Delaware County Daily Times from Chester, Pennsylvania (2024)

CHESTER TIMES, CHESTER, FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1938 Varied Interests of Women and Their Homes Fashions Health yucen of guilts is Easy to Piece INORE Your Children Glorifying Yourself COWAN Dally Short Story LOVE LAUGHS if THE DOCTOR STONE By GAHHV C. MVEKS. PH.D. Head Department Parent Kducalior ALICIA HART Cleveland couece, vesicrn Uni s.ty LOVE IS 13 LI NO By ANTHONY LANK 'TJeur Dr. Myers: I am al my its' end.

Here I sit almost in tears well i Vi. vr.rfv hui me to see Huirh and Marta CONSTANCK MAII1WKIX heroine; the stuiid iii. DKKKK A NT HON ail urlisl who Invert niaiicy lirst. IIH.DIIC.AKDK TIIOKVAI.D Derek iminlrd tier porttuit. Ilt.

ItOGICKS he met his most diMeult ra.w. and my hoy outside alone. I never dreamed it could be so hard for a child to net socially Helms icd. Please tell me what to do. I feel so sorry fled a vanishing ci skin does absorb a atie of a thin layer quickly.

That winch gives ihc complexion a icr my cube, wi: nave been moving around quite a lot, and I know he limes did vet mcbs.i::ir; very well Dcvereau, after five years of nuu i iage, reaching the breaking point. I I had never seen a couple so engrossed in each other: so certain of happiness and success. And then one day I knew it, couldn't, go on. It, wa.s too perfect. Something sure would happen to them.

And it did. Tt was Uic old story of tlic artist who considers his work the most important thing in his lire. Their drift from that first surge or hap oincss was cradunl. but no less sure. Vrstcrdas Heady lo Derek Manllio night OSblr; lb, ning.

After e.Ulli.K. veiib. emimm: ins own age. ic us four mars of age. lie is quickly insulted and cries at the least difficulty.

lie is always boasting how much biugcr and better he and his (oys and all of our bclong inRS are jirobably lo cover up hi.l tb.ii isc b.v N. Oiherwbse th.eie is not Ihi least bit of conceit or 'oi mild tonic is I Wmm it cried, Ihc skin is tcuiy lor ib.c surma I chiv cream. CHAPTKR It Five years ago Dcvereau wasn't very cm! ill, mi I aunost nnvonc cou.u have told that his genius and ambition would eventually bring him every thing material ihat hi wanted. neither of them was al nn'emtV', 'base'' i to For a time Coastancc stood, hemline. Atlee e. or two, 1 slnrmR out over the winlcry park gently blot not. i'ub ihc cos with its frozen little lake, lint she cess Villi cleansing tissues Willi not loookin at the lake. Before this type of daytime cream as a her, eyes danced fragments of base, you'll find cream, somie is phrases incomprehensible, unbe fmitely easier to apply and lace mwnble phrases from Derek's note, powder, has a wonderfully dull mat Oetek had begun. "1 finish. hope you understand." fabcbimd ill hin You Rliessml rbilii he the miiy child, and probably will be unless we adopt another child.

"On one side of us lives a boy his arte, on the other a little girl. The hiv. have been nbtvinc lo 1 fault. Or might one say that they step by step directions for making Mu mill! Mirbace clmrl Kethcr pretty nood. Now that the Also for those who have dry skins Well, she was Irving to Undel siero is a liquid creatv.

wulch slaiul. in I 01 ib. Lamps A veritable rainbow of color is "Prairie Queen," a simple to picce quilt whose 10 lnch blocks invite vour gayest scraps! Appropriate for any type bedroom. Pattern 5702 contains Block Chart; accurately drawn pattern pieces; an illustration of the quill; color schemes; course, should have known better ihan to be jealous of Hugh's models. Devcreau was not a man to be dazzled by mere physical beauty.

