The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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Cleveland, Ohio

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CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER RIDAY SEPTEMBER 23 1949 20 Recreation Education Program Starts Oct 3 tew Talking It Oyer With Youth INGRID ASKS MATE Don't Lose Her in the Shuffle OR PICTURE ONLY PEN TERM IS CUT had a reduction 4 commutation Leopold nrs Aodrion saW mhfr unton iro a rinrrMA tn i rench Born Stylist Wins ashion Prize at Show 4 you can no and des Paul a fellow revenue agent Battle of Vincent A nj maui nniiuciVU UM me 11U11L i'i 9f Hunt 3316 Pearl uoesn yOrH6 Parma Hunt called Parma either during holy abooJ i Great Lakes I name and address He was returned begins Christmas Eve or Vincent Avenue i to his home IN at 1flf rtlerhf when wnrH a A ew i vicinity was passed to members of (states in 1838 He is a retired cabi the police radio bureau netmaker ARTISTS NEAR DEADLINE GYRO CONVENING Carroll's Evening a insults or TRAVEL I CALiORKIA 811 TRAVEL BUREAU SIEVE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT for her gallantly an! see that she tween the take her and 'gets home safely But they devote attitude of some boys and the hours in between to having a us two alone angle of ti to agree at a reduction on any new men a spokesman said William Ahrens secretary of the Cincinnati Daily Newspaper Pub ing he said Members of Local 5 Stereotypers Union (A of L) struck yester day for an increase in pay frojn $91 to $96 a week with a 10 addi tional for night workers Ahrens said the men were offered YOU CAN COUNT ON COMLI MENTS for every dish you fix proridrd you add BiaB Broiled in Butter Mush rooms In the fix ings! be rare spices tons of sugar 20 sacks of coffee and foreign gastronomic delicacies was stored at the tress" Now Pallette has offered most of his food stocks for sale in La Grande Sj extracts more flavor from thd freshly roasted coffee than ever before Besides no pot to wash no messy grounds! (Bor throws the used grounds away for you) Order Instant Coffee from your Grocer employees crossed the picket lines because they either were under contract 7 or had working agree ments with the papers refuse to pass the picket lines under the circ*mstances would be BY LOUELLA PARSONS HOLLYWOOD Cal Sept 22 Ingrid Bergman is prepared to offer Dr Peter Lindstrom half of theirt community the remaining half to be put in trust for the use and benefit nf lbc la the COAL OR YOUNG WIVES' LONDON Sept 22 (ZP) Mrs JUST BETWEEN US admit i used to oe laiy about polishing sil ver for It meant such a BIG expendi ture in time and bow But now I actually enjoyi lt thanks to WIZARD GLASS WAX because thia magic action multi purposecleaner makes the job so easy i with no hard rubbing or buf ling Dull ugly tarnish just dis appears and original beauty is restored making your lovely 5 silver sparkle and gleam like new again! WIZARD GLASS WAX is absolutely safe too and just as wonderful for clean ing copper brass and nickel Costs only 39( so saves you 20f every time you buy glass wax! Do try it! and jackets and to i Daid Evins for his shoe The ceremony took before an audience of 1000 guests in the dignified old Metropolitan Club where an elaborate fashion show was staged in the white marble lounge its great double stair case Mayor William I made the presentations of the bronze wood and Harry Pollock and Oscar Mumbaugh both of Youngs town which is in the Cleveland dis trict Dick started with the bureau herp May 1920 and during the last 10 years has done work in the review section He retires Wednesday Pol lock went to work in Youngstown in September 1922 and has done income tax work in the field ever since New York University He is one of 48 Ohio residents to receive such scholarships in the last four years Throughout the nation 1206 scholarships have been given through the foundation in order to increase the number of physical at 9 this morning with traditional celebration of the Mass of the Holy Ghost Catholic members of the faculty and student body will assist Rev rederick Welfle uni versity president will be th? celebrant granting ap decision He said pa were unani way around Stay by her side untili going to ask a girl fori Smith as par of the recreational she gets into a happy chat with jdgtcs vou should remember and educational program at the enmssnrto pIca Hartinff awav leaiflomont Ww te riiilw ae anrl Unen warding prisoners who voluntarily (Continued on Page 16 Column 3) risked their Jives the malaria experiments" Partner in Stabbed Loeb partner in the A leave