The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

Legal Notices 97 MORTGAGEESSALE OF By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by JOSEPH E. and MARGARET C. SERVIDIO to BAYBANK VALLEY TRUST COMPANY dated April 4, 1985, and recorded with the Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 5791, Page 503, of which Mortgage the undersigned BAYBANK The present holder for breach of the conditions of said Mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 3:00 p.m. on June 26, 1992 at the mortgaged premises known as 321 Glendale Road, Wilbraham, Massachusetts, all and singular the premises described in said Mortgage, to wit: "The land in Wilbraham, Hampden County, Massachusetts, being known and designated at Lot 24 (four), as shown on a plan of lots recorded in Hampden County Registry of Deeds, Book of Plans 89, Page 125, said lot being bounded and described as follows: NORTHEASTERLY by Glendale Road, one hundred fifty (150) feet; EASTERLY by Lot (three), as shown on said plan, four hundred sixty- -seven and (467.87) feet; SOUTHERLY by land now oF formerly of Stacy, as shown on said plan, one hundred and thirtyone and (131.22) feet; and WESTERLY by Lot (eight), (seven) and (five), as shown on said plan, five hundred fourtyfour and (544.85) feet. Together with all the Grantor's right, title and interest in any land that there may be lying between the Southerly side of said Glendale Road, as shown on said plan, and the Southerly side of said Glendale Road as legally laid out, taken or accepted, or otherwise presently existing.

Subject to easem*nt rights granted to New England Telephone and Telegraph Company et al recorded in said Registry at Book 2532, Page 398. Being the premises conveyed to the Mortgagors herein by deed of C. E. Collins Sons, Inc. dated November.

24, 1965 and recorded as aforesaid in Book 3155, Page There is also included in the sale all equipment and fixtures situated on the above-described premises to the extent the same are part of the realty. Said premises will be sold and conveyed subject to and with the benefit of any and all restrictions, easem*nts, improvements, covenants, unpaid taxes, tax titles, municipal liens, assessments, other liens or claims in the nature of liens, rights of parties in possession, attachments and encumbrances, if any there be insofar as in force and applicable and having priority over the Mortgage. Said premises will also be sold subject to all leases and tenancies having priority over said gage, to tenancies or occupation by persons on the premises now or af the time of said auction which tenancies or occupation are subject to said Mortgage, to rights or claims in personal property installed by tenants or former tenants now located on the premises, and also to laws and ordinances including, but not limited to, all building and zoning laws and ordinances. TERMS OF SALE A deposit in the amount of Ten Thousand and ($10,000.00) Doltars shall be paid in cash, certitied or approved bank treasurer's check by the highest bidder in escrow to Shatz, Schwartz and Fentin, P.C. at the time and place of sale as earnest money to be held at the option of the Mortgage Holder as liqvidated damages for any default by the successful bidder and the balance of the purchase price shall be paid in cash, certified or approved bank treasurer's check at closing, which shall occur within thirty (30) days after the date of foreclosure sale, time being of the essence, unless Mortgage Holder agrees otherwise.

In the event that the successful bidder at the public auction shall default in purchasing the within described property according to the terms of this Notice of Mortgagee's Sale the terms of the Memorandum of Sale executed at the public auction, the Mortgage Holder reserves the right, at its election, to sell the property to the second highest bidder at the public auction provided that Mortgage Holder in its discretion may require (i) said second highest bidder to deposit with the Escrow Agent the amount of the required deposit as set forth herein within three (3) business days after written notice to the second highest bidder of the default of the previous highest bidder, (it) the second highest bidder to execute a Memorandum of Sale and (Wii) the closing to occur within twenty (20) days of said written notice, time being the essence unless the Mortgage Holder agrees otherwise. The Mortgage Holder reserves the right to sell any parcel or any portion thereof separately. or in any order that Mortgage Holder may choose to postpone this sale to a later time or date by public proclamation at the time and date appointed for the sale and to further postpone any adjourned sale date by public proclamation at the time and date' appointed for the adjourned sale date. The description for the premises contained in said Mortgage shall control in the event of a fypographical error in this publication. The successful bidder shall pay all recording fees and documentary stamps in connection with the transfer of the premises, any costs of obtaining smoke detector tificates and the transfer or issuance of any licenses, all real tate taxes and municipal charges due as of the date of sale and those due thereafter through the date of Closing, as well as all of its costs in connection with the transaction, including but not limited to title examination and title premiums.

