Box 78bi. Examiner. TYPIST, junior fir experienced; per manent, employment; steady advancement.

SHlary open, Private concern. Box 3386. Examiner. WAITRESSES AND FOUNTAIN GIRLS WANTED. Experienced, neat, 6 or 8 hours day.

-No niKht or Sunday work, 55c hour. Steady position, Board. Uniforms. Laundry included. S.

H. KRESS ft B3! MARKET STREET. LUNCH COUNTER. WAITRESS wanted, also kitchen help; nttht shift. Best of wages paid.

Doc's Chill Parlor, El Camino Real, Lomita Park. WAITRESSES for steady work. Experience not necessary. Wilson's. l.15 I'niversMy Palo Alto.

WAITRESS EXP. Day no 43 Geary WAITRESS, young, size 12-14. 6 hour. $3.50, A. m.

or p. m. Apply 84 Post St. WAITRESS, MO. 9712, experienced; good hours.

WAITRESS for cafe lounge. 516 Kearny. and co*cktail WAITRESSES to work at Al Davis' Silver Log Tavern, Clear Lake Pk. WOMEN! Da You Want a Permanent Position with a Future? A large manufacturing concern has openings for girls in accounting department at salaries commensurate with ability and experience, offering future advancements. Baste commercial, high school or college course with a fundamental knowledse of acecounting preferred, but not essential.

We give specific training in positions offered. Applications taken at employment office. 2431 Peralta Oakland. WOMEN WANTED Learn Printing Telegraphy Free Tuition. Interesting Work.

Young Women. 17 to 30. wanted. Good pay and full time work upon graduation. For interview applv EMPLOYMENT EE VI SOR, Western Union Telegraph Room 507.

49 Geary St. WOMEN AGE I8TO40 Deliver Telegrams Apply to Mr. Connor POSTAL TELEGRAPH 470 Market YOCNG woman to work at fountain. Phcy. 70S Sutter.

WOMAN, young, for PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT STIDIO for deta il work in sa lea department; permanent position for right person. Applv mornincs bet. 10-12-SMART STrrH. 230 Geary. WOMAN to care for two small children, Woodside; live in; $50 to start.

Please give age. Write Box 7i Examiner, or call EX. 2445. WOMAN with car; light delivery work; guaranteed salary. 048 Market, room 808.

WOMAN, attractive, to clerk in pholo and plaque store. Oppor. for msnwgership. Apply 37 Geary St. WOMAN, experienced shirt Laundry.

103 Tnrk folder. WOM EN 18-35. learn waitress, sand EXECUTIVE POSITION Lumberman with 12 yrs. mfg. exp.

and an ar. hilecturai education wishes executive posh ion sa lary oppii; oxv-pM, r'f. Rox 1. Kx. FOREMANSHIP Man wtih 15 years experiment wants foremans-hip in spraying, polishing, electro plating; dept.

Indcrstandg cleaning of all met a 1b. Has ha ml led 1 50 emp ea. Bnx A Mil 1 Kxs miner. Oakland. FRY took, chef helper, janitorial, hos-pitnl work, Fl.

5283. GARDENER, horticulturist; lifetime pos, head gardener lge. estate: Al propagator and flower grower; exp. greenhouse, orchid culture; Al table exec, not use alcohol or hard worker; A-l rrrnm. Rox 8381.

Ex. GARDNER, privat fiiinl. 216 4th place. Experi-Dt. 6780.

HOTEL MANAGER Pea i i mmed ia te connect ion A 1 bflckKround, Hox Exa JANITOR, ho una cleaning, part time chauffpur. 75c hr. or by day: rol- ored iPHO, capable, refs Fl. tlft.TJ MACHINIST warns work, i have my own lathes, shapers and milling machines. 4 Minna 03' -MAN, traffic experience: rail, water and truck transportation.

Regis, lered practitioner before the Inter state Commerce Commission, Box nMi. Examiner. MAX. age till. I'nlversily graduate: pnysually active, mentally alert wants work city or country.

Th. chemical engineering. Box 0843. Ex MAN. exp'd in exports, shipping and office procedure; can translate fr.

French, Portuguese; draft exempt: reas, sal. Box 7119. Ex MAN. now working, can work an other 6 hours dailv. from 6am till noon.

OV. 5974. MAX. 20. draft exempt, wants night work.

Box 4635. Examiner. jia.v young, draft exempt- painting exper. consider anything. AT.

3472 MANAGER, store, 13 yrs. one firm; general mdse. 35 employes. 45. sober, reliable.

Wish responsible connection in war industry. Ph. PL. 9284. mornings.

MANAGER or hotel, apt, or rooming house. References. Mr. Ralph Wells. 81 Hlh St.

MANAGER service station wants per- manent long exp. Box 3900. Ex. MECHANICAL draftsman: many Exam, years experience. Pox 3931.

PHOTOGRAPHER S3, draft exempt. Experienced operator in dark-room. MO. PAPER, paint, lint, alaae. atiimle.

tools: pos. Al. RA.K70.' PAINTER, inside, enamel, Btipple. will work weekends. THnrn.