right where your youngsters can help themselves to handfuls plump naturally Lg sweet SUN MAID Raisins! Add SUN MAID'S by the cup ful to cereals cakes cookies biscuits muffins serfs too for these of not only provide heaps of food energy nourishment both children and grown ups need but the simpler problems of handcraft Both projects are samplings of the program sponsored by the settle ments and recreation centers throughout 'Greater Cleveland a program which urgently needs vol junteer leadership In line with i this need the Central Volunteer Bureau of the Welfare ederation and the Group Work Council co sponsor a course of training ingroup leadership beginning Oct 3 Similar to the enormously suc cessful course of last year but specializing in training for work with six to 12 year olds the course will be held Mondays and Thurs days from 3:30 to 5 at the Ai little theater East 18th and Pros pect Oct 3 6 10 13 17 and 20 Qualifications for enrollment in clude a minimum age of 18 and the fee is $200 for the three week course 1 SEPTEMBER REMINDS ME of County air the thrills of the midway and races proud home grown disnlavs of all rood thinvs to eat And know the best way to recapture this old ANNA' Ill Sept 22 (ZP) Two pumping stations on the Big Inch and Little Inch natural gas pipe lines were closed today by several hundred men in an orderly motor caravan County authorities said they were members of several bor unions but did not learn background of the action There was no violence and arrests were made The gas con tinued to flow in parallel pipes running from Texas to the Atlantic seaboard The are 12 miles east of here and at Norris City by a fellow prisoner at state prison in 1936 The two were the scions of wealthy Chicago families and were students at the University of Chi cago when they decided to commit murder forthe thrill of concocting a perfect crime They selected their victim at ran dom Young ranks and killed him with a chisel after kidnaping him and sending a $10000 ransom note to his parents During his prison confinement Leopold had became a brilliant ornithologist and psychologist a recognized statistician and a scholar proficient a score of languages Lawyer Says Doctor Can Take Property Share was reported missing to police by relatives Unable to speak English the eld erly man wandered to the front parole when his minimum up Stevenson in said that the By Elizabeth Woodward does he take me out and then pay more attention to every body else than he pays to a favorite wad of girls who find men mystifying" Obviously these girls feel that the boys they date are shirking their responsibilities' The boys aren't sticking close enough to make them feel together The girls want their dates within reach to talk to laugh with and play up to They need the com pans of their dates for moral sup port They feel that they ought to be a bit special and merit some undivided since the boys went to the trouble of asking for their company for the evening Some boys take a girl out with a crowd she doesn't know They call for World BlowupLE GRANDE Ore Sept (UP) Movie Actor Eugene Pallette is dismantling' his mountain fortress and getting rid of the hoard of food he cached away in anticipation of a Apparently the roly poly charac ter actor who used to play the roles of pompous businessmen has de cided the world smashup is not yet at hand Twelve years ago Pallette select have not insisted that the world owes life a he said simply have wanted the world to give us an opportunity to live and make our own careers Unlike some have not attempted to destroy what others have built so that we might profit thereby Rather we have built for our selves" Present membership of the Quar ter Century Club is 1174 This rep resents 29000 years of work with Johns Manville club officers said know anybody very well and just (might feel shy and timid with those Some boys take a girl to la party plunk her down in a high with fruit or berries for trulj l' because this ready to eat cereal is made from golden grains of choice nourishing corn and path crispy puff of KIX is now a bit smaller more tender more delightful than ever! Then too each package of KIX features County air cut outs of erris Side Shows etc promising a world of fun action and thrills for the children! SERVING THE SAME DISHES made the sameway every dayf Then a grand way to break this menu monotony stock up oi LaCHOY Bean Sprouts and LaCHOY Chinese Mixed Vegetables for two delightful and decidedly unusual foods! Serve LaCHOY Bean Sprouts in soups salads or as a "vegetable and to give salads stews and casseroles real flavor variety