He admired lovely women, yes. He liked lo look at them, have them around. Hut, it was as a connoisseur of Rents would regard his treasures. Women were simply pare of his life's work, and transferrins: their beauty Hiri ptay.s out. mo, sue and mo other boy arc cutting my boy continually.

He is all right when one of Ihcni Is alone, but when together they send him out of their yards. preferred) lo Chester Times Pattern bikes an excellent daily lou. It Presently" she stirred and looked i na ii I 1 I 1 i 1 i luoat only, but it can be smoothed ing jmjmmis she still wore for shi plainly your NAME, ADDRESS ami I PATTERN NUMBER. he erics. He docs not fiRht hack although lie is bigger than they the body from feet lo neck di had barclv llnlshcd her morning cctly after a oath, left cm foi a codec when the note was delivered, iioment or two, then rrmnvod with she supposed she must change bath towel.

The skin dsmm lecl her clothes if she were In cm out. or sticky alter this treat "Won't you come down to the rr. lie is ioo sny to ro ana ptay 1th other boys in the ncighhor to canvas, his only, concern. But Devcreau, loo, contributed to the widening rift, between them. Gradually the deep affection smb: consideration for Marta seemed to studio as soon as possible The Family Doctor Marian Martii in Pattern who had written, "i can't get away; and ami i We must lain unngs if could a (ford it, there aren't any Naturally, it's ideal are worrying about sci rough heels.

The dry ski nnetl isn't especially bind be second to his panning. It wasn't i that he loved her ess. It was HHrtK Intangible. His desire to ac 1 Seas I b.avc toad mule a who i couldn't talk away suircring like lot on child psychology, but still I alOlTlTTs ITSIIIIEIN rearm; can lmd night softeners whipped cream consistency. new cream of this lyx made by 11 was sleeting.

She must something serviceable. She put an old wired suit and ci amine by mail." In be sine I answered her bv complish, lo produce beauty, perhaps blinded. him. And as his reputation soared work was increasingly in demand, he neglected Marta. When she came Lo his studio he would loot: at her with annoyance.

More than once 1 heard him say, "I am quite busy, Marta," then soft felt hat down over the dusky waves of her hair. the Health lUngm llygc mall, as 1 do all who reque ,1 a per sonal reply. Since her problem 13 the problem of hundreds of my When she had eliisncd the fn.sten iiies of her overshoes, she stood for ici nie pass on essenuauy a moment before the mir bathroom door, looking at herself model. Marta should have understood this. She had been a model hat I wrote her: 1 think I know how both you and lb tic boy sulTer.

You have "Vuli're a ilarlinp lo so soon, Connie," lie said almost gaily. this Uir. devilafter all our with a kind of eomnruss onate herseir. Or, perhaps, if he had been less cruel about it, if he had asked ivy wondering how a girl would look to whom a thing like this could barmen. Baton wants is something liiat will Conslane closed i he door and much Lo cradicaie fine lines cause by dryness.

UL!) SIGNALS ON TK A INS llw "eternal I'ind a way lo attract more children to tho in your home, even stood for a moment wilh her back be a nil in oi mmmmd One of the greatest American experts in the care or the baby has discussed the question of traveling with the baby. He says: "In the first place, don't," In the course or my travels around the country I have seen a good many mothers traveling with babies or varying ages and I am Inclined lo believe that much, ol the education regarding these matters has no dad a smlimenlly wide or sti onjr effect. Every ti anscnuimenta! model lee mm he had done when Ihev were ft of the California fruit belt, Heaps What she saw was a slight, almost against 11, to steady hersell lor wliat was to come, he broke off in his utsciou.s nuns ine mid pur yon must nice or oiibc them, Visit homes with this ind where married, she wouldn't have thought ooyisli iiguie iiK) mm, sue nan ai but Derek ways inougni; 55 pic iirapes, persiininons, nectarines, ornnces wilh flic Miiiintuous hlstling, sprang lightly up, and line, over to take her into bis arms. 'cac an cmbben aljoul his When your child comes lo you ylng, be calm and show not too He spent long hours at his easel. And when he rcLurncd home Maria i don't need curves, darllnc.