1506, PAINT, PAPER TEXTURE POS. cast, neat, own tools, UN. 4282, PHOT011EPORTER. nat'l magazine. newspaper exp.

Box 4582, Ex. PRINTER Type, platen, cutting, es- take charge. Box 07 26. Kx. PURCHASING AGENT, foods or kit chen steward.

Years of exper. Ex-ceiictt references, SE. 5581. Sales man Executive Experienced, mature, of proven responsibility: has good car and is free In travel anywhere. Capable of handling any reasonable assignment having to do with business relations.

Not Interested ill high pressure deal. nns A LKS.MAX. experienced, age 30; reliable, with car. Free to travel. V.

Box 1051, Oakland. SPOTTER, fancy, cleaner and presser warns como. joii solvent Rteady, go Hiiywhere: 10 yrs. exp. Age 38, State wages.

Box 7887. Ex. ncfluipru iKr In high speed diesels, aero selective objective hombs. infantry tanks. nitln American industry preferred.

Box no'p. examiner. Timekeeper Bookkeeper Jr. arrounlant 1-F. Vin Pelt.

PR. 9739. Transportation Executive whose, bus, has been suspended for the duration, desires pos. with well estab. co.

Over 20 yrs. exp. in motor transpn. business. Freight or passenger.

Capable of taking full charge. Draft exempt. Valuable contacts on the Pacific Coast and eastern slates. Box 8108, Exam. TYPIST, timekeeper, gen.

clerk. Active, nge 64. Box 4586, Ex. VET. wants pos.

guard; have clean ret- nrd. High, rel. refs. Box 4588. Ex.

WATCHMAN or guard elderly; any day or night. VA. 3669. YOUNG man desires any kind of wk. Prefers factory wk.

Draft deferred. Parole fond. PR. 9084 aft 6, NEED an office clerk? Chauffeur? Caretaker? Healthy, active, draft exempt, married man. fully nualified for any of above, or combination: out of town much pre ferred where housing (for 4) Is pro curable, a.

1140 Valencia run fran. Please wire if urgent SOBER, single, 30. 4K. Healthy Lifts 80 lbs, FL 6844. Lawrence.

78A SifuationsWanfed for Men Employment Agencies CHINESE HELP China Employment Agcy. 103 Waverly Place. CH. 1639 SO Situations Wanted by Couple COUPLE want job as apt. house man auers.

exo refs: anywhere. Rose Hotel, if tin room 210. 82 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WOMEN NOBLE AGENCY, 681 MARKET. Lab. X-ray maint $100 l.h.

country $15o medical I 5o steno. $130 -Med. clinic Re eptionist. infor $80 R. schiHil, maint $1110 R.

35 n. industrial, lady $150 Nurse aids 16) $80-SS7 Linen room $X7 Clerks, typists Lab. X-ray. asst. M.

Orderlies, gen, and surg $100 NINA ATKINSON AGENCY 117 Montgomery, near Suiter Hotel desk rlerk, downtown. ,145 receptionist, 20-30. PBX. tvnist SI. 10 Typist, Ik't.

adv. agcy. $125 payroll $125 fin. 5 day, 1 25 clerical, fjo-'is $125 Jr. PBX Beginner typists $9i ofc.

messengers, girls File clerks $85 temp $5 PERSONNEL SERVICE 827 HEARST BI.DG. SC. TOf-m MARKET STS. S-enos. (many) Typists (many) Comptometer sa les clerks, order clerks, record clerks, machine stock clerks, PBX typists, Kdiphone pane girls, file clerks, office and msscnKer girls.

Salaries Apply today for tomorrow's position. BARCLAY AGENCY 05 MARKET ST. TJO. 1749. Key punch operator Open Stenographers (9) Typists (141 Dictaphone operator $120 Comptometer jobs (5) $130 Comptometer, temporary day High school graduates, no experience.

Many opening In comptometer, typing, bookkeeping, short-hand. f'ling. office ma'Mncs. CLERICAL PLACE. Agcy.

SKO Mkt. MKnrs. tioi. F. C.

or asst. $125 Slenos, I5l. 5 $125-1 50 Stenos. 151. 17-'J' $00 110 Monroe or ji 6 5 $120 Typist, is- (5) Blller, E.

F. (2 $12" Math. all type Elevator 2Q-30 Open MEDICAL BUREAU. 291 GEARY. Med.

opening San Anselmo. Med. Richmond $135 R. exp. shorthand and typing.

Lab. and X-ray out Open Lie. Ish. te, $125. full matnt.

NATIONAL AGENCY. 1020 Market. Bus. girl. S4 day.

elev. opr. $100 Stock $1 8 $21 MA RT EN STEIN AGCY. 760 Market Como 1 Verytper $125-1 on APEX AGENCY. GA.

8750. Feulah Hamm-Josephine Taylor. 58 SI TTER, ROOM 735. country $200 Tire helper $175 Stnck rlerk Ilht typ $150 hotel, night. Shipping rlerk Open Salary commission.

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The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)


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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.