add LaCHOY Chinese Mixed Vege tables a rare mixture of bean sprouts water chestnuts bamboo shoots mushrooms and sweet peppers Be sure to try LaCHOY Chinese Dinner too a com plete ready to heat eat meal in one handy carton! with: Learning a wide variety of games their use and adaptation to various age groups 2 Studying crafts hand puppets shadowgraphs and informal dra matics with several resource people as instructors 3 Discovering some of the and of child behavior and how to cope with them 4 Learning the part in an' informal educational recrea ational group Is she a boss obser ver teacher comedian? At this point in the course all members who have not done so will visit an agency and observe a program in action i 5 Learning the responsibility of the volunteer to the agency Discussing the agency's place in the community its educational and recreational purpose or further information on this funful and useful activity call Mrs Ruth Lucas or Mrs Margaret Col lins at CH 6850 SCOWLING WHEN YOU bUOUK pots ii pans make the job any light er your pots brighter nor Mjr your bands any but tell you something that WILL! CHORE 'GIRL for this original knitted copper pot cleaner is the grandest going for sparkling up pots and pans! because CHORE GIRL whisks away every trace of burned on grease fruit juices and crustiness to give your pots a sparkle be proud of yet since splinter proof and rustproof not one splinter can: to Irritate your hands Costs only 10 too so get1 CHORE GIRL and smite when you shine up your pots and pans! Nowto relieve 1 1 if distresswithout dosing rub on VAPORUB YOUR PET HATE greasy dishwater? Then why not i change to SWERL for thess suds give you the won der of greaseless dishwashing! A marvel of speed efficiency SWERL does things NO soap can do and proof! 'It makes your hands feel so dainty for NO greasy feeling dish water with SWERL! It banishes gooly grease ring from pan and sink even makes your dish cloth smell fresher because NO greasy smell with SWERL It gives your dishes and glasses tha't diamond sparkle with NO grease or soap film to wipe away! Doing dishes is ac tually fan with SWERL Rate OR 1202 roll University evening division) yesterday topped 800 bettering record established in 1946 Last night enrollment Was 446 Over all enrollment day and night dropped or 81 students from last September's 2281 Day students number 1600 or 235 under last total 1 The graduate division recorded a substantial gain for a new high with a total of 69 students pursuing degrees in arts sciences or education Carroll will mark officially the opening of it 64th academic year Jay Show Entries Due "Tomorrows Opening Is Oct Time is running out for painters MISS THIS WONDERUL OER an opportunity to get a combination Candy and Deep at rying Ther mometer almost as a GIT! A full $1 yours at a barpain price just mail 354 and the paper disc from inside a can of or red portion of unwinding band to Nancy Sasser 271 Madison Ave New York 16 The supply Is limited so ACT NOW! I know want it for it has a heat resistant wooden knob for easy handling metal clip for attaching to kettle easy to read markings and is guaranteed accu rate! But not all it conies with 12 tested for candles and fried foods! As for SWIT 'NING 'good cooks everywhere are switching to this truly all purpose shortening because found from experi ence that it gives both perfect quick mix cakes and extra flaky pies! TJX USS VUWS UHLV yiUlllSAVI uu nutritious and needs NO refrigeration! Once you try it im sour xavuiiio recipes you it owiuai tu osvxr a uni Vy too i 'ret a ean today! And be sure to send for your combination Candy and Deep at rying Thermometer! Mani 95 Takes Stroll Gets Lost A 95 year old great grandfather while special awards for specific design ideas went "to Toni Owed designer of separate skirts blokes skirt? Actor Dismantles Close Gas Line i Hideout Planned Pumping Stations last night in Hotel Cleveland a red ix and Ralph Gallimore were among 88 Johns Manville em ployees inducted at simultaneous observances in 30 cities throughout VtSAA vvtotoj 0 luutuw ail C1AV5 AAXlCt (111a UVUlJU dll LI VdlidUda A llcjr WC1 they had sought to commit gold watches and service "perfect pins The 44 year old Leopold now an! Lewis Brown board chairman inmate of Illinois State Prison at addressed all inductees and mem Joliet had petitioned for a reduc bers by a coast to coast radio hook tion of his sentence largely on the up grounds or nis voluntary participa tion in wartime malaria experi ments at the prison Says He's New Man Now He had declared1 that while he had been a wild irresponsible youth he was now