Customary adjustments shall be made for prepaid items only such as oil and rubbish; no other adjustments shall be made. The successful bidder at the sale will be required to sign a randum of Sale containing the above terms at the Auction Sale. Other terms to be announced at the time and place of sale. May 26, 1992 BAYBANK Present holder of said Mortgage Shatz, Schwartz and Fentin, P.C. 1441 Main Street Springfield, MA 01103 (413) 737-1131 Attorneys for the Mortgage Holder (May 29, June 5, 12) MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage given by JOSEPH J.

ABDOW, to SHAWMUT FIRST BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, SHAWMUT BANK, N.A., said mortgage being dated May 22, 1990 and recorded with the Hampden County Registry of Deeds at Book 7459, Page 252, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing same, will be sold at public auction at 2:00 p.m. on the 24th day of June, 1992, upon the premises located at 874-880 Sumner Springfield, chusetts, all and singular, the premises described in sald mortgage, to wit: The land in Springfleld. Hampden County, Massachusetts, bounded and described in two parcels as follows: PARCEL 1: Beginning on the northerly side of Sumner Avenue at a point three hundred twenty. four (324) teet from the intersection of the northerly line of Sumner Avenue with the easterly line of Davision Street: thence Northerly at right angles with Sumner Avenue, one hundred ten (110) feet; thence Easterly In line parallel to Sumner Avenue, sixty (60) feet; thence Southerly in a straight line, one hundred ten (110) teet to a point in the norther. ly line of Sumner Avenue distant sasterly, sixty, (60) feet from the point of beginning and thence Westerly along said northerly line of Sumner Avenue, sixty (60) teet to the point of beginning.

Being part of lot B.A. and B.A. u1 on plan of lots called Kattier Community Park, drawn by Merrill and Sears, Engineers, July 1922 and additional ligures, April 1923 and recorded in Hampden County Registry of Deeds Book of Plans Page 29. Subject to restrictions of record, it "BEING the same premises conveyed to Paul Athens by deed of Aired Leeds dated October 1.1 943 and recorded in the den County Registry of Deeds. Book 1769, Page 210.

Paul Athens deceased Februery 24, 1904 See Hampden Count' Probate Court Docket No. E1. PARCEL 2. Beginning the northwesterly corner of land of Paul Athens on the northerly tide of Sumner Avenue, said point being one hundred ten (110) leet northerly from the northerly line of Sumner Avenue; thence erly along land now or formerly of Frank A. and Rose A.

Meratorie one hundred (100) feet: thence easterly Springfield along to land Highland of the Branch CIty of the New York, New Haven and Harttord Railroad Company, twenly five and (75 04) teet; thence southeasterly along said raltroad to the northeasterly nor of land of Clement Simmers. distance of one dred eighteen and (110.37) leet, said point being one hundred thirty and 10:100 1130.10) leet northwesterly from the northerly line of Sumner Avenue as sured along sald reallroad, thence westerly along land now or merly of Clement P. Simmers, ReRosall and Paul Athens to the point of beginning, eighty nine and 20 100 leet, and taining above live thousand seven hundred three square Legal Notices feet, and being part of property described in Instrument of Taking dated October 1, 1941 and recorded in Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 1726, Page. 50. SUBJECT TO a mortgage 10 Chicopee Cooperative Bank in the original principal sum of $151,000.00 dated September 28, 1987 and recorded with said deeds in Book 6635, Page 285.

BEING the same premises conveyed to the mortgagor herein by deed of James P. Athens executor under the will of Potoula Athens dated May 6, 1986 and recorded with said deeds in Book 6079, Page 438. Terms of Sale: Said premises will be sold and conveyed subject to all unpaid taxes, tax titles, municipal liens and assessments and other liens and encumbrances of record, if any, which may take precedence over the said mortgage described. THREE THOUSAND AND ($3,000.00) DOLLARS must be paid in cash, certified check, bank treasurer's check or cashier's check at the time and place of sate by the purchaser, and the balance of the purchase price shall be paid in cash, certified check, bank. treasurer's check or cashier's check within twenty-one (21) days after the sale date, and shall be deposited in escrow with Goldman, Albano and Fierberg, P.C., 95 State Street, Springfield, Massachusetts.

The deed shall be delivered and recorded on or before the thirtleth (30th) day toltowing the sale. The purchaser will be responsible for all closing costs, state documentary stamps and recording fees. The Mortgagee reserves the right to sell the property to the second highest bidder at the sale in the event of a default by the successful bidder. The time for performance hereunder may be extended in the sole and exclusive discretion of the Mortgagee. Other terms and conditions will be announced at the sale.