daughter in the midst as a kind of laktng of It all one swift, beautiful he said. "You have such a beautiful lent. much 1 Xis'L condemn the mssb'bm; (b ll.y. bicclimimbn: what? I'm honinc he'll listen I thirty" and rcti ili to spend his i jf the "old days' Smith recollee a darting to C0II1C SO oiner cnuureii nor try 10 discipline Connie, be said almost gaily, "isn't i eem em blthoimh she'd lit inlo it. ill that." im ct your child flRht Ins own The girl In (he mirror smoothly ova! race with skin as petunia petals framed in u.pbn their ol me billies miii! sella: bis ov.m.

iiuaticls. are being Liansportcu ii'om erne Constance said with a delicate wish I black hair. Derek had once abee Kir whleh be sib.s licesell. which bbvse Dm! tab. show him how to use his fists In self defense.

The lirst time he docs si mm up In self I bat 'eery slight reason for the that the planes of nather lhat Miss Thorvald Is this the devil alter all our plan i nlng? 1 know what you must be feeling," he added swlftlv as he bent Lo help her with her coal, "lint can't you imagine how feel, too?" And yet, Constance thought, you were whistling. "but come over to the lire," Derek went on. "There's nub! IL to the most not too had to look right of delicate shinies of emotion. huiehp, then, alter aUV" never shame or scold hiin for cow If the whole, family is moving from one city to another or if the family is departing for a summer H.ldi'Kiude 'J'horvuhl is Derek Perhaps the most notable things abouL her were her mouth, which didn't, exist for him. Her jealousy i didn't help matters.

The break came before the completion of a painting which was destined to make HughDevcrau one of the outstanding contemporary artists. He had told me about it. 'It's to be a composite of beauty. John," he said excitedly. "I'm going to paint the most glorious woman conceivable, if I have to use a.

thousand models in order lo do "But. Hugh," I objected. "Surely you've plenty of models, any one of You don't understand." He was exasperated. "What woman is per lcct?" His eyes were shining. "Not one model, John, but if necessary, hundreds.

Perfect hands, bad v. ardice. Betray no when he nets a bump, him when broke oil' to llnlsh iinnatienlly arm cr living alongside the tracks md clothes lines made or the cord. Smith worked in Lyons, Hochcs was at once humorous and tcudei little time to talk, and we must What In thunder arc we tulklnrj er winter vacation, is. ol course, necessary Lo take the baby along.

II, however, I bm baby is benm laken on and her eyes sometimes blue, sometimes stormy gray with their nc i nes piim wiuioui, nincning. Try to make him Usss bm wm.dent on you. Let him grow up. er. and Bullalo, iibout Thorvaitl us 1 in interested in.

trip just to show it to the grand ich of life. bad to (delicti hei quietness hands l.o lo plan? ullnR babv is bcinc i he worked parents achieve, "What is there as a tele I Nickel As shut ply nd because the mother graph opc i nc nt on th 1 1 nt all settled, isn't. 117" In an automobile, Uic whcelbase is Ihi; distance from the center of the front axle to the center of the Niagara 'aus, in steps of the building where Derek had his studio, the door opened abrimtly. and a man come out. Rut sue did sil down in l.iie ai CLUB chair he drew up lor her before ANTARCTIC SYDNEY.

All Australia An Antarctic colliding with her and completely i organized under the upsetting her balance. He caught eyes oh, I suppose the conception but for lhe moment Babies are delicate and sensitive. They respond to changes in food, neither of them noticed Li: of Ihc Royal Sydney ner expertly, set. ner uprignc again, changes their habits, change; has, been dor.e beicue ie.iL mo: as. 1 "Sorry.

