Sugar Free Orange Marmalade Recipe (Keto) (2024)

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This easy sugar free orange marmalade recipe is zesty and full of flavour. Even better, at 2.1g net carbs per tablespoon it's suitable for low carb and keto diets.

Sugar Free Orange Marmalade Recipe (Keto) (1)

I've lived in London for over half my life now and I've come to love many of the British staples, from English Breakfast to scones (I've linked to my keto versions of these wonderful dishes here!).

So, naturally, I also adore orange marmalade!

Regular orange marmalade contains astonishing amounts of sugar. It is not unusual for a recipe that requires 4 oranges to use 8 cups - almost 2 kilos - of table sugar!

The sugar helps preserve the marmalade, and also thickens it. But unfortunately it will also raise your blood sugar levels. Not a good choice!

Jump to:
  • A Sugar Free Marmalade Recipe
  • Instructions
  • Recipe FAQs
  • How to know when marmalade is ready
  • Storage
  • Uses
  • More Sugar Free Jam Recipes
  • Recipe

A Sugar Free Marmalade Recipe

Oranges contain a fair amount of natural sugar and carbs - about 12 grams of net carbs per orange. So, you could argue that there is no such thing as a sugar free orange marmalade.

Well, I'm asking you politely here to please not split hairs. I'm using the term "sugar free" because I have replaced the sugar in the recipe with powdered sweetener, which is zero carb.

This way, the only carbs and sugars you're consuming are from the fructose in the orange. There's also more fibre than you'd find in regular orange marmalade, because I'm using the ENTIRE ORANGE, including the skins. And fibre slows the absorption of glucose (sugar & carbs) into the blood.

And since one generous portion is 1 tablespoon, this adds up to no more than 2.1 grams per serving! Voila, you've got yourself a spoonful of sunshine to brighten up your keto breakfast.

IMPORTANT: My sugar free orange marmalade is not a clear jelly like the marmalade you may be used to. Because it contains all the fibre an orange has to offer, it's more like a jam. It's simply incredibly tasty, zesty and totally delicious!


Sugar Free Orange Marmalade Recipe (Keto) (2)

Let's make keto orange marmalade!

You start by scrubbing the oranges to remove all the wax. This will also improve the taste of the final product!

Then you chop off the tops and the bottoms or the oranges, where the skin is normally the thickest. Quarter the fruit, remove any seeds and slice into VERY THIN slices using a sharp knife.

Now, throw the slices into a metal saucepan, add the water and juice of 1 lemon. Bring to the boil and then simmer, lid on, for 2 hours.

After this, remove the lid, add the sweetener and turn up the heat to medium to bring the jam back to a boil. This now starts to reduce the liquid in the pan. Don't forget to start stirring frequently at this point!

(Note - now is the time to add in any flavours if you wish - a vanilla pod, a cinnamon stick, a little ginger or even a shot of whiskey.)

Basically, you want the temperature in the pot to go beyond 100 degrees Celsius, so the natural pectin in the orange pith - the white part of the skin - can release and thicken the orange jam so it sets nicely.

Recipe FAQs

Which oranges should I choose?

I recommend that you use seedless oranges with a thin skin. The thicker the pith, the more bitter your marmalade will taste. Juicing oranges are normally thin-skinned. Ask your greengrocer for advice!
Don't use Seville oranges for this recipe. I know they are "it" when it comes to regular orange marmalade. But their skin contains more bitterness than that of regular oranges. You would not want to use as much skin as we are for this sugar free marmalade recipe. Seville oranges NEED A LOT MORE sugar than we are using here.

Which sweetener is best?

I used a powdered erythritol / monk fruit mix, but xylitol or allulose would work equally well here. I felt that 1.5 cups was sufficient, but you could increase it to about 2 cups if you prefer a sweeter marmalade.

How can I make marmalade less bitter?

Since I'm using the entire orange in this recipe, I'm aware some people may feel it's too intense. You know yourself best! If you have a real sweet tooth, consider not using the peel from ALL the oranges. So, if you're using 3 large oranges, simply discard the peel of one and only use the fruit.