a Under sentences of life and 99 years he would have been eligible for parole in 1957 He had served the minimum term for parole on the life term and sought the reduc tion in the 99 year sentence in or der to win earlier freedom The parole board recommended that the 99 year sentence be re duced to 85 years which would make him eligible for parole in January 1953 He would however face a hear ing on time is Gov proval been role board members mously in favor of commutation but had not been able first on how much of to make Leopold had sought BY DOROTHY EOE I trophy andX the silver Associated Press ashion Editor (plaques after an introduction by Grover A Whalen chairman of the Board of Coty sponsor of the annual American fashion award Chosen by Jury of 78 The main prize given to designers chosen by a jury of 1 78 newspaper syndicate and maga Extortion Story Gets Hollywood Man's Backing LOS ANGELES Sept A Hollywood businessman acknowl edged today that he was an extor tion victim lending some credence to grand jury reports that dreds of thousands of dollars have been paid out to film colony party girls A Ben otherwise was named recentjy in memoranda made part of the grand jury record? District Attorney Wil liam Simpson said the notes were those of Paul Behrmann former actors agent who claims to" have been an undercover agent for Gov Earl California crime commission from Portland 'Ore where he is on a business trip Ben Klekner head of a 'school in radio Jetevision picture and Stage arts called the' sity of issued a state ment saying: it is true that have been a victim of a series of extortions I have always been on the side of law and ordsr" Behrmann in his memoranda charged that an extortion png un der direction of Gambler Mickey Cohen had taken thousands from "innocent A UNNY THING but some ot the best cooks make really good coffee though they fuss with all kinds of fancy coffee makers Well a wonderful tip for them and for everybody who loves good coffee Use In stant Coffee extra deli cious and extra easy too! 100pure coffeeall coffee with nothing added is the only instant coffee made by the new "lavor process which contribute a delicious fruity fla vor everybody loves! Need new recipes? Then write for nght Delicious 8UN MAJD Rai sin a 82 page book let of wonderful ones! REE just address Nancy Sasser Dept 61 271 Madison Ave New York 16 WHEN THEY SAY some thing about your baking too wonderful (A to describe 2f pat your 1 If I 00 bac11r for choosing the nurest tru est vanilla extract of all A perfect blend of the finest imported vanilla beans contains no artifl ciak ikiikKkikeiUB i with a Eubtle natural fiavor pr to So use BUR Pure Vanilla to give your baking that indescribable goodness and for an added charm tint your treats a wf uiruau uoeta welcome mai coot CAMLLr" green Wtta tM eertmeq pure IIqmIu eotois BuzUVsTl Color Kttt Leopold Now Eligible for Parole in 1953 Tax Men to Honor I Three at Luncheon Three agents of the Cleveland di vision of the Internal Revenue Bu reau who will retire shortly will be honored with a luncheon given! Simpson read a list of by their fellow employees at Hotel names then asked Behrmann their Carter at noon tomorrow reputations The three are Archie Dick 68? reputation Js that of pros of 10116 Clifton Boulevard Lake (itute extortionists" the former ac tors agent replied Behrmann is at liberty on bail pending an appeal from his conviction of grand theft of $10000 from a client someone else oeiore oarung away on some business of your own At crucial moments like the first dance or getting seated having refresh jments lining up in pairs saying (good nights be close at her side comfy chair leave her to her own devices while they divide their favors among all the other girls present and rally to her side just in time to take her home Gang Date Obviously som of these girls and the boys they date have dif ferent ideas about the honors that! are due on a gang dale Some boys I have a pretty casual and high handed way of treating the girls they're escorting But some of the I girls seem to expect their boy friends to act as though they were out alone together They resent I their talking with other girls dancing too often with other girls huddling with the boys or finding excuses to duck out of the party They want their dates all to them selves "There's compromise ground be police who took Pagiotas to a A police cordon was hastily Greek family to learn the old man's NEW YORK Sept 23rd Beautiful and care free the way Self Polishing SIMONIZ keeps your floors! Just spread this work saving on willxcloth or mop applicator all without a