What a clumsy Snuadrc Settled? Why, Connie, you sound their waLer supply. When they travel skill an. its our niiurc mat's at Darling. I counted on voii mpeditions. they are seeled to mi mm a en chances of catchinc ail sons of dis twenty five undcrstandl" am Ll'Vlmr Lo imdersLand.

Derek. "It's alt right," Constance murmured, smiling because he lookeil sc absurdly big and startled and con He was a youngish man. with sandy hair touched with copper singularly live and inquisitive brown eases. These are chances which they will not Lake If they are kept at "LU' When the babv reaches the end nut it's all rather sudden, isn't it?" 71! KAKS intend lo do it thoroughly." At first thought the idea sound. But after thinking it over I felt that Devercau was considering beauty from a mechanical standpoint and in the end he'd have nothing but a perfect likeness m' a bmuiUiul.

but soulless, wax el all. I tried to explain this to him. but he wouldn't listen. "I'm an artist, 'he "HI create perfect beauty and then I will put a soul in it." astern, darling!" Derek dropped to nl hri feci, and iki of Its trip, it is found that the par STRAWBERRY POIH Ol lice hands, rented his chuck loss ents nave IrcqUenLly lallfid to re Strawberry Point a blunt, not unpieasani lace it, leai ol Doing naoituaity in "You're marrying I member the special mat, tbe hebe. i baby needs and It Is forced Lo get here recently, BuL Ii nylng aiong vvnn an sorts oi msKcsnnu Ho continued to stand bml I couldn't slai account i been stole looking down at her a little famine on Lhings Lhat I strangely.

around to collect the may be required. ar. edible number or models For weeks a dazzling pageant of beauty passed in and out of his studio. He i is built on woman lie a materia ii n. would vou?" he asked.

The But Derek. 1 don't care ntaouL 1 THIS MARIAN MARTIN FROCK TAKES LITTLE TIME TO CUT AND FINISH as Constance looked faintly alarmed. thai, really," Constance said. Then looking down at hts bright, eager was naggarn, wormng nue ft mats man, seldom sleeping. could wei immmr.e what Lhe brief beuis in The gravitational pull of Lhe new ilaneL.

Pluto, which was dtscoverec 1930, was nolcd long before the ilanet over was seen by telescope. ie hurrlee on. suillim: wryly as which ciAizinei how ahsurd he must look PATTERN 9605 she thought, i am bebavltm with Marta were like. She and not enjoying the picture, "But badly. After all, it is for me Derek inmnmg.

You see." Derek was coine on. If you find you hardly ever have a minute to yourself, yet you need some new daytime dresses, make Anally told me that she didn't dare go near the studio. Didn't, dare speak to her husband. The situation was becoming intolerable. siraignicn inctr nais ami unocfc them around; they shriek and clank Sister Marv's Kitchee they want the' portrait done be chains, don't they tn iviay.

rnars v.uiv this one from Pattern 9605. The they want us to ny west with them I He held the door open and Con stance went in. Add soaked bread crumbs, slightly beaten ecEs and narsiev. Pack in dress consists of just two mair a Iront and a includes the sleeves too. Collar, bel lly RS.

CAYNOH MADDOX Four out ol every five get canned. Derek was on his knees when she Why. then why hadn't ucrcK so ir.siv )n that Ler and pockets are all that, remain to inly hurried curt note he had writ degrees transferred clothing from a drawers to a trunk. Referring not to the problem of unemployment, but to salmon from n't it? ay be ordered only walcis ci Alaska, Waslimatmi Then otic day Devcreau called me. "John," he greeted me effusively, "it's finished.

And it's perfect." He went to his easel and snatched the cover from the canvas. "Ibook!" I looked. Dcvereau had painted a beautiful woman, And 1he painting had a sold, no doubt of that. I started at it unbelievingly. For long lime I stood there silently, star Finally he said.