SHAWMUT FIRST BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, SHAWMUT BANK, N.A. Present Holder of Said Mortgage By Its Attorney-In-Fact By: James H. Fierberg, Esq. GOLDMAN, ALBANO AND FIERBERG, P.C. 95 Street, Ste.

600 Springfield, MA 01103 Tel. (413) 737-5300 (May 29, June 5, 12) MORTGAGEE'S SALE "OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and In execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Andrew Queen to Northeast Savings, F.A., dated June 5, 1989, and recorded with the Hampden ty Registry of Deeds, in Book 7189, Page 575, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 3:00 o'clock, P.M. on the 8th day of June, A.D., 1992, on the premises described therein, to wit, 37 Tennyson Drive, Longmeadow, Hampden County, Massachusetts, the premises described in said. mortgage, together with all the rights, easem*nts, and appurtenances thereto, to wit: The real estate located in Longmeadow, Hampden County, Massachusetts, more particularty bounded and described as follows: The land known and designated as Lot 6, as shown on plan of land recorded in the Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book of Plans 219, Pages 124 and 125, bounded and described as follows: Bounded NORTHWESTERLY by Tennyson Drive by a curve, an arc distance of 125.00°; NORTHEASTERLY by Lot as shown on said plan, 178.95; SOUTHEASTERLY by land now or. formerly of Irvin A.

Wexler, 108.54°; SOUTHWESTERLY by Lot 9, as shown on said plan, 175.94'. Containing 21,187 square feet according to said plan. SUBJECT TO Easem*nt to New England Telephone and Telegrap Company and Western Massachusetts Electric Company dated October 3, 1984 and recorded as aforesaid on October 10, 1984 in Book 5696, Page 581. SUBJECT TO Order of tions-Wetland Protection under instrument dated September 14, 1987 and recorded as aforesald on December 17, 1987 in Book 6711, Page 581. SUBJECT TO Amended Order of Conditions dated May 8, 1988 and recorded as aforesaid on May 11, 1988 in Book 6832, Page 431.

Terms of sale: These premises are being sold subject to any and all unpaid real estate taxes, water rates, municipal charges and assessments, federal tax liens, partition wall rights, statutes, tions, zoning, subdivision control, or other municipal ordinances or bylaws respecting land use, configuration, building or approval, or ordinances regarding the presence of lead paint, asbestos, sanitary codes, housing codes, or tenancy. Purchaser shall also bear all state and county deeds excise tax. The deposit of $25,000.00 is to be paid in cash or bank or certified check at the time and place of the sale, with the balance to be paid by bank or certified check on or before July 20, 1992, to be deposited in escrow with Kevin F. Murphy, Esquire, at 31 Milk Street, Boston, Massachusetts. Other terms, if any, are to be announced at the sale.

Northeast Savings, F.A. by its Attorney Kevin F. Murphy, Esquire 31 Milk Street Boston, MA 02109 May 6, 1992 (May 15, 22, 29) MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in certain mortgage given by JAMES S. STARVISH10 HERITAGE-NIS BANK FOR SAVINGS, now known as HERITAGE BANK FOR SAVINGS dated February 23, 1989 and recorded with the Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 7104, Page 156, as moditied by instrument dated June 16, 1989, so recorded in Book 7196, Page 77, and by instrument dated February 19, 1991, so recorded in Book 7644, Page 319, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder, for breach of conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction on the mortgaged premises located at 546-548 Main Street, Hampden County, Massachusetts at 3:00 p.m. on the 16th day of June, 1992, all and singular the premises described in sald mortgage, to wit: "The land In Hampden, Hampden County, Massachusetts, with buildings and improvements hereon, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an Iron pin in the southerly line of Main Street, said iron pin being distant 85 degrees 00" one hundred eight (106) feet measured along said ly line of Main Street from an iron pin marking the northeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Harold F.

and Jeanette R. Green; and from said point of beginning, running thence 85 degrees 00" by said Main Street one hundred forty and (140.40) feet 10 an iron pin at land now or formerly of Francis B. and Lillian B. Haynes; thence running 07 degrees 06' 45" by the last named land five hundred eight (508) feet to an iron pin set in the north bank of the Scantic River; thence in a NORTHWESTERLY direction along the north bank of the Scantic River two hundred twenty-five (225) feet, more or less, to an iron pin at tand now or formerly of the aforesaid Harold F. and Jeanette R.