bit of bother! Tubbing or buffing necessary Self Polishing SIMONIZ i itself as it dries crystal dear on vour floors revealing the full natu ral beautv of linoleum and finished wood floors a damp cloth will wipe up dust dirt freshicked hotj jv 3 1 1 lion a a msr a KAHKA wnehrAnro zirwsrri hitra for even diluted with 50 flavor and cbarm that never fail to register so get all 3 kinds today! Then serve grilled diacon Jor sausages and BmB Whole Crowns with an omelet bake pork chops bedded down in a cat scrole of scalloped potatoes and BmR Sliced Mushrooms spread thick slices of tomatoes with BnB Chopped Mushrooms and broil! Surprisingly enough these elegant mushroom are economi cal too for no peeling no trimming and NO waste! oiled spots and spilled things and floors continue to sparkle! rtmamiz iiinMnmsivA to use too water still much better than floor wixes Of course want to use Self Polishing SIMONIZ as it comes from your shelf because in the end it you less time work and money! And remember Self Polishing SIMONIZ gives floors the same long lasting beauty that makes SIMONIZ so famous for cars So switch tp Self Polishing SIMONIZ for lovelier floors that leave YOU care East Sider" Granted Scholarship by Polio oundation Joseph llyps 6613 Gertrude Avenue has been awarded a scholarship In physical therapy un der the nation wide professional training program of the National oundation for Infantile Paralysis Announcement of the award was made yesterday by Arnold A Lar Winston Churchill said today she'd sen eastern Ohio representative of be ashamed of herself if she was the foundation Hyps will study at a young wife who couldn't keep nouse better than the maid The wife of the Conservative former prime minister presented diplomas here to 30 women gradu ates of 'National Institutes of who will now hire themselves cut to help housewives by the day I is an oil painting of her little girl This comes from Munroe McDon ald the lawyer who came to Holly wood from" Rome in Miss Berg man's behalf an effort to per suade Dr Lindstrom to give her a divorce which would permit her to marry Roberto Rossellini hope it will be 'said McDonald Bergman iseven willing for the doctor to goto Reno and obtain but she in sists on a divorce No Sudden Decision isno sudden decision Dr Lindstrom was informed on March 30 by letter" He is adamant in re fusing to believe this is any more than a wild infatuation He replied and you are over this nonsense comp McDonald added: Bergman has done every thing avoid bitterness but she was deeply hurt when Dr Lind strom tried tosend a psychiatrist to examine her "Those stories that Bergftari says she is through with America are false What she does say is that she will never come back Jo America until she comes as Mrsf'Rossellini McDonald did not deny that Ros sellini would be here soon to edit the Bergman film He said Rossellini will not come how ever until he is sure: he will be treated right (Copyright 1949 International News Service) AIR Peron Bill Would Jail His Critics BUENOS AIRES Argentina Sept President Juan Peron today was expected to sign shortly a bill making anyone who shows for government offi cials liable to imprisonment of up to three years The bill reforming the Argentine penal code was passed in the Sen ate yesterday and is now ready for the signature It provides for prison sentences of two months to a year for "any one wno threatens anyway offends the dignity or de corum of a public official "If the offended party is the presi dent or the vice president of the nation or a provincial governor or a national or provincial legislator or a judge prison sentences of six months to three years will be im 2 Cincinnati Papers Replacing i Strikers CINCINNATI Sept New help was employed by the Cincin nati and the Cincinnati Times Star today to replace some of the stereotypers who went on strike yesterday Spokesmen for both papers said that with the help exec utives who did the work Wednes day were able to get" it done in time the various to reach the streets on schedule He will retire next riday whn has nutllvoH Mumbaugh 62 started in Youngs dren was found in Parma last night town May 1922 and has verified after he had become lost earlier in federal estate tax returns: He will the day and walked more thah five miles from his West Side home AU three will receive from Apdstolos Pagiotas 3732 ulton their colleagues at the luncheon Roa(j who can read without Chmrman for the affair will be eyeglasses was last seen byhis son Cake internal revenue agent in Spiras when he left home at 8 £arSe of the Cleveland districta for a prebreakfast stroll and