"What's the matter, don't you like it?" 'Of course I Hike it," I whispered. "I fs perfect, Hugh. But svill vou SPRING HATS for 18, 20, 32, 34, 3G. 38 and 4'2. Size 16 requires lib cards rifi inch fabric.

and Oregon. From the can, salmon should leap into your menus. explain that when yoi Send FIFTEEN CENTS in coinr. fcoitfeiofeClJLBERTSOR or stamps prelerrcn) lor EACK MARIAN MARTIN pattern. Be sure to write niainlv your SIZE, ake jnsl i Salmon Pastry Itell (Serves 4 to fij Salmon filling: 2 cups canned salmon, flaked, 3 tablespoons melted butter, 'J cup celery, cui 'tine, i 2 cup green pepper, cut fine, sail and NAME, ADDRESS and STYLE NUMBER.

imp to stand nfler the parlii Is that Ncrth had produced, low, let us consider South'! YOUR CLOTHES PROBLEM ciisc me for a moment? I'll be right back." He said nothing as I dashed out to a telephone, made a call and came iped suit on the plane, and my ay fox fur I'm clad I got the SOLVED! WRITE TODAY for ion ii the bidding had cone prop NEW SPRING BOOK OP PAT THE RIGHT AND WRONG WAY. Coprritbl: iOSJS: Rr trulls rUoir.) I have seen many hands irt which lhe correct contract was named by one partner and taken out to a bad contract by Ihc other. Superficially, It would appear that Hie takeout KRNS: miok it over oacK Dreamless. aomircd the px But Derek was koiiik on. carried i for long by his own feverish prcoc Just.

to covcri See the wide variety or stunning, up to date clothes designed by Marian Martini Then settle down and make a wardrobe tStl.N DAY'S alLNt: BREAKFAST: Grapefruit 1 juice, wheat cakes, maple syrup. bacon, coffee, milk. LUNCHEON; omelet, tiluled a major paiion "There'll be four of us In the nly. You sec, Miss Thorvald had rather bad fall from a horKe last by i for Yourself and fnmuv. Evi Marta to arrive.

It was she I had called. "Marta." I exclaimed, "come ovei here. Stand next to this picture Th'ev both. looked at me in bewil right a beginner will find it easy to turn tl a wrong way lo inal contract. Let buttered, fruit coi South'S problem at this point would week.

The family physician, who happens to he cast on. a vacation. We're sccialists in finding smart haLs for smart women charming modes, youthful modes, yet never extreme modes. tune witii the trend of the moment, we feature the sailor, tlic successful all occasion hat in ever so many versions. Yet prominent, too, in our display, are hrclons, hampers, berets, Watteaus and other types, all perfectly adorable.

an entirely different co lesion. Now, North has shown ns mat icy bibe a nurs DINNER: Clam chowder, hot seafood salad ring, cream of pea ith them in case she's not so fully itidablc heart suit, a diamond stopper derment. But Marta did as I asked. Order vour copv of this helpful new "Devcreau, I demanded book today! PRICE OF BOOK hoarsely. FIFTEEN CENTS.

PRICE OF tcr a' moment. Constance generally powerful hand, but rongly indicated a. singleton uevcreau was staring ai na own i a i in KiribbN tb.Nls. Flower, Feather, and Veil Trims work and then re Of course." hlnk of the advert isinir this lie ot only club and later bidding BOOK AND PATTERN TO GETHER ONLY TWENTY FIVE CENTS. Address all orders to Che.

ter will give mc, darling." Derek ran Jenlv to her side ana her in his arms. I think he subhbm a lib le on. iwiuiorina. is roiling in money. And in California a commission from A I 2 A 7 a perfect like raltern Department, Chester, leans, out had persisted lo lhre rump in lhe face ol Soulh's lommittal spade rebld.