Green; thence running 02 degrees by the last named land two hundred sixty and (260.64) feet to an iron pin at land now or formerly Carl H. Hatch and Barbara K. Hatch; thence running 85 degrees 35' 00" by the last named land ninety-four and 62: 100 (94.02) feet to an iron pin; thence running 07 degrees 45" still by land now or formerly of the aforesald Carl H. Hatch and Barbara K. Hatch one hundred eighty (140) feet to the iron pin at the point of beginning.

Being the same premises veyed to the mortgagor herein by deed of Etrem A. Gordon dated July 12, 1980 and recorded with Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 6901, Page 480. Subject to possible flowage rights. canal and penstock rights under instrument dated June 2, 1037 corded as aforesaid in Book 100, Page 355, and under Instrument dated April 16, 1847 recorded as storesald in Book 137, Page 313, in force and applicable to the herein described premises. Subject to a right of way for travel on fool only as set forth in grant 10 Francia Haynes, at uN under strument dated June 20, 1967 re corded as aforesaid in Book 3272.

Page 457. Together with and subject to portan rights in said Said premises will be sold sublect to all oulstanding tax Miles. nicipal or other public taxes, sessments or liens it any there be. TERMS OF SALE: and TWENTY -FIVE THOUSAND ($25,000 00) DOLLARS cash or titled check to be paid at the time and place of the tale as earnest money by the purchaser and the balance of the purchase price be paid in tult within thirty (30) days thereafter at the office of King. One Financial Plaza, 1350 Main Street, Springfield, chusette.

Other terms to be announced at the sale. HERITAGE BANK FOR SAVINGS 1 Union-News, Thursday, May 29, 1992 47 ROAD FRONT Location Location 91 Taurus '92 '90 Lebaron Bronco S.H.O. Spirit Convertible 15,988 14.988 Bright Buys! 9,988 12,988 '91 Ford, Your Choice! 92 Dodge Escort Shadow, 2 Door, Rear Stereo, Rear Stereo, and $8488 4 Door, AT, '91 Ford Your Choice! '91 Dodge a Mustang Spirit 2 Door, Lift Back, AT, $8988 Stereo, Door, Tilt. Cruise, 4 AT. Rear Defroster.

Til and Cruise. '91 Ford Your Choice! '91 Dodge CUA Probe GT Dynasty. Alloy Wheels, Stereo Cruise, Cassette More. and Power Mirrors. Tit.

Cruise, $9988 V-6, AT, Tilt. '91 Ford Your Choice! '92 Dodge Taurus Dynasty, V-6, AT. Tilt, Cruise, Cruise, Rear Def. Rear Def. V-6, AT, Tilt, Crown '92 Victoria Ford Choice! '92 Dodge Loaded with luxury.

Caravan SE $15,988 3.3 and power liter, locks, 7 windows more. LOW Legal Notices 97 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS LAND COURT DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT (SEAL) Case No. 178980 To John H. Adamick and to all persons entitled to the benefit of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940 as amended: Dime Savings Bank of York, FSB claiming to be the holder of a mortgage covering real property in Southwick, sachusetts, known as and bered 268 Granville Road given by John H. Adamick to The Dime Real Estate Servicessetts, inc.

dated January 29, 1988, and recorded with Hampden County Registry of Deeds at Book 6744, Page 217 and assigned to Dime Savings Bank of New York, S8 by Assignment of Mortgage dated January 79, 1988, recorded with sald Registry of at Book 6744, Page 227, has filed with said court a complaint tor authority to foreclose said mortgage in the manner lollowing: by entry and possession and exercise of power of sale. you are entitled to the benefits of the Soldiers' and Sallors' Civil Rellet Act of 1940 as amended and you object to such foreclosure you or your attorney should file a writ. ten appearance and answer in said court at Boston on or before the 22nd day of June 1992, or you may be forever barred from claiming that such toreclosure is Invalid under sald act. Witness, JOHN E. FENTON, Chief Justice of said Court this 11th day of May 1992.

CHARLESW. TROMBLY, JR. Recorder (May 79) ANNOUNCEMENTS 100 119 Personals 100 AIRLINE Ticket (1) Bradley to Tampa FL. JUNE 6.55pm $75. 533-0745 Percy get in touch with Dee Bee; staying in the Holiday Inn until Laura Rose gel touch wilh Jesse your in-law.