Sugar Free Orange Marmalade Recipe (Keto) (3)

How to know when marmalade is ready

Cooking times will depend on how hot your stove it. So if you're using a lower temperature than I did, your jam will take a little longer.

This is the rule of thumb: If your marmalade looks thick at the end of cooking, you KNOW it's ready. However, if it looks still a little thin, you can test it by putting a spoonful on a plate, which you put it in the fridge or freezer for a little bit.

If the top of the mix starts wrinkling when you touch it with a finger or spoon, it's set! Otherwise, reduce it a little longer.

Marmalade WILL continue to set for up to 48 hours after you stop cooking. So, be patient.


Fill your sugar free orange marmalade into clean glass jars and store in the fridge for up to 3 weeks or freeze for up to 6 months.

I do not recommend trying to can this marmalade. Regular marmalade has a long shelf life because of the sugar, which helps preserve it. The acid in the lemon (and the oranges) helps preserve this jam, but essentially, this is NOT a long life product.


Spread over keto buns or on a slice of toasted low carb bread. Spoon over sugar free ice cream or blend a couple of spoonfuls into my keto cheesecake fluff!

Orange marmalade also works exceedingly well with pork or chicken - use a few spoonfuls brush over chicken towards the end of roasting!

More Sugar Free Jam Recipes

  • Sugar Free Strawberry Jam
  • Sugar Free Blueberry Jam
  • Easy No-Cook Sugar Free Raspberry Jam
  • How To Make Sugar Free Lemon Curd

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Sugar Free Orange Marmalade Recipe (Keto) (8)

Sugar Free Orange Marmalade Recipe

Katrin Nürnberger

from Sugar Free Londoner

This zesty, sugar free orange marmalade is suitable for low carb diets! It's made with ordinary oranges and is fuss-free and delicious. Enjoy on grain free bread for a keto breakfast. We think is like spreading sunshine on toast!

5 from 41 votes

Print Recipe Pin Recipe Rate

Prep Time 10 minutes mins

Cook Time 2 hours hrs 30 minutes mins

Total Time 2 hours hrs 40 minutes mins

Course Breakfast

Cuisine British

Servings 50

Calories 12 kcal

Note: The servings slider only changes the first amount in each line and not any subsequent amounts. Please make your own calculations where necessary.


  • 2 pounds / 900g oranges (circa 3 large organic oranges)
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 2 cups / 480ml water
  • 1.5 cup / 240g powdered sweetener ***see notes


  • Wash and scrub the oranges to remove the wax on the skins and cut off the tops and bottoms. Quarter, remove any seeds and slice as thinly as possible. Put into a saucepan together with the juice of 1 lemon and 2 cups of water. Bring to the boil, then simmer for 2 hours with the lid closed.

  • Take off the lid and increase the temperature to medium. Add the sweetener and let the marmalade bubble away and reduce, stirring regularly (especially towards the end). Adjust sweetener, adding more if required.

  • Fill the marmalade into glass jars and store in the fridge.


2.1g net carbs per 1 tablespoon of marmalade. Makes about 700 grams of marmalade.

Adjust the sweetener to taste - and use 2 cups for a sweeter marmalade.

***Allulose is the only low carb sweetener that stays completely smooth when cooled and does not re-crystallise. You do get a little crystallisation with erythritol. However, if you use powdered erythritol this is minimal and I does not bother me.

Choose organic oranges with a thin peel. Juicing oranges are normally a god choice. Slice as thinly as possible.

This marmalade is slightly bitter, which I love. To reduce the bitterness, simply use a little less peel. Just remove and discard the peel from one of the oranges, for example, and use only the fruit.

You can replace the oranges with tangerines or even lemons.

Store in the fridge for up to 3 weeks or freeze for up to 6 months. Not suitable for canning.