Just ns every expert, of my The painting ncss of Marta! Smart Straw Weaves; Fine Felts to la.sle, teaspoon Wor ceMei'5lnrc sauce. Cool: the celery ami preen pepper in the butter until tender. Add to the flaked salmon and Prepare four favorite pic pastry quaintance would persist to four aron Grapefruit is equal to a royal "It must he," murmured entrance, "if it's more important than docs thLs tills royal personage now that vou were nlannins lo' .110 7 The Children's Corner pades, in the previous bidding quence, so every one them would. I know, pass to three no trump 98 start on your honeymoon tomor an amount equaling 2 cups. Roll out 1 4 inch thick, sprctid on the i North had truly revealed both hli New Navy Black Parisand Dusty Pink Costume Shades 3 strength and his distribution.

Derck stirred uneasily. salmon fillinK. Then roll as for a "That's what was cettlncr around The ffappy fiirllidai lisl tuill be published in the Children's Corner every Saturday. Coupons must reach the Chester Times Office by Wednesday noon to guarantee publication same tccck. jelly roll.

Place on baking sheet and lo," he said, a strange flatness In his voice. "As a matter of fact. I hav bake in hot oven (iOO degrees I for 30 minutes. Serve hot in slices. had a minute to explain the ltuation.

There's been no talk: of Other Hats from 2.98 to 5.98 with Tomorroiv's Hand South, dealer. Eoth sides vulnerable, NORTH A 10 8 1 10 I i a J9il any mini; but Mms I horvaid mp utes. I thought we could well, hrlng the matter up indirectly, and To madric individual rolls, slice the pastry roll down in 2 inch slices as for rjnnainon rolls. Place in btit itcir.d muffin pant; tn hot. oven 00 decrees En for 25 to 30 minutes.

I Serve hot with creamed mushroom Sainton is sociable. It mixes well i nave an idea may S1 HAT SECTION In this thrifty price group, you'll find copies of more expensive hats. For business and evcry day wear, they go far to protect your budget. In black, navy and brighter colors. iur coming on a little, later." He elanccd hastily at his watch.

It will be seen lhat Norlh actually did name a pood contract, three no trump, anrt lhat South took him out to four spades, which wns inevitably doomed, Yet North's bidding was very bad, and Soulh's was correct! 1 and sprang to his feci. uiey may ne ncrc any minute now. Connie, dear, you wouldn't mind rinishine mv trunk like a bm tuna, lbs pbsynie.m 6 O. 10 8 fi 4 10 8 5 4 SOUTH 4 A VK 7 4 4 A 7 A i tic tiess Children between tiie ages of 5 and 12 years, are invited to lill out this coupon today, and mail it to Hie Chester Times, Chester, Fa. Your name will be placed on our membership roll, and will be published.

Name Address Date of Birth I was born on Month Day Year Name of Father or Mother know of. no first rank player who, darling, while I nail up these boxes, proof holdiriE South' hand, would permit! three no trump to stand in the i BECKER'S Constance rose and began mechanically to fold shirts and pa fashion that North dictated. They would feel, quite reasonably, that the boulh hand might not he worth single trick at no trump, aside froi Jamas. There were six suits of silk pajamas, beautifully monogrammcd. Constance had given them to Derek for ChrLstmas.

Derek liked the feel Two ihsrds cup or dry bread crumbs. 1 2 cup milk. 1 cup canned tuna, flaked. 4 tablespoons mayonnaise, juice oM lemon, 1 2 teaspoon sail, 1 4 teaspoon dry mustard, 2 its value In tbc diamond and Writ. 7ur bridge na spade suits, but that It might take of silk aeainst his skin.

2 tables. peons, chcpixd. "Listen, Connie," Derek rushed lour or nve incus witn spaoes a trump. The void heart suit In South' 603 Edgmont Avenue bmmi the breed crumbs probUmi to Ely of thia papar. inclaiing a cddreML liniH bt1sP.

mlb on, sparing her a whimsical gri mace irom tne nox oi nanus ne wa "you'll love thjj; the.

Delaware County Daily Times from Chester, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.