312-536-2540 STOP FORECLOSURE, IRS state tax collections. debt lections Consider Bankruptcy. 1-800-447-7570 or 794-1270 THE NEXT SOCIAL CONNECTION WILL RUN June 4th DEADLINE FOR THIS ISSUE IS SATURDAY May 30th FRIENDSHIP ROMANCE ARE NOW JUST A PHONE CALL AWAY Down Payment, OR Personals 100 "VOICE AD" The Newest Easiest Way For You To Meet The One Of Your Dreams Look For The Social Connection in THURSDAY'S WEEKEND SECTION ALSO IN SUNDAY'S LEISURE TIME SECTION And Now The BEST PART IT'S That's Right! Your First 5 Lines are FREE when you place your Voice Mail Ad in the New Social Connection. Additional Lines are just $2 extra. Now When You Place Your ad, you can record a personal message in a VOICE MAIL BOX People who want to respond to your PRINT AD call your voice mail box on a 900 number, hear your message leave a response ALL ADS ARE PREPAID BASIS ONLY We Accept Mastercard Visa Check or Money Order All Ads Must Be Paid Before the Deadline Your ad must run for 2 consecutive Thursdays Sundays in the Social Connection.

Plus, we'll automatically run your ad once, FREE CHARGE, in the UNION NEWS EXTRA TO PLACE AN AD CALL Mon -Fri Saturday From outside the Greater Springfield areo, call toll free 1 800-445-0448 The Deadline for the LOW 60 Personals 100 Thurs. June 11th issue is Saturday June 6th Call Now Our Operators Will Give You Additional Tips WANTED: 30 PEOPLE to lose 30 Ibs in 30 days. Safe, easy affordable. Call 735-2120. Lost Found 103 LOST black neutered male CAT w'gold eyes, very friendly, vic of Stoney Hill Rd.

in Hampden. Call 566-5728. LOST Bik Female Cat double paws front back Gold eyes. Loved family pet area of Page Bivd Observer St 732-1535 Reward LOST Male Short hair all white cat, Vic. of Steuben St.

Berkshire 1.0. Ans. to Moison. Green eyes, no collar, Missing since 5:23. 543-3230 LOST May 7, light colored herd, over weight, 467-7357, 467-9738 Granby ares.

Reward Offered. LOSTI Nr. Sumner Allen, Calico female, gray male cats Both 10 mos. old. Reward.

736-6743 LOST: Orange white short. haired tern. cat, approx. old Vacinity of Southampton Rd. In Westfield.

Missing since May 13. Very friendly. Missed lot. Please call 562-7454 LOST White long haired Male sian cat. Vic of North Bled in W.

Spild. Call MISSING: Stuffed Dog. Childs vorite toy. Last seen May Baysiate Med. Pediatric, Tan white, Reward 11 turned.

Anytime 509-7343 Day Care Centers 113 KIDDIE KORRAL DAY CARE Ciean, entry home environment. Language skIlls and dutpmnt, Home-cooked meals, snacks. 1st. aid cert. Smoke free environ.

Exp. and rets. Newborn to age S. S. Hadley.

Lic. 533-2439. READY SET GROWI Fam. DC. Exp teacher mother Lic.

63947, 789-2530 AUTOMOBILES 130 165 AGAWAM MOTORS 14 Norris Agawam, MA 01001 10.1550 UNLIMITED 125 Springfield Feeding Hills. 709-3400 AZTEC MOTORS, INC. 1 River Agawam MT DEIROS WILLIAMS 2045 Boston Rd. wilbraham Rates Finance FULL Convenient FORD Fuller Rd. 593-FORD Hours: 12 to 5, Mon.

Trailers 131 90 UTILTIY TRIR $300. Call (413) 789-0971 Recreational Vehicles 132 A-1 condition, Prowler Travel trailer. self contained, gas or electric. $8.600. By app't 596-9235.

A-1 TRAILER TOWING Call for appt. 543-1341 A ed, new fact class A discount 28ft mtr hme, 525-0324 loadATTENTION R.V. OWNERS Get ready for vacation fun. ups Exhausts Brakes Shocks. Also interior remodeling renovations.

Degco Enterprizes, 1985 Boston Rd. Wilbraham. 543-1341 AT YANKEE RV NOW 1992 Four Winds Truck Campers 8'-12' All Units Self-Contained! Special 1st Dealer Delivery count on in Stock Units SERVICE YANKEE RV RTE 20, PALMER, MA 413-283-2578 OPEN 7 DAYS Ford '73 Motorhome, 20', 50K mi, o. 525-2359. Layton 24Ft Camper 79 Sips 6.

Full bath Exc cond. $3500 BO 568-7137 LIGHT T.T. Like new Only slept In 10 days a year. Kit. bthrm.

never used 1-413-268-3283 MIDAS 77 Motorhome Class C. Sips 6. Runs Exc. Fully Equip. Must See $6900 BRO 737-7914 MUST SELL 1989 tent trailer, Fully equipped $4000.