Serving: 14gCalories: 12kcalTotal Carbohydrates: 2.9gProtein: 0.2gFat: 0.1gFiber: 0.8gSugar: 2.1g

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Sugar Free Orange Marmalade Recipe (Keto) (2024)


What happens if you don't put enough sugar in marmalade? ›

Reducing the sugar in the recipe means a slacker, not set consistency and the marmalade could have a shorter shelf life.

Do you need sugar for marmalade? ›

Marmalade is made of only a few simple ingredients: citrus fruit, sugar and water.

What can I use instead of preserving sugar for marmalade? ›

If you can't get preserving sugar you can use white granulated sugar. I wouldn't make it with jam sugar. Save that for a fruit with low pectin like strawberry, raspberry or apricot.

Will my jam set if I use less sugar? ›

"They tell you not to alter because it's the ratio of fruit, acid, sugar and pectin that forms the jell," says Robin Danto, MSU Extension educator for Oakland County. If you don't have the right amount of sugar, you run the risk of the jam or jelly being runny.

Will jam set if not enough sugar? ›

Sadly, sugar plays a huge role in set. If you cut the amount in the recipe and you don't compensate with a pectin designed for low sugar preserving, your jam may well be runny.

How many net carbs are in an orange keto? ›

How Many Carbs In An Orange? In one medium orange, you'll find 18.1 grams of total carbs [*]. Oranges do have fiber, but not enough to make the net carbs keto friendly — the same orange has 14.4 grams of net carbs… almost a full day's worth if you follow a strict keto diet!

Does sugar free jam have carbs? ›

Smucker's Sugar Free Strawberry Jam (1 tbsp) contains 5g total carbs, 3g net carbs, 0g fat, 0g protein, and 10 calories.

How many calories are in sugar free orange marmalade? ›

Sugar Free. 80% Fewer Calories than Regular Marmalade - Calorie Content Has Been Lowered From 50 calories to 10 calories per serving.

Who makes sugar free marmalade? ›

Stute Foods' extensive range of 'No Sugar Added' Jam and Marmalade offers a healthier alternative to ordinary jam, containing 90% less sugar and 30% less calories. We're proud of our heritage and this is an original recipe that has been a market leader since 1969.

Which is healthier jam or marmalade? ›

Is marmalade healthier than jam? Both jam and marmalade are marginally healthier than jelly, which is made with fruit juice, so doesn't have any fibre from the fruit pieces. Marmalade and jam have similar nutritional properties making them pretty much the same in terms of healthiness.

What is a healthy alternative to marmalade? ›

Apricot jam: Apricot jam has a sweet and slightly tart flavor that can be a good alternative, although it lacks the distinct bitterness of marmalade. 3. Lemon curd: Lemon curd is a creamy, lemon-flavored spread that can be used on toast, scones, or pastries as an alternative to marmalade.

Does lemon juice thicken marmalade? ›

Lemons contain a very high amount of pectin, which naturally sets and thickens the marmalade.

Why do you use Seville oranges for marmalade? ›

If you've ever made marmalade with Seville oranges, you'll know that their skin is incredibly thick and pithy, and that's the real secret behind why these oranges, in particular, make the best marmalade. The skins of Seville oranges are naturally very rich in pectin, which is needed for a good set in any preserve.

Why does marmalade need so much sugar? ›

With the sugar binding much of the water in the fruit, the pectin can then form a gel with the proper strength to create the desired texture in the jam.

What is the ratio of sugar to fruit in marmalade? ›

What's the ratio of sugar to fruit in marmalade? Because of the tartness of a Seville orange, the ratio of sugar to fruit in marmalade is 2:1.

What is the purpose of sugar in marmalade? ›

To reform the pectin gel and set the marmalade, the cook needs to do three things: Add a large amount of sugar ('whose molecules attract water molecules to themselves, thus pulling the water away from the pectin chains and leaving them more exposed to each other').

What to do with failed marmalade? ›

As I mentioned, you can save and fix a marmalade that doesn't set properly because it's undercooked by reheating the preserve, bringing it back up to a boil and cooking to 220ºF–222ºF before transferring to sterilized jars and sealing.


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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.