The toastmaster will be Donald E' a cigarette Later in the day he Patti a fallnur vavAnn on your hands your responsi settlement Dons Gulyas and Rose bility The happier you make her I Mary Migot aided by volunteer the more easily manage with (Mrs Ernest Tannenbaum stick to out you wane you re rememoenng that there are other people around (Distributed by United eature Syndicate Inc) President of International Group to Address Rally The 29th convention of District 1 of Gyro International friendship fraternity will be held at Hotel Cleveland today and tomorrow eatured: convention guest and Speakers will be Harvey Mc Kinney of Toronto president of Gy ro International' and Charles St Clair of Painesville a vice president of the organization Gyro International was founded in Cleveland in 1912 and now includes 112 groups in the United States and Canada The Gyro Club here is one of the sponsors of Camp Ho Mita Koda a summer camp for diabetic (children' TXAVEL that would make him eligible for Cincinnati Post has not taken parole immediately Stevenson also emphasized that unaer ine must still have a parole hearing 1953 and that action today has no bearing on any possible decision to Jje made on the board in the future" In the final analysis Stevenson said the commutation was made in! a violation of a contract or yvork une wun me siate policy or re Report of inding St Peter's Bones Stirs Rome Areas (Photo on Picture Page) ROME Sept (P) An Ameri can archbishop's word that "the re main of St Peter's body have been stirred Rome today Most Rev Joseph Rummel Archbishop of New Orleans made the statement just before sailing aboard the Queen Mary from Southampton for New York But Vatican officialdom remained as silent as the tomb Pope Pius XII already has said and the! place where the prince of anostles Texas Eastern Transmission was laid to rest a vaucan press oitice spoxesman said he could neither confirm nor deny that the remains had been found All who have been and are working on the excavations under St Peter's Basilica have been sworn to secrecy by the pope the spokes man said The pope is expected to make an announcement himself on the find ings wnicn DPeinx Lnrisima kvp nr possibly at a consistory earlier 6 last night when word a native of Salonica Greece A report by the New York a 8an8 holdup men in theiPagiotas was brought to the United last month that the bones of St Peter were found 20 feet under the great confessional altar of the basil ca was received with varying re actions at that time Some Vatican sources described it fantastic The Vatican radio shortly after ward urged Catholic to await "a great by the pope con cerning the tomb of St Peter GOT WHAT IT TAKES to give perfect dinner a happy ending! 1 mean tbe one and only onpi nat hoiaIj Tap Puddings 1 of cou rse for 'like all famous ROYAL Pud as dings ROYAL i a I Tapiocas iProvida more food en SO lergy than the sweet fresh milk mey re maae witni rich er smoother creamier in texture than ever too so get all 3 delicious flavors and serve them plain or like this: ROYAL Va nilla Tapioca with shredded pine apple added in the makinsr time spirit? Serve big bowls of KIX ROYAL Chocolate Tapioca with Tn i tf 1 a vn od Mnrha Qanna JIOYAL Orange Coconut Tapioca with Strawberry Sauce! Since ROYAL Tapioca Puddings are just as delicious as they are nu tritious your family will applaud them whenever and howeveryou serve them! ed a 3500 acre tract of land along 70 miles northeast the Imnaha River in eastern Ore lThc are operated by the! easier gon mere ne esiaonsnea a Thirtyive enlplovees were mle long wilderness empire which the job at NorrlCitv and four at self sufficient thc Anha station rpported a VeiOt secrecyithev were told to off the job around his hide away He was non untll youre organi7ed7 and bJoth committal on rumors that he had stations closed down purchased vast quantities of dyna Sherjff Earl BatsJn of A mite and gasoline and had set up said soo to 1000 men climbed a a small arsenal four foot fence around the Anna But fragmentary reports from the' statlon and ordered it closed He Pallette stronghold indicated the mcn identifiefl themselves a canning plant a $40000 sawmill a members of several unions and and a big undergrouna freezer had told him their dispute was with been installed the Brown Root Construction Co In addition a fabulous supply of of Shreveport La It handles con smoked hams imported oils struction work aiong the pipelines rar snires tons at snrar 20 sacks SPRINGIELD Ill Sept 22 The Illinois parole board to day recommended and Gov Adlai Stevenson immediately approved ai fA JllZ AM 4 1 A A VA 4 A AV WT A 4 Va I luuuvuui Mi vxxe acuwKC ua GALLIMORE RED IX Leopold sensational killer Th TnhncManvillA nf th "in Tnl irW lor Tne the 20th anmversaiy ofi daughter na parole in January 1953 the founding of its Quarter Ceptury Tbe tarf "Ma Jdlha honored two Clevelanders custod he nevp admit Leopold and Richard Loeb were convicted and sentenced for the wanton slaying of 14 year old Bobbie ranks in Chicago Brilliant university students at the time niiuis 111 wvwCTu tfine high time for themselves for a fine art to showing a girl getting completely that she doesn't that you are particularly aware of her yet generally aware ot every one else there There are frttle at tentions that make a girl feel spe cial yet generous enougn to share her date with the rest of the party Try This System Stick close while the party's get ting under way and your girl is getting acquainted and feeling her THE CEO WNING GLORY of any woman is her hat especially ii ner nat is one ot Mary stunning creations! Ever since she started her salon here in New York 10 years ago been her epthusiastic ad mirer se you ean imagine how thrill ing it was for me to visit her shop and have her show me how America's love liest hats advance from drawinr board to workroom to final test! And when I told her those final tests proved beyond a doubt that she was one of our leading hat stylists Mary Goodfellow offered me a CAMEL and brought up another famous test the CAMT annar Test! She said smoked CAMELS exclusively for 30 days Now I kou how mild a cigarette can Naturally I decided Mary Good fellow to as good a judge of cigarettee as she is hats but why yo make your own CAMEL 30 Day Test? See if every puff tell yea that CAMELS are the best tasting cigarette you ever Owseu madness! And you get your CAMELS be sure you buy them the handy thrifty wy by the carton! NEW YORK Sept The who of American fashion gathered tonight for the seventh annual presentation of to outstanding designers of the year Pauline Trigere young rench born designer of New York known zine fashion editors' bronze for tne smooth sophistication of i statuette by Malvina Hoffman noted tier clothes won top award' sculptor and a $1000 government bond Toni Owen showed herjngenius tn a numnpr nr versions This is the" full skirt and scarf bodice which was almost a teen age uniform last summer David shoe was shown in six variations and mate rials while 20 costumes from Paul ine Trigere made the final scene of the showing These included her cape her domino mantle her steamer costumes and svelte afternoon and evening gowns LET TO RIGHT: DORIS GULYAS MRS ERNEST TANNENBAUM AND ROSE MARY MIGOT 1 East End Neighborhood House Under Mrs Christine i I During the evening keep a watch children under the watchful eye of assistant professor of group work ful eye out and if she seems to be Mrs Harrison McGraw aro busy the Sthoorof A Iied Sociai alone or having a dull time uguring out wnat io ao wun to the rescue See that your girl is the 15 pound salmon sent back by I Sciences the sessions will deal comfortable pleasantly occupied vacationing woixer miss uorotny A large throng from the rush hour crowd shoved into the area alert for the sounds of gunfire and the excitement of battle: But all were dissappointed Nothing hap pened Police said the basis for the mis information appeared to be a $30 theft in the building a half hour! craftsmen and sculptors who waht before The victim of the larceny to enter the annual Jav Art Show was Miss Virginia Keleber of theln Jancine Coiffure Shop on deadhne 10r entnes tomor fmirfh flnnr uikn csis1 a mnwi UaiJi 'z School Over 600 drawer her hirnAH Ma i open to all residents of Cuyahoga all enrollment in the John Car He escaped Countv Age oualifications: 21 tn Ti Aiicsi TUEDADV A llf A A Sculpture handcraft metalwork GIVEN THEnAPY AWARD Oils watercolors and other media will she shown Entry blanks are available at the Cleveland Public Library art galleries "schools of art and supply stores in Greater Cleveland or information call the Junior Chamber of Com merce MAin 3300 sponsor of the show famous' crime was stabbed to death nc7ase a week The iuiu tumiati piuviutu a mgiiv uu ferential of $5 a week He also said the union repre sentatives had refusea to arbitrate the matter after negotiations reached a stalemate Tuesday A spokesman for the union couldnot be reached for comment Pickets" continued to march in front of the three newspaper Of fices leave her NOMV the just he girls jr xr a1 Ji 1 Vl I I I AH O' 7 BP.

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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.