746-6534 SHASTA 73 23ft self cont, awning must sell, 569-0206 Slide In truck camper, Franklin self contained $1475; 737-4603 SUNLINER 83 20ft. 731-9366 bunk beds. super clean $4500, Discounted New TRAVEL TOWN Southwick, MA 413-569-6297 WE HAVE BUYERS FOR YOUR MOTOR HOME OR TRAVEL TRAILER your RV with DIAMOND RV Rte Exit 22 oft 1-91 Hatfield 1-247-3144 Mon Fri to 7 Sate to 9 Sun 11 to 5 WE SELL MORE! So we can sell for less! we pay cash for used. or consign your RVI All major RV trades welcome. Open days a week! LONG VIEW RV SuperStore 1-01 21.

North Northampton, MA 413 Winnebago 19 Chieftain 75F1 Class mi c. $29,500 1-445 0450 LARK CAMPER stove trig shower. heater. tollet, everything works. $1200.

A11 Som 796-1012 Bever Motor Home. cent hi Ice machine all the to mi beautitul must see. Priced in the 170's: 477-4919 5th wheel Landyacht 2041, roll: down awning 12050. 737 COLEMAN Camper San, orig mi, sips 4. 994 2379 Used Car Warranty Locations CHICOPEE 510 8:30 to 8, Fri.

Recreational Vehicles 132 CONQUEST 2611 MH, 460 eny. Call 596-6265 Parts, Service 133 WE NOW PAY FOR ALL JUNK CARS CHET'S 543-3380 A 1ST CALL We haul them 594-5505. all for big cash, 1hr. service. A $20 TO $2000 price for your used car.

Call 733-6365 wanted BETTER car. Call OFFER 785-1681 for your ABSOLUTELY highest cash prices paid for unwanted autos, running or not. Free pick up. 782-6485. ABSOLUTELY TOPS for your vehicle.

TRY US. 543-2833 ANY JUNK CAR REMOVED ABSOLUTELY FREE! Same day service. 594-5565 AUTOMOTIVE SHOP EQUIP. Call 568-6113 Auto Truck Engines, quality manulactured, Call Star 781-7827 BUICK: OLDS, reblt V6; 231, $350: Ford 460, $450 Call 782-6410 CAR TRUCK ENGINES 737-1117 for sate 739-1147 CASH PAID Junk cars, trucks buses removed free. Roy's Towing 733-2209 CHEV 5B Tunnel-ram, dual quad.

carbs, and air cleaner, linkage, $300. Call 594-2759 CHEVY 461 Fuelie Racing Heads, Crower roller springs 200 lbs. All new Edlebrock intake 2976 Holley 750 carb, $800. 799-0902 CUSTOM ENGINE REBUILDING H.B WOOD AUTO PARTS. 733-0092 ENGINES ENGINES ENGINES 62 Diesel 5 7 231 454 Over 150 in Stock! as low as $1025 3 yr 50.000 mite warranty Direct Part Line 781-1410 CENTRAL CHEVROLET HONDA Accord.

for paris, good engine. Call 132-9601. LTD PARTS CARS 83 Jaguar XJ6 85 Audi 5600 80 Mercedes 240D 74 70 BMW 2002 733-3000 NOVA $400 Call 543-3704 Rebuilt GM Steering Columns in stock or same day service as low 01 $99 CALL. 781-3400 00 36 Ask for Randy RIMS SSPOKE CASS AL UM 15000 Call A RIMS (4) 04 Size Like New $350 80. T-tops 84 cover $100 734.0476 VOLVO '75 164.

Gd body. stored in Spild 1350 2651. VW RABBIT '79 sell Great for parts. Runs 0 WILL PAY $29 TO 12000 for cars Trucks Randall Auto. 737-1117 310 CHEVROLET ENGINE Com pletely rebuilt, 0 miles, $050 Call 4801 or 704-0606 5.0 Off Rd Pipes $90 DO SO Rear Luevers 150 00 Dodge Front St.

