The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (2024)



Hello everyone, welcome to Part 3 of our Walkthrough for The Lost Prophecy Adventure of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. In the previous part, you began working with your new friend Lenny to decipher the scroll. After heading to the Astronomy Tower, you both realized that each image corresponds to a sequence of constellation names. After some thinking, you discovered that Aries, Taurus, and Gemini are not only constellation names but also astrological signs.

Together, you went to the library to find the missing part of the sequence. After reading the books, you realize that the missing series is the astrological sign for July and August. You figured out that Taurus is for April and May, Gemini is for May and June, Cancer is for June and July, and the missing sign is Leo. Lenny then said that you now had the complete sequence, and he needed a bit more time to crack the cryptogram so you could successfully read the scroll.

You left him to work on it and went to share the news with your friends Ben and Penny. They were very happy that you were close to solving the mystery of the scroll. However, Lenny interrupted your conversation, visibly upset, and informed you that the scroll had disappeared. Together with him, you went to Madam Pince to see if anyone had checked out the scroll, while Lenny was busy reading books to find the answer. She told you that no one had checked out the scroll except for you, and she became very upset about the lost scroll.

She advised you to start searching immediately to avoid being punished and banned from the library. Lenny was very distressed when he heard this, but you tried to calm him down. After thinking it over, you came up with the idea that Merula might have taken the scroll since she was the only one interested in its contents besides you, Penny, and Ben.


Part 3 Summary:

  • Task 1: Confront Merula
    • Location: Clocktower Courtyard
    • Requirements:
      • Year 2 – Year 4: 3 hours – 3/5 stars
      • Year 4+: 3 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Choose to be aggressive or trust Merula
      • Demand the scroll: +5 Courage
      • Beg for the scroll: +5 Knowledge
      • Trust Merula (Your Empathy level): +10 Empathy
  • Task 2: Talk to Snape
    • Location: Potions Classroom
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Convince Professor Snape to return the scroll to you
      • Knowing what’s in the scroll: +5 Knowledge
      • Returning the scroll to Madam Pince: +5 Empathy
      • Helping my friends: +5 Empathy
  • Task 3: Talk to Penny
    • Location: Library
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Choose who to take with you
      • Penny: +5 Knowledge
      • Ben (Ben level 3): +10 Courage
  • Task 4: Find the Scroll
    • Location: Potions Classroom
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Penny why you think Professor Snape hid the scroll from you
      • He dislikes me: +5 Empathy
      • He wants to protect us: +5 Courage
      • There’s something in it we haven’t found yet: +5 Knowledge
  • Part 3 Rewards: 3 Gems

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(Disclaimer: This walkthrough will feature the gameplay from the perspective of a graduate student. Since the adventure is available for students of Year 2 and above, the star and attribute requirements for certain tasks might be different for you, depending on your current progress with the main story.)

Proceed to the Clocktower Courtyard when you are ready to confront Merula. Upon arriving, you’ll notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you’re curious to see what they have to say. When you arrive, you’ll tell Merula that you need to talk urgently.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (1)

You’ll tell her that someone took the scroll you discussed just as Lenny was starting to decode it. This line will differ based on your previous choice.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (2)
The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (3)

You’ll tell her that you have a theory as to who may have taken the scroll, adding that you found a sprig of Valerian Root at the scene of the crime, which is a key ingredient in the Draught of Living Death. You’ll mention that you realized she was reviewing that potion earlier today in Professor Snape’s class.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (4)
The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (5)

You’ll demand that she return the scroll immediately.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (6)

While she’ll say she has no idea what you’re talking about. There are three different options to choose from. All of them will eventually lead to the same outcome, so feel free to take your pick.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (7)

In any case, she’ll admit that she took the scroll on the way to class and that it was briefly in her possession, but not anymore. However, you’ll demand that she tell you where the mysterious scroll is now. She’ll see that you’re very serious, and you won’t leave her alone until you find out where the scroll is.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (8)

To consider Merula’s story, you need to earn five stars within three hours. (All five stars are required to pass for Year 4+), and three stars are required to pass for Year 2–Year 4. Since this task requires a lot of energy, it is recommended to start it with a full energy bar.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (9)

The bonus progress actions are tied to Merula. Prioritize these actions to save some energy.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (10)

You’ll find out that Merula took the scroll and then tried to read it in Professor Snape’s class, but he confiscated it.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (11)
The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (12)

He’ll say that all she saw in the scroll were a bunch of gibberish numbers and drawings, but you’ll explain to her that it’s a cryptogram that Lenny just cracked, but you couldn’t read it because she stole the scroll.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (13)

She’ll say she doesn’t understand why the scroll is so important to you, and you’ll add that if you don’t return the scroll to the library, Madam Pince will ban you. Also, based on what you’ve learned from the scroll, it seems that someone is in danger, emphasizing to her how crucial it is.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (14)
The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (15)

Go to the Potions Classroom to continue the story. When you arrive, you’ll tell Professor Snape that you’ve come to have a quick word with him.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (16)

You’ll explain to him that you’re looking for a piece of property Merula took from you, adding that she told you he confiscated it. He’ll agree and say that the scroll is safe in his classroom but that he won’t give it to you.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (17)

He’ll allow you to explain yourself.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (18)

To explain yourself, you need to earn five stars within eight hours. All five stars are required to pass. Since this task requires a lot of energy, it is recommended to start it with a full energy bar.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (19)

Bonus progress actions are tied to the table, Professor Snape, and your character. Prioritize these actions to save some energy.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (20)

You’ll explain to Professor Snape that you and your friends are eager to find out what the scroll says to make sure no one at Hogwarts is in danger. Additionally, you’ll mention that you and Lenny need to return the scroll to the library to avoid being banned by Madam Pince.

He’ll respond that, to properly address your concerns, he needs to know which of those reasons is most important to you. There are three different options to choose from. All of them will eventually lead to the same outcome, so feel free to take your pick.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (21)

In any case, Professor Snape will inform you that the scroll wound up in the library by accident and that it was never meant to fall into students’ hands. He’ll also reassure you not to worry about Madam Pince because he’s spoken to her and explained the situation.

This will pique your curiosity, so you’ll ask him who the real owner of the scroll is, but of course, he won’t want to answer.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (22)
The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (23)

It will seem odd to you that professor won’t reveal the owner’s identity of the scroll, so you’ll decide to go talk to your friends to figure out your next steps.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (24)

Proceed to the Library when you are ready. Upon arriving, you’ll notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you’re curious to see what they have to say. Your friends will be very curious to hear how things went with Professor Snape, but you’ll tell them that unfortunately, you have bad news.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (25)
The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (26)

This line will differ based on your previous choice.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (27)

You’ll tell Lenny not to worry because Professor Snape spoke to Madam Pince and explained the situation to her.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (28)

Penny will comment that she’s now even more curious to find out what’s hidden inside the scroll and what Professor Snape is hiding. Ben will agree with her and say that if a student at Hogwarts is in trouble, you deserve to know. Ben’s reactions will differ depending on what year you attend.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (29)

You’ll tell everyone not to worry and that just because Professor Snape is hiding the scroll, that doesn’t mean that you can’t read it. You’ll add that he told you the scroll is still in his classroom and that you just need to come up with a plan to read it before he returns it to its rightful owner.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (30)

To come up with a plan, you need to earn five stars within three hours. All five stars are required to pass. Since this task requires a lot of energy, it is recommended to start it with a full energy bar.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (31)

Bonus progress actions are tied to Lenny and your character. Prioritize these actions to save some energy.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (32)

You’ll come up with a plan to sneak into the Potions Classroom while Professor Snape is at his appointment in Diagon Alley, hoping to find out if someone is in danger and what Professor Snape is hiding. You’ll say that you need to be quick to read the scroll before Professor Snape returns, so it’s best not to waste any time.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (33)

The choice of who to take with you will be up to you. The choice will not affect the story, so bring the one you like more.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (34)

Shortly after, you’ll suggest that you go there immediately because you don’t know when Professor Snape will return.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (35)

(This task will differ based on who you chose to go with you, there will be small differences in dialogue, but this will not affect the story.)

Go to the Potions Classroom to find the scroll. When you arrive, you’ll see that, fortunately, Professor Snape isn’t there, so you can begin with your plan.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (36)

To find the scroll, you need to earn five stars within eight hours. All five stars are required to pass. Since this task requires a lot of energy, it is recommended to start it with a full energy bar.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (37)

In the first phase, bonus progress actions are tied to your character.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (38)

In the second phase, bonus progress actions are tied to the scroll.

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Prioritize these actions to save some energy. Your search will be successful, and you’ll find the scroll.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (40)

After some thought, Lenny will finally decode the entire text, but something will strike him as odd.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (41)
The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (42)

Lenny will suggest that it seems to be about the history of the Trelawney family.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (43)
The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (44)

Lenny will add that Professor Trelawney is the great-great-granddaughter of Cassandra Trelawney, a renowned Seer. Penny will wonder why Professor Snape was hiding it from you if it’s just family history. There are three different options to choose from. All of them will eventually lead to the same outcome, so feel free to take your pick.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (45)

Lenny will then explain that prophecies come in various forms and can sometimes be challenging to interpret. Following this, he’ll read a prophecy directly from Trelawney herself.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (46)
The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (47)

You’ll suddenly notice that Lenny has become visibly nervous and frightened, so you’ll ask him what the problem is.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (48)

However, he will be very upset and will leave immediately.

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You’ll be certain that something he read must have upset him.

The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (50)
The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (51)

This will mark the end of Part 3 of The Lost Prophecy Adventure. Hit the Collect button to claim your reward. You will receive 3 Gems.

Lenny appears very distraught and frightened. What could have unsettled him? Could it be Trelawney’s prophecy? Is your new friend Lenny perhaps in danger? Find out in the final part of this mysterious adventure.

Thank you for reading.

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The Lost Prophecy Adventure Part 3 | Hogwarts Cafe (2024)


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