BRO 62 1 PUZZLES GAMES 2003 10, ACES ON BRIDGE North J1043 A 3 4874 West East 4986 4 52 J9842 106 2 QJ73 A 106 South AK Q7 K75 10 9 8 6 4 Q2 Vulnerable: East-West Dealer: East The bidding: South West North East 1 Dbl. 21 3 Pass 3 Pass 4 4 All pass points 10-10 Opening lead 2 Everyone familiar with human nature knows that when we want something to happen, we tend to interpret external events as making the desired outcome seem likely. By contrast, a cynic assumes that what he wants will not happen. A realist interprets events without rosy spectacles, and a good bridge player must be a realist to predict that dark clouds on the horizon portend stormy weather. Then he must try to ward off the rain if he can.
Today's deal gave South a chance to do just that. West's lead of the diamond two against four spades suggested a singleton rather than length which is what the optimist would have hoped for. After winning dummy's diamond king, declarer played on the assumption of a bad split lurking in the wings. He drew trump in three rounds, East discarding the heart six, and confirmed mentally that West's length in the majors strongly suggested that the opening lead was indeed from shortage. Next, South played the ace-king of hearts and ruffed a heart, forcing East to part with a club.
As East was marked from the bidding with both top clubs, declarer next called for a low club from table, and East had to take his top clubs and play a third round. After ruffing, South, dummy and East had only diamonds remaining. So declarer passed the diamond 10 to East's jack and made his ninth and 10th tricks on the forced return of a diamond. BOBBY WOLFF JUMBLE Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words. FRIGE Tribune Media Services, Inc.
All Rights Reserved. IPPUL YILSAM Ans: 00 Jumbles: LEGAL Yesterdays Answer: What the private BOGGLE Boggle A woOs GOKE BUPH GLM on Busters! By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek AURG SB00 ILAD FRRH BOGGLE is a trademark of Hasbro, inc. 10-10-03 2003 Hasbro, Inc. Distributed by Tribune Media Services.
All Rights Reserved. E-mail comments to WONDERWORD HOW TO PLAY: All the words listed at right appear in the puzzle horizontally, vertically, diagonally, even backward. Find them and CIRCLE THEIR LETTERS ONLY. DO NOT CIRCLE THE WORD. The leftover letters spell the Wonderword.
I'm so excited. I know I can win 3 TAMMA 00 10-10 WHEN HE ENTERED THE BARBECUE CONTEST, HE WAS--- Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon. (Answers tomorrow) BRAND TRAGIC AGENDA sailors did when they crashed the party THEY "BARGED" IN INSTRUCTIONS: Find as many words as you can by linking letters up, down, side-to-side and diagonally, writing words a blank sheet of paper. You may only use each letter box once within a single word. Play with a friend and compare word finds, crossing out common words.
BOGGLE YOUR BOGGLE POINT SCALE RATING 3 letters 1 point Champ 4 letters 1 point 36-50 Expert 5 letters 2 points 26-35 Pro 6 letters 3 points 17-25 Gamer letters 5 points 11-16 Rookie 8 letters 8 points 6-10 Amateur letters 12 points 0-5 Try again Boggle BrainBusters Bonus We put special brain-busting words into the grid of letters. Can you find them? Write your answers below. 10 A U.S. state capital LETTER WORD A U.S. state LETTER WORD shower or party LETTER WORD On the means of transportation LETTER WORD Answers to Thursday's Boggle BrainBusters: TRAIT TIGHT THEFT TRACT TAINT TART TORT TINT TROT THAT TOT Solution: 8 letters AREABRECEIVERS NESR PC TB NO VI SR A A00 ST TON BU TO TO TO A KS LET TUN I TE HD YA A TV PAL SUCOF P.
SCRABBLEGRAMS DIRECTIONS: Triple Make a 2- to 7- A Ks P. Ha Si Word Score RACK 1 letter word from the letters in each row. Add points of each word, using B3 R1 X8 RACK 2 scoring directions at right. 7-letter words get a 50- point bonus. A1 A1 B3 N.
"Blanks" used as RACK 3 any letter have no point value. All Judd's words are A E1 o. Ma Si W. G2 1st Double Letter RACK 4 in The Official Scrabble Players PAR SCORE 150-160 BEST SCORE 242 FOUR RACK TOTAL Dictionary TIME LIMIT: 20 MIN (Merriam-Webster) and OSW Official Scrabble Words (Chambers). 2003, United Feature Syndicate, Inc THURSDAY'S SOLUTION S.
U1 RI 11 En RACK 63 Ma E1 D2 RI RACK 2 62 D2 E1 A1 RACK 3 10 G2 A1 S1 01 H4 Li RACK 4 83 PAR SCORE 140-150 TOTAL 218 is a trademark of Hasbro in the US and Canada. Hasbro. Distributed by Tribune Media Services, Inc. All rights reserved. WORDY BY TRICKY RICKY KANE Every answer is a rhyming 1.
Sows' toupees (1) pair of words (like FAT CAT, and DOUBLE TROUBLE), and they will fit in the letter 2. Young dog with rich city owners? (2) squares. The number after the definition tells you how many 3. Genetically copy singer Baez (1) syllables in each word. 4.
Jointly use a hideaway (1) 2003 United Feature Syndicate, Inc. 5. More fashionable alternative to snaps (2) 6. Beatle Starr's wild dogs (2) 7. Police officer's Burger King burgers (2) 10-10-03 SHaddOHM SHAdd03 'L SHO9NIG SOONIH '9 HAddIZ MAddIH'9 HIV'I AHVHS 'F NVOP ANO'10 '8 Addld Adank '7 SOIM SOld 'I SHAMSNV TV REPAIRS AREA EL SAY RL A A ENRA TV REPAIRS Solution: 8 letters Adapter, Adjustment, Arc, Area, Audio, Band, Boost, Boxes, Bypass, Cable, Call, Clear, Color, Current, Electricity, Fading, Focus, Image, Inset, Labor, Mirror, Part, Pattern, Pliers, Plug, Press, Project, Rate, Rays, Receivers, Refit, Repairs, Replace, Screen, Shock, Skip, Snow, Sound, Spots, Switch, Test, Time, Tools, Trouble, Tube, Tuning, Unit, Vent, Voltage, Wave, Week, Wires.
Yesterday's answer: Hauling CHESS QUIZ 8 511 1 5 1 1 1 3 A 2 1 1 a WHITE TO PLAY Hint: Force a draw. "(paup jenjedued Ag Meip e) 310 'yogeg g6y uptpa 91M 7 upzje tuonnjos.