594-4723 Sat. 8:30 to 5. Legal Notices 97 By: Richard E. Landry Its Vice President ELY KING One Financial Plaza 1350 Main Street Springfield, MA 01103 (413) 781-1920 2249L (May 15, 22, 29, June 5) MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the power of sale contained in certain mortgage given by TMP REALTY CORP. BAYBANK VALLEY TRUST COMPANY, BAYBANK, said mortgage being dated January 31, 1990 and recorded with the Hampden County Registry of Deeds at Book 7379, Page 238, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the pose of foreclosing same, will be sold at public auction on the 12th day of June, 1992, at the times and places stated below, all and singular, the premises described in sald mortgage, to wit: PARCEL I The land in Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on Clayton Street distant Westerly from Plainfield Street one hundred eighty-four (184) feet, and running thence WESTERLY on said Clayton Street, Forty-three (43) feel; thence parallel with the Westerly line of Lot 44 on plan of lots recorded In Hampden County Registry of Deeds, Book of Plans 3, Page 55, about one hundred seven (107) teet to the Southerly line of Lot on said plan, thence EASTERLY on the Southerly line of Lots al and on said plan, forty-three (43) feet; and thence NORTHERLY on a line parallel with the Easterly line of said Lot about one hundred seven (107) teet to the place of beginning.

Being the premises known as 19-21 Clayton Street. PARCEL I The land In Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts, with the bulldings thereon situated on Massasoit Place and designated as Lot Numbered 13 (thirteen) on plan of tots owned by Edwin W. Shattuck recorded In Hampden County Registry of Deeds, Book of Plans 2, Page 133, to which plan and the record thereot reterence is hereby made for a more ular description. Said Lot Numbered 13 (thirteen) is more vlarly bounded and described as SOUTHEASTERLY feet; by Massasoit NORTHEASTERLY by tot nurhbared 11 (eleven) and lot bared 12 (twelve) on said plan, one hundred thirteen and (113.09) feet. NORTHWESTERLY by lot bered 10 (ten) on said plan, titty and (50.73) feet; and SOUTHWESTERLY by lot bered 14 (fourteen) on said plan, one hundred nine and (101.01) teet.

Being the premises known as 18-20 Massasoit Street. PARCEL IN The land in Springtield, Hamp den County, Massachusetts bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the northeasterly corner of Worthington Street and Kibbe Avenue, and running thence NORTHEASTERLY On Kibbe Avenue, one hundred Iwelve 1112) feet to en iron rod at land now or formerly of Patrick Fenton; EASTERLY On last named land, hundred one and 100 (101.60) tael to an iron rod at land now or formerly of the heirs of Anna Keele, thence SOUTHERLY on last named land, thirty. five and 37, 100 (35.37) feet to an iron rod at land now or for. merly of Carrie A. Twichell, thence WESTERLY on last named land, thirty.sin and (34 49) feet to an iron rod, thence SOUTHERLY on sald land of Twl.

chell, seventy nine and 179.63) feel to a stone bound in the northerly line of Worthington Street, disiant easterly sixty lout Legal Notices 97 and 68:100 (64.68) feet from the place of beginning; and thence WESTERLY on said Worthington Street, sixty- -four and (64.68) feet place of beginning. Being the premises known as 834 Worthington Street. Terms of Sale: PARCEL I OF THE ABOVE SCRIBED MORTGAGED PREMISES KNOWN AS 19-21 CLAYTON STREET, SPRINGFIELD, CHUSETTS WILL BE SOLD UPON SAID PREMISES AT 10:00 A.M. ON FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1992. PARCEL I OF THE ABOVE SCRIBED MORTGAGED PREMISES KNOWN AS MASSASOIT STREET, SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS WILL BE SOLD UPON SAID PREMISES AT 11:00 A.M.

ON FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1992. PARCEL IN OF THE ABOVE SCRIBED MORTGAGED PREMISES KNOWN AS 834 WORTHINGTON STREET, SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS WILL BE SOLD UPON SAID PREMISES AT 12:00 P.M, ON FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1992. Said premises will be sold and conveyed subject to all unpaid taxes, tax titles, municipal liens and assessments and other liens and encumbrances of record, it any, which may take precedence over the said mortgage described. FIVE THOUSAND AND ($5,000.00) DOLLARS must be pard in cash, certified check, bank treasurer's check or cashier's check at the time and place of each sale by the purchaser, and the balance of the purchase price shall be paid in cash, certified check, bank treasurer's check or cashier's check within twenty one (21) days after the sale date, and shall be deposited in escrow with Goldman, Albano and Fierberg. 95 State Street, Springfield, Massachusells.

The deed shall be delivered and recorded on or fore the thirtieth (30th) day lowing the sale. The purchaser will be responsible for all closing costs, state documentary stamps and recording ices. The Mortgagee reserves the right to sell the property to the second highest bidder at the sale in the event of a default by the successful bidder. Other terms and conditions will be announced at the sale. BAYBANK Present Holder of Said Mortgage By Its Dy: Peter D.

Jordan, Esq GOLDMAN, AL BANO AND FIERBERG, P.C. 95 State Street. Ste 400 Springfield, MA 01103 Tel. (413) 737-5300 (MAY 15. 22, 29) Summons by Publication and mailing LOISL.

SCHALLENKAMP Plaintiff v1. JOHN M. SCHALLENK AMP Delendant To the named Defendant A complaint has been presented to this Court by your spouse, LOIS L. SCHALLENK AMP. ing to dissolve the bonds of matri.

mony, and for custody You are required to serve upon Atty. Regina Perry- Abbott, attorney, whose address is 2072 Boston Road. Wilbraham, Me 01009 your answer on or tore July twenty fourth, 1991. 11 YOU tail to do 10, the Court will proceed to the hearing and dication of this action You are also required to tile a copy of your answer in the office ol the Regis. tor of this Court at 50 State Street, Springlield, Me 01103.

Witness JOSEPH F. RODGERS, Esq. First Judge of said Court Springfield May 1, THOMAS P. MORIARTY JI Register of Probate (MAY 15. 72.

701 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS HAMPOLNSS PROBATE COURT No. 9200949-DV Antique Autos Classics 140 CAR SHOW June 7th at the North-: ampion Airport. Sponsored by the Northampton Lions Club. 9. 4pm.

Rain date June 21. For more info. call 584-7980. CHEVY 55. Bel Air Conv.

needs restoration $8500 80 786-0194 CORVETTE 66 2 tops, 327 4spd. blue blue, $19,500. 583-8977 OLDS TORONADO '69 56k mi. Good cond. Clean All power.

$2,495 80 283-3198 PONT Grand Prix 64. All Orig. 732-9781 1954 CHEV Belair 6cyl, pwr glide, runs well, top, intr, TR8 paint good, all orig. 1980 conv. v6, exc cond, 40K mi, garaged, never In snow.

1984 Porsche 911 Cabrio Carrera, Sony 10 disk player 100 watts, tail special tact. color whis, 35K mi, mint mint mint. Best Offer 737-5657 1954 Merc Monteray Sun Valley Cyl PS PB Looks Runs Good, Wide white wall tires $6000. 739-8379 1957 CHEVY 2dr Sedan (Body) extra frame parts. Tenn car title, $2,000 O.

323-4406 1969 AMC JAVELIN SST, 390 go pkg. 543-1465 1971 CORVETTE L5-5 454, 4spd. T. tops, $11,500. O.

527-7945 47 INTERNATIONAL Flatbed w69 350 Chev Eng. $500 80 732-6438 63 FALCON, 2dr spd. No motor, Roughint First $100, 736-2015 63 Falcon 6 cyl. 4sp. older.

restor needs work $1200. 736-2015 69 Firebird Conv. New Mir Tranny top. $3500 B0 583-6669 CHEVELLE Conv excel. cond.

shell 350 300 HP, new paint top, $7000 or 8.0.1 $43-5032 Kevin NOw CR 500 New CBR 600 New PC 400 New GL 1500 The largest selection of new used Motorcycles in Western MA HONDA YAMAHA DUCATI' Rte 5 One Mile South off 1-91 Northampton 000-449-9965 ME BUY USED BIKES Motorcycles Mopeds 146 AT POPOLI's '05 GL 1700 1 Maroon 1: 1287 '88 Ninja 750R Mint 4000ml. 5558 '87 Virago 535 1956ml. 0317 Shadow 1100 Black Sit. 7519 '85 Shadow 700 Black eP 2071. NEW '92FZR 1000 57495 '92 Gold wing Aspencade $10.805 NEW '90 GL 1500 99,995 NEW 6 SO SUPER JET $3,495 NEW 500 WAVE JAMMER $2798 BEST PRICES BEST SERVICE CASH For Motorcycles POPOLI HONDA YAMAHA Call 562-5661 Toll Free 1-800-637-3374 AT SWM New Suzuki DR250S Dual Sport.

199 Down, trieght prep Come in for detalls. Only at Suzuki of Western Mass 202 Grandy, MA 467-3499 AT VALLEY MOTORSPORTS THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL New 10 1599 New 300 Jet SAl New Ex 500 New OX 250 New ZX-11 NEW CR 179 New BAER'S CYCLE SALES BUY ANY. YAMAHA STREET LIKE THE FIR 400 ORT FREE WHILE MET OFFERS GOOD SUPPLIES LAST DON'T LEFT GET ON DOWN 10 GAER'S. 11 HARVEY ST. 783-